To give him credit, Mulder did an admirable job trying to hide his smirking grin. "No problem, Duinne. If you don't make it out alive, I'll send the customary fee to your mother." He peered anxiously down the hallway, "Are we ready now?" Let's go bust a ghost, shall we?" Keiren led the way, smiling and unconcerned. Mulder was his usual vibrant self, totally engrossed in the prospect of witnessing a spectral visitation. I grew increasingly nervous as we approached the bedroom, unable to decide whether I was more concerned about the red eyes appearing on schedule or nothing happening at all. Keiren stopped just inside the bedroom door. He turned to face Mulder and me and whispered, "Go lie down on the bed, Walter. Fox, sit yourself in the armchair and for the first time in your life, keep quiet." Mulder made a face at his companion but followed orders. He flopped lazily into the Queen Anne, propping his elbows on the chair arms, his fingers laced over his belly, his long legs straight out in front of him crossed at the ankles. I stared at my subordinate in amazement and made a mental note to get with Keiren once things had settled down and find out his secret for making Mulder behave. Feeling foolish, I stretched out on the bed rolling to lie on my stomach. I left my glasses on even though it was uncomfortable. I had to be able to see in case action was required. I turned my face toward the closet and made a concentrated effort to relax. Keiren padded silently to stand before the closet, just far enough away not to be struck by the door if it did open on cue. With effort, I pulled my gaze from the wiry Irishman and glanced at the clock: 3:56. Three minutes to go. I heard Mulder shifting behind me but could not look away from the closet to see what he was up to. I felt a coil of tension tightening in my gut and my breathing quickened. There was a sudden chill in the room. I could actually see Keiren's breath. Lifting my head from the pillow, my heart seized in my chest as the knob on the closet door began to turn of its own accord. The door swung open ever so slowly, a soft creaking sound accompanying the motion. I sat up unable to draw adequate breath. As the malevolent red eyes glowed from the depths of the closet, I heard Mulder gasp softly. I was absurdly relieved and gratified, knowing that someone else could see them and found them just as terrifying. I jumped and nearly screamed as Keiren spoke. "Who are you? Why do ye tarry here?" He stepped closer to the closet. I could still see the condensation of his breath. I couldn't tell if his body trembled from cold or from fear but it was probably a little of both. Keiren cocked his head to one side listening to the silence. He nodded and then stepped further into the darkness, "You'll not find him here, lass. The one you seek has passed, long ago." Keiren disappeared from view, now completely inside the closet. I stood and immediately felt Mulder grip my arm. He hissed, "You can't go in there, Walter. You'll only distract Keiren and break his concentration if you try to help." I whipped around to face Mulder, my fear rapidly turning to frustration and anger. "We can't leave him alone with that thing, Mulder. For God's saw it. How can you call Keiren your friend, and let him...." Mulder smiled grimly, "I do call Keiren my friend. I call myself his friend, too. That is why I do as he asks, Walter. There is nothing we can do. If things get out of hand we're leaving. I don't like it any more than you but we both agreed." The closet door muffled Keiren's scream only slightly. I started forward, only to be hauled back by Mulder. "We're leaving, Walter. Right fucking now!" He tugged on my arm grunting with exertion, "You have to do as Keiren said. Follow orders, soldier." I allowed myself to be pulled from the apartment feeling cowardly and small. "If he dies, Mulder...I'll never forgive myself." Mulder mumbled softly, "You have nothing to forgive yourself for, Walter. Keiren ordered from the room." In the dull glow of the elevator light, I felt something in my chest loosen when I caught a glimpse of Mulder's face. I started to speak but he turned away from me. "He'll be fine, Walter. Let's just go wait in the parking garage. It's too fucking cold to stand outside. I left my shoes in your living room." I draped an arm awkwardly around Mulder's shoulders as we exited the building into the dank underground parking lot. "We can sit in my car, Mulder. I'll run the heater to keep us warm while we wait." He walked silently beside me making no effort to shrug away from my arm but drawing no strength from me, either. He stood passively by the passenger door while I unlocked the vehicle and dropped into the seat with a soft sigh, leaving the door standing open. I closed Mulder's door and then hurried around to climb into the driver's seat. I turned the key in the ignition, "It won't take a minute to warm up." Mulder rolled his head to stare out the window without bothering to answer. I had absolutely no clue how to offer comfort to this miserable young man. Gripping the steering wheel I growled, "Do you want to go back for him, Mulder? What's Keiren going to do? He can't take the both of us. We'll drag his scrawny Irish ass outside and tomorrow I'll start looking for a new apartment. What do you say?" I heard Mulder's voice catch, sounding suspiciously like a sob. He continued to stare out the window for several moments, then spoke softly, "If we go back, we put Keiren at greater risk. He needs all his energy and focus to save himself, Walter. He can't take care of us, too. Hell, Keiren may already be dead. I don't know. We stay put until he comes out or the sun comes up." I squeezed Mulder's shoulder firmly. He reached up and gently pushed my hand away, "Don't. If you feel sorry for me, I'm going to start crying. I don't want least until I know for sure...please, Walter?" I let my hand drop uselessly onto my lap. There was absolutely nothing to say, so I said nothing. Staring straight ahead at the gray concrete wall, I wondered if faced with Mulder's decision, would I be able to put my personal feelings aside and do the right thing. Judging from my actions just moments before, I had serious doubts. Fox William Mulder had demonstrated the ability to remain cool headed and objective. He had earned my respect, yet it seemed a hollow victory since he probably lost a close friend in the bargain. I was startled from my reverie by the soft ding of the elevator bell. Turning quickly, I watched as Keiren staggered toward the car and fell to the pavement. Whipping the car door open, I shouted, "Mulder! There he is!" I sprinted toward the fallen man, my legs feeling weak and wobbly. If Keiren managed to make his way down here just to die in Mulder's arms I don't think Mulder would recover from the blow. Mulder passed me easily, dropping to the ground to lift Keiren's head onto his lap, "My God, Keiren. Why do you always have to make an entrance?" His voice was reedy and thin, his face pale, dark circles ringing his too bright hazel eyes. Keiren's eyelids fluttered. He spoke so softly I had to lean in to hear his words, "Just look at the reaction I get, Fox me lad. What other reason do I need?" He chuckled and then coughed before struggling to sit up, "I'm fine, really. Just weak." I knelt beside them carefully pushing Keiren back onto the ground, "Stay down. You're very weak. Are you injured? Do we need to take you to a hospital?" He offered no resistance and lay back on the cold concrete, "No, I'm fine, really. I just need to rest. Just mentally and emotionally depleted, Walter. Stop worrying, the lot of you." Mulder visibly relaxed. "Is it safe to go back inside, Duinne? You'd probably recover must faster lying on Walter's couch instead of the pavement." Keiren licked his lips and opened his eyes with some difficulty. "It's perfectly safe now. She's gone. She won't be back, either. The only problem is, I don't have the strength to walk back inside, Fox. I'll just lie here on the cold stones with you as my pillow until I feel fit." He grinned evilly and snuggled in as if he intended to stay a while.