Part 2 Scully felt as if she were being stalked - not by the predator hunting his prey, but by the male animal searching out the female, ready to mate. Mulder’s heat washed over her as she felt his light touch at the base of her spine. She was dizzy with the sensation. All sense of reason fled. She wanted this man, and she didn’t know if she could wait until they got home - to whose home? - before she had him. The drive would be too long. It would give her too much time. Time to find her common sense again. Time to think of all the reasons why they shouldn’t do this, why they shouldn't be together. Time to retreat into her familiar shell and wall away all emotion in a desperate act of self-preservation. She was so tired of that. She wanted to release her desire so badly she almost sobbed with the need of it. The night air against her flushed skin made her gasp. Mulder guided her toward their car. It was late, and the lot was quiet. Scully took a breath and frantically searched for the right words - but Mulder saved her the trouble by turning her to face him and pinning her against the car. His mouth was on hers, seeking, needing, and her muscles surrendered as she threw her arms around his neck and opened her lips. His hands were making their way under her blouse, rising higher. “Mulder." "Mmmm." "Mulder!" she gasped. He pulled back. "Wha?" "Backseat." He nodded and fumbled to get the door open. She went in ahead of him and turned as he climbed in, slamming the door behind them. As cramped as it was, Scully managed to lie on her back. It was awkward, but Mulder stretched himself over her, pressing his erection where she wanted it most. Her eyes opened wide and she groaned. “God, Scully,” Mulder breathed. His hand was everywhere, on her arm, her waist, her thigh, and then moving up to settle on her breast. “Scully . . . tell me what you want.” What she wanted scared her. She wanted him to take control, as he had all night. If she’d had time to think, to be Agent Scully, none of this would have happened. But here she was, on her back with Mulder above her, and she wanted him to do whatever *he* wanted. He moved then, his cock making a slow circle over her sex. She cried out. “Mmmmm,” he answered, his lips on her neck, his tongue laving at her collarbone. He pulled back to look at her. “Come on, Scully, help me out here.” She gave him a small smile. “You’re doing just fine.” He grinned back. “God, Scully! You were incredible in there. I never thought . . ." She was so wet she could smell it. She wondered if he could, too. “I know,” she replied. “Tell me, Scully.” "I. . . I don’t want to think.” “Then don’t think, Scully. Just feel,” he drawled as he touched her between her legs. Scully squirmed. “You like that,” Mulder murmured as he rubbed her. He pressed his face into her chest and kissed her through her blouse, sighing. “Oh, Scully . . . I’m learning a lot about you . . . things I’d only dreamed . . .” He reached up and began unbuttoning her blouse, kissing her skin as he went. He traced the edge of her bra with his tongue, making her hum with pleasure. He lifted his head to look at her; she caught her breath, uncertain. “Scully,” he drawled, smiling warmly. “Front clasp. Good girl.” In a heartbeat it was undone. Scully felt the air hit her breasts and she shivered at the sensation - and at the way he was hungrily eyeing her. He leaned down slowly, hovering just above her left nipple. The tip of his tongue snaked out and flicked it. Scully gasped, her body jerking. Mulder did it again, and again, and finally closed his lips over it with a groan. The warm, wet heat of Mulder’s mouth on her breast was her complete undoing. Scully made little whimpering, pleading noises, relishing the feeling of becoming nothing more than a needy body. She cared about nothing other than this man’s mouth on her. Scully writhed as Mulder moved to her other nipple, taking as much of her breast into his mouth as he could manage. He suckled her for a while, moving from breast to breast as if he had all the time in the world. “Mmmm,” Mulder rumbled against her skin. “You’re so beautiful, Scully. So perfect.” Her mouth was open in ecstasy; she was panting and oversensitized from all the attention to her nipples. Mulder took one between his teeth and gently bit down. She squealed. “Oooh . . . you like that, don’t you, Scully?” Mulder smiled at her. He did it again, this time to her other nipple. Her hips began to buck underneath him. The more he talked, the more aroused she became. “I learned something else about you tonight, Scully,” he said as his fingers slid beneath her panties and teased the sensitive skin of her lower belly. She looked up at him, smelled his sweet, wine-scented breath coming hot just above her lips. “What?” He dipped his fingers into her wetness. “You like to watch.” She moaned in response. His finger slid through her folds, making her ache, as he took her mouth. His tongue passed between her lips and mimicked the actions of his finger, a deep, slow stroking that made her wild. She fisted her hands in his hair and kissed him with a frenzy. She had to have him, soon. She’d been so close to coming a few times already, even just from the suckling he gave her breasts. Suddenly Mulder pulled back. He removed his finger and brought it up to her lips. Repeating his action in the club, he rested it against her until she opened her mouth. Mulder pushed his finger inside and Scully sucked it, tasting her juices. It was so fucking erotic. She quivered all over. “You must taste so good. So sweet.” Mulder stared at her, hard. “Do you want me to taste you, Scully?” She almost fainted. All she could do was nod. Her shoes and pantyhose were thrown into the front seat. Mulder held her gaze as he pulled her panties down and off. He bent her legs back and stared at her soaking wet sex. Then he looked back at her, as if waiting for permission. Incapable of speech, Scully lifted her arms above her head in submission. He was between her legs instantly. Mulder opened his mouth and sucked her. She cried out as he used the flat of his tongue to lick her from anus to clit, over and over. She watched as his dark head moved between her thighs, sucking and kissing. He was relentless, tracing her folds and then swirling her clit. His hands massaged the underside of her thighs, then the curves of her ass. He pushed his tongue inside and fucked her with it, making her drip shamelessly into his mouth. Her body screamed for release and yet she felt herself struggle against it, against that moment where she would be totally open, completely out of control. Then Mulder spoke to her. “Let it happen, Scully. Come for me. Don’t fight it, baby.” His words inflamed her passion; she pulled her legs even closer to her body and felt her muscles relax just a bit, just enough to give in to what was about to happen. “Come on, Scully. Come for me.” Mulder dipped his tongue into her again, once, twice, three times, and then his lips closed over her clit, sucking hard. She surrendered. Scully arched her back and wailed, feeling the searing heat of his tongue urge her on as the electric shocks assaulted her body. She shook violently as her orgasm rocked her, splintering her mind and soul into a million pieces that vibrated with a pleasure she’d never known. She came hard, harder than she ever had, as Mulder stayed with her, sucking and licking her center until she settled back into the seat, boneless and shivering. Mulder covered her with his body, pressing tender kisses into her neck, under her chin, and over her face. “Baby . . . oh yeah . . . so beautiful . . . oh Scully.” Her eyes were shut tight. She gulped in large breaths as her heart began to cease its furious hammering against her chest. From far away she heard the sound of a buckle being undone, of a zipper coming down. Mulder lifted off her and she felt the rustle of clothes against her legs. Then he was over her again, and her eyes flew open as she finally, finally felt his thick, hard length. She was hot and slick, and he moved against her, wetting his shaft. Mulder leaned as best he could on his elbows. He kissed her, and his eyes asked a question. There was only one answer. “Yes.” He slid inside her. It was sublime for them both; she, so tight and still pulsing, he, so full and long, burying himself to the hilt. Scully watched his expression change, from desire to disbelief to amazement that this was happening, that they were becoming lovers this very night in this most unusual way. Mulder moaned and bent forward, placing a kiss on her neck. "Scully . . . you feel so good." "So do you." Her mouth remained open as she endured the sweet torture of him pulling out slowly and then entering her again. He continued the slow, maddening rhythm until she was so wet she almost couldn't feel him anymore. She wanted more of him. More of this. Her hands groped at his shirt, trying to reach the buttons. He rose up slightly. "Scully?" "Want this . . . off you." She succeeded and pulled him against her, finally feeling his naked chest against hers. She sought his mouth greedily. She wanted to inhale him, to completely surround herself with him. The world as she knew it didn't exist anymore - there was only this. Mulder broke the kiss. "Are you ok?" he whispered. She nodded and tightened her legs against him. "More." "More, huh? You want more?" "Yeah . . . more." "What more do you want, Scully?" he taunted her, still penetrating her with agonizing slowness. "You know what I want." "Not unless you tell me." "Please . . ." "What, Scully? What do you want?" She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. "Look at me, Scully." She did. He was beautiful. His lips were wet. His face was flushed with the effort of holding back. And he wanted her badly. It was all there in his eyes. She looked into them as he thrust forward a bit harder. "Oooh, yeah." "Yeah? Is that what you want?" "Come on." "Come on, what? Say it!" "Fuck me. Fuck me, please!" He captured her mouth with his and pounded into her. She gripped his back and slid her hands down to try and push him in deeper. The skin on her back burned as she rubbed against the cheap seat material, but she didn't care. This was what she wanted. Him deep inside her on every stroke. Taking her so hard she could barely think, let alone speak. She cried out wordlessly with each thrust. "Scully, it's so good. Oh god, I'm going to come." Mulder was breathing very hard. Just a little longer, she thought. Fuck me just a little longer. "Scully." A drop of sweat from his brow dripped onto her cheek. It was so hot in the car. Their bodies were becoming slick from their efforts. Scully pulled his head to hers and licked the skin of his neck, tasting the salt she found there. It was like a drug, feeding her lust. He kissed her again and then lifted up. "Aaah, Scully!" A few lasts thrusts and Mulder held himself still, spilling into her. His body jerked a few times and he groaned as he lay on top of her again, spent. She waited, still relishing the feel of him inside her. After a minute or so he lifted his head from her shoulder and kissed her. "Scully . . . you didn't come." "That's ok," she said immediately. "I already did." "No, it's not ok." Groggily, he pulled out and backed away, trying to move her legs up again. "I want you to come again." "No -" "Yes. Again." He pushed a finger inside her and used his other hand to work her clit. Her muscles clamped down instinctively and it wasn't long before she felt the tremors begin. She slapped her hands against the seat and cried out as her orgasm washed over her. Panting, she lay with her eyes closed as she felt Mulder lay over her once more. "You're amazing, Scully." She opened her eyes. Mulder was looking at her, smiling. And for the first time since they'd been in the club, Scully saw the face of her partner. Not the man she'd glimpsed when she first sat down earlier that evening, not the person she had been so desperate to take inside her body. As he smiled his goofy grin and looked at her, it hit her full force. This was *Mulder*. The man she worked side by side with every day. The man she'd have to face on Monday morning. And he had just witnessed - and been a part of - something she never would have believed could happen. Not with him. Not someone whose trust and respect she valued, needed, craved. What happened in the club, that might be explained away. But this - this was something altogether different. Casual sex. No. Fucking. That's what it was. Straight-out fucking. Rutting in the back of a rental car that they shouldn't even still have because Mulder had been too lazy to return it this morning. No bed for them, not even a cheesy motel. This was what she'd reduced herself to. She let her body take over her brain, deliberately ignoring what she should have been heeding all along - her instincts. She'd been so hot for it that it hadn't mattered. And things *always* mattered to her. "Scully?" Mulder touched the side of her face. She realized that he was no longer smiling. "I'm here," she said with effort. "No, you're not," he replied with a worried look. "Are you ok?" "I'm fine, Mulder." Too late to take that back. The euphoria had worn off and the flatness of her voice was all too clear. It hurt him. She saw it in his eyes. She suddenly became very aware of their position, of being naked under him, of her panties probably stuck in a ball on the front seat along with her shoes. She didn't like how she felt, lying there, legs spread. And there was no easy way to cover herself up and forget what she'd turned into tonight. What she was already walling away. If it had been anyone else, even a stranger . . . but this was Mulder, and she'd let him see her in a way she never, ever should have allowed. And that was unforgivable. He backed away and gave her room to sit up. Wordlessly, she rehooked her bra and pulled her knees up under her chin. Mulder just looked at her. "I suppose . . . you know where my panties are." He reached over the seat and handed them to her. She sat with them in her hand, not sure how to do this gracefully. "What happened, Scully?" His voice was a whisper. "Everything was good. What happened? Did I do something wrong?" "No, Mulder." She looked out the window. "I'm sorry, I just -" Back to his face. No, that was too difficult. She looked down. "I just . . . think we should go home now." "That's it? Just like that?" Scully bit her lip. "Are you already regretting this?" "No, Mulder, it's not that." "'Cause you seemed to want it as much as I did." Small voice. "I did." "Then what's wrong?" He reached out to touch her and she flinched. "Scully," he said, anguished. "I'm sorry, Mulder. I'm ok, really." The tears were building and after everything else, she absolutely refused to let him see that. "I did want it, and it was good. I just wouldn't mind getting out of here and going home." It wasn't going to wash and she knew it. Mulder's face turned to stone and she half expected him to start yelling or demand she explain. Instead, he pulled himself together and crawled into the front seat. She heard him dig out his keys. Scully pulled her panties on and was buttoning her blouse just as her shoes and pantyhose came tumbling into the seat next to her. Mulder was not gentle as he pulled out of the parking lot. Scully got the seatbelt around her and put on her shoes, foregoing the hose. She did the best she could to ignore the presence of her partner as she stared out the window, just as she had done countless times with him across the country. She smoothed her hair as best she could, took a deep breath, and prepared to deny that she was ever capable of doing what she'd done in the backseat. Agent Scully was back. End of Part 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~