Terri Beckett & Chris Power

An Adult S/H Novella

One More River is the second novel in the "Red Light Trilogy" by Beckett and Powers. The first novel in the series, One More Mountain, was gen, and can be found on the Starsky & Hutch Gen Archive. The third novel in the series, No Easy Answers, is also slash, and will be posted to the slash archive as soon as it is transcribed into electronic files. One More River was published in 1983. As I do with most zines, I will be presenting the novel as it appeared in the zine, including the editorial and other introductory material that was originally in the printed version. Unfortunately, I have not yet gotten permission to post the novel's lovely art. If I do get permissions, the art will be posted. In the meantime, a print version of this out-of-print zine, including the art, can be obtained from the Starsky & Hutch Lending Library.

One More River was originally produced on a typewriter, and had to be re-typed into an electronic format, then proofed. Special thanks and a bouquet of roses to Morag for her magic fingers typing skills, and for Elaine for proofing it. 

Terri Beckett and Chris Power are also the authors of TRIBUTE TRAIL.  See for details!   

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