An Office Romance, by Scifinerdgrl Part 6 Monica's sense of calm, serenity, and purpose stayed with her as she pedaled the exercycle, then went, alone, to the hot tub. She breathed deeply and relaxed in the tub, nearly falling asleep, as several people joined her. By the time Joe arrived she was ready to get out, but she stayed. His eyes sparkled when he saw her, and he kissed her as soon as he'd positioned himself next to her. "Have a good work-out?" Monica asked, trying to keep the conversation suitable for public display. "Great. I feel like a million bucks!" He kissed her again, then put his arm around her shoulders and leaned back. "Inspired, you might say..." He nuzzled her neck and whispered into her ear, "But I'm ready for more of a work-out at your place..." She responded by putting her hand on the back of his neck. "Let's go then," she whispered back. Fifteen minutes later they were hungrily undressing each other just inside the front door of her apartment. This time, thought Monica, things will be better. Joe picked her up as if she weighed a few ounces, and carried her to her futon. He laid her down gently, and trailed kisses over her cheeks, neck, and breasts. She felt like a princess as he murmured compliments about her body. She breathed deeply -- almost chi breathing, she thought -- and languidly writhed under his ministrations. He nibbled on one nipple as he fondled the other, sending tingles throughout her body. With his other hand he traced a path downward, rubbing gently over her belly, in a switchback pattern that slowly reached its goal. He let out a low growl as he found her wetness, and she parted her legs for him. Keeping his mouth and hand on her nipples, he played in her crevices, tickling and fondling his way forwards and backwards. She writhed and moaned as his pressure built, then groaned in disappointment as he let go and made motions as if to position himself to enter her. She grabbed his hand and directed it back, and whimpered, "please." He obliged her, and continued working the places that her body told him were the most sensitive. When she started to buck he slipped two fingers into her and let her grind against him, humming and purring as they worked together to bring her to the brink. "Now?" he whispered huskily. "Now," she answered, just as huskily. He rose on his elbows and mounted her, carefully aiming his member for her slick opening. The loss of his touch, even for a few seconds, set Monica back, but she felt confident she would respond quickly enough this time. Joe started thrusting slowly, and Monica felt her desire building, but she was far from climaxing, and the quick increase in Joe's breathing made her panic. 'Not yet, please!' she cried out mentally. He grunted and she felt his hot breath against her ear. Suddenly her mind filled with a mental image that sent her over the edge into a mind-blowing climax that in turn sent Joe over the edge. The mental image was of Brad. FRIDAY She ran through the woods, leaping over boulders and logs in graceful movements, her breath coming in deep, warm pants. Behind her, rustling sounds told her that he was getting closer... and maybe bigger.... She came to a meadow, an oasis of calm, and ran to the middle... Her breathing still labored but gradually calming, she turned a 360-degree circle, checking for predators, jumping every time she saw a leaf turning in the breeze... From behind her, she heard a rushing sound, and turned to see an enormous lion running toward her, its teeth bared, its mane flowing with powerful grace. Suddenly, she felt herself running again, and she ran circles around the perimeter of the meadow, the lion close behind her. She tripped and fell, and on the ground, close to her head, she heard a loud hiss. She looked over and saw a snake slithering toward her, its forked tongue preceding its wide, brightly colored body. Before she could roll out of the way, the lion was on her, pinning her, not letting her move, its hot breath on her neck. She screamed the loudest silent scream she'd never heard, and tried to push the lion off of her chest, using her hands, knees and head against it. Suddenly, the lion went limp, and she rolled out from under it just in time to see it collapse to the ground and breathe its last breath. The snake slithered out from under the lion and wrapped itself seductively around her body, making her writhe in pleasure as its body wove a slithering path around her limbs, belly and then.... Brad's body was on top of hers, his long arms enveloping her, his long fingers weaving irresistibly through her hair, his legs forming a braid with hers... He was moving rhythmically, churning inside her body, hissing into her ear, speaking words she didn't understand... Monica awoke in a sweat, feeling hot, wet, and smelly. She opened a window and was greeted by the barking of her neighbor's dog. She watched for a moment as it threatened another neighbor's stubborn cat. After the cat slowly walked away and the barking subsided, she started her shower, letting the water wash away the seeping feelings that had awakened her. ***************************** Brad sat staring at his computer screen, an e-mail from A.D. Williams staring back at him. How was Agent Reyes' training coming? Has he decided who should be her partner? He sighed and swivelled his chair back and forth, moving only a few inches, unaware that he was doing it, and equally oblivious to the slight squeak emanating from under the seat. A page in his hand swayed gently in response to the motions of the chair. Brad's eyes once again drifted from the computer to the sheet. Which agent? Alvarez... No, looks like racism to pair two Hispanics Blake... No, he's going to retire in a few years and just doesn't care anymore di Martino... He tried to picture Vinny, a large, wild-haired Italian with salt and pepper hair, always dressed in dapper yet conservative suits, always smiling broadly in the elevator, the only one of the older agents on Brad's side... but when Brad closed his eyes only Joe's face came to his mind. Joe was so much like a young Vinny.... Franklin.... Maybe... Jacob was not the ripest tomato on the vine, and he often created tight spots that his partner Alvarez had to fix... but he was honest, dependable, a straight-arrow... devoted to his wife... Brad shook his head and tried to focus. He had to decide before Agent Reyes returned from the communications center with her new cellphone and an e-mail account. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. Next... Gentile, Jones, Kelly, LaMontaine... all had applied for Brad's job, and he didn't know yet whether they'd be loyal. From the looks they gave him in the elevator, he knew it would be an uphill battle. Norris... No, looks like sexism to pair two women O'Brien... Kelly's partner and good friend Follmer threw the page onto his desk then leaned his elbows on his desk and put his head in his hands. The other five are no better, even his own former partner. Janet knocked softly on the open door, and asked cautiously, "Agent Follmer, is there something I can help you with?" Brad smiled. "No, Janet. Just wrestling with my first executive decision... Who should be Monica's partner.... I need to give whoever it is some notice in case they have an objection..." "You know yourself how important partners are," she said knowingly. "Mis-matched partners cost Mike a lot of time." "Exactly," Brad said, a touch of relief in his voice. "Monica's so new... her partner will also be her trainer." Janet sat down across from him and slouched forward in a listening posture. "But you'll still be training her, too," she said reassuringly. "And you've told me yourself she's got a lot of potential." Brad nodded. "So why the worries?" Brad knew the answer, and he suspected she knew it too. Nobody was good enough for her. Except possibly him. ***************************** Monica interrupted Brad and Janet's tete a tete. "I'm sorry I'm late," she said tentatively. From their body language she could tell they'd been discussing something privately, and she took a step backwards. "I'll just wait out..." Janet stood up and turned around. "Have you had your coffee break yet, Monica?" she asked, walking toward here purposefully. Monica shook her head, her mouth open as if to speak. "Good, let's go get some coffee & get caught up." She grabbed Monica's briefcase and after stuffing it into the kneehole of her desk, shooed her toward the door. "Agent Follmer isn't ready for you just yet... we might as well..." They walked to the deli then stood outside, Janet smoking as Monica warmed her hands with her cup. "So," started Janet. "How are things with Joe. I've been dying to hear more... Is he taking you on a real date yet?" Monica closed her eyes and inhaled, just as smoke wafted toward her from the end of Janet's cigarette. She remembered her seventh-grade experiments in smoking -- girl talk in the girls' room, waving the smoke toward the vents and the window, throwing the butts in the toilet... Fond memories... "I don't know, Janet..." she sighed. "I like him, but..." "Aw, hon," Janet said compassionately. "What's wrong?" Monica's breath became ragged, but she managed to keep her composure. "It's too soon... I'm not sure..." She watched enviously as Janet inhaled a deep drag. "I'm new here..." "Give it a chance, Mon." Janet said, puffs of smoke accompanying each word. "You just met him. He sounds so nice..." "He is," Monica sighed. With growing enthusiasm, she listed his virtues, not the least of which was his athletic body. Janet grinned as she pictured this man who could be any one of her cousins. "You're right," Monica concluded. "He's a good man, a wonderful man... It's too soon to tell." Brad heard the cheerful chatter of the two women as they left the elevator, and he hit 'send' on his e-mail, finalizing his response to Williams: Give me until Monday. **************************** For the next two hours, Brad and Monica sat in a roomful of new agents, listening to a dry lecture about policies and forms: how to know which forms to use, how to fill out forms, how to file forms, where to get more forms, what to do if you make a mistake on a form... Monica's head fell forward suddenly, and she snapped it back as Brad chuckled quietly. "Pay attention, Agent Reyes," this is important stuff, he whispered through the side of his mouth. "Sorry," she whispered back, her head intentionally bent forward now, her eyes peering up at his. He bent forward and surreptitiously faced her. He was smirking, his eyes sparkling in amusement. "Have a late night last night?" he asked. Monica eyes flashed an angry glare, then returned to face the speaker. "None of your business," she muttered out of the side of her mouth. Chastised, Brad slid forward and looked to the front of the room, affected an interested pose. After a moment he whispered, "Sorry." Brad invited both Janet and Monica to lunch and they accepted. After laughing about the boring lecture, Brad said, "And anyway... Who needs to know anything when they have a secretary like Janet?" "Administrative Assistant," Janet corrected. "And thank you." The three studied their salads carefully as Brad sighed and mentally kicked himself, thinking 'whoever invented the phrase thank god it's Friday never had one like this...' It was Monica who finally broke the silence. "So, Janet," she said, with an excess of enthusiasm. "Do you have plans for the weekend?" Brad looked at Monica with gratitude, but she her eyes were focused on Janet, so he followed their gaze. "Tomorrow is my cousin's birthday party. We're having a party for him out on the Island..." "Where?" Monica asked, genuinely puzzled. "Long Island," Brad offered. "Sorry, we keep forgetting you're new to New York. I had to learn these things too. Don't worry, you'll catch up. You seem like a quick study." The expression on Brad's face was sweet, sensitive, and a little amused, while at the same time admiring. Monica blushed and looked down, the skin of her cheek somehow feeling the gentle caress that he wished could accompany his words. Janet's fork hovered mid-air, as if to torture the tiny tomato below. In her fifty years, Janet had learned a lot about people, and she knew what she was seeing. But she'd never seen it in Brad before. His devotion to his job, to his victims' families, and to Mike, was so passionate that she thought she'd never see him like this. Knowing this could be trouble, she looked at Monica's face, hoping to find confirmation that Brad was not heading for trouble. She didn't find it. **************************** They spent the afternoon at a personality typing seminar run by a consulting firm. Brad suspected this part of Monica's training was really set up for his benefit, and he made a point of playing the attentive student. For her part, Monica had encountered some of the theories before, but she was genuinely fascinated by the subject. For each method the students took brief tests to determine their category. The instructor gave them time to take the test for Myers-Briggs typing. Monica quickly found that she was an INTP: Introverted, intuitive, thinking, perceptive. She quickly turned to the description of her type in their hand-out packet: "The INTP takes his/her energy from the inner world of thoughts (and, maybe, emotions). He/she prefers dealing with patterns and possibilities, and making decisions on a logical basis. His/her life is flexible, following new insights and possibilities as they arise. He/she is quiet and detached, and adaptable (up to a point - sometimes he/she may stop adapting, insisting that there is a clear principle at stake). He/she is not interested in routine, and will often experiment or change things to see if they can be improved. He/she operates at best when solving complex problems that require the application of intellect." After reading her description, she peered over Brad's test, and saw that he was an ESFJ -- her complete opposite -- extroverted, sensing, feeling, judging. From the corner of his eye he saw her leaning toward him and he instinctively pushed his paper to the side, as if she were cheating on an exam. "Let me see!" Monica said familiarly, and pulled the page toward her. "Don't you want to look yourself up?" she said with enthusiasm. "Monica, I know myself. I don't need to see th---" he started, but before he could finish, she'd found his description: "The ESFJ takes his/her energy from the outer world of actions and spoken words. He/she prefers dealing with facts, and making decisions on the basis of personal values. He/she likes dealing with people, and organizes life on a personal basis. He/she is a very warm person, seeking to maintain harmonious relationships with colleagues and friends, who are a very important part of his/her life. He/she can find conflict and criticism very difficult to handle. He/she has a strong sense of duty and loyalty, and is driven by a need to belong and be of service to people." Monica leaned back and sighed. "What?" Brad asked, a little annoyed. "It sounds like the perfect type for an FBI agent -- especially for a supervisor," she answered with admiration. Then she shoved her results toward him for his inspection. "I'm the complete opposite." She sighed again, "Maybe Joe is right -- I'm in the wrong profession." He pulled her packet toward himself and skimmed her results aloud. "He/she operates at best when solving complex problems that require the application of intellect," he read to her. "What could be more perfect for this profession?" She smiled at him, and he could see that her eyes had started to tear. "Monica, this is all baloney. You don't need this stuff to tell you whether you're right for your job. You know yourself, *I* know you now... " He turned in his seat and placed his hand on her shoulder. "I know you're in the right profession. You're a natural. I don't need a silly quiz to tell me that." She placed her opposite hand on his forearm. "Thanks," she said. She squeezed his arm gently and he quickly withdrew it. He gave her a ride home, and when they were in front of her apartment, she turned to him and asked, "Do you have any plans for the weekend?" He swallowed and answered, "Working, as usual. Deciding who your partner will be, preparing for Monday's meeting..." a look of pity flashed across her face, and he quickly added, "And my weekly handball game... and church of course." Her forehead wrinkled in surprise. "You don't seem like the religious type." "What type would that be?" he said, obviously offended. "I go to St. John the Divine -- in Morningside Heights. What's wrong with that?" "No, no, no..." Monica said, embarrassed. "I'm so sorry... I didn't mean that..." She took a deep breath and looked at him apologetically. "I didn't mean to offend you. I'm sorry." "It's okay," Brad said, the hurt in his voice belying his words. They looked at each other for a long moment, until Brad's head started a very slight, very slow, wobble in her direction. He snapped it back and said with finality. "And on Monday, I'll look into getting you a car." He paused, then added, "After what happened with your briefcase... you need to have a car." His words pushed her out of the door, and she stood on the sidewalk looking on in confusion as he sped away. Myers-Briggs info from: Later that night, Monica lay next to Joe, looking into his face through tearful eyes. He looked back, mistaking her wistfulness for a satisfied afterglow, and stroked her hair. "You were fabulous again, Monica," he said softly. She couldn't help smiling, and she stroked his chest, hoping to distract him from her silence. From somewhere on the floor an insistent but muffled ring intruded. "Your cellphone is ringing," Monica said, nodding toward his pants. "That's not mine. It must be yours," he answered, still groggy from their love-making. She jumped up and frantically ran to her purse, fumbling through its contents until finding her new cellphone. She took a deep breath and tried to remember her instructions, then found the correct button to push. "Hello?" she asked. "Agent Reyes, it's Agent Follmer." "Brad?" she repeated. She'd never heard his voice on the phone, and at any rate wouldn't have expected a late-night call. "We have a case... well, not really *our* case... there's been another murder, with the same markings as that child from the dumpster. I need you to take a look before the body's removed from the crime scene. Are you at home?" "Yes..." she answered, surprised by his demand. "It's on the Island. I'm on my way, and I can pick you up. How soon can you be ready?" Before Monica could answer, Joe appeared beside her and put his arm around her waist. "Who is it?" he asked with concern. She turned to face him and said, "My supervisor. I have to go." "Now? You haven't even had dinner," he said, nodding to the pizza they had abandoned in favor of love-making. "Monica? Monica?" Brad yelled into the phone. "Who's that?" "Yes?" Monica responded to Brad's frantic voice. "Is that Joe?" he demanded. "Um, yes," she said, turning away from Joe and bending her head for privacy. "Don't tell him anything about this... PLEASE" he pleaded. "Tell him what?" She couldn't hide the annoyance in her voice. "I don't know anything yet!" "I'll be there in five minutes. Be ready," he ordered, then the phone went dead. Monica turned to Joe and said apologetically, "I have five minutes to get ready. He's picking me up." "Now?" he said incredulously. "What could be so urgent?" "Murder case on the Island..." she answered, her hand rubbing up and down over his muscular arm. "I have to get to the scene before they remove the body. This murder might be related to that dumpster baby..." Joe shut his eyes and sighed. "Monica..." he started, then paused as her hand left his arm. "This is nuts." "This is my job!" she protested. "I would think you, of all people, would understand. Don't you get called out on cases?" "Not often," he answered with calculated calm. "Only if the detectives need help securing a scene, or the precinct is short-handed...." Monica suddenly realized the truth behind Brad's seeming snobbery. Beat cops *were* different from FBI agents. "Well, *I* get called out on cases, apparently." Joe put his arms around her and pulled her to him apologetically. "Joe," she said with frustration. "I can't say no..." He nuzzled the hair behind her ear and whispered, "I know..." They kissed, and she could feel the kindness of his lips melting the anger in hers. How could she resent him? she wondered. He pulled back and held her head in his large, strong hands. Looking into her eyes, he said warmly, "See you tomorrow? Come to the precinct at about one?" She nodded, and he kissed her cheek. Ten minutes later they emerged from her apartment to find Brad Follmer leaning against his car, his arms folded over his chest. They walked toward him until Joe stopped and pulled Monica to him. He kissed her possessively and passionately, then pulled away and said, "See you tomorrow, sweetie." Joe turned and walked past Brad, meeting Brad's judgmental sneer with a smug smirk. **************************** On the way to the crime scene Brad made a point of not mentioning Joe. In fact, he resolved to push the mere thought of that kiss as far from his consciousness as he could manage. Monica sighed loudly a few times but did not initiate any conversation. Her thoughts jumbled together, as her private and professional lives were not thoroughly intertwined. Before pulling on to the expressway, Brad pulled to the side of the road and put the car in "park." He turned in his seat, leaned toward Monica, and opened his mouth to speak. Noticing her backing away from him, he instinctively, pushed his back against the car door. When her body relaxed in response, he couldn't help feeling a little hurt. "Monica," he started, a little condescendingly. Her response was a defiant glare. She crossed her arms and bent her head forward, forcing her eyes to peer up at him from under her eyebrows. "Monica," he modulated his voice. "You're still in your training period -- you're not supposed to be in the field..." He watched as her body relaxed, even though her face showed confusion. "A friend called me about this -- he'd heard about that baby... your theory... and he thought there might be a connection." She nodded for him to continue. "...but I know how stressful that was for you, and I want you to know... don't feel obligated to stay. Just take a look at the injuries, the scene... do it quickly if you need to..." "I think I can handle it," she said with determination. "I've been practicing -- breathing exercises." His raised eyebrows told her to continue. "You won't laugh?" He shook his head earnestly, and she continued. "I've started learning chi breathing with a kung fu master -- at Joe's gym," she added, checking for a reaction. She found none and felt relieved. "But I'm going to go to Shaolin temple tomorrow morning for more spiritual instruction." Her speech became more animated, and her hands started to wave as she described her plans. Brad couldn't help but smile. As with most things she said or did, he found this interest of hers endearing. She noticed his smile, and awkwardly finished, "You don't think it's silly?" "Not in the least," he reassured her. "We all need to find a way to cope with this job, and I think you've found something that could work for you." He grinned, with nothing but friendly, albeit admiring, emotion in his face. Monica matched his grin and sighed. "This will be your first test -- ready?" he asked. She nodded, and he pulled onto the expressway.