Andromeda Tales from the Slipstream, issue 1

Gen Anthology, 61 pages. Comb binding. 

Publisher: Chaos Unlimited

Artwork: The cover has a hint of color. The picture is so faint it's hard to see. All of the interior art is black and white. 
The interior has a nice caricature of the crew in the beginning. There are six small scanned photos from the show. 
Some are visible; others are way too dark. There's a cartoon drawing in the back that is okay, but it's the same picture
of the Andromeda that appears on the cover, the inside cover and twice more in the zine. 

Review: This zine has both good and bad points. The cover is paper with a clear sheet of plastic over it. It has single columns 
with wide borders all around. The paper is just thin enough to see the words and pictures through on the other side. There are 
19 short stories; a drinking game and an episode guide for the first season. The layout is very readable, though there's a TON
of empty space. Some of the stories are only a paragraph long, yet have the entire page to themselves.  The margins look to be
about 1" on all sides with about a 2" header at the top. Plus, there's a nice crossover story by Laura Michaels with Stargate 
SG1. It's cute and funny.

The stories are, for the most part, interesting and enjoyable. The grammar was not checked very well at all and there are typos. 

They do distract the reader from some of the stories. 

The episode guide is nice to have. The game sounds fun. Some of the authors have stories in many fandoms on the web 
and are good writers. Others aren't such strong writers, but their stories were imaginative.

Altogether, this zine is okay. It does show promise for future issues.

Reviewer: No Name Given