TITLE: Disquiet on the Western Front AUTHOR: Spooky's Girl DISCLAIMER: Just in case, they're not mine, however I'm not mentioning names in this bit so it shouldn't be a problem anyway. CATEGORY: MSR, V RATING: PG-13 SUMMARY: A lazy day in the sun FEEDBACK: of course! I live off it, denisegilliland@hotmail.com AUTHORS NOTES: I was sitting out in the Southam Quad at school today (which is sort of like a circular area with three rows of wooden benchs on one side that start high and go low, and about 10 rows on the other half…all surrounding a grassy patch in the middle) and was watching this couple interact with each other as they were both studying, and inspired this bit of fluff. And yes, the title is sort of an ironic commentary, no; it's not really about a war. And assume they're already in a relationship ship for this. THANKS: As always to my beta Nancy who always seems to make me seem more talented than I really am. Thanks! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ She sits in contemplative silence, not agonizing over the big things for a change, but instead the little things, like whether she should roll on her back or remain the way she is upon the wooden perch. She is warmed by the sun and feeling nothing but peace at the moment even though he is anything but peaceful. He sits cross-legged on the cool grass below her, fumbling through papers, sighing at the complexities of it all while trying to keep them each in their place despite the cool breeze's insistence to put them in disarray. He gives up after many unsuccessful attempts at keeping them at bay. And he's bored instantly. Her thumb silently turns a page in her book as his hand crawls up to the bare skin of her upper thigh, just below her denim cut-offs, lazily drawing circles on the soft skin. She swats him away without a word and continues to read. The wind picks up yet again, causing several of her red strands to fly into her face, blocking her eyes from making contact with the words in her book. He reaches over and gently pushes the hair back into place and she glances at him with an appreciative smile, before turning the page yet again. And he's still bored, shifting from one side to another on the grass, digging small holes in the dirt as he does so. He finds a stick, and like a child he sticks it into the ground, allowing it to stand vertical in the air. He finds several more and stands them around the first one, and finally covering them with several leaves from a nearby area, forming a makeshift mini lean to. And he is proud as he disturbs her from her book to display his creation. She nods and turns the page, leaving him bored once again. He searches for more sticks, unsuccessfully, and turns his attention back to her, determined to pull her away from the book that has her so engrossed while he sits on the grass doing nothing. He shuffles backward several times till he's sitting next to her knees, and places his index finger on the ball of her foot. She attempts to kick him away only once then settles for his attention, allowing the finger to slowly move up and over the heel and alongside her calf. He continues, switching from one finger to his whole hand and back to one finger, stopping once to tickle her arch, and notes that she's no longer flipping the pages of her book as constantly as before. Success! He moves forward slightly, rallying the troops and advancing toward stage two, moving from her calf back to her thigh, allowing his fingers to dance on her this time. She glances at him in mock frustration, and notes the smoke in his eyes and smiles yet again. Her book falls unceremoniously to the grass as he stands and moves himself toward her, the pages flipping in the breeze forgotten. And he is no longer bored. ~FIN~