I glanced mournfully at Keiren, "I guess break time is over." I leaned forward and placed my elbows on the table, "Mulder? Before I even get started, I want you to keep your mouth shut. Understood?" Grinning, Keiren shook his head in disbelief; "I'll lay ten bob that the wily Fox can't go for one whole minute without interrupting you, Walter. Are you willing to lay your money on the table?" I smiled grimly at Keiren and shook my head, "Fortunately, I know better than to throw my money away. When Mulder hears what I have to say, his head will explode if he tries not to speak." Staring keenly at my face, Mulder's hazel eyes gleamed with excitement. He copied my movements, resting his elbows on top of the table. Leaning forward he whispered, "I'll do my best to stay quiet, Walter. Just don't keep us in suspense any longer. Please?" Feeling the sudden need to move, I stood and opened the refrigerator again to look for more ale. "This will be a thirsty tale, boys. Let me see what I can find to wet our throats." We had finished off the last of the Guinness with our meal, so I turned to the cabinet and pulled out the bottle of Jameson's kept there in case of emergencies. I set the bottle on the table and went back for glasses, pouring two fingers for each of us. Keiren chuckled, "You sure have the way of the Scot about you, Walter. You draw out a story until your listeners are begging for more." Laughing, Mulder folded his hands beneath his chin, "I'm begging already, Walter. Please? Won't you tell us the story, now?" I sipped at the whiskey and cleared my throat, "Yes. Now I that I have run out of diversionary tactics, I guess I will tell you the story. I mentioned that my grandparents were immigrants, but I didn't give you names." Staring at Mulder, I mentally willed him to remain seated if not silent. "My maternal great grandfather was Inspector Edward Reid." His jaw flapped comically as Mulder whipped his head back in surprise, "THE Inspector Edward Reid? Jack the You Know Who, Whitechapel, that Inspector Edward Reid?" I nodded and rubbed my forehead, "The very same, Mulder." I took a healthy draught of the Jameson's and poured more into my glass. Keiren began to nod, accepting my admission with much less excitement that Mulder. "Your name is Skinner. Is Keith your brother?" "Cousin," I muttered. Not by coincidence, my paternal cousin Keith had collaborated with two other investigative researchers a few years ago to write 'Jack the Ripper: From A to Z'. Originally published in England the book received quite a bit of critical notice. Keith never failed to express his disappointment in me because I refused to break my oath and provide him with inside information. Mulder scowled darkly. He took a token sip of his drink and pronounced, "We've worked together all this time and you never bothered to mention that your great grandfather headed the investigation for the most sensational serial murder case of the last two centuries?" Keiren laughed, "Whatever were you thinking, Walter? Don't you know this laddie's sole purpose in life is to find the truth?" He sobered, "So, I guess you probably know the name of our mysterious Jack, who delighted in killing those poor unfortunates, don't you?" I stared directly into Keiren's eyes and stated, "Jacks. There was more than one man. Of course, I never met Edward Reid personally, but according to my grandfather's account, a select group of Freemasons committed the murders. That is why all the witnesses' descriptions were so varied." Mulder moaned softly, "My god, Walter! You have to tell the whole story. I insist." He reached into his jacket pocket for a pen and grabbed the remaining clean napkin from the table. "Go slow. I want to take notes." Removing my glasses, I rubbed my eyes and stretched my back, "There isn't much to tell, Mulder. You have heard all the theories. Most of them hold some elements of truth." I drank again. "Okay, like I said before: I never spoke with the Inspector, he died long before I was born, but his son -- my grandfather -- explained it to me this way." I began my story without further preamble. "In 1888, Prince Edward Albert Victor, grandson of Queen Victoria fathered a child by a prostitute, Ann Crook. To make matters worse, the prince married Ann in a small Catholic church and legitimized his heir, a girl named Alice Margaret. When rumors reached Windsor Castle, the Queen contacted the Special Branch to investigate and rectify the situation with due haste. On the heels of this scandal, the Court Physician, Sir William Gull immediately assaulted the royal personage with more serious blow: Eddy was dying from syphilis, the disease process far too advanced for treatment." I paused for another sip of whiskey. I noticed Mulder's glass sat barely touched in front of him. "If you'd like soda instead, there's Coke in the ice box, Mulder." Mulder jumped up from the table, "Great. I'm not much into hard liquor." He snagged a can of soda and resumed his seat. Sliding the glass toward me, he popped the top of his can and drank heartily, "Thanks." Keiren poured Mulder's drink into his own glass and grinned, "No need to let good whiskey go to waste." He sipped appreciatively and nodded to me, "Please go on, Walter. This story has always fascinated me...well, me and everyone else in the free world, I'm sure. Have you ever told it before?" Running a hand self-consciously across the top of my balding head, I glanced down at my glass, suddenly interested in the light reflected in the swirling amber liquid. "No. I promised my grandfather never to tell what he shared with me. This was the only condition he would accept in return for telling me the whole story. If it weren't for that...that...whatever you call that thing in my closet, I would never break my promise. I would have taken the knowledge to my grave." Mulder placed his hand gently on my arm. "It's okay, Walter. If your grandfather knew what you were dealing with right now, he would tell us the story himself. You're not breaking your word to him." Taking a ragged breath, I nodded and resumed my tale, "The head of Special Branch, Michael Kidney and Doctor Gull were high-ranking officials in the Freemasons' Order, and as such had opportunity to discuss the dire state of affairs in utmost privacy. Gull and Kidney consulted Robert Anderson, another Freemason, recently appointed Secretary of the Prison Commissioners. The three men devised a plan and approached several trustworthy, yet less prominent members of the secret society." "Special Branch disposed of Ann Crook as decreed by Her Royal Highness Victoria, as well as Ann's parents and infant daughter. Dr. Gull spirited Eddy away, sending his ward across the Isles and eventually to the Continent, making sure the prince was not in the vicinity when the plan was to be enacted." "James Kenneth Stephen was Eddy's closest friend. Gull approached and entreated Stephen to act in Eddy's stead. Gull insisted that Stephen eliminate the woman who infected the prince and signed his death warrant. Stephen readily agreed." Keiren took this opportunity to interrupt, "But I thought that Eddy was a homosexual, Walter. That he and J.K. Stephen were actually lovers and the prostitutes were just a cover to protect their secret." I nodded and smiled, "You know a bit more about this that you're letting on, don't you? The prince and Stephen were lovers. Evidently, Eddy decided to take a walk on the wild side. He did marry Ann Crook and fathered her child; at the very least he accepted responsibility and acknowledged paternity of Alice Margaret." Keiren rubbed his chin, his eyes focusing inward, "Right...therefore, that explains why Stephen was so easily convinced to join Gull and his cronies. Wait...did your grandfather mention whether Stephen contracted syphilis, too?" Mulder jumped in with a tremble of excitement in his voice. "No one seems to know for sure! Stephen's family claimed he suffered a serious head injury in 1886 and his behavior grew increasingly more erratic. If he did contract syphilis from the prince, this would explain the onset of insanity." Mulder blushed and grinned turning to me, "Sorry, Walter. This is your story. Please go on. We'll try not to interrupt any more." I smiled easily at Mulder. The Jameson's had given me just enough of a buzz to make me far more tolerant of the excitable young agent than I would ever be at the Bureau. "No problem, Mulder. Ask as many questions as you like. If it will help us nail down what is residing in my closet, you and Keiren can sit here and interrogate me all night." Pouring more courage into my glass, I sipped while regaining my train of thought. "After an intense investigation, Mick Kidney provided a list of five prostitutes. These women attended the wedding of Prince Edward and Ann Crook and had knowledge of the child, Alice. Kidney contacted Anderson immediately. Stephen received the first name on the list and traveled to Whitechapel under the cloak of darkness. He botched the job by murdering Martha Tabram or Turner by some accounts, on August 6th, 1888. Stephen mistook Martha Tabram for Mary Ann Nichols." Mulder tapped his pen on the table, "That explains why Tabram was raped and tortured, but not mutilated like the other five women! Stephen was not a member of the Freemason's, right?" I agreed, "Right. Gull did not insist that Stephen perform the ritual mutilations, because it would require him to betray the Order and its secrets. He simply ordered Stephen to kill Mary Nichols and cut her up a bit. If Stephen had completed the job properly, no other volunteers would have been required. Gull would have given Stephen the names of the other women one at a time. The Freemasons would never have been implicated, if things had gone as planned." Keiren reached for the bottle and poured himself another drink. "The plan was absolutely brilliant. If the police caught Stephen, no one in his or her right mind would have believed his story. His family and circle of friends knew Stephen was not sane after the head injury. The Judge would convict and sentence him to hang and no one would be the wiser as to Gull's involvement." I began to clear the table. Placing the empty bag and burger wrappers in the trash, I needed to move around a bit before going on with the sordid tale. "The plan still worked brilliantly. No one was ever caught or convicted, so Gull and his Lodge brothers got away with murder and treason." I walked toward the kitchen door, "Let's go into the living room. My butt is tired from sitting in that hard chair. Both of you have scrawnier asses than mine, I know you are uncomfortable, too." We moved into the front room. I sat in an armchair similar to the one in my bedroom while Mulder and Keiren flanked the arms of the sofa like mismatched bookends. "Go on, Walter; I know this is an awful story but the details are crucial to Keiren's investigation." Mulder propped his elbow on the arm of the sofa and cradled his chin in his palm, "Tell us the rest." I kicked off my shoes and crossed my ankles on the coffee table. Wiggling my toes happily, I considered removing my socks, too. I settled for loosening my tie and opening the top two buttons of my shirt. Finally, I began to speak again. "This mistake had an unexpected effect on the Whitechapel community. All of London read about the lurid rape and murder in the daily papers. Pressure from the public as well as the Police Commissioner heightened the intensity of the investigation led by Inspectors Edward Reid and George Abberline." "Kidney insisted that Stephen be replaced as their 'instrument of torture to the flesh' and immediately recruited several lesser ranking brothers from the Order to carry out the remaining murders. Secrecy was of the utmost importance. No one would know the identities of the other conspirators except Kidney. He contacted each man twenty-four hours prior to his assignment, providing the name and description of the intended victim and her most likely whereabouts. Doctor Gull provided instructions detailing the mutilations. After reading and memorizing the information in the presence of Michael Kidney, he burned the paper to destroy any evidence." "As summer gave way to autumn, Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride and Catherine Eddows suffered excruciating and horrible deaths at the hands of the Freemasons. Letters from self-professed Jack the Rippers to the press and constabulary brought the police no closer to catching the murderer." During the course of their investigation, Reid and Abberline uncovered several details of the conspiracy but could not provide concrete evidence. They approached Police Commissioner Sir Charles Warren with their suspicions. Warren insisted the inspectors terminate this line of investigation immediately." Mulder stopped me, "Wasn't Sir Charles also a Freemason? He had ample reason to discourage any further probing by the police in this direction." He scrubbed his fingers through his mass of dark hair, remembering something important, "As a matter of fact, didn't Warren even go so far as to destroy evidence? He washed away a chalk message written on a wall, presumably left by the killer of Catherine Eddows, right?" "Yes, Warren did exactly that. Two officers had time to record the message in their notebooks, but no photographer had the opportunity to take pictures." Keiren added, "That is one of the first rules of the Masonic Order. Protect your brother and cover his wrongdoings, if it means perjuring or even incriminating yourself." He gave me a puzzled glance, "Didn't the message say something about the Jews, Walter?" "It spoke of Juwes with a U, Keiren. 'The Juwes are the men That Will not be blamed for nothing'. Reed suspected the killer meant to implicate the Freemasons involvement in the murders. The Masonic Order steeped in antiquity, tells of the construction of King Solomon's Temple. Jubela, Jubelo and Jubelum were guards of the temple. The story goes that the three ruffians murdered the Royal Architect, Hiram Abiff. When King Solomon learned of their crime, the three killers expressed great remorse and begged for death. Jubela's execution involved having his throat cut across and his tongue ripped out. The executioner slew Jubelo by tearing open his left breast, his heart and vitals removed and thrown over his shoulder. The final execution of Jubelum was the most gruesome of all; his body severed into two parts and burned to ashes."