AUTHOR: Scifinerdgrl TITLE: Postcards from the Past RATING: PG13 CLASSIFICATION: S/R SPOILERS: Release KEYWORDS: Post-Ep ("Release"), Follmer/Reyes Romance, Follmer/Reyes Friendship, Doggett/Reyes Friendship SUMMARY: Reyes agrees to help Follmer close his apartment after he goes to prison for shooting Regali. She had made this walk many times, interviewing suspects whom she had had incarcerated. They had always been strangers, never anyone she could ever care for. Knowing there were dozens of cameras and microphones planted around the visiting room had always given her a sense of security. This day she wished there could be some real privacy. This day she would be visiting Brad Follmer, her former lover and fellow FBI agent. She sat at a table, relieved to find he was not considered a high enough risk to be kept behind a plexiglass barrier. Maybe prison would not be so horrible for him after all. She resolved to help him get transferred to one of the infamously cushy "country club" prisons. As reprehensible as his crime was, she hated to think he would live out his days in the company of drug addicts, child molesters, and gang bangers. A few minutes passed while she waited for him. She watched the faces of the other pairs of people in the room -- tearful wives, nervous parents... how would she appear to them? She had no idea how she would feel. And the prisoners, their happy expressions barely concealing the deep despair they lived with the other 23 hours of the day... how would Brad seem? She was there partly from curiosity. His letter was brief and cryptic: "Please come to visit me. I need to talk to you." He needed her... Her mind ran through dozens of things he might want... each one raising an uncomfortable mix of feelings, both old and new. She knew he still loved her. And for that reason alone she felt a sense of obligation to this doomed man. Brad the prisoner shuffled through a door at the far end of the visiting room, escorted by a muscular guard. She couldn't help feeling a twinge of the old joy she used to feel when they dated, when he'd arrive at their favorite restaurant for one of their rare public "coincidental" events. He didn't see her at first, his eyes were on the floor, shame pressing down on his shoulders. When the guard stopped him at their table he looked up with difficulty, and when he saw her concerned face he smiled for the first time in weeks, maybe months. They waited until the guard had assumed his position a discreet distance from their table, then Monica reached her hands across the table. He put his hands on hers and she could feel a slight tremble, very unlike his usual authoritative, controlling touch. Immediately she sensed that this was not the same man who had betrayed her. This Brad Follmer was broken and helpless. She resisted the urge to pull her hands away from his trembling neediness. Whatever he wanted, she would hear him out. "Thank you for coming," he said gratefully. "I didn't think you would." "Of course I would, Brad," Monica said soothingly, rubbing her hands on his in an attempt to calm them. "I hate what you did, but I don't hate you." "Thank you," he said, his voice shaky and a little gravelly. They sat in silence as they both waited for him to find his composure. The look of pity in her eyes was something he hadn't counted on, and as much as it hurt his pride to be in jail in the first place, her pity made it even worse. "Monica," he started, then paused to swallow back his tears. "I need your help." Stroking his hands, she tried to find the soothing tone that had worked when his sister had died. It was the only other time she'd seen him cry. "I'm here for you," she said. "Whatever you need..." "My parents..." he decided to blurt out what he could before his emotions closed off his voice again. "They're flying in to close up my apartment. I need you to..." The pitch of his voice rising, his shoulders shaking, he mustered all his willpower to force out the last few words of his request. "...go through my things... get rid of anything they shouldn't see.... this is hard enough for them." Monica's sympathy immediately jumped from Brad to his parents. She'd met them twice, once at his sister's funeral, the other time when he brought them New York to celebrate their anniversary. Monica realized now, as his parents surely did also, where the money for that trip had come from. "Of course I will, Brad," she said. "Want me to help them after they get here?" Surprised, he flashed a grateful smile and eagerly asked, "Could you? I know it's a lot to ask.." "I like them," Monica reassured him. "And this can't be easy for them." Their eyes locked, acknowledging what an understatement this was. Brad the over-achieving fair-haired son, who had gone to Princeton on scholarship, whose career had been a source of pride for his entire family... Brad the good boy was now Brad the convicted felon. Monica knew that nobody else in Brad's life would understand their pain the way she would. If she didn't help them, who would? "You're a good person, Monica," Brad said sincerely. "You have no idea how grateful I am for what you're doing." She smiled awkwardly and squeezed his hands. "I have some idea," she said comfortingly. "And I also have some idea how difficult it was for you to ask for help." "You know me well," Brad relaxed and smiled. Monica sighed. She wasn't so sure. She was shocked when she saw him take a bribe, and his shooting of Regali and subsequent confession had also taken her by surprise. "Is there anything specific you want me to do... with your apartment?" If they didn't stick to business, she might cry at any moment. She resolved to stay strong for both their sakes. "The bureau turned it upside down looking for evidence... If you could try to make it look more... civilized?... for my parents' sake?" His voice was cracking, but her nods of assent helped him regain control. "And if you find anything... special... from New York... from our times together... it's yours to keep." Her eyes popped open at this mention of mementoes. "From New York? What do you mean, Brad?" "Consider it a gift... whatever you find that reminds you of New York... in my closet... on the top shelf..." his voice cracking, he couldn't continue. "Brad," she started, her voice lowering for sympathetic emphasis. "That's in the past... I don't know..." "Just keep it, please," Brad pleaded, tears welling up in his eyes. "I want you to have it. It would mean a lot to me." From the corner of her eye she could see the guard approaching. "Our time's up... I'll do it, Brad... You can count on me." "I know," he smiled through his tears and squeezed her hands until her knuckles hurt. "Thank you for coming." She smiled a "you're welcome." As the guard stood behind him Brad's authoritative voice returned, and he added, "My lawyer has the key, and my parent's itinerary. He knows I've asked you to do this." ************************* A musty smell greeted Monica as she opened the door to Brad's apartment. Her heart sank as she saw the job before her. Papers were strewn all over the apartment, drawers were left open or turned upside down on the floor, and even the kitchen cabinets were in a chaotic state. She pulled her cellphone from her pocket and hit Number 1 in its stored numbers. "John Doggett," she heard on the other end. "Hi John. I've changed my mind. I could use your help after all." After his promise to be right there, Monica put the phone back and tried to develop a plan. John would take the living room and kitchen, she decided. She would take the private zones -- bedroom and closet. Within minutes John was at the door, and he let out a 'whew' as he saw the mess left by the investigators. He had to admit he'd done the same a few times himself, and he'd never given a thought to the people who would have to set things right afterward. His partner's face showed the pain of the task at hand, and he felt compelled to comfort her. Putting his arm around her waist, he said softly, "What a mess... " She sighed her response, but as comforting as his sympathy was it was also grating to her. "You take the living room and kitchen. I'll be in the closet," she ordered. He watched as she made her way through the piles on the floor, happy to see that she seemed not to know her way around this apartment. Although he'd been resisting her charms for almost a year, he couldn't help feeling a little possessive and jealous when it came to Brad. John knew that Brad's sudden interest in the X-Files could be attributed to his long-time interest in Agent Reyes, but John's own interest in Agent Reyes would have to wait until he was ready to express it. After releasing Luke's ashes into the ocean, and Brad's incarceration, the barriers between them had been shrinking daily. It was only a matter of time... When she had disappeared around a doorway he went to the kitchen and got started on the first cabinet. Monica couldn't help but be impressed by the furnishings in the bedroom. Modern, sleek, and no doubt expensive, Brad's bedroom spoke to his ambitions and smelled of dirty money. Turning her back on this evidence, she sought out the closet shelf Brad wanted her to see. It was empty, its contents strewn on the floor along with the contents of the other shelves. She pushed the sweaters and shoes aside to give herself a place to sit, then started going through Brad's possessions. Soon she found the mementoes she sought -- Princeton Club receipts, pictures from their trip to Cancun, letters in her hand-writing and a few e-mail print-outs... She found an empty box and started filling it with these memories of better times. She picked up a pile of postcards from their trips together, trips she'd always thought Brad could afford on his salary, and started going through them. Las Vegas, Paris, Barbados... they were wonderful times, when they didn't have to sneak around, when they could be affectionate in public... His ease at covering up their surreptitious activities should have given her a clue to his character, but she'd never suspected a thing. Her own desire for his expert love-making and romantic whispers blocked out all rational thoughts on her part. Seeing these postcards forced her to admit to herself that the anger she'd been directing toward Brad was partly anger at her own blindness and naivete. As a trained investigator, she should not have been taken in like that... and as a woman, she should not have let her lust overcome her better judgment... She sighed, feeling a sense of closure for this relationship that shouldn't have been. She bit back tears and reached for the last postcard. Hawaii. Their last weekend together. Her last days of innocence... As her fingers slipped under it, she felt something hard and velvety. Instantly she recognized it as a jewelry box, and pushed the postcard aside. It was a ring. Monica's heart sank. No, she prayed... this couldn't be what she feared it might be.... Steeling herself against the wellspring of feelings that either outcome would elicit, she opened it. A piece of paper fluttered out, neatly folded to fit into the tiny box. She grabbed it and read it, grateful for an excuse to postpone looking into the box. It was a receipt, and she recognized the date: two days before she broke off their relationship. It was itemized, listing a ring and a fee for engraving. Big red letters read "CASH. Non-refundable" at the bottom, under a five-figure total. She stoically reached for the box, ignoring the tears that had started streaming down her cheeks. It was what she'd feared, a diamond engagement ring. She gasped as the diamonds refracted the light. She couldn't help admiring its beauty. He knew her too well. He'd picked exactly the style and look that would please her, and it still did. She pulled it from its container and squinted to read the engraving inside. "To Monica. I love you forever. Brad" Reading those words brought forth the torrent of mixed emotions that she'd dammed up for three years, and she dropped the ring as she buried her face in her hands. She felt for Brad. She felt for herself. She felt for the unfairness of it all, despite the justice Brad was finally facing... John's voice came from around the corner. "Geez, Monica... Who went through this place?" he shouted as he walked to the door, a broken antique vase in his hand. He stopped when he saw her. He'd never seen her like that, despite the openness of their friendship. She was the strong one, the one who had comforted him after Luke's death, the one he wanted at his side after releasing Luke's ashes to the winds. He set the vase down and knelt at her side. "What is it, Mon?' he asked gently, putting an arm around her shoulders. She buried her face in his chest and sobbed freely, unleashing the full force of her emotions. He held her close, stroking her hair and resting his head close to hers. "Shhhhh" he whispered. "It's alright..." He rocked her gently from side to side as her sobs grew louder and more intense, then gradually slowed and calmed. Over her shoulder he could see the cause of this uncharacteristic outburst: a diamond ring. Things between her and Brad had been more serious than he realized. And maybe more serious than she'd realized too. He continued rocking her, happy to have this opportunity to be there for her the way she had been for him. And without any more conversation between them, he knew what was happening. Just as he'd needed to be released from his grief and guilt over Luke before he could love her openly, perhaps she needed her own release.