TITLE: Shadows: Freedom AUTHOR: Spooky's Girl DISCLAIMER: They're not mine, they belong to the XF god CC, and it's probably a good thing they do cause believe it or not, he treats them much nicer than I usually do RATING: PG-13 CATEGORY: touch of MSR, angst SUMMARY: Free of mind, body, and soul…and fatalism of the world SPOILERS: Season seven starting with SE Amor Fati, passing through SUZ and Closure, and ending with Requiem AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is the seventh vignette in a series of nine. Basically simple summary, one vignette per season, a reflection of sorts of Mulder's impact on Scully's life. A complete list of titles in the series can be found at the end of the vignette. THANKS: To Nancy for the beta, and to Ashley for allowing me to continue with the idea even though she had the same one in mind. FEEDBACK: As always, I love feedback…that and chocolate are the necessary ingredients to life, and yes, I do respond back to it denisegilliland@hotmail.com ~*~*~ Hiding behind a mask of lies, that's what I was doing all this time, all these years. I search for things that are impossibly out of our range, and yet I tell her they're within our reach. I tell her to look at one thing while I go look at another. I'm ready to move on, I've found all the answers I need, she hasn't, and that's my fault. In enhancing my investigations, I've kept her from hers. Never once has she formed a single complaint, but I know they're there; I can see them every time I look at her. Once upon a time we were both at the same level, we both knew what we wanted out of our partnership, we both the exact same amount of energy into it, we both did our damnedest to make it work, only now something's changed. And I think it's me. The issue of who I can and cannot trust and whom I no longer clouds my judgment. I made a serious mistake last year with Scully in that regards, I chose a former lover over my greatest friend, and it scarred her to the bone creating this emotional gap between the two of us. I thought it was irreparable, and it still might be; only now I have a greater chance of making amends. That woman is no longer in my life; I no longer want her in my life. I have seen her lies, her deceptions, and the games she plays. She's gone though, I've moved on, I've taken a path of sorts looking for redemption from my partner who's saved me many times in this lifetime, and in others. I'm looking for redemption from myself in allowing all this to happen. My quest is over, my answers have been solved and for only the second time in twenty-seven years, I feel complete, although I know that won't last long cause one thing is still missing, and there is still too much to be done before I'd ever reach that phase in my lifetime. Everything but her has become meaningless to me, there are still answers I want to find, but they're not as pertinent to me anymore. Instead I find them for her, or that's what I'm trying to make it look like I'm doing. I'm confident in our relationship now, I know she won't go running off once her answers have been found too…so why am I waiting so long to search them out? That's what takes me to today, the moment where I've finally taken the next step forward in helping my partner. This is the one time where I'm honestly doing the right thing to give her the answers she so desperately needs, the answers we both so desperately need in order to move on with our lives. This is the one moment where everything that pertains to us will come together, the moment of realization that the time is right for us. And I'm about to make a move that will prove to be the most destructive to our relationship yet. There's no proper goodbye, I refuse to say goodbye even though I know there's a chance I'll never see her again, I'm willing to risk all I have to right so many wrongs made over so many years. It'll kill her, but she'll be stronger because of it, so I go, not looking back. ~*FIN*~ Shadows: It Begins Shadows: Darkness Shadows: Discovery Shadows: Reflections Shadows: Broken Shadows: Destinies Shadows: Freedom Shadows: Breakaway Shadows: It Ends