Title: THE HEART'S WHISPER Author/pseudonym: Candy Apple Rating: MAO Pairings: J/B Status: NEW, Complete Date: 2-5-99 Series/Sequel: No Disclaimers: I don't own the guys, Pet Fly does. No money changing hands. Just working off my frustration with "Sentinel Too", Part 2. Notes: MAJOR SPOILERS FOR SENTINEL TOO, PART TWO. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED, WAIT TO READ THIS!!! This is my "fix" for the season opener. It's my humble attempt to put what I hope is a positive spin on the events in the episode as they relate to Jim and Blair's relationship. Summary: After the dust settles, Jim and Blair cope with the aftermath of the struggle with Alex, and come to their own revelation about the meaning of the visions. Warnings: m/m THE HEART'S WHISPER by Candy Apple Megan thanked the desk clerk and turned back to face her three equally bedraggled friends. "They had an extra room, so it looks like you boys are on your own tonight," she declared cheerfully. "I should probably get a room too, if they have another. I could use some sleep in a real bed," Blair said tiredly, starting toward the desk. "Chief--you're welcome to stay with me. There's plenty of room." Jim looked a little confused at Blair's desire to get other accommodations. "Okay." Blair let out a long breath and headed for the elevator, hitting the button. "He looks exhausted, Jim," Simon opined. "Keep an eye on him, huh?" "Sure," Jim said, nodding slightly, as if it were a given that he would do that. The four rode up in the elevator in virtual silence, which was all the more unnerving for the absence of Blair's usual chatter about how they were all giving into the social phenomenon of elevator silence, or whatever the technical term would be for it. Normally, he would have teased them all mercilessly for just standing around like four strangers. Instead, his eyes were downcast, his shoulders somewhat slumped, his whole demeanor speaking of fatigue and listlessness. "Get a good night's sleep, Blair," Simon suggested gently as they all got off the elevator. "I'll try," he replied, smiling slightly at Simon's concerned tone. Jim unlocked the door to the hotel room and let Blair in, then followed, locking the door behind them. "Why don't you go ahead and get cleaned up, Chief? I've got a couple calls to make, and I want to start getting things packed up so we can leave tomorrow." "Thanks," Blair responded, moving slowly into the bathroom and closing the door. Jim heard the shower start, and the sounds of clothing being discarded. He turned his attentions to calling for flight reservations and then gathering the few items he'd had time to unpack in the first place. He was interrupted by a knock at the door. "Sorry to bother you, but I left my bag in here," Megan said, looking more than a little bedraggled herself as she stood there in a white, fluffy hotel robe, obviously ready to step into the shower. "No problem." Jim went back into the room and fetched the bag, bringing it to Megan, who had stepped partway into the room. "How's Sandy doing?" "He's showering right now." "I gathered," she said, nodding toward the bathroom with a little smile, the sound of the water audible through the closed door. "I hope he's okay. He checked out of the hospital against the doctor's orders. I wouldn't have let him come with me, except that I knew he'd go alone otherwise. I was worried about him traveling alone when he wasn't feeling 100%." "I'm sure he'll be okay after he gets some sleep." Jim smiled slightly. "Jim, he was clinically dead--drowned. That's more than a head cold." "I'm aware of that, Connor," Jim retorted, his tone icy. "I was there." "I know. That's why I find your utter lack of concern a bit surprising." She took the back out of Jim's hand and turned on her heel, striding down the hall. Jim was still standing in his own open doorway when he heard her door slam decisively. Returning to the interior of the room, Jim set his nearly packed bag aside, clearing the bed and turning it back. The water was still running in the bathroom, and Jim focused his hearing to see just what was taking Sandburg so long. Even shampooing his hair shouldn't have held him up this much. Intermingled with the sounds of the running water were small, choked sounds from Blair himself. He was crying, vainly hoping the running water would be enough to distract sentinel ears from picking up the sounds. Jim hesitated, then moved toward the door, tapping on it. "Okay in there, Chief?" he asked. There was a pause in the sounds of the crying, a couple of almost audible swallows. "I'll be out in a minute, Jim." "Take your time. Just wanted to be sure you were okay in there," Jim called back, moving away from the door. ****** The water stopped shortly thereafter, and the sounds of the blow drier started. Once the drying ritual ended, the door opened and Blair emerged, clad in a pair of pale blue boxer shorts, his hair a wild mane of curls falling on his shoulders. What caught Jim's attention, though, was some faint bruising around his mid section. "Hurt yourself, Chief?" Jim said, nodding toward Blair, indicating the bruising. "You mean before or after being clinically dead?" Blair shot back, climbing into the bed, not really caring where Jim slept. If Jim wanted him in here instead of in his own room, he damn well wasn't going to spend another night on a hard surface. In the silence that followed his response, Blair finally added. "The CPR bruised some ribs. Nothing serious." "Good. I mean that it isn't serious," Jim added, more than a little clumsily. "Look, I'm really tired. If you don't mind, I just need sleep." "Sure. I'm going to hit the shower," Jim responded. Once the door to the bathroom had closed again, Blair let out a long breath. He knew Jim had heard him crying, and hated himself for losing it at all where Jim could hear it. He'd been determined to follow this thing through with his dignity, and then work on starting his new life somewhere else. He'd been granted a rare second chance, and when he'd first gotten a little of his strength back, he hadn't considered spending on anyone or anything but Jim. Seeing Jim's obvious caring, affection and tenderness for Alex had changed all that. That she had murdered him seemed a forgotten footnote in the whole adventure, and didn't dissuade Jim from following his instincts and trying to make love to her. //*Make love*, not mate. There was tenderness, caring, sensuality...it was more than an animal coupling, which would have been easier to bear.// Blair swallowed, angry that new tears were burning his eyes again. To see Jim's caring directed toward Alex had cut Blair so deeply that he found it almost impossible to handle the pain. The bathroom door opened, and Blair quickly brushed at his eyes and closed them again, pulling the blanket more firmly around himself. The air conditioning was chilling him to the bone. Jim didn't say anything else. He got into the other side of the bed and pulled the covers up, settling on his side, his back to Blair, with plenty of empty space between them. //There's been a lot of that lately,// Blair thought sadly. //Not much else left anymore.// "Blair?" "What?" "Are you too cold? I can feel you shivering." "Sorry." "I didn't mean it that way--I can turn the air down." "I'm all right," Blair responded. He heard Jim get up and turn down the compressor. Then he felt the weight of an extra cover over him. Jim had drawn the bedspread back up on Blair's side. "Thanks." "Feeling all right?" "Tired," Blair responded. "Okay." Another long pause. "Goodnight, Chief." "Goodnight, Jim." ****** Jim opened his eyes, tuning into the little noises coming from his bed mate. Blair was moving in his sleep, emitting pained, broken little sounds from somewhere in the back of his throat. Jim turned over and laid a hand on Blair's shoulder. "Chief, come on, wake up. Wake up, Blair," Jim gave the shoulder a little shake. Blair jerked awake, his body stiffening as he regained consciousness. Jim didn't move his hand. He kept rubbing the cool skin of Blair's shoulder. "Nightmare?" "It's okay, Jim. Sorry I woke you." "Talk to me, Chief." "Why?" Blair paused. "Look, Jim, when we get back to Cascade...I'm leaving. I'm going to track Naomi down and see if I can go spend some time with her." "Maybe a vacation'll do you good." "I'm not talking about a vacation. I'm talking about a place to land until I figure out where I'm going. I did have one job offer a couple months ago, but I doubt it's still open. That was in Sacramento. Warm climate and everything." "What're you saying?" "What part of it didn't you get? I'm leaving, Jim. Moving on. It's time." "Time? Time for what?" Jim demanded, withdrawing his hand and sitting up in the bed. "Time for me to get a life, okay?!" Blair shot back, sitting up and facing his soon-to-be-former partner. "To quit building everything around you." "Is that what you think you've been doing?" Jim demanded. "Is that what I *think* I've been doing? Shit, Jim, I'm so fucking expert at it now that you don't even notice it anymore! You fucking *expect* it!" "Expect *what*?!" "You expect that you can do anything you want, anytime, with anybody, and I'll always be here. Goddammit, not anymore!" Blair shouted, tears threatening his voice. "Where is this coming from?" "That's really amusing, Jim." Blair got up out of bed and started pacing. "Tell me, was it good for you?" Blair sneered. "Did it feel good to satisfy your mating urges with the woman who fucking murdered me?!" "I told you on the beach--it was like I wasn't in control--" "She murdered me, Jim. In cold blood. I guess I'd hoped that would cut down on her sex appeal in your eyes." "Blair, I wouldn't have let her hurt you." "Hurt me? She already killed me once, Jim. And on the beach--she could have drilled me full of lead before you got around to saying no to her. But you know what cuts the deepest, man?" "What?" Jim asked, his voice a little weak. "The tenderness in you when you touched her. When you looked at her--when you kissed her. You kissed her like a lover. You weren't mating, you were making love. Making love to someone who had just finished killing me." Blair's voice was no longer elevated, and the tears were slowly dribbling out of his eyes now. "You could still love her, after what she did to me. You still wanted her. It wasn't just the mating urge--that's primitive, biological--I don't even know all the answers about that part of it. But, Jim, you looked at her with longing...with...with *love*. You're never gonna know...what that felt like." "I never meant to hurt you, Chief. I...I couldn't stop it. I--" "And that really says it all, doesn't it, Jim? You could still make love to her after what she did to me." "I never made love to her, Blair." "You wanted to. After she killed me, you *wanted to*. That's all I need to know." Blair brushed at his eyes and hugged himself against the coolness of the room on his sleep-warmed skin. "Come on, get back in bed--" "I never wanted to have this conversation with you," Blair said quietly. "I wanted to just go back home and get my stuff and get out. This isn't serving any purpose." "Blair, I never loved Alex. I wasn't in love with her. I'm not in love with her now." "You coulda fooled me." "You're the one who studies sentinels. I would think you of all people would understand what I was going through." "I guess that makes it official then." Blair sat on the foot of the bed on his side, his back to Jim. "I'm a complete failure as your shaman. I don't have the answers you need, and in the end, you had to fight all the battles yourself. If Incacha granted me the Way of the Shaman, I must have not been worthy of it." Blair ran a hand back through his hair. "I did my best for you, Jim. In the end, it wasn't enough. Maybe someday I can wax philosophical about your desire for Alex, but right now it just hurts like hell and I can't get past it. Anytime anyone has hurt you, I have felt the worst kind of hate possible. I've felt hate that scared me it was so strong. Almost strong enough that I could have forgotten all of my humane instincts and...and just...*attacked*. I've always thought that was present in you too--that for whatever else happened in our world, one thing we could rely on was that...*bond*. I even started hypothesizing in my dissertation about this special, mystical bond between Sentinel and Shaman. Because, I swear, Jim, I thought I felt it. But if there ever was one, it wasn't strong enough." "You're not a failure, Blair." Jim got out of bed and moved to sit next to Blair. He reached back and pulled the spread up, wrapping it around Blair's shoulders. "When Alex had me at the temple, in the pool, I had another vision." "We all know how effective I've been at interpreting those." Blair clutched the spread around himself. He wanted to give into the tears he felt threatening his tenuous control. More than anything, he wanted Jim to find something to say that would make the pain go away. Something that could convince him that there was any reason not to end the relationship now. "I saw Incacha again. I begged him for help, to guide me." "To guide you?" Blair shook his head. "You know, Jim, I *did* get revived. I *am* still here. You could have thought of not shutting me out at some point along the way. I know I don't have all the answers, but I...I would have *tried*. I wouldn't have just stood by and let her get the upper hand." "You mean like I did to you? Blair, as soon as I realized that she was going after you, when I realized the meaning of my visions where you were concerned--I tried to get to you in time." "What visions about me?" "Before I...asked you to leave the loft--" "Now there's a PC phrase for it." "Okay." Jim took a deep breath. "Before I kicked your ass out in the street, is that better?" Jim snapped. "Do you want me to explain this or not?" "I'm sorry." "No, I am." Jim let the silence hang there, until Blair turned to look at him. "I'm sorry, Blair. I can't give you a bunch of reasons, because I don't understand a lot of this better than you do. But I know that all I've done is hurt you since Alex came into the picture. I hate that I've made you so miserable that you want to leave town. I hate that I kept hurting you when I was trying so damned hard not to. And this thing with Alex...it was a primal urge, and I fell for it. I never meant for it to hurt you. My focus just...turned inward, I guess." "That means a lot to me, Jim," Blair said quietly, still studying Jim's features in the shadows of the room. "I...I'm glad." Jim paused quite a while, then added. "Because you mean a lot to me, Chief." He said it to the carpeting, hoping Blair would overhear their conversation. "You're so much a part of me that I didn't ever consider you wouldn't know that. And after that vision we shared, about the panther and the wolf...and I knew you shared it, I just assumed you understood." "You were going to tell me about the vision you had before...before I left the loft." "Now I've got you doing it." Jim smiled, and Blair chuckled a little. "What did you see?" "I told you most of it, but along with the temple, and the jungle...I saw a wolf. Only in the vision, I had the crossbow, and I fired, and the wolf was hit, and then...as it lay there dying...it changed. It became...you." "Me?" "Yeah. And then I started thinking that maybe I was going to cause your death somehow. More and more it seemed like the best thing for you was to get you away from me. So many things were going on in my head...so I just pushed you away. Figured we'd work it out later, after whatever this *crisis* was, passed. But I didn't realize until after my last run-in with Alex that the vision meant death or danger for you, but it obviously didn't have to come directly at my hands." "So part of throwing me out had to do with protecting me?" "A big part of it." Jim tried a little smile, but Blair still didn't return it. He looked away again. "When we talked in the bullpen that day, I was angry. I was frustrated. I just took it out on you." "You said you needed a partner you could trust," Blair said in a hushed voice. "I do." "Well, maybe Megan'll work out that way. She knows now." "You're not going to make this easy, are you?" Jim said, smiling again. Blair looked at him, puzzled. "I already have a partner that I trust. I guess the big question now is whether or not, after everything that's happened, he can still trust me." Jim looked back at Blair. "When I was in the pool, and Incacha answered my call for help, he told me I had to look within myself to find the way, to get out of the darkness. When I took his advice...I...I saw you." "You saw me? In what way?" "As my guide, my way out of the dark..." Jim looked away, staring straight ahead now. "Blair, I know that after what's happened...there isn't much reason for you to stick around. I don't really have the right to ask that of you anymore." "Maybe you oughtta give it a shot," Blair said casually, shrugging a little. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." "I don't want you to go, Chief. I didn't really need a vision to tell me that you're my light. I know that. I always knew it." "Maybe I just needed to know it," Blair responded. "Well...?" Jim prompted, obviously nervous now that he had laid the words out there for Blair. "I don't want to go anywhere...without you. I never did," Blair admitted, looking at Jim and waiting for him to turn so their eyes could meet. "You're the other half of my soul, Jim. Without you..." Blair let the words trail off, finally meeting Jim's eyes as the other man looked at him, "...there's this big, empty place *nothing* could ever fill in again. When I saw you with Alex, I thought that meant...I was losing you for good." "Never. You'll never lose me, Blair." Jim pulled Blair into his arms, delving under the folds of the spread to press them together, skin on skin. He buried his nose in Blair's hair, wrapped his arms tightly around his body, catalogued the heartbeat, the scent, the textures, the very moment of blood coursing through the veins in a way he never had before. Blair returned the pressure of the embrace, finally giving in to Jim's insistent pulling and straddling the larger man's lap. He could hear Jim's intakes of breath, feel his nose moving about slightly in the tangled curls, then down to Blair's neck. Those strong, gentle hands moved over his skin as if it were the finest silk, and he knew that sentinel fingers were memorizing every inch of his physical landscape. Jim was doing his level best to make Blair physically a part of him as well as spiritually. Indulging in what he thought would probably be a rare opportunity, Blair ran his hands slowly over the smooth shoulders and back of the man he loved, feeling the rock solid muscles moving under their smooth, deceptively soft coating of skin. The truth he hadn't been able to tell Jim was that he not only felt unspeakably betrayed by Jim's lust for Alex, but he had hated her for having the one thing from Jim he wanted most for himself--Jim's desire. And then the questing hands slid down Blair's back and cupped his buttocks, moving decisively to slide under the leg openings of the loose boxers, until warm hands gripped Blair's cool flesh. He jerked back from Jim to look in the other man's eyes, and saw a passion and determination there he'd never seen before. Not even on the beach, not even when Jim had kissed Alex in the temple. This was...conviction. The knowledge that everything about this union was meant to be, that a physical coupling would be the ultimate expression and consummation of the spiritual bond they had both seen in their shared vision. Still, at Blair's startled look, the questing hands froze, their fingertips at the very edge of the crease between Blair's buttocks. "Yes," Blair whispered against Jim's mouth, before devouring it with the frenzy of emotion that came from finally defeating Alex--taking back from her the one thing he wanted most. First, he'd gotten his life back, and now, he had Jim back. He pulled back from the kiss, gasping a little. "I love you," Jim whispered. Blair felt tears spring to his eyes at hearing those words, the words that he had needed to hear to feel at peace with his decision to stay, his decision to be Jim's other half, to fulfill the destiny outlined in their shared vision. "I love you too," he responded, before they kissed again. Jim reclined until he lay on his back with Blair on top of him. He slid both hands up Blair's back and into his hair, holding him in place until he had his fill of the soft, lush mouth he hadn't realized he'd been coveting for so long. He reached for the last barrier between them, tugging at Blair's boxers until they slid over the curve of his ass and the younger man cooperated in kicking them to the floor. Within moments, Jim found himself divested of his underwear just as efficiently. Erections matching and rubbing together, the two men rolled across the bed, kissing, caressing, licking and tasting as much of each other as they could reach. Jim fastened his mouth on a soft patch of skin on Blair's throat, sucking hard and drawing a gasp out of his lover. When he drew back, and met the smouldering eyes of his other half, he had little time to prepare for the return attack. Blair's mouth found almost the precise same spot on Jim's throat and left his own bright mark there. "You're mine now," Blair growled, going for Jim's mouth again. They picked up the pace of the movement of their bodies, the stimulation to their overheated groins driving them both to the edge. As the shared climax ripped through them, a bright gold light shone above the bed, expanding and bathing the lovers in its glow. ****** Jim slowly came back to earth, clinging tightly to the damp, warm body in his arms. He tugged the covers up over them, holding Blair impossibly closer, shielding him from any risk of chill. "Did you see it?" Blair whispered. "You know I did, Chief," Jim whispered back against Blair's lips, then kissed him. "Maybe this is what Incacha was trying to tell us?" Blair said, still whispering. "Maybe. Or maybe I just finally listened to the whispers of my own heart," Jim said softly, pressing Blair's head against his shoulder. "Sleep now, Chief. You need your rest." Jim smiled as he heard the even breathing coming from his lover. Blair's exhausted body had finally demanded what it needed, even when the overactive brain it carried around was still trying to wrap itself around their newfound status as lovers. "Sleep well, my love," Jim whispered to the sleeping man, kissing the soft curls and settling in to sleep himself. ****** Simon stole another look at Blair, then at Jim, and then exchanged a look with Megan, who had been guilty of giving the other two men a similar once-over. Both dressed in short sleeve, open neck shirts, Jim and Blair each sported a nice, vibrant, technicolor passion mark that defied anyone who glanced their way not to look at them. "Something wrong, sir?" Jim asked innocently, picking up his orange juice glass with one hand, holding hands under the table with Blair with the other. "No, not at all," Simon protested, going back to his eggs. "All right, I'll say it. What exactly is going on with you two now?" Megan asked, as if exasperated to have found out one secret and obviously missed another one. Jim looked at Blair's puzzled, slightly uncertain expression, and thought again about how blessed he felt to have his other half alive, healthy and with him. He pulled their joined hands out from under the table, startling Blair by pulling the younger man's hand up to his mouth and kissing the back of it. "Let's just say that I found a lot more on this trip than a couple tanks of nerve gas." Jim smiled at Blair, who returned it. Then, casually, smiling easily, Jim asked Simon and Megan, "So, you guys happen to know what the laws are down here for same sex marriages?" Both Jim and Blair would have given any amount of money to have had a camera on hand to capture their companions' expressions. ****** The End ;-) (I feel better now. )