
Category: First time, hurt/comfort, drama, action/adventure

Rating: NC-17

Series/Sequel: Not as far as I know

Spoilers: Mild ones for JA books through #5

Warning: UNDERAGE Obi-Wan alert! But wait, it isn't as bad as you think. It's clearly enough to violate the rules of the archive, but it might not squick some readers who ordinarily hate underage stuff. Page down for more specific warnings including spoilers for the story...

Disclaimer: I don't do disclaimers. Fanfic is copyright violation no matter how we excuse it, even if there's no money involved. I speed, too. So there.

Notes: This story is for Pumpkin, in lieu of the Sentinel story she's been waiting for. She said it would be okay. Thanks, Pumpkin! I hope you enjoy!

Summary: Qui-Gon is wounded in a pirate attack, and Obi-Wan must convince him that sex is the best medicine.

Feedack: Although this is my first Q/O, I'm an experienced fanfic author. I don't write solely for feedback and I won't beg or blackmail for it. But I do appreciate all that I receive and answer every message, short or long. I like to hear criticism as well as praise (but I usually can't resist defending my point of view, so be ready for a conversation!)

More specific WARNINGS below .
In the main part of this story, Obi-Wan is 19 and is with Qui-Gon for the first time. However, flashbacks include scenes with a 14-year-old Obi-Wan masturbating and fantasizing about his master, plus mention of a 16-year-old Obi-Wan in a relationship with another padawan.