11/22/01 Title: Betwixt and Between Author: ML Email: msnsc21@aol.com Distribution: Ephemeral, Gossamer, yes; if you've archived me before, yes; otherwise, please just let me know and leave headers, email addy, etc. attached. Thanks! Spoilers: DeadAlive, Three Words Rating: PG Classification: Vignette, Scully POV Summary: Companion piece to "Lock-out Time." Takes place some time during Three Words. Disclaimer: These characters are not mine, they belong to Chris Carter, TenThirteen, and Fox Broadcasting. I mean no infringement, and I'm making no money. Extra-special thanks to Shoshana, who gave me an idea to continue from "Lock-out Time." Thanks, hon! ==== Betwixt and Between by ML ...he rose up, quaking, and for the first time since he stood on the window ledge, he remembered a lady who had been very fond of him... "I suppose," said Peter huskily, "I suppose I can still fly?" You see, he had lost faith. "Poor little half-and-half!" said Solomon... "You shall be a Betwixt-and-Between..." -from "Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens" by J.M. Barrie x-x-x-x Scully startles awake and lies listening. Is that really the phone, or the echo of one from her dream? Dreams and nightmares aren't uncommon for her, but they've gotten worse since the beginning of her pregnancy. How much this is due to her condition, and how much due to the traumatic events occurring at the same time, she couldn't say. The visions were the worst. Visions of Mulder being tortured, visions of him dead. And the very last vision she'd had of him, standing, just standing in the dimness of her room in Montana. It reminded her of the vision she'd had of her father the night he died. Though she hadn't wanted to believe it, when she saw Mulder standing there, she'd known at some level that he was dead. When she hears it ring again, Scully begins to believe it really is the phone. She fumbles for it at her bedside, leaning awkwardly because of her girth. She hasn't gotten many late-night calls since Mulder's abduction and subsequent return. In fact, the first one she'd gotten in months was the one summoning her to Annapolis after Mulder had been exhumed. She remembers the sense of unreality and disorientation when she got the call, still uncertain as she drove through the night that it was real. Until she actually saw Skinner in the corridor, she'd been afraid she'd show up at the hospital only to find that no one had called her, it was just another nightmare. Too many nights she'd awakened in the middle of the night, heart pounding, sure she'd heard the phone, feeling the echo of it in her ears. She'd longed so for the familiar, "Hey Scully, it's me," that sometimes she'd been sure she heard it. She clicks the phone on and says, "hello?", not at all sure, even now, that anyone will answer on the other end. For a moment, no one does. "Scully?" The voice sounds small, far away, someone calling from another life, another dimension. "Scully, it's me." "Mulder," she breathes back. She'd ask what's wrong, but she already knows. She lies in the dark with the phone at her ear, just listening to his breathing and her heartbeats. "Scully?" he says again after several heartbeats. "I'm here, Mulder," she whispers, as if speaking aloud might scare him away. Several more heartbeats. "I'm sorry I bothered you," she hears him say. His voice sounds rusty, unused to speaking. "Mulder, it's okay," she says quickly. Don't hang up, she thinks. Please don't hang up. "I just. I just wanted to hear your voice," he says. She almost can't speak after hearing this, but manages, "Okay," and then can't think of anything else to say. Breathe in, breathe out. Count the heartbeats. The silence between them presses on her ears. "Scully..." his voice is so soft, it's barely even a whisper. "I'm here, Mulder," she repeats. "I'm right here." "Scully." She hears a slight throat clearing on his end. "Scully, would it be okay if I came over? I know it's late..." "Yes," she says quickly, before he can backpedal. Her heartbeat quickens. She can feel tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. "Yes." "Okay." The line goes dead. Scully holds the receiver to her ear even after the dialtone starts. Mulder did ask to come over, didn't he? This wasn't another dream, was it? She levers herself out of bed and shuffles into the kitchen to make some tea. She gets down two mugs, and finds some of the tea she knows Mulder likes. She will go on the assumption that Mulder really is coming over; it will give her something to do. She won't be able to go back to sleep anyway, dream or no dream. It wasn't just a dream, was it? The only thing she has to go by is that it's nothing like any of the dreams she's had lately. Mulder has been in them, but not really as a participant. After Mulder's funeral, the tenor of her dreams had changed. Some people might consider them good dreams, but to Scully, they were threaded through with melancholy. She dreamed of a family, her family. Mother, child, and...father, or at least father-figure. In a house, in a room, tucking in a child, reading him a story, while someone, a man, stood behind her, close enough for her to feel his warmth. She could never see his face, but she knew it couldn't be Mulder. She knew this because Mulder was usually standing in the shadows, gazing on this family tableau. He never said anything, just looked. But Scully felt the accusation and the guilt nonetheless. "You didn't wait for me," the apparition seemed to say. "You moved on." Oddly, it's nothing she's even considered for a minute during waking hours. She'd decided that without Mulder, she'd rather go it alone. She couldn't imagine any kind of life with someone else, and she wondered if that's why the man in her dreams is never distinct, no more than a male presence who is not Mulder, and therefore negligible. Dream interpretation has never been Scully's interest; Melissa used to dabble in it, years ago, and would cajole Scully into telling her dreams. The ones Scully remembered weren't anything unusual. The subconscious fear of forgetting a locker combination, or walking into the wrong class, or some weird adventure with a friend or a boy she had a crush on. Melissa's interpretations of them were pretty mundane, though she always tried to jazz them up with mysterious hints and predictions. It was all good fun, and Scully didn't give Melissa's interpretations much credence. These dreams trouble Scully, however. Especially now that Mulder is back. Are these dreams she's been having now her subconscious desires, or her fears? Are they her wishes for herself, or someone else's wishes? And if it's what she wants, why does it make her so sad? She turns on the tap, letting the stream of cold water run over her hand for a long time before she fills the kettle. Mulder has been distant since his return and Scully isn't sure what to do about it. She's given him his space, though she's tried to let him know how glad she is that he's back. He told her he didn't know where he fit in. As if she'd chosen to move on without him. As if he could see her dreams, somehow, and felt betrayed by them. He's never said it or even implied it, but she wonders if he blames her for burying him. She blames herself. Though she examined him over and over again, she'd come up with the same answer every time. Mulder was dead, and in fact appeared to have been dead for days. She still feels guilty. What did she miss? How could she have overlooked even the slightest sign of life? She sways a little against the kitchen counter, sudden grief and the effects of sleeplessness temporarily overtaking her. She bites back a sob, pressing her knuckles against her mouth to keep it in, even though there's no one to hear her. She needs to compose herself before Mulder gets here. She needs to be strong for him. She doesn't want to appear needy. He has too much to deal with and he doesn't need to feel any sense of obligation to her. Her hand feels cool and she presses it against her cheeks, one and then the other, and against the back of her neck. She paces through the living room and back into the kitchen, hands rubbing absently over her rounded belly. How long has it been since Mulder called? Scully tries to calculate how long it could take for a taxi to pick him up. She knows how long the drive should take from previous experience. The knock on the door startles her. Until she heard it, she had been almost certain she'd dreamed his call. She tries not to rush to the door and yank it open. She takes a deep breath and turns the knob. He stands with his hand raised as if to knock again. His eyes are shadowed against the dim light of the hallway. His cheeks are stubbled. He's still so painfully thin. She resists the urge to put her arms around him, and instead stands aside so he can enter. He gives her not a smile, really, but a slight lifting of the corners of his mouth as he comes in. His arm brushes very lightly against her stomach; he can hardly help it, she's so big. She feels a slight tremor and isn't sure if it's the baby's response, or hers. She's glad to see that the scars on Mulder's cheeks are fading more every time she sees him. She's sure that the other physical scars, both external and internal, are too. All the same, it worries her a little. Is he really himself? She believes it in her heart, but her mind sometimes rebels, despite what she's seen and experienced. She will only admit to the slightest fear that he is not what he seems, that some part of him is still in the grip of something alien. She wonders if her restraint in touching him is only because she's respecting his wishes, or because of that tiny fear, too. Maybe Mulder is still afraid of that, too. "Come in," she says unnecessarily, since he's already in. She gestures toward the couch. "I'm just making some tea, I'll be right back." He nods and shuffles over to the couch. It's painful to see him moving so tentatively, where he's always been so confident in the past. Scully stays in the kitchen waiting for the water to boil, giving herself time to compose herself. What should she say to him? What is he going to say to her? I will not cry, she tells herself. I need to be strong. Never mind that in the back of her mind, she thinks, when will it be okay for me to feel again? When she returns to the living room with the tea, Mulder is sitting with his eyes closed. As she approaches the couch, she realizes that he is asleep. She quietly sets the mugs down and curls up as well as she can on the other end of the couch, watching him. After a while, she feels drowsy, too, and closes her eyes, laying her head on the armrest. When she wakes up in the morning, she finds that she's still on the couch, but she's been moved so that her legs are now stretched out along the cushions. She also has a blanket tucked around her. The mugs, with tea untouched, sit on the table next to her. And Mulder is sleeping in the big armchair, his legs propped up on the hassock. He's found another blanket for himself and his head lolls against the back of the chair. Scully finds herself almost overwhelmed with tears again. He's still here; last night wasn't a dream after all. Not that anything has been resolved or even spoken of, but she has hope that it can be. end. Thanks for reading! Feedback is welcomed at: msnsc21@aol.com find my other stories at: http://www.kimpart.com/mlfic.html