Bare Footin' (1/1) NC-17 by banlu Title: Bare Footin' Author: banlu Email: Archive: *DO NOT ARCHIVE* to ephemeral, Gossamer; Already there. Anyone else, please ask. I like to know it's gone to a nice home. Rating: NC-17 Category: S/R Spoilers: Quick references to the following eps: Post- Modern Prometheus, Folie a Deux, Millennium, Amor Fati and Rush - in that order. Timeline: Set between Millennium and Rush Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance Summary: The beach, bare feet, and RST Archive: Ephemeral and Gossamer. Anyone else, please ask. Comments: Written for Haven's 5W September Challenge Disclaimer: They aren't mine, aren't mine, aren't mine... ::sigh:: Thanks: To sybil for a quick beta. Dedication: Muldertoes for Mishy Date written: September 23, 2002 Author's notes: I wrote my first fic (Highland Fling) in response to a challenge, so they hold a special place in my fanfic heart. Bare Footin' by banlu Mulder's toes scrunched as the sand beneath his feet was sucked back to the sea by the receding wave. He stood there for three more waves, sinking deeper with each one, before pulling his feet out of their holes and continuing on with his stroll down the beach. It had been too long since he had last felt sand between his toes, scanned the shore for shells, or searched for a message in a bottle. He stopped and looked back up the beach to where Scully sat reading under an umbrella, in a hat that seemed almost as large. The fabric of the umbrella snapped in the stiff sea breeze. He felt the spritz of the foam blowing from the tops of the breakers. Mulder jumped as an extra-large wave washed over his feet. The tide was coming in, which meant they'd have to move their stuff higher up the beach. He glanced down at his feet and noticed his shadow was directly under him. High noon. Lunchtime. That meant he'd only have to lug the stuff straight to the cottage, unlike yesterday when they'd relocated everything once only to move it inside less than an hour later. Thank God for small favors, he mused, and headed back to his partner. xxxxx They sat side by side in the porch rockers, digesting their lunch. The day was hot and muggy, but the breeze whistling through the screening and the shade from the porch roof made being outside bearable. Mulder had propped his feet up on the railing and was studying his toes, which were silhouetted against the bright sky. He spread them apart, then pulled them together, scrunched them down and then pulled them up. He wiggled them a bit then held them still while moving his feet around to look at them from the side. His toes were long and narrow, just like his feet. Sometimes he had a hard time finding shoes, so he usually wore lace-ups so he could tie them tight. Often he would resort to wearing thick socks to keep his feet from sliding around. But since he'd been here at the beach, he'd only worn shoes to go to breakfast, and then it had been just his pool shoes, or whatever those big flip-flops that didn't have that thing between the toes were called. Mulder looked at Scully's feet, which were resting on a stool. They were so much smaller than his. Heck, everything about her was so small. Physically, that is, he amended to himself. There was no denying the size of her heart and mind and... soul. If anyone had a soul, it would be Scully. He smiled at that thought. As he felt his eyelids droop, Mulder heard a soft snore. He looked at Scully and saw her head had lolled back against the chair and she was 'catching flies'. He smiled again. He decided he'd catch some z's and settled in for a nap. xxxxx Mulder was sitting on the couch reading one of the many books left behind by previous renters. A thunderstorm had chased them inside and Scully had decided to start dinner. That was the deal. Scully cooked, Mulder cleaned. She came and plopped on the couch. Mulder noticed she 'plopped', and hid a smile. Scully seemed to be relaxing into the vacation. She picked up her book. Good FBI agent that he was, Mulder had spotted the Fabio wanna-be on the cover, but trying to be a better partner, had refrained from commenting on it. Maybe, he thought, she needed it to get in the mood. He'd been in the mood since they'd walked through the door. Suddenly Scully swung her feet up and into his lap. She wiggled them a bit, all the while keeping her nose buried in the book. Mulder took the hint and dropped his own book and began rubbing. A soft 'mmm' escaped her, but she was quiet after that. Mulder, though, could see a smile flitting around her lips as she tried not to react to him massaging her feet. This week, he'd do anything to please Scully. He didn't want to put her off. She was in charge this trip, and they both knew it. He marveled at how small her foot was. He remembered how his hand had engulfed hers when they danced to Cher, how it barely covered the back of his when she first came to him in Chicago and he'd told her she was his one-in-five- billion. She was even rarer now that there were almost six billion people on the planet. He swiveled around on the couch and placed the bottom of his foot against hers. She looked over her book and raised an eyebrow. Then with another flit of her smile, she scrunched her toes against the sole of his foot. Her foot climbed his that way, scrunching along, until the tips of her toes passed his, where she then curled her toes over the tops of his. Scully worked her unoccupied foot under his other leg and lifted it in the air. She then slid the outside of that same foot up the inside of Mulder's calf. Mulder curled his own long foot around Scully's leg as she rubbed. He could feel slight stubble on her shaved skin, was aware of how the hair on his leg slid around with each pass. Their entwined toes scrunched and curled against each other, wrestling for supremacy. They held each other's gaze as they continued with the foreplay. This is why they had come here. After their New Year's kiss, they'd agreed they were in love, and it was past time to express it. Their first two attempts at consummation had been awkward, shy even, and the interruptions that had occurred had been welcome by both. So, on a dreary January day, they had decided to cash in their frequent flier miles and go someplace where they could be alone. And warm. Being children of the sea, they'd chosen to be by the ocean, but this wide, low, southern beach was so different from his narrow northern one and her rocky western one. In the two nights they'd been here, they'd shared a bed and a kiss goodnight as well as good-morning, but nothing more. They had barely spoken, but it was the comfortable silence of years of understanding, not the self-conscious one of uncertainty and fear. They had two more nights here, and then the rest of their lives. Scully untangled her toes from his and began to rub his other leg. Mulder thrilled at the skin-to-skin contact and made a mental note to wear shorts more often. Scully's lips finally caught her elusive smile and curved, making her eyes light up. Mulder felt his own lips curve. Her feet rubbed higher up his legs and had just reached his inner thighs when the kitchen timer went off. She stroked a couple of more times, gave Mulder a 'sorry' look and got up. She looked down at Mulder's lap, and raised an eyebrow. He followed her glance and sighed. It was pretty obvious he wouldn't be able to eat off his lap for a while, so he got up to set the table. xxxxx They sat curled together on the couch, watching an old movie. They had fallen asleep like that the night before, and then stumbled to bed too tired to even try. Tonight, though, Scully switched off the TV at the movie's end, and then turned in Mulder's arms so she could look at him. They held each other's eyes. He saw Scully's gaze move down to his lips. She brought her hand up and ran a finger lightly across his lower lip. He smiled. She glanced up and gave Mulder a warm smile of her own as she cupped his face. Then she returned to his lip, brushing one, then both thumbs over it, like that day in his doorway, that day they had admitted how necessary each was to the other. Then Scully pulled his mouth to hers and they kissed. It was a deep one, slow and measured. She gently grabbed Mulder's lower lip with her teeth and held it for a moment as they pulled apart. They smiled at each other again. The awkwardness was gone. She kissed him, then stood and offered him her hand. Mulder took it and followed her to the bedroom. They took off their shirts before climbing onto the bed. Scully hadn't been wearing a bra, so Mulder enjoyed the unveiling of her breasts, the way they lifted as she pulled the shirt over her head, and dropped when her arms returned to her sides. They weren't large, but they were full, and he remembered from their last attempt at making love how well they had fit into his hands. He reached out and cupped one, marveling at its softness. They then lay on the bed facing each other and touched. Mulder couldn't take his eyes from Scully's as he ran his palm across her sea-softened skin. She in turn stroked his chest with the back of her hand, occasionally twining her fingers in the hair. They shifted a little closer to caress each other's backs, and then Mulder pulled Scully to him and kissed her, holding her tightly enough to press her breasts hard into his chest. Scully ran her hand down Mulder's back and under his khaki shorts. He duplicated her movements, enjoying the roundness if her bottom. Then her hand slipped out of his pants, around to his crotch, and cupped him. Mulder froze. This was the first time Scully had touched him there. He felt himself harden under her hand. She fondled him for a moment, then slid her hand up to the button on his shorts and undid it. Mulder squeezed her bottom before moving his fingers to the drawstring on the front of hers. He pulled it loose as Scully unzipped him. Her eyes got big when she pulled down his pants and saw he wasn't wearing his boxers. He shrugged and then grinned as he yanked down her pants, underwear and all. They rolled away from each other so they could kick off their shorts, and then tried to pull down the covers without getting off the bed. It didn't work, so Mulder got to his feet and yanked on them while Scully rolled to get out of the way. He followed her every move hungrily, especially when she squirmed her bottom around in an effort to get off the last corner of the spread. As Scully turned back to face him, Mulder's eyes locked on the curls between her legs. When he was finally able to move his attention to her face, he saw she was staring at his crotch, her mouth opened in an unvoiced 'oh'. He looked down at himself, at his engorged penis waving in the air. He looked back at Scully and was again struck by how small she was. Suddenly he worried that maybe he was too big for her. But that was forgotten when Scully reached up and took him in her hand, stroking the length of him before tugging him towards her, guiding him to settle beside her. She took his hand and slipped it down between her legs. Mulder felt her heat, her wetness. And when she opened her legs a bit so he could smell her arousal, he hardened even more. They played with each other, teasing, tasting, touching. Scully's breathing was as heavy as Mulder's own, and he could feel her breasts heaving against him, her slippery skin sliding against his. His mind wandered back to his youth, to when what they were doing was called heavy petting, and was an end unto itself. Mulder's attention snapped back to the here-and-now when Scully rolled on top of him. His hands went automatically to her breasts, and she arched back at his touch. She guided the head of his penis to her opening, and then paused. Mulder could feel her slickened curls tickling his tip as he waited. He looked into her eyes and could see the love shining through. He hoped she could see his as easily. Then Scully lowered herself onto him. He threw back his head and gasped in ecstasy. Nothing had ever felt so good. Nothing. He was inside Scully. Scully was around him. He managed a peek at her through half- closed eyes and was thrilled by the joyful look on her face. Then she rose up and Mulder felt his penis sliding within her tight walls. He groaned. She moaned. He thrust upwards. She slid downwards, clenching around him. And he was lost. The rest of the night was a blur of pleasure. xxxxx Scully seemingly couldn't stop talking. She'd prattled away on their walk up to the pier to pick up a paper. She commented on every article as they read it over breakfast. She got into a five-minute debate over bait with a fisherman. She stopped for small talk with every person they passed on the way back. Mulder was amused. Who knew sex would turn Scully into Chatty Cathy? The last couple they ran into figured it out. They looked at Mulder and Scully's entwined hands, smiled at the way she practically bounced around him, and patiently followed her rambling comments on the size of the waves. They apparently could see the 'first-time' glow in Scully's eyes, and winked at Mulder when she abruptly led him off. They spent the rest of the day inside, and Mulder made sure he kept Scully's mouth otherwise occupied. He also did his best to wear her out. But the next morning was more of the same, and the kindly couple this time just winked at him and kept moving. Mulder hoped, for Scully's sake, that she could revert to her old professional self when they got back to work. Otherwise, he feared there would be pay-offs made in the office betting pool. They made love once more before the long flight home. That time, for some reason, she'd sucked on his toes. xxxxx They stood in the hall of the police station. Scully toyed with his tie while she asked him pretty please if they could do it her way. Mulder agreed. What else could he do? He was whipped. And he was happy. end More Comments: Written for Haven's 5W September Challenge (Due September 23, 2002) WHO: Mulder and Scully WHAT: Their first time WHERE: Location location location WHEN: When did it happen? WHY: premeditated or spontaneous Your elements: Muldertoes (or any toes but mulder toes are the bestest) Scully being vocal (in any way) the mulder lip a 'wink' Feedback: