TITLE: The Greatest Rewards (2/2) SPOILERS: "Small hints" from the Pilot all the way through to Trust No1 including Fight The Future. CLASSIFICATION: V / R / MSR RATING: G DISCLAIMER: These characters do not belong to any of us. Although, I know most of us fanfic writers would do a better job! **GRIN** I do not make money off of this. I have no money so please do not even bother to sue me. It's all for my fun and pleasure anyway. ARCHIVING: Anywhere....Please! I "live" to have my stories archived! **GRIN** Just let me know where so I can check out your cool site! KEYWORDS: MSR. Baby William. Mulder and Scully POV. SUMMARY: Mulder's and Scully's thoughts on how they made each other complete and found the truest of truths in each other and their son. AUTHORS NOTES: Please e-mail me at xfmns4ever@aol.com and tell me what you think! Thanks to Celine Dion for her wonderful gift of music and voice. She is such a great inspiration for most of my fanfics. *********************************************************** The Greatest Rewards by Celine Dion from her new CD "A New Has Come" (March 2002) So suddenly, so strange, life wakes you up, things change, I've done my best, I've served my call, I thought I had it all. So suddenly, so strong, my prejudice was gone, you needed me. I found my place, I'm different now these days. Now the greatest reward, is the light in your eyes, the sound of your voice, and the touch of your hand. You made me who I am. You trusted me to grow, I gave my heart to show, there's nothing else, I cherish more. I stand by you for sure. Now the greatest reward is the love that I can give. I'm here for you now and for as long as I live. You made me who I am. So suddenly, it's clear to me, things change. Our future lies in the here and now, we made it through somehow. Now the greatest reward is the love that I can give. I'm here for you now and for as long as I live. You made me who I am. ************************************************************ SCULLY POV With her eyelids just barely open, she noticed him lingering in the doorway gazing down at her. She could tell he thought she was asleep, but she just enjoyed gazing at him through peeping eyelids and didn't say anything. He was so handsome with that brown hair and those stubborn locks falling down on his forehead, his hazel eyes and that pouty bottom lip. William slept gently cocooned in her arms. She could Mulder was thinking about the early days in their partnership with her. I wonder what he is thinking about...probably about me sleeping on the couch, she smiled in her hazed look thinking about to a conversation they had about his bedroom and why he didn't use it. "Scully, I'm a bachelor. You know how that story goes. Bachelors use their "bedrooms" for storage." Her lips curved into a slight smile. "Yeah, I know Mulder. Charlie, my brother, was the same way before he was married to Sarah." "Well, besides that, my couch is comfortable." "Well, I don't think so. I think we need to get you a bed and clean out your bedroom. I will even help you paint." "Oh, an offer I may not be able to refuse. Can we test the bed out?, he said waggling his eyebrows." "Mulder!" "What?! I was kidding!" She smiled broadly and laughed. He smiled back at her. She wondered why he didn't do it more often and decided it suited him. The bedroom conversation had taken place not long after being partnered with her. During their first case together in Oregon, she had laid on the bed of his motel room and listened attentively as he told her about his sister's abduction and how nothing else mattered to him. He told her it was the main reason he had entered the FBI 10 years earlier. He thought his job with the FBI could help him find Samantha and the truth he had sought for so long and could finally put his demons to rest. In the beginning she was very skeptical and prejudiced of everything that her science couldn't prove. He had put his all into finding Samantha. Scully realized that in Mulder's search for Samantha, she had had joined him for the ride, always coming back to him no matter what happened. It was as if they belonged to one another. Together, they had chased false leads, monsters, and ventured into many unknown territories. They had been the laughing stock of the bureau, stuck down in their basement office, day after day. "Mr. and Mrs. Spooky", everyone had called them. Scully knew she had suffered greatly because of this partnership, but she had chosen to stay with him and to see his quest through to the end because in the end, it had also become her own quest. She had lost her sister, been abducted and tested on and was now unable conceive. She knew that Mulder shouldered all of the guilt and responsibility for everything that had ever happened to her or her family. She also knew he felt responsible for the rift between herself and Bill. She had told him many times none of it was ever his fault, but he still shouldered the responsibility. She couldn't change that for him and so she kept coming back trying to save him as much as she could. After searching for years, she had finally helped him come to the realization that Samantha was in a better place. When he had been abducted, she knew he was alive and needed her to find him so she opened her mind to extreme possibilities, taking giant leaps as though Mulder would have done. She found this didn't come easy and she struggled with it greatly. After he had came back to her, it was then her relationship with Mulder finally took a turn, and, of course in her opinion, it was for the better. For the longest time, everything had been about Samantha and helping Mulder trying to find her. When she found she was able to conceive, she wasn't sure how she had the courage to ask him help her father a child. He stammered and said he would get back to her and needed time to think about it, but in the end he had said yes. It was the happiest day of her life, or at least before William was born and she would be forever grateful to this man who had given her so much. He was her other half, the part who made her whole and she knew it. She had listened to him tell her in so many words standing in that hallway, just as he was about to kiss her, before that stupid bee came along. Her thoughts then turned to William sleeping peacefully in her arms and she smiled. She thought back to first time she held William in her arms. She had been frightened that they would take her baby, but they hadn't. She was laying in that bed in that dusty abandoned building. Agent Reyes was there with her. She had wanted Mulder, but it was too dangerous for her, William and Mulder to be together at that time. She remembered how Mulder rushed in worried that Scully and the baby had been taken or hurt. She realized at that moment, her truth had not been about helping Mulder find his sister or helping him prove the existence of extraterrestrials, but the real truth she had helped him to seek for so long was cradled in her arms and kneeling right in front of her. It had just taken her too long to realize this real truth, but now she knew she loved him and their son and that was the truest of truths for which they had searched so long for. With everything they had been through, Scully knew that Mulder and William were the people who made her who she was right now. They were her future and her greatest reward in her quest for the truth and she would cherish and love them forever.