TITLE: Shadows: It Ends - The Final Truth AUTHOR: Spooky's Girl DISCLAIMER: They're not mine, they belong to the XF god CC, and it's probably a good thing they do cause believe it or not, he treats them much nicer than I usually do RATING: PG-13 CATEGORY: UST, hint of MSR, angst SUMMARY: He Learns SPOILERS: Season nine, particularly William and The Truth AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is the ninth and final vignette in a series of nine. Basically simple summary, one vignette per season, a reflection of sorts of Mulder's impact on Scully's life. A complete list of titles in the series can be found at the end of the vignette. THANKS: To Nancy for the beta, and to Ashley for allowing me to continue with the idea even though she had the same one in mind. For Sarah for continually harrassing me to finish this, and once again, my trash can for eating the original version of this which just didn't work at all FEEDBACK: As always, I love feedback…that and chocolate are the necessary ingredients to life, and yes, I do respond back to it denisegilliland@hotmail.com VISIT ME! http://www.geocities.com/spookys_girl2000 ARCHIVE: Of course, just let me know so i can visit and link to my site ~*~*~ To say that I always know what I'm doing and that I'm usually right would make me a liar right about now. Once upon a time I started the X-Files to find my missing sister. I once believed aliens abducted her. I was adamant on this belief, I tried to force this belief onto others, namely my partner. I was wrong and learned my partner was right. I once made my partner choose between work and family, asking her not to give up the digital tape it had taken me so long to find and even longer to read the secrets within. It was a piece of the puzzle I once thought I needed. I was wrong and she showed me then that all I needed was her by my side and friends to help me out. She taught me then that family was more important than work. You would think I'd have learned that, but you would be wrong. I once asked her to leave me, to reclaim the life she once lived and loved thinking that it would make her a better person and even more so, make her happy. She made it clear that she'd do no such thing and since then she's saved me a thousand times over, giving me the happiness I wished on her. And I learned soon after that her happiness came from mine. And I was wrong to push her away. Over our nine years together she proved me wrong on ninety percent of my beliefs, on ninety percent of my ideas and theories. And I still haven't learned, at least until now. For nine years I let what I believed to be the Truth blind me to the obvious. I let it destroy the family I once had. I ran, fearing my presence would cause harm to Scully and my son, and the danger was still there, and not one day goes by where I don't wish I could go back and be there for her when she needed me the most. My truth got me in trouble, got my friends killed and left my Scully alone during it all. My only saving grace is that she loves me and forgives me and still fights by my side so we could be together. She doesn't fight for the Truth that I fight for, she fights for us, she's always fought for us. The son I longed for, we both longed for is now gone, hopefully living a safe and happy life with good parents. But I can't help but think things might have been different if I were here to protect him. Forty-eight hours with him have given me a lifetime of memories, but it saddens me to know that I'll never get to see him grow up, I never got to see his first Christmas, or his first birthday, nor will I ever get to teach him basketball or baseball and I'll never get to see all the milestone events every father should get to see his son do. In the end I learned there's still nothing I can do to save him, to save us from what has been predicted for years and is written down in a secret military file. Every choice I made, I made on the basis that I thought I could do something to prevent the inevitable, and I learned that once again, I was wrong, there is nothing I can but live the time we have left and hope it doesn't happen. And this is what Scully was trying to teach me all along, that I can't believe that I'm the world's only hope, that I can't go off searching for something that isn't there because it might lead me into trouble. That two is always better than one and we always worked better as partners than alone. And I learned that the hard way too when I found myself in a farce of a trial facing capital punishment charges. But I believe in her. That's the one belief that has never waned or faltered over the nine years even though it sometimes appeared so. I learned that I can't protect her when she doesn't want to be protected, and that she won't accept anything less than us. That's her Truth. And now it's become mine. ~END~ Shadows: It Begins Shadows: Darkness Shadows: Discovery Shadows: Reflections Shadows: Broken Shadows: Destinies Shadows: Freedom Shadows: Breakaway Shadows: It Ends – The Final Truth