TITLE: I Need You AUTHOR: Samiam (Sampiper@aol.com) RATING: G ARCHIVE: Just tell me where to send the child support payments FEEDBACK: be brutal, this is what my insomnia lives for. SPOILERS: very mild one for Trust No 1 (if you count giving away email accounts as a spoiler) CATAGORY: Angst, Sweet Angst. Short and to the point. DISCLAIMERS: Um yeah, you know what this is and you know the drill. THANKS: To Dallas, my ever patient beta AUTHOR'S NOTE: Dontcha hate it when you aren't even allowed to lay down before the muse grabs a bat and starts swinging. I never wrote anything in 5 minutes before. Hell, it takes me longer than that to write a check. ********* From: Queequag0925@hotmail.com To: Trustno1@mail.com Subject: I need you. We thought we were so smart. We thought you could hide indefinitely and they wouldn't be able to smoke you out. An attempt on me, on William. We planned for them all. Planned a hundred different ways to facilitate your return or my departure. Every i was dotted, every t was crossed. We thought the separation would only be temporary. At least on that account, we were right. We thought we knew it all, could anticipate everything. We were wrong. We forgot one thing. One very large thing. The one thing we never considered, the one contingency we never planned for because it was the one thing we never thought to expect. ********* With long held back tears starting to fall, Scully pulls the handkerchief away from her face and stares at the damp cloth for a moment. Clutching it tightly in her fist, she closes her eyes briefly and draws in a deep breath before turning back to the monitor before her ... ********* Mulder, my nose is bleeding ...