Title: Summer Camp Author: Kelly a.k.a. Foxfire121 Email: foxdana@ntelos.net Distribute: Yes, as long as I know where it's going. Spoiler: Pre X-files, Season 1 through 7 Rating: NC-17 Classification: MSR Summary: Fifteen-year-old Dana Scully goes to summer camp and meets Fox Mulder, a seventeen year old counselor. Years later the two, now F.B.I. agents, meet while they are assigned to the X-files. Author's Note: Read and enjoy. If you really liked it drop me a line. Every author needs a note every once in a while. This is dedicated to my beta, Jen. She wanted this story written and I'm grateful to have her as my beta so here you go Jen. Disclaimer: They belong to CC and 1013 productions. I'm just having some fun with them. I guess all of us fanfic writers have to do it. XXXXX June 1979 10:00 a.m. The day had finally arrived. Melissa and Dana Scully were leaving for summer camp. Melissa was going to be a counselor and Dana was 15 so she was still a camper. They were going to be gone for two long months. Melissa came into Dana's room and jumped onto the bed. "Melissa! What are you doing?" Dana screamed. "Aren't you ready for camp? You've been talking about it since school was over." "Yeah, I'm ready but you have to promise me something?" "What's that?" "Don't embarrass me around boys." "You know, Dana, they'll be all over you when they see you." "They'll be all over you, Missy." "Oh, don't worry, Dana, you'll find someone." "You think so?" "Yeah, you will in due time." "I hope you're right about that." "I'm ready and Dad is waiting for us so you'd better hurry up." "Alright, I'll be down in a few minutes. Just let me get dressed." "Okay." Dana put on a pair of khaki shorts and a blue t-shirt. She had plenty of time to date boys but she just hadn't found the one she was looking for. Melissa was eating breakfast as Dana sat down at the table to eat some pancakes. "Are you ready for camp?" Mrs. Scully asked. "Yeah, I guess." "What? I thought you were anxious to go. Since school was out you never let a day go by without talking about it." "Yeah, I know. I'm just nervous about meeting new people, that's all." "You're going to have a great time. Enjoy it." Just then Dana's father walked in and hugged his wife. "Dana, Melissa, you about ready?" "Yeah, hold on. We have to get our backpacks," Melissa said. The girls hugged their mom before leaving the kitchen. "See you two in about two months and have a good time!" she called to them. XXXXX Camp Friendship Palmyra, Virginia At the age of seventeen the very handsome Fox Mulder shouldn't have had trouble finding a girlfriend, but he did. He knew girls liked the way he looked, but he had never found one who liked him for who he was. He felt that no one understood him and it seemed like in the end all they wanted him for was to get back at their ex-boyfriends. He had just graduated from high school and would be attending Oxford University in the fall. He still wasn't sure what he was going to major in. While looking through the help wanted ads, he had found a job as a camp counselor and he had decided to put his application in. Life at home wasn't so wonderful and he wanted to get away. Fox arrived at the campgrounds early in the morning to get acquainted with his home for the next two months. There were fishing ponds, an archery range, hiking trails, a large lake for canoe races and horse stables. It was such a beautiful place. He couldn't wait until the campers arrived. So many people to meet. 11:00 a.m. Lots of campers and counselors were arriving. Dana and Melissa headed toward the main lodge and signed their names in the registration book. They were handed orientation material and a map of the camp. "Your bunks are located over there," said a middle-aged man as he pointed to the right. "Thanks," Melissa said. She took Dana's arm and whirled her around. "Dana, are you getting nervous or something?" Missy asked. "Yeah, a little." "Well, you better snap out of it." "I will eventually." Just then Fox Mulder came up to them and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm Fox Mulder and I'm told I have one of your names on my list." Dana took in his features--tall with dark hair and eyes, just what she found attractive. "My name is Dana and this is my sister Melissa," Dana smiled. "Then you're the on my list. Nice to meet you. I'm Fox Mulder, your counselor," he smiled. "Nice place, don't you think?" Dana asked. "Yeah, it's beautiful," "You live around here?" he asked her. "Well, it's about three hours north of here. Just outside of Annapolis, Maryland." Scully said. "Closer than Massachusetts." "Is that where you're from?" "Yup. Well, I'd better get back to my station." "Okay." "It was nice meeting you. I'll see you again soon." "Dana what's gotten in to you? A minute ago you wanted go home now all of a sudden you seem to like it here. I wonder why?" Melissa smiled as she pointed to Fox walking away. "What?" Dana was in a daze. "You heard me, Dana." "Well, he is cute." Dana smiled at her sister. "Yeah, he's not that bad." They walked to their bunks to settle in for the night. Meanwhile Fox was thinking of the red headed girl that he had just met. XXXXX 12:00 p.m. While Missy was attending orientation Dana was relaxing in her bunk. Soon she heard an announcement on the loud speaker instructing the campers to go to the cafeteria to meet their counselors. Dana sat down at a table next to two blonde girls. The counselors were standing at the front of cafeteria. Dana noticed one of them was a big husky guy. She liked what she saw and noticed him looking at her, smiling. She smiled back. Once everyone had filed in, the counselors introduced themselves and called of the list of campers in their sections. Besides Missy, there was one guy with dark hair, bright eyes and glasses was shorter than the rest of the group. His name was Bruce. Linda was the senior counselor. She was in her late twenties and had light hair and a medium build. There were two counselors. Dana recognized one of them as a guy she'd met earlier, Fox. She found herself extremely attracted to him. The husky counselor standing next to him was Dan. He stood a little taller than Fox. By the look of his arms he probably lifted weights. Dana felt someone give her a sharp jab in her side. Melissa had snuck up behind her. "Melissa! What are you doing?" she asked. "I saw you staring at Fox. You know it's not nice to stare." "I can look, can't I?" "Yeah, I guess you're right. Dan doesn't look too bad," Melissa said and winked at Dana. "You would say that." Dana smacked her on the arm. Just as she said that Dan walked over to them. Fox noticed Dana and Melissa talking to him. Dana soon noticed Fox looking over at her while she talked to Dan. She smiled and he did the same. Linda instructed everyone to go meet up with their counselors outside in different areas. Bruce went to the archery range, Dan took his group to the softball field, Linda took hers toward the basketball courts and Fox led his to the stables. Melissa's group met outside the cafeteria. All the groups would meet back at the big lake once they had a tour of the campgrounds. The counselors explained what they were going to do over the next couple of weeks and everyone was excited about the upcoming activities. Dana listened closely as Fox told his group about the different activities: fishing, swimming, archery and much more. He noticed that Dana was constantly looking up and smiling at him. He smiled back but he kept on with his task. Once he'd given the campers an idea of what to expect he took them on a tour of the campgrounds. The tour ended at the lake, where Dana found Melissa among the groups of counselors and campers. They had some free time before dinner so they decided to go to the barn to look at the horses. Dana walked over to a bay horse, which was dark red with a black mane and tail. The nameplate on the stall read "Buck." "Melissa! Look over here!" Dana shouted. "What? Did you find one you like?" "Isn't he beautiful?" "Yeah, he's pretty." "I want to ride him." "Hi," Fox said as he walked up to them. "Hi," Dana said shyly. "I was told that this horse needs an experienced rider. I don't think you should ride him." "Why, not?" Dana asked in a disappointed voice. "Because, you're just a beginner," he said noting that the word "beginner" was circled next to her name on his roster, "and you don't need to be on him." "Well, I'll show you," Dana huffed. She wiped a strand of hair away from her face and walked away. "She just wants to prove a point," Melissa told him. "Yeah, I know," he said and looked at Dana as she walked away. XXXXX 9:00 a.m. Next Day The campers went to breakfast and met up with their counselors outside the dining room. Dan took his group to the archery range, Linda took hers on a four hour hike around the camp, Bruce's group went to swimming lessons and Fox and Melissa's groups, which were the two smallest were going horseback riding with his group. Dana and Melissa headed toward the stables. Dana went in and took out the horse she wanted to ride and Melissa settled for a red horse with a white face. As Dana went to put the saddle on Buck the horse, Fox came up from behind and told her that she wasn't supposed to ride him. "I'm only supposed to let advanced riders ride him. It says on my sheet that you're only a beginner. I could get into trouble if I let you ride him." "I intend to ride him without any help," Dana said as she huffed her hair out of her face. "Dana, he just doesn't want to see you hurt, that's all," Melissa stepped up beside her. "I know, Missy, but I want to do this." As Dana grabbed the saddle, Fox put his hands on hers and she looked up into his dark eyes. "I just don't want you to get hurt, Dana." "I won't get hurt." "Well, just don't tell anyone you're a beginner, okay?" I don't want to get fired on my second day here. I'll saddle him and see if you can ride him." Fox took the saddle and placed it on the horse's back. The horse didn't seem to mind that at all until Fox bent over to grab the strap to tie the saddle on. Buck didn't like that at all. He moved around so much Fox couldn't even get it the saddle tied on him and Buck even tried to bite him on the leg. "That's it! You go ahead and try." Dana walked up to the horse and pet him on the neck. She picked up the strap that Fox had a hold of. Fox couldn't believe his eyes-- the horse that had been ready to kill him was letting a girl saddle him and even put a bridle on him. "Well, I guess you made your point," he said. Buck was a tall horse and Dana needed a boost to even get on his back. She was very petite and couldn't reach up high enough to pull herself up onto him. Fox laughed. Dana turned around instantly. "Are you going to help me or are you just going to laugh at me?" "Alright, just get your foot in the stirrup and boost yourself up." "I would but I need help." "Oh, now all of a sudden you need help." "Would you please help me?" Dana asked. As she put her foot in the stirrup she felt strong hands on her backside. She enjoyed his strong but gentle touch. As she climbed into he saddle he gave a firm swat to her backside. "What was that for?" "For not listening to me." He smiled and saddled his own horse, which was all black with a white star on its forehead. Everyone was waiting for their instructor to join in the trail ride. They started up a hill and went around the camp, taking in the scenery. Dana stayed behind the rest of the group. Fox stopped his horse and turned around and looking for Dana. "Alright, everyone just go to the clearing ahead and rest the horses." Melissa stayed with the group and Fox rode back down the trial. He caught up with Dana straggling behind the group. "What's going on? Why aren't you not with the rest of the group?" "Maybe because I don't want to be." Fox smiled at Dana's smart remark. "It would be helpful if you stayed with the rest of the group so I don't have to go and hunt for you in the woods." "Fine, I'll stay with the group," Dana said. "I guess Buck likes you, doesn't he?" Fox broke the silence. "Yeah, he's a nice one. Just that he doesn't like you." She smiled at him and trotted Buck back up toward the rest of the group, leaving Fox behind. Soon the group rode back to the stables and put their horses in the barn. "Melissa, want to go to the lake?" Dana asked her sister. "Yeah, that would be fun." "Let's go change into our swimsuits." Fox was walking behind them back to the bunks and overheard their conversation. He smiled to himself, thinking about a beautiful red- headed girl in a swimsuit. The girl had freckles on her face and he found them adorable. XXXXX Melissa and Dana walked to the lake. There were lots people there because of the hot weather. Dana walked to the edge of the dock and tested the water. Then she sat down on the edge and Melissa came up and joined her. "Aren't you going to swim?" "Yeah, I'll be in a in minute." Dana smiled at her sister. Meanwhile Fox was looking for a basketball so he could play on the courts by the lake. He found one in a small building that contained all types of sporting equipment such as bows and arrows, volleyballs and canoe paddles. Dan walked up to Fox as they approached the lake. "Want to play one on one?" Dan knocked the ball out of Fox's hand. "Yeah, why not?" They walked onto the court. Meanwhile Dana and Melissa where enjoying swimming with the other campers and counselors. A guy swam up to Dana. He was almost as tall as Fox, but he wasn't cute. He started flirting with her, but she didn't want anything to do with him so she swam away. Melissa swam up beside her. "Dana, what's the matter? The guy was obviously flirting with you. What's the matter with you?" Melissa splashed Dana and got her in the face, blinding her with the water in her eyes. "Missy, don't do that!" She laughed. Melissa noticed Fox and Dan had begun to play basketball. "Dana, look over there. Do you see what I see?" "Yeah, so?" "So? Take a good look at who's playing." "It looks like Dan and Fox." "Damn, they both look hot!" Melissa said. "It's not like he hasn't noticed you either. I saw him glancing over here a minute ago." Dan turned around with the ball in his hands and noticed the two red-headed girls in the lake that stood out in from the rest of the group. "Come on, what are you staring at?" Fox asked. "Look over there." Dan pointed over to the lake. "What? People in the lake--so what." "Not just people in the lake. Take a good look, Fox." As Fox looked toward the lake he noticed Melissa and Dana. "Well, did you see what I was staring at?" "Yeah, I think so. It's the two red- headed girls isn't, it?" Fox smiled. "Yeah, I like Melissa," Dan said. "Fox, don't you think they're cute?" "I do, but I think Dana's more cuter than her sister." "What, the other girl is Melissa's sister?" "Yeah, I met her earlier. I talked to the both of them." "You lucky dog," Dan laughed. "What me?" Fox laughed. I don't know what it is with her--I just can't keep from looking at her. Too bad she's just a camper." "So, you can't be much older than her. Go and talk to her and get to know her better." "I think you're right Dan. But let's finish this game first." XXXXX Dan passed the ball to Fox and they began to play again. Meanwhile Dana was watching them play. Fox had taken his shirt off and that made him even sexier. He had a great physique. His chest dripping with sweat and he was also starting to sweat through his gray shorts. He walked over to his t-shirt and wiped his forehead and chest off and saw that Dana was staring so he smiled at her. "Dana, earth to Dana." "What Missy?" "Are you going to swim or just stare at some handsome guys?" "Oh, I forgot," she laughed. Fox noticed that Dana swimming further out from shore. Dan passed the ball to him and he missed it because he was looking at her. The ball rolled toward the lake and into the water. He followed after it and knelt beside the water's edge. He took off his sneakers and jumped in to retrieve the ball. Dana saw him get in and swam up to him. "Did you lose something?" Fox turned around and was speechless. She was a site to see in her bathing suit. Her skin was beautiful. It looked like ivory or pearl and her hair was like fire with wet ends wrapped about her face. She had deep blue eyes that you'd get lost in just by looking at. "Uh, yeah, I sorta lost the basketball in the water." Dana laughed and smiled at him. Melissa swam over to find out what had happened. Dan made his move and walked over to the water's edge. "Fox, did you find the basketball yet?" "I'm still looking. I found it." It was a little out from the shore's edge. Fox swam out to get it and threw it back to Dan. Dan threw the ball towards the basketball court and began taking his shoes off. "Dan, what are you doing? Don't you want to finish the game?" Fox asked. "Well, as long as I'm here I think I'll swim and cool off." Dan jumped in and splashed the two girls in the face. "Dan, you dumb ass!" Melissa yelled. "What?" Dan swam up to Melissa and took her under, grabbing her legs and pulling her down with him. They came up for air and she splashed him in the face. They laughed and swam out, leaving Dana and Fox alone. "You didn't look too bad out there. Were you winning the game?" Dana asked. "Yeah, I was beating him by two points." "You play really well. Did you play for your school?" "Yeah, I was on the basketball team. I graduated last month. What grade will you been in?" "I'll be starting 10th grade this September." "You wanna go for a swim?" Dana asked. "It's so hot out I don't feel like doing anything else." "Yeah, you're right." Fox swam past Dana and turned around and splashed her in the face. "What are you doing?" "What? Don't you want to play with me?" "No, not really. I just wanted to swim." "Well, you're in the water and I want to play." "Oh, no you don't. I came to swim not play." Fox went under and grabbed at her leg, trying to pull her down but she was too quick for him. Melissa and Dan were talking and they noticed what was going on down at the other end of the lake. It was a game of water volleyball where the girl was on the guy's shoulders. "Hey, Melissa do you want to play?" Dan pointed toward the people playing in the water. "Yeah, lets go. Hold on--I want to ask Dana if she wants to go with us." Melissa swam up to Dana, who was wiping water out of her eyes. "Dana, do you want to play water volleyball?" She pointed over to where the game was it was taking place. "What do you have to do?" Dana asked. "It's just like regular volleyball only in water. You have to have a partner so you'd better grab one," Melissa said and swam back toward Dan. Dana looked back at Fox. "So, do you want to be my partner?" XXXXX "If you want me too," Fox smiled at her. "Yes, if you will." "Alright." They all swam up to the group. Dan swam under the water and got between Melissa's legs and almost fell backwards because she had a hold of his face. "Melissa!" "Well, Dana, you'd better get up here." "You be gentle with me or you're going to get it," Dana said. "I promise," he smiled. He dove under and came back up with Dana's legs hanging off his shoulders. "Was that gentle enough?" He looked up at her, his dark hazel eyes meeting her icy blue ones. "It was alright." They started to play the game. At one point Fox almost fell over because Dana had his eyes covered with her hands. "Dana, if you want me to see what's going on you're going to have to keep your hands out of my face." "Oh, I'm sorry," she laughed. After a while the game started winding down. A lot of kissing was going on, as apparently many of the "couples" were actually couples. Dana took notice. It was actually something that she never took the time to enjoy. Fox was also looking at the all the couples kissing--just what he wanted to do with red- headed girl who was straddling his head. He began stroking her legs. He loved how her skin felt--so smooth. He wondered what it would it feel like to kiss her there. Dana was also in deep thought. She was playing with Fox's hair and twining it between her fingers. She pulled on his hair, making him yelp. "Dana!" He looked up at her and saw her smiling at him. Then he fell back and they both went into the water. Dana came up for air and didn't see Fox so she looked around for him. He finally came up behind her and took her down with him again, almost drowning her. "Fox, don't do that!" "What!" He laughed and she did as well. They looked at each other and smiled. He came in for a quick kiss and she backed away. "What are you doing?" "Oh, I'm sorry. I just thought you might want a kiss." "Oh. Well, if you want to kiss me go ahead. I can't stop thinking about. I've been thinking about what it would be like to kiss you since we first met. Just that I didn't know you liked me that way. I'm surprised." "I had a feeling when I first met you too." "So, I guess you don't want a kiss then, do you?" Fox swam passed her and she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him toward her. She looked into his eyes and planted a tender kiss on his lips. He kissed her back and pulled her into his embrace. She finally pulled away and smiled at him. He smiled back at her. XXXXX "We'd better get back to camp." "Yeah, you're right." Fox loved kissing Dana. Her lips were so soft. She was thinking that about his lips as well. They arrived at the water's edge. Dana dried herself off but Fox didn't have a towel so she let him borrow hers. He watched as she dried herself off. He loved her curves, especially her legs. He just smiled and took it all in. Dana loved it when she was noticed; especially if it was a cute guy and she had one right in front of her just staring like a fool. She turned around and bent over to dry her legs off. Fox loved the site of her backside. "Fox, can you wipe my back off?" "Uh, yeah." He took the towel and wiped her back off. She loved the feel of his strong hands on her back. "Alright. All dry. I'm soaking though." "Here, take my towel." He took it from her hand and his hand made contact with hers, lightly grazing her fingers. They looked at each other and smiled. He dried himself off and it was her turn to take his body in. "Could you?" He pointed to his back. "Yeah." She grabbed the towel from him and began to wipe his back and shoulders off, giving him a quick squeeze on the shoulder blades. He moaned into her touch. "That feels so good, Dana." "I'm glad." "Well, I'd better get back to my bunk." He turned around and held on to her hand. "I had a wonderful time, Dana, and I hope you don't forget about me." "Fox, I won't forget about you," she gave him a kiss on the cheek and headed toward her bunk. She had forgotten her towel, which Fox still had in his hands. She turned around. "Did you forget something?" "Yeah, I did." She went to grab the towel from him but he turned her around and placed it on her shoulders, wrapping her into it. He hugged her to him and she felt something poking her in the backside. She didn't know what it was at first but when she turned around she noticed he was sporting a bulge in his shorts. "Oh, I'm sorry." He took his t-shirt off of his shoulder and placed it in front of his shorts, smiling down at her. "Fox, are you going to surprise me all the time?" She smiled at him. "If you want me too." He smiled down at her. She kissed him and walked away toward her bunk with Fox smiling at her as she walked off. It was the most enjoyable day at camp since he'd gotten to kiss the red- headed girl. Later that evening Dan walked into Fox's bunk and found Fox staring past him and smiling. XXXXX "What's the matter with you, Fox?" "I just kissed the most beautiful girl I've ever met. What about you and Melissa?" "Well, she's a good kisser too." Dan grinned. "You look tired. Can't say that I blame you. We're going to have a big day tomorrow so get some rest, Fox." "I don't know if I can go to sleep." "Why?" "I can't stop thinking about Dana." "Well, I'm going to go get some rest. Try not to think of her too much." Dan laughed. "Well, how was your day, Dana?" Melissa asked as she entered Dana's bunk. Dana smiled up at her sister. "It was so incredible." "What happened?" Melissa sat down on the edge of Dana's bed. "Fox, kissed me. It was so incredible." "Yeah, you just said that! Are you going to see him again?" "Maybe. I hope so. Change the subject. How'd it go with Dan?" "He was incredible too," Melissa smiled. "Well, I'm going to try to get some sleep," Dana. "Alright, we're going to have a big day tomorrow." "Goodnight Melissa." "Goodnight Dana, she said as she left her sister's cabin." XXXXX The next few weeks were heaven for Fox and Dana. As each day went by they grew closer and closer. They understood each other so well--it was almost like they were soulmates. There was only one more week to go before camp was over for the summer. Fox dreaded to see the day when they had to leave and he knew that Dana felt the same way. It was a Wednesday when they had canoe races on the lake and Fox was the captain of one of the canoes. Dana was in his canoe and they were racing Dan and Melissa. It was a close race--they beat them by an inch. Fox guided the canoe up to the dock and got out of the water. Dana was in the process of getting out of the canoe when he grabbed her by the arm and pushed her into the water. "Fox! Damn it! Why did you do that?" she started laughing. "Just thought that you needed cooling off," he laughed. Dan looked over at the two of them and looked back at Melissa and they both started laughing. "Watch this!" Dan walked over to Fox and shoved him in the water, making him fall on top of Dana. Dan started laughing and walked up to Melissa. He grabbed her hand and pulled her back to the bunks. "Get off me!" Dana screamed at Fox. He still had his face in the water. She shoved him off of her and as she did she began to laugh at his wet features. Fox wiped the water off of his face to see Dana laughing at him. Just a moment ago she was ready to kill him for falling on top of her. "What's so funny?" "You, when you're all wet." "Just what's that supposed to mean?" He moved closer to her, mere inches from her face. "I think it means that you're sexy." Dana smiled at him and he closed the gap between them and gave her a loving kiss on her lips. He broke the kiss and looked deeply into her blue eyes. "You know what's coming don't you?" "No, what?" Dana asked as she ran her hand through his hair. "When it's time for us to leave camp. I'm never going to stop thinking about you and I don't think I can stand being away from you." "Well, the way I see it is if we're destined to meet again we'll meet again and if not then I enjoyed every moment of being with you." She smiled at this. He embraced her with his strong arms and nuzzled her ear. "I hope we meet again because I can't imagine a day without you." He kissed her on her forehead lovingly and got up from the water's edge, extending his hand for her. He pulled her up into his embrace and they hugged each other for what felt like the longest moment of their lives. "We'd better get back to the bunks. It's getting late," he whispered against her neck. "I know. We should before we get into trouble," she laughed against his chest. "Do you want to get into trouble?" "Why? What do you have in mind?" She looked up into his dark hazel eyes. "Well, we could meet here again at the lake after dinner if you want." "I'll be here." Dana kissed him on the cheek and walked toward her bunk. He watched her walk away and then started toward his own. Dinner was at 8:00 p.m. Most of the campers were taking the food outside and eating at the picnic tables so the cafeteria wasn't too crowded. Dana was in line for the food and Melissa and Dan were in front of her. Fox looked around for Dana among the seated campers, but he didn't see her. He looked at the line that had started and he spotted her. He walked up to the end of the line behind Dana. XXXXX "You're only two and a half years older than me. She leaned closer to his lips. He captured her lips first, begging for entrance into her sweet mouth. She finally accepted his soft tongue into her welcoming mouth, sucking on his bottom lip. He tugged at her and pulled her closer to him. Then he dragged her on top of him. They were still kissing and their hands were everywhere. He tugged at her shirt, trying to discard it. He finally worked it over her head and then began to work on her blue jean shorts, which he had a tough time getting off. Meanwhile she was kissing down his neck and sucking lightly on his earlobe, which made him shiver. He could only imagine what other things she would do with her tongue. He quickly rid himself of his jeans. She had already thrown his shirt on top of the pile of her clothes. Fox rolled Dana over onto her back. They had made out before, but not gotten this far. "Can you hold on a minute?" He bent down and whispered into her ear, nibbling his way down her neck and tracing wet trails down her collarbone. "Yeah, why?" she asked panting. "Got to have some protection," he said. "I've got some in my pants pocket." "Let me." He reached into the pocket and handed her the condom. She took it and rolled it up his length. "Well, now, where were we?" He smiled and captured her lips again, making her moan into his mouth. He kissed his way down her chest and her nipples, giving each one the same amount of attention as the other. He drifted further down, licking and tasting inhaling and enchanting scent that drove him crazy. He reached the juncture of her legs and found what was so intoxicating. He nuzzled her hair, darting his tongue between her folds and making her writhe beneath him as he continued his ministrations. His goal was giving her pleasure and he wouldn't stop until she came into his mouth. She grabbed a handful of his hair, pulling, tugging and then soothing it. He continued his assault on her clit, licking, teasing and nipping at her. As she cried out her pleasure she screamed his name so loudly that she was sure someone must have heard her. He licked all the juices from her then pulled himself back on top of her, looking down into her eyes. "You alright?" "Yes, I'm fine. Better than fine." Suddenly, before he knew it, he was on his back with her straddling him. It was her turn to give him pleasure just the way he had given it to her. She kissed her way down his chest, nibbling on his earlobe and making him grind his hips into her bottom. She teased his nipples and made them peak, continuing further down until she found what she wanted. She wanted to make him scream her name just as she had screamed his name. She licked around his inner thighs lightly, nipping there and making him buck even more to the rhythm that they had started. She kissed him lightly on the tip of his erection then took him all the way in. She sucked on him a few times then pulled back. She licked the precum from off the tip of his head. She wanted to make him come but she also wanted to feel him inside her and she wasn't sure if he'd been able to continue if she made him come now. She began her way up to his chest licking and sucking on his ribs, biting him there lightly, but enough to make a mark the size of a quarter. "Damn! What the hell are you trying to do--mark me for life?" She looked down into his dark hazel depths and smiled. "That's exactly what I'm trying to do." She licked her bottom lip, then captured his lips and lightly tugged on the bottom one. "Well, I guess I can play your little game too." He grasped her shoulders and rolled her over so that she was flat on her back with his erection brushing her thigh. "What are you going to do, Fox?" "I don't know. Let me think about it. Oh, I know what I can do," he smiled mischievously at her. He began running his tongue down her neck, licking her and nipping lightly at her most sensitive flesh. He sucked lightly on her left nipple, then left a wet trail to the other one and planted a wet kiss there. As he began his slow journey down her slender body she moaned and grasped his soft hair, stroking and smoothing it out as he continued his assault on her body. He thought to himself that he could never get tired of being with her or surrounded by her presence. He kissed her ribcage and lightly sucked on the space where her rib and muscle met. She bucked and he let out a small laugh against her skin. As he licked down her thighs he made his mark, lightly taking his teeth and nipping at her thigh, making a larger mark than she had. He looked at his accomplishment and then up at Dana. XXXXX "Well, I guess I made my point." He kissed his way back up her chest, tasting and teasing her sensitive nipples in the process. "What is your point?" She gasped as he plunged his tongue into her welcoming mouth. "That you are mine." "Oh, is that so?" "Yes, it is." She poked him in the ribs and rolled him onto his back. "So, you're telling me if I get a hickey I belong to whomever gives it to me?" "It sounds good to me," he smiled at her. As he looked into her eyes he took in all her features: disheveled hair, lightly bruised lips from all the kissing and her heated flesh. She noticed that he was staring at her and took his strong features in, most of all his luscious body. "What are you looking at?" "I have the most beautiful girl in the world and I don't think I'm ever going to let you go." Dana smiled down at him and kissed him lightly on the lips, moving down his torso and licking as her hair teased his chest, stomach and finally his thighs. She continued her assault, teasing his erection and finally it was to the point where he couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to be inside her right now. "Dana.... I can't take it anymore. Get up here now," he moaned. She slowly kissed her way back up his chest and settled down beside him. "I need you now." All Dana did was nod her head. He rolled on top of her and slid into her with one slow, smooth stroke. They both were surrounded by pleasure. Fox was trying to keep from losing control. He bent down and captured her luscious lips, moving to her neck and sucking lightly on her nerve ending there, making her buck up. She was filled by him and felt complete. She ran her hands on his back, raking her nails over him. He moaned into her mouth. He kept up the slow rhythm that he had started, but Dana couldn't stand it. "Hmm. move faster." All he could think about was pounding into her for all he was worth, but he didn't want to hurt her. "I don't want to hurt you." "You won't hurt me. MMM.. maybe I should be on top." He looked down at her. He was smiling and sweat was dripping from his forehead. He looked deep into her eyes giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Okay we can try it that way." He rolled off of her taking her hand and dragging her on top of him. She rested her hands on his shoulders for balance. "If you hurt me I would have told you." "Yeah, I know you would but this is my first time doing this with you and I don't want to fuck this up," he said. "I assure you that you're doing fantastic. I can't imagine you doing anything wrong." She kissed him on the lips. His hands went to her hips guiding her onto his engorged cock. He couldn't wait to feel her welcoming warmth again. She wiggled down onto his erection and began slowly rocking and swiveling her hips. Soon he was meeting her thrusts with his own. He put his arms around her waist and let his hands roam all over her body. She moaned into his mouth. She grasped his shoulders and pushed him back down to the ground, smiling at him. Fox looked back at her with a grin on his face, knowing what was coming. It was just a matter of time before they both came. Dana continued her assault on his body. Fox's hands quickly went to her hair twining and pulling just like she had done earlier. He felt his balls tighten and he looked up at Dana. He could tell she was on the brink of orgasm herself so he let go. Their orgasms hit them at the same time. It was like a never-ending waterfall. They entwined their arms around each other. It neither of them wanted moment to end. "That was incredible, Dana." He twined his fingers in her hair. "Fox, you're the greatest. I can't believe I haven't done this before." "When you told me you were a virgin I couldn't believe it," he kissed her on the forehead. XXXXX "You didn't believe me?" "I didn't think such a pretty girl could still be a virgin." "That's the most wonderful thing that can happen to a person--losing their virginity to the one they love." "I have to tell you something." "I was a virgin too." Dana couldn't believe what she was hearing. "I was embarrassed about it. I mean, you're a girl so that's O.K. but...I thought you would think there was something wrong with me." "I wish you had told me. It's O.K. though. I think it makes it even more special." They held each other for the longest time and slowly drifted off. Fox realized it was getting late so he got up and discarded his condom, throwing it toward a large trash can. "Dana, we have to go back to our bunks." "Mmmm..." she mumbled into his chest. "Dana, we have to get up before we get caught." "So, let them catch us." She kissed him on the neck. "Come on we have to get back." "I'll only go if you carry me. I'm too tired to walk and besides you wore me out." "You'll only go if I carry you? What makes you think that you didn't wear me out too, Dana?" She giggled into his chest, and that was music to his ears. Dana gathered her clothes off the ground and put her shirt back on. It was actually his shirt, but she didn't care. He grabbed his jeans and quickly put them on. He noticed that his shirt was missing, so he looked around and beheld the site that was in front of him-- Dana was wearing his shirt. "Well, I see you like to steal clothes that aren't yours," he winked at her. "I happen to like this one," she smiled at him. "Well, you can keep it. I have another one in my backpack." He picked her up, surprising her by lifting her right off her feet. She squealed with delight. "You said you couldn't walk, remember?" "Yeah, you're such a gentlemen." She kissed him on the neck and nuzzled into his chest. Fox carried her to her bunk and laid her down on her bed. He gave her a quick kiss on the mouth and gently tugged on her bottom lip. He sat down on the edge of the bed and watched her until she fell asleep, taking all her lovely features in. He could only hope that after camp that they would meet again. He kissed her on the forehead and whispered in her ear. "I'll see you in the morning." She smiled and snuggled into her bed and into his t-shirt. He walked back to his bunk and soon he drifted off to sleep. He thought about the dance that was coming and about Dana. That night he slept like he hadn't before in years. When he told her that she had worn him out he hadn't been lying at all. XXXXX 8:00 p.m. The dance was about ready to start and every camper had come to the event. Fox had seen Melissa and Dan but not Dana. He thought to himself that maybe she was rethinking this whole idea. He walked around the dance floor looking over the tops of people's heads to find her and finally he saw her. He was so in love she was like a vision that you would see in a dream, like a goddess. She was wearing a blue t-shirt with light brown khakis and black sneakers. Dana looked around for Fox--she knew he would be there without a doubt. She looked to the center of the dance floor and spotted him just standing there staring at her. He had a gray t-shirt and a pair of black jeans with gray sneakers on. Fox walked over to Dana. Slow dance songs began to play couples took to the floor. They looked like seaweed swaying back and forth but Fox didn't pay any attention to them. The only thing he was interested in was the beautiful girl standing in front of him. "How long have you been here staring at me?" She smiled. "Oh, I just got here a few minutes before you did." "Since it's our last day to enjoy ourselves, care to join me?" he extended his hand to her. Fox grabbed her hand and pulled her into his embrace and they danced slowly. As the music stopped for a break the campers went to the buffet table and grabbed something to eat. The plates consisted of all kinds of food-- fruit, potato chips, soda, sandwiches and ice cream with chocolate syrup. Dana walked up to the table and grabbed a plate. As she walked down the line she noticed all the delicious food in front of her. The ice cream looked so damn good. Fox came up behind her and leaned over her shoulder, looking at the food on the table. "Looks delicious. Good enough to eat." He kissed her on the cheek. "Well, that depends on your meaning, Fox?" She looked back over her shoulder and caught him smiling at her. "You know what I'm talking about," he smiled at her. "Yes, I know what you're talking about." As they continued on down the line Dana got a huge scoop of vanilla ice cream with some syrup and a cherry to top it off. Fox just grabbed some fruit and although he wasn't hungry he got some ice cream as well, but not as much as Dana. Some campers went out to the picnic tables and some sat down by the lake's edge. XXXXX "Do you want to go out there and eat?" he asked. "Sure, why not?" Fox and Dana walked out to the lake and sat down. Dana started on her ice cream. She was saving the cherry for last. Fox stared at her in awe. "Aren't you going to eat your cherry?" "Why, do you want it?" She looked up at him smiling. "Well, if you're not going to eat it." "Tell you what. We'll split it." "Alright." Dana picked the cherry out of her ice cream, taking the stem between her fingers and holding it. Fox moved in closer and took the cherry between his teeth and slipped it into his mouth. "Fox, are you going to eat it all? I thought you were going to share with me." He moved in closer and kissed her on the mouth. With the cherry still in his mouth he passed it to her and as they kissed they both took their share of it. Fox kissed her deeply and slowly enjoying her sweet taste. He broke the kiss and smiled at her. "What are you smiling at?" she asked. "You've got some ice cream on your neck." Dana went to wipe it off but he grabbed her hand and bent his head down to lick off the liquid that was running down her neck. "Mmmm... I didn't know ice cream could taste this good," he said as he looked into her icy blue eyes. Dana smiled at the compliment and kissed him back, taking his bottom lip in for good measure and biting down on it hard. "Dana, what was that for?" She just smiled at him and spooned herself some more ice cream. He was still staring at her as she gave him a bite of it. "Fox, I'm the one that knows how to share." "Oh, I don't share. What about that cherry I just split with you?" "You took most of it." "No, I didn't." "Give me my bowl, Fox." "No, I'm not going to." Dana lunged for her bowl of ice cream. She could have gone back to the table to get more but decided it was more fun to wrestle Fox. She grabbed the bowl and threw a piece of ice cream at him, making contact on the side of his face. She began laughing and he leaned over and grabbed the spoon out of her hand and threw it on her. The ice cream landed on her neck. "Now look what you did. I'm going to be all sticky because of you." "So? You started it. C'mere for a second. I'll clean you up." He licked her neck until she didn't have any more ice cream on her. Fox began wiping his face off but Dana took his hands away from his face and licked his face as well. He enjoyed it as much as she did. His jeans were getting rather uncomfortable and he had to make her stop or get the jeans off. It was a matter of what to do next. "Dana, I think we should go somewhere more private," he gasped into her mouth. "Why?" "There are a lot of people here and I don't want to get into trouble." "Oh, I forgot about that." "I guess we could go behind the stable if you want." "Alright, I'll leave first and you can follow me." Dana fixed her appearance and threw the bowl into the trash can. Fox watched her walk toward the stable and in minutes she disappeared. He got up and brushed himself off. Dan was just walking over to him. "So, how you doing, Fox?" "I'm just fine. How about you?" "Good. How are you and Dana getting along?" "We're doing good. How about you and Melissa?" "We're doing okay." "Okay? What's the matter?" "Oh, we got some things in common but I don't think I'm her type." "Oh, I get it. You'll find someone if Melissa isn't the one for you." "Yeah, I know. Well, I'll catch you later, Fox." XXXXX "Yeah, see you." Meanwhile Dana was waiting for Fox. She began to wonder if he was going to show up at all. She walked down to where Buck was and looked in to see him standing there. He came up to her and stuck his head out of the door, smelling her hand. "Hey, buddy. How you doing?" She patted him on the neck. Buck nuzzled her hand. Fox entered the barn and spotted her down at the end of the walkway he approached slowly so she wouldn't hear him. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her against him. "What took you so long?" she sighed and leaned up against his chest. "I was talking to Dan. He was talking about Melissa." "Well, she can be choosy about her boyfriends." "Looks like you're saying goodbye." "What? Oh, you mean Buck?" "Yes, that's what I'm talking about," he kissed her on the neck. "Yeah, I thought I would since we're leaving tomorrow," she sighed. "Does that mean you're saying goodbye to me too?" He tried to pull her closer to him but she turned into his arms. "No, I'm not saying goodbye just yet." She moved closer and captured his bottom lip, grazing it with her teeth. He kissed her back with a force that almost knocked the both of them to the ground. "Fox, I don't think we should be doing this." she gasped. "What are you talking about?" he asked breathlessly. She pointed to the horses and he understood. "Oh, so now you don't want to do it around animals?" "That's what I'm saying." "Well, we could go behind the barn." "Okay, let's go." Fox led her out of the barn and pinned her up against it. "So, you don't like people or animals watching?" XXXXX "No, I don't." She laughed and he kissed her, running his hands down her shirt. He felt her soft breasts with one hand and ran the other one through her silky hair. Dana's hands were all over his back. Then she took one hand and grabbed his hair, pulling and soothing all at the same time. Fox began taking her shirt off and she helped as much as she could, but his large hands were getting in the way so she just let him undress her. "Damn, you look beautiful." "Well, you're too overdressed so get naked." "Oh, aren't we the bossy one," he smiled. He took off his jeans. She grabbed his t-shirt and yanked it over his head. Dana kissed him on the mouth and lingered there for a few moments. She continued down his chest licking, nipping, and nuzzling down to his stomach and swirling her tongue into his navel. He moaned. Fox had his hands soothing her hair and grasping her arms for some support but as she moved down to his penis and took him in all the way he almost collapsed. She began sucking, nibbling, and teasing his head. It was almost over because he was going to come into her mouth. "Dana, you have to stop." She continued on with her assault, not even paying attention to him. With a couple more licks he was coming into her mouth. Dana lapped up all the cum from his head. She had never tried this before. It was a new experience for her and him. "Dana.... that was the most incredible thing I've ever experienced," he said breathlessly. She stood back up and looked into the dark depths of his eyes. "I'm glad you enjoyed it," she smiled. "It's your turn now." He took her wrists into his hands and pinned her against the side of the barn, smiling devilishly at her. He bent down and kissed her neck-- licking, nibbling, and sucking on her earlobe. He made his way down her chest and suckled her breasts one at a time giving them each his undivided attention. He went further down her stomach. He finally reached what he most liked about this girl. It was the most incredible thing to him. It was like paradise. He continued licking and nipping her and finally put two fingers into her as well as his tongue. He began stroking her with his fingers and tongue, tasting her depths. He pulled on her clit and she soon was on the brink of orgasm. Dana was almost in a sitting position and she began pulling his hair and soothing it. She tried to get him to stop, but it was useless. "Fox.... please stop," she whispered. Fox continued his assault on her clit, making her come. He cleaned her and withdrew his fingers, then lightly kissed her clit before finally getting back up to her and looking into her dark lustful eyes. "You alright?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "You?" "Yeah I'm great." "Well, my back hurts with all this pleasure you're giving me." "Oh, I'm sorry. Here, lay down on your stomach and let me take care of it for you." "Oh, you really don't have to." "Yes, I do." Dana laid face down in the grass, with her arms stretched out in front of her. Fox straddled her backside. He began rubbing his hands up and down her shoulders and squeezing the tension out of her lower back. "MM... that's feels so good," she murmured. "I'm glad," he bent down to nuzzle her ear, placing a light kiss on her neck before moving back to her shoulders. "Alright, all done." He let her move beneath him so she could get up. "Thanks." She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her, kissing him on the mouth and not wanting the night to end. "You know tomorrow is the day," she breathed against his chest. "Yeah, I know it." He pulled her closer to him and kissed her on top of her head. "I want us to keep in touch. I'll write and call you. We can see each other next summer when I'm back from England." "I'd like that. I think we should be getting back to our bunks though. I don't want us get caught." "Yeah, I still need to pack," he said and she laughed against his chest. He gathered their clothes off the ground and handed Dana hers. They got up and began walking back to their bunks holding hands. "Well, I'll see you in the morning," he kissed her on the mouth licking her on the bottom lip. "Okay." She kissed him back. He watched her disappear into her bunk and he finally left toward his own. XXXXX They day had finally arrived. It was time to leave the camp and all the memories that Fox and Dana had shared would be with them forever. Almost everyone had left, but Fox and Dana were still talking, which didn't go unnoticed by her father. Fox walked Dana to her car. "Hi, I'm Fox Mulder." "Hi," Bill Scully smiled. "I hope Melissa and Dana weren't too much trouble here." "Nope, not at all." Melissa said goodbye to her friends as well as Dan. She got in the car and waited for Dana. "Fox, I had a really nice time." "You did?" He smiled at her. "Yeah, I did." "Remember what you said about us meeting again?" "No, what are you talking about?" she smiled at him. "You know what I mean," he blushed. Fox kissed her on the cheek and hugged her to him. Dana began to cry, a single tear falling down her cheek. As she pulled away from him she noticed he was crying too. "Well, you'd better go." "Yeah, I'll be thinking about you," she said as she wiped the tear out of her eye. "I'll be thinking about you too." "Well, you take care then." "You too." It seemed that just as she had come into his life she was leaving, but he would not forget her. XXXXX After he left for Oxford, Fox and Dana had exchanged letters and even a few phone calls, but each phone call left him feeling more depressed. He began to realize that a long distance relationship was not going to work for the four years he was away in England. He didn't even know if he would be able to return to the States during the summer. His parents were divorcing and going home wouldn't mean going to the house he had grown up in. He had no home to go back to. He wrote her a letter telling her that she should have fun while she was still in high school and if it was meant to be, they would meet again. That was it. Seven years later he returned to the U.S. with a doctorate in behavioral science and joined in the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Dana went through medical school and became a doctor. She passed up a career in medicine to join the F.B.I. During her time at the F.B.I. Academy, she learned that Fox Mulder was also in the Bureau. She hoped that she'd meet him again, but she was also afraid. So much time has passed. They were different people now and she had no idea if he even still thought about her. She didn't want to taint the memories of her first love by having a bad experience with him now. Dana had been in a few relationships after she met Fox at camp, after he told her to have the time of her life in high school in his last letter. So she did. In her high school she had a not-so-serious relationship with a boy named Marcus. In medical school she became involved with Daniel Waterson, one of her professors. Daniel was older and married and the relationship ended when she joined the F.B.I. She loved him, but couldn't be the reason for his divorce. He had a daughter at home to take care of. At the Academy she dated her instructor, Jack Willis. She was drawn to men in positions of authority, but the relationships never seemed to last. Perhaps because of none of the men she dated compared to her first love, Fox Mulder. Dana was soon teaching at the F.B.I. Academy at Quantico, but the work didn't prove challenging enough. Somewhat mysteriously, she got called to work on the X-files, a division that was headed but none other than Fox Mulder. She wasn't the type that believed in fate, but somehow she thought this was a sign. She was anxious to see him. She had heard rumors at the Academy about him and knew he had not married. Fox had joined the Bureau in 1991 and had been there ever since. At one time he had been involved with another agent, Diana Fowley, but she had left him. He had only been her stepping-stone on her way to the top. That had been his only real relationship other than the one he'd had with Dana Scully. He'd had a girlfriend at Oxford, but she had also left him. He dated on and off after that, but couldn't seem to find the right person. He never felt the same way about anyone after meeting Dana. One day he was called in by Section Chief Blevins office and was told he would be assigned a new partner, Dana Scully. He was in shock. He had no idea she was in the F.B.I and now she was going to be his partner. XXXXX F.B.I. Building 8:00 a.m. Dana had an early meeting with Section Chief Blevins. She was supposed to follow and report on all of Fox Mulder's cases, to more or less debunk his work so the X-Files could be shut down. The F.B.I. thought the X-Files were a waste of time. Dana didn't know what to expect because she and Fox had been separated for so long. She always thought about him. She wondered if he thought about her as well. It was time to meet Fox Mulder once again. It was now or never, she thought to herself. His office door was closed so she knocked softly. "Nobody down here but the F.B.I.'s most unwanted." She opened the door slowly and spotted him looking at some slides. She noticed he was wearing glasses and it made him look even sexier than she remembered. "I'm Dana Scully. I've been assigned to work with you," she said extending her hand. Fox shook her hand and looked into her eyes, admiring her. He explained the case he was working on which involved the deaths, under mysterious circumstances, of four Oregon teenagers. The causes of the deaths were still undetermined. Marks resembling animal bites or needle punctures were found on the lower backs of all the victims. "Do you believe in the existence of extraterrestrials?" "Logically I would have to say no, given the distances needed to travel from the far reaches of space. The energy requirements would exceed a spacecraft's capabilities." Mulder disagreed with her, but she continued on. "What I find fantastic is any notion that there are any answers beyond science. The answers are there, you just have to know where to look." "That's why they put the "I" in F.B.I. He told her that their flight to Oregon left early the next morning and with that she left, a smile on her face. Dana had plenty of questions to ask him but now wasn't the time. XXXXX Oregon 11:00 a.m. Mulder and Scully wear investigating the recent deaths of four teenagers in Bellefluer. They met the local sheriff at a cemetery to look at the remains of one of the victim, an alleged alien abductee. Scully was stunned at what she saw in the casket. As she was doing an autopsy on the body, Mulder photographed it so it could be used as evidence in the case. He told her that he wasn't crazy. He just wanted answers. She did as well. The next day they went to the hospital to visit Billy Miles, a classmate of the victims who lay in a coma after a car accident. Scully noticed something wasn't right. There was ash on the souls of Billy's feet. Scully took a small evidence bag out of her pocket and took a sample from his foot. Mulder questioned the nurse as to whether she had seen Billy get up and leave. She laughed at the idea--Billy had been in coma for several years. Meanwhile Peggy O' Dell, another one of victims classmates, was also a patience at the hospital. She went into a rage as Mulder and Scully questioned her about Billy. Mulder had to grab her and the orderlies came to calm her down. Mulder raised her gown to see if she had the same strange marks on her back that the victims had. She did. Mulder was certain that the marks were the result of tests performed by aliens. Scully walked out of the room not believing what she had just seen. Mulder walked after her, telling her that she had to put that in her report. She refused to believe that the teenagers were abducted by aliens and determined to go to the forest and to find more evidence. Mulder followed. After gathering more evidence in the forest, they got in their car and headed back to their hotel. Mulder glanced at his watch. It was 9:03. Suddenly there was a bright flash of light and the car stopped in the middle of the roadway. Mulder jumped out of the car. "What happened?" "We lost power--brakes, steering, everything." "We've lost nine minutes, he told her looking as he looked at his watch. The time was 9:12. We lost nine minutes!" "We lost what?" "Nine minutes. I looked at my watch just before the bright flash and it was 9:03. It just turned 9:13! Abductees, people that have made U.F.O. sightings, they've reported unexplained time loss." "Come on." "Gone, just like that." "Wait a minute, your saying that time disappeared. Time can't just disappear. It's a universal variant." Suddenly the car's lights and engine turned back on. They got back in the car and headed for the hotel. Scully was typing on her computer when a rainstorm came through and the power went out. She went to put her pajamas on but noticed something on the small of her back. It was the same mark all of the alleged abductees had. She felt frightened so she ran to Mulder's room and knocked on his door. "Hi," he said holding the candle. He noticed that she was afraid of something. "I want you to look at something," she said. "Come on in." He stepped back so she could walk in the door. Mulder didn't even have the door shut before she began taking her robe off. He was surprised at this but nonetheless enjoyed every moment. He missed her so damn much and for her to do this was incredible. She looked back at him wanting to know if he had the seen the marks on her back. He kneeled down to look at them. He put his index finger on her lower back next to her buttocks. For him it was not close enough. "What are they?" She asked. "Mosquito bites," he said, smiling up at her. "Are you sure?" "Yeah." It was a relief to hear those words from his mouth. She turned and embraced him, almost knocking him down. They sat down by the table and talked. It was getting late and she wanted to ask him a few questions so she lay on the bed while he sat at the edge, watching her. "So, did you miss me?" Dana asked. "Hell yeah, I missed you," he responded. "I missed you too," she smiled at him. "I told you if we were destined to meet again we would." "I know you did. I didn't forget. So, what have you been doing with yourself?" she asked. "Well I went to Oxford and studied Psychology. My parents divorced. But I saw that coming. The F.B.I. recruited me and me and I got into Behavioral Sciences. That didn't interest me enough, though, so I ended up on the X-Files." "You know what I've been doing since you read my profile," she said. "Yeah, I know." "So why did you join the F.B.I.?" "Because I wanted to find Samantha and I thought the F.B.I would give me access to the resources I needed to do that." "Yeah, so I joined the Bureau and then they put me with you." "To debunk the X-files and shut me down." "You're so damn paranoid, Fox." He looked at her and saw the passion in her eyes. "You really did miss me didn't you?" "Yes, so come here." Scully kissed him on the lips, tugging on the bottom one. He kissed her back, relishing in the sweet flavor of her welcoming mouth. Her hands went to his hair and gently pulled and smoothed it. "It really has been a long time." He gasped into her mouth, letting his fingers play with her soft hair and twining it through his fingertips. The phone rang and interrupted their reunion. XXXXX Washington, D.C. Fox Mulder's Office 4:55 p.m. Scully was finishing up the recent case file, typing the last words into her computer when Mulder came in with a smile on his face. "Why the smile?" Scully asked. "No reason." He walked over to her chair and leaned down so that his cheek almost brushed hers. "What are you doing, Scully?" "I'm typing my case file up for Skinner. What did you think I was doing?" "I don't know. Maybe writing naughty things about me." He winked at her. Scully smiled and turned her attention back to the computer. "Can I ask you something, Scully?" "Sure." She turned in her chair with a smile on her face. "Will you have dinner with me tonight? We can catch up on things if you want. If you don't want to that's fine. I understand." "I think that sounds wonderful." "Great! I'll pick you up at 7:00 p.m. if that's a convenient time for you," he smiled. "It's alright with me," she smiled back at him. Mulder couldn't believe that she had said yes. It had been a long time and he wanted to catch up on things. Scully finished her report and shut down her computer. She was about to head out the door but before she knew it Mulder was right behind her, reaching for his coat as well as hers. He grabbed her coat and handed it to her, brushing her fingers. This did not go unnoticed by her. They both felt the heat between them and she blushed as he smiled back at her. Scully put her coat on and Mulder helped her. Once her back was to him he took the opportunity to smell her sweet smelling hair. All the things he missed about her while they were separated were coming back to him. "I guess I'll see you later tonight," she glanced over her shoulder and smiled at him. "Damn right you'll see me tonight," he smiled back. XXXXX Dana Scully's Apartment 6:00 p.m. Scully was finishing up in the shower thinking about all the wonderful memories that she had shared with Mulder. Now was the time to catch up and that's what they both intended to do tonight. Scully went through her wardrobe and found a nice black low-cut dress, a pair of studded earrings and a pair of black high heels. Fox Mulder's Apartment Mulder found a pair of khakis pants in his closet with a nice dark dress shirt that would be perfect for the evening. Nice but nothing too fancy. He had had a feeling that he would meet Dana again: it was just when and where he'd meet her that he hadn't known. Now she'd been assigned to him on the X-Files. It was a great day for him, seeing her again. After all these years she was back in his life. He was taking Scully, the woman of his dreams and his heart's desires, out on a date. It was nearly 6:30 p.m. so headed out the door. XXXX Dana Scully's Apartment 6:55 p.m. Scully was in the bedroom putting her lipstick, which was a perfect shade that almost looked blood red. Mulder walked to her door and knocked, waiting patiently. "Just a minute," Scully called to him. Scully opened the door and was stunned at what she saw standing on the other side. He was holding a dozen red roses in his hand. "Mulder you didn't have to do that." He didn't respond to her immediately; he was in a daze looking at her. "Scully, you look great." "You're quite handsome yourself, Mulder," she smiled at him. "Well, are you just going to stand there all night or are we going to dinner?" "Oh, yeah right. Forgot about that. I was just..." he trailed off and handed her the roses. "Thank you, Mulder." She took the roses into the kitchen and put them in a vase with some water. Mulder watched her, taking all her features in. She was a sight to behold. Scully was thinking he really did look hot, especially all dressed up and not wearing his regular suit and tie. This was a part of him she hadn't seen before. Mulder was still staring at her as she walked back from the kitchen into the living room. "Mulder, are you all right?" "Yeah, I'm fine. Are you ready to go?" "Yeah." Scully grabbed her purse and as she walked passed him he put his hand on the small of her back, guiding her toward the elevator down the hallway. They stepped into the elevator, which almost closed if not for a hand stopping it from shutting completely. Mulder reached out to open the door completely to see who was behind the door. It was Scully's neighbor Lily. She got around pretty good for an old a woman nearing eighty years old. "Hi, Lily. It's good to see you. How have you been?" "Oh, I've been good but I've seen better days in my life. I see you've finally got a good looking man with you, darling." "Yeah, she finally found herself one and I'll have to hang on really tight with all the men chasing after her." Mulder smiled and put his arm around her shoulder hugging her to him. "I would too if I were you, honey." As they rode down the elevator Mulder grabbed Scully's hand, twining his fingers with hers. They got out and headed for the car. Mulder looked down at her smiling and she smiled back. Lily was watching the two of them as they walked out the door. XXXXX Zeus Restaurant 8:00 p.m. Mulder pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant which was already half full. By the time they parked it would be so crowded that they would probably never find a seat. Scully pointed a parking space out to him and he parked the car. He got out and walked over to her door, holding his hand out to her and pulling her to her feet. "Mulder, this is a very fancy restaurant." "It's really an Italian restaurant but they have other options," he smiled. Mulder shut the door to the car and they both walked toward place, which was very elegant outside. It had fountains with water gushing everywhere. It was the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. Mulder had his hand on the small of her back and guided her toward the entrance. "How can I help you, sir?" The young host asked. "Table for two, please." "Do you prefer smoking or non-smoking?" "Non-smoking would be great," Mulder said. They were seated in the back section, which was most desirable for the two of them. Mulder walked up behind Scully, pulling her chair out for her as she sat down. He was getting jealous of the chair she was sitting in. He wanted her so badly it was hard to restrain his raging erection. He sat down rather quickly and passed her the menu. "So, what are you going to order, Mulder?" "I was thinking of pasta. I hear it's really fantastic. What about you, Scully?" He looked up from his menu noticing she was darting her tongue out to wet her lips. He moaned quietly to himself. "I was thinking of some lasagna." "Yeah, that sounds good." He glanced over to her as he put his menu down. "So, what have you really done with yourself since camp?" he asked. "Oh, I had a normal life I suppose. But it wasn't great if that's what you're asking." "Mine wasn't too good either." The waiter came to their table and Scully order lasagna while Mulder ordered a plate of pasta and a bottle of red wine for the two of them. It was going to be a romantic evening and he was going to make it happen. XXXXX As time went by they talked about their past, noticing along the way how lonely they both really were. The young waiter sat their plates down in front of them and told them if they needed anything else just to ask him. Scully began eating her lasagna and Mulder poured some wine into her glass and then his. He began eating his pasta and it almost fell off his fork but he quickly grabbed a mouthful before it fell toward his plate. Scully saw him fidgeting with his food and smiled. Mulder looked up at her, licking his lips. "Mulder, you're supposed to wrap the food with your fork. Like this." She took her fork, wrapped a forkful of noodles around it and fed it to him. "Thanks," he smiled at her. Scully continued eating her own meal. She had a bit of meat sauce on the corner of her mouth and Mulder noticed it so he took his napkin and wiped it off her face. "Thanks," she blushed. Mulder reached over to take a roll from the basket in the middle of the table and offered her one. She took it, placing it beside her glass of wine. "Mulder this is such wonderful food. I'm glad we came here." "Yeah, I'm glad you said yes." "Why, did you think I'd say no?" Scully asked. "Well, I didn't think you'd want to, that's all." "I'm here, am I not?" "Yeah, and did I tell you that you look very beautiful tonight." His hazel eyes sparkled in the low light surrounding them as he gazed into her blue depths. He reached over to grab her hand and placed a small kiss on it, looking more deeply into her eyes. "You look handsome too," she said. They began eating again, this time feeding each other their meals. "Mulder, your pasta is really good." She licked her lips." "Yours isn't bad either. I think I'm taking a liking to your kind of food." He watched her smiling; all the while enjoying the time they were spending with each other. It was like old times again. "What are you smiling at?" "Just a very beautiful woman that's all." Just then Scully's dessert came. She had ordered a chocolate mousse but Mulder had passed on dessert. "Mulder, do you want to try this? It's very good." "Okay just one bite." Scully took a large spoonful of her mousse and fed it to Mulder. He lapped at the spoon, cleaning it all off. Scully was getting rather warm sitting across from him while he was licking her spoon, imaging what else his wonderful tongue could do. She accidentally brushed her heel against Mulder under the table while she fed him another bite. "Jesus! Scully, what are you trying to do, kill me?" He moaned softly but he did it loud enough for her to hear. "Mulder, what are you saying?" "Damn, woman! If we don't get out of here soon I'm going to lose all control in this place," he said leaning into her. "Oh," she licked her lips. "Well, I'm ready if you are, Mulder?" Just then the young waiter walked by. "Sir, could you send the check to me please?" "Sure thing. I'll back in a minute." Mulder paid the check and they walked toward the car with his hand in hers, playing with her digits. They listened to the radio as they headed back to Scully's apartment. It seemed like all stations were playing romantic songs. "I guess there's not much on, is there?" Scully looked over at the radio. "Nope, but you can turn it off if you like." Mulder glanced over at her. "No, it's alright." Scully reached to turn up the volume and brushed her hand on his thigh. She let it linger there for a couple of seconds. Mulder had started to let his eyes wander down to where her hand was. She was caressing his thigh, inching lower, but he couldn't do anything about it now unless he pulled off the highway. They were close to her apartment so he decided to wait it out. He didn't know how long before he exploded in his pants. He bit his bottom lip almost to the point where it bled. Scully knew she was really affecting him. She looked out of the corner of her eye and saw him biting his lip and wincing at the pleasure she was causing him. It was only a matter of time before they were at her apartment and their night of pleasure would begin. XXXXX 10:30 p.m. Scully's Apartment Mulder walked Scully to her door. She got her keys out and unlocked the door. He stood behind her waiting patiently. She turned around and looked at him standing outside her door looking like a lost puppy. "Mulder, I really had a nice time tonight." "My pleasure. Well, I guess I'd better go." Before he had time to turn around she grabbed him by the wrist and yanked him into the apartment. "Mulder, wait. I didn't even give you a goodnight kiss." Scully pulled him closer and wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a long, deep kiss, savoring the taste of him. Mulder stepped into the apartment and shut the door, pulling her closer to him. He lifted her up in the air and twirled her around in the living room. "Mulder!" she laughed. He walked through the apartment and found the bedroom. He gently lay her down on the bed and stood before her, admiring her beauty for a moment. He walked to the side of the bed and she rose up off the mattress grabbing his waist and gently pulling him between her legs. "Scully, didn't know you were this anxious to see me." "You have no idea. We've waited a damn long time." "Yes, you do have a point, G-woman." Scully stood up and began unbuttoning his shirt. Once it was unbuttoned she began raking her fingers down his chest. She discarded the shirt in the corner and pulled his belt out of the loops of his pants then threw the belt on the floor. She unbuttoned his pants and slid the zipper down ever so slowly. "Gee, Scully, taking it slow, are you?" "Yeah, I don't want to have to run you to the emergency room for having a certain hurt body part," she smiled up at him. "Well, not really," he gasped as she slid his pants off over his hips, leaving his boxers on. "Mulder, you didn't even take your shoes off?" He removed his shoes rather quickly and then he kicked his pants off, sending them flying into another corner of the room. "Oh, no you don't. I'm here standing stripped of all my clothing except my boxers. Don't think you're getting off that easy." He lunged for her on the bed. She rolled over and he flopped down beside her. "Scully, you're a little overdressed for this occasion, don't you think?" Mulder began fingering her zipper and yanking it down, almost ripping it off. "Mulder!" She rolled off to the edge of the bed while he took a hold of her dress. He tugged at her and she turned around to hear him making whimpering sounds. He crawled over to her and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling her between his legs. He took her sleeve and inched it down her shoulders and off it came. She let him take his time, inching it down her torso. As he did this his hands skimmed along her breasts, stomach, thighs and legs. "You're so damn gorgeous," he smiled up at her. Scully placed her hands on his shoulders for balance. He reached up and stroked her face with his right hand. "Now, I think we're even for the time being." He reached up to cup her face and tugged her down to him. They began slowly kissing, deepening their kisses passionately as the moment went on. Mulder reached around her waist, dragging her atop him. "Mulder!" Scully gasped between kisses. "What? Did I do something wrong?" She knew he was joking with her and she captured his lips and plunged her tongue into his mouth, dueling for control. She started to kiss down his neck and nibbled on his earlobe. She went further down, marking him with wet kisses on his stomach and lightly biting him on the side. He thrust up. "Mulder, these have to go." She grabbed the waistband of his boxers and inched them down him while he kissed her neck and sucked on her collarbone. He reached around to unhook her bra and threw it to the floor. Scully responded by pushing him back down on the bed and laying her hands on his chest with slight pressure. "I still haven't thanked you for dinner have I?" she leaned in to whisper in his ear. She kissed him on the lips before he could even react. XXXXX "No, you didn't say thank you," he gasped into her mouth and nipped at her lower lip. She rose up and smiled down at him, kissing him down the chest and nuzzling his nipples until they were erect. Then she sucked lightly on them. He had his hands on her waist and was stroking her from hip to thigh. She nuzzled and stroked his erection then lightly nipped at the head his penis. She took him in all the way, sucking the sweet taste of his precum into her mouth and savoring all of it. As she continued her assault on him he began thrusting into her mouth. He didn't want to come this way. He stroked her soft silky hair and tugged lightly as she was brought him close to the edge. "Scully, have to stop." She looked up with a grin on her face and lightly kissed his tip before crawling back to him. They still had one barrier between them and they were soon rid of it as Mulder pulled her panties off and tossed them away. He rolled her over and sank between her thighs, his erection pressing into her hip. "Glad to see me or what, Mulder?" "You have no idea." He captured her lips and drifted down her body. She moaned at the loss of his mouth but he continued his assault on her body, making her squirm in his grasp. He made his descent down her lower body letting his nose drift into her curls and he darted his tongue out to taste her. She jumped and he parted her folds--licking, nipping, and tugging. He then inserted a second finger, making her writhe under him. He swiped his tongue back up to her center, lightly nipping and tugging. "Mulder.... going to come. Get up here now!" She stroked his thick hair and smoothed it over and over as he continued working on her clit making her come into his mouth. He lapped at her wetness and placed a small kiss at her entrance. He slowly inched his way back to her face. He settled down between her thighs once again and slipped inside her. He captured her lips and she wrapped her arms around him, stroking his back and digging her fingernails into him in the process. He rolled off her, dragging her with him. She straddled him and began to meet his thrusts. She went slowly at first then sped up. He felt so good--she couldn't believe she had gone this long without being able to be with him like this. He was having the same thoughts. Scully was so soft and warm and tight. He'd forgotten how good it had been with her. "Scully, I'm going to come." She captured his lips in hers and with a slight tilt of her hips he was coming hard. He knew she was close and continued thrusting up into her until she tightened around him. She began moaning his name as her orgasm washed over her. She lay on top of him for a few moments, then rolled off him and lay her head against his chest, listening to his heart beating. Mulder pulled her closer to him, not wanting to let go just yet. Exhausted, they were soon asleep. As morning approached the sun's rays lit the bedroom up. In the early morning hours Mulder had spooned up to Scully with his hand draped over her waist hugging her protectively against him. They had all the time in the world to be together. There would difficult times and good times in the future but right now all they were thinking about each other and nothing else mattered to them. The End Author's Note: The camp's name mentioned here is really a place in Virginia. I liked to thank my beta Jen for working with me on this story. It couldn't have happened without you and I thank you.