Blair wasn't sure what woke him up, but when he opened his eyes, Jim was still sleeping peacefully next to him. Blair had shifted in his sleep to face away from his lover, but his back still pressed against the warmth of Jim's body. "Blair." The name was barely more than a breath. Blair looked around the room, and was startled a bit to see Michael standing by the closed door of the bedroom. The young musician was visible and yet...*filmy*. His long auburn hair hung down on his shoulders in all its shaggy splendor, and he looked as if he were dressed to go on stage. Black leather pants were adorned with two silver studded belts that hung a bit haphazardly on his hips, black leather boots decorated with silver rings and studs rose almost to his knees. A red tank shirt was covered with a black net tank shirt. The silver of an earring in his left ear glimmered as it caught the moonlight. And he was smiling brightly, happier than Blair had ever seen him. "Michael?" Blair whispered softly. Jim stirred a little but didn't wake. The spirit by the bedroom door motioned to him to follow, and turning away, passed through the closed door. Oddly confident that Michael wouldn't lead him anywhere he didn't want to go, Blair slipped out of bed and grabbed his robe, not quite ready for the chill of evening through his tank shirt and boxers. He had worn socks to bed, having felt a little too cold to part with them earlier. Slipping as noiselessly as he could out the door of the room, he left it slightly ajar rather than make the noise of closing it tightly. He made his way to the stairs, and paused at the top when he saw Michael waiting for him at the foot. The spirit was still smiling, his expression almost impish and mischievous, as if he were letting Blair in on a great secret. Blair followed the spirit down the hall and into the kitchen, and it wasn't until then that he realized that everything had been as neat and tidy as it always was--there were no chandelier crystals on the floor, no exploded plants, and the kitchen was more orderly than even Jim usually kept it. The message that had read "Vine", along with the spilled flour and all the other destruction, had vanished. Michael paused at the door that led to the back porch, and took a long look at Blair. A light, warm breeze toyed with Blair's hair, then swirled around him, making him feel as if he'd just stepped into the glow of warm sunlight. His other worldly friend was smiling again, and then he was moving through the closed door. Released from the wonderful moment of warmth, Blair hurried to the door, opened it and stepped out on the back porch. He grabbed onto the railing, staring across the moonlit lawn, his mouth agape. Michael was sprinting across the grass toward the gazebo, no sign of the limp that had labored his steps in life. And when he hurried up the two steps into the ornate white structure, he met another figure there. Considerably taller, long blond hair picking up the glow of the moon, dressed in a stunning white leather stage outfit, Brian waited for him there. Blair sat on the top step of the porch, not only reeling from the shock of such a vision, but in acceptance of what it meant. Brian had passed to the other side, and Michael hadn't wanted to leave without saying goodbye. The two figures in the gazebo met enthusiastically, Brian catching his smaller lover in his arms and lifting him until his feet cleared the ground by a good two inches. Once Michael landed on his feet again, the two lovers kissed passionately, hands sliding into each other's hair, over each other's bodies. Michael pulled back finally, holding out a hand to Brian. The taller man's face broke into a huge smile, and he accepted the outstretched hand. Michael led his lover down the steps of the gazebo, and both paused to look back toward Blair, who was watching them with tears in his eyes. "Be happy and love each other," Michael whispered, smiling. Whether or not he actually said the words, Blair would never be sure later. But his message reached Blair clearly, and he smiled at the vision in the garden. "You too," he responded. "Thank you for being here for me--both of you," he said softly. Both figures lingered a moment longer, and Blair felt the warm breeze again, and the windchimes danced lightly. And then Michael turned, pulling his lover by the hand, and walked toward the woods. In the last moment they were visible to him, Blair smiled as he saw Brian's arm go around Michael's shoulders as the smaller man's arm circled Brian's waist. Then they were gone, and all that remained was the subtle song of the crickets and the cool night air, the light of the moon and the memory of what he had just witnessed. "Blair?" This voice was earthly, and Blair turned around to look up at its source. Jim was standing inside the open back door, one arm in his robe, the other side hanging sloppily over his sling. "They're together," Blair said, looking back out at the gazebo. Then he noticed something different, and he got up off the step and hurried across the lawn to the half-finished garden. "Jim!! Come and look at this!!" It was a silly request, because all Jim had to do was stand on the porch and he could see anything he wished. But this was a miracle that deserved the respect of a close inspection. "What is it, Chief? Oh, hey, one of the roses bloomed." Jim noticed the fat yellow blooms borne on tall, thick, glossy green stalks with abundant foliage. "It's too early! Just a day or two ago, there was like, *nothing* on this plant but a few ratty little leaves." "Maybe it had a growth spurt." "Mae said we'd have yellow roses in the garden--Jim, it's a sign!" Blair looked off towards the woods behind the house. "You didn't see them, did you?" "Who?" Jim frowned, looking in the same direction as Blair, but seeing only trees. "Jim...Brian's dead," Blair said softly, looking up at his lover. "Did the hospital call? Did you call there?" "No. I...I saw him. With Michael." "You saw him?" "Just before you came out." Blair lightly touched one of the big yellow roses. Looking into the folds of the bloom, he continued. "Michael woke me up to say goodbye. It was incredible, man." Blair smiled widely and then looked back up at Jim. "What happened?" Jim smiled back, not really caring if Blair had seen visions of pink elephants dancing on the lawn as long as it made him smile that way. The younger man's eyes were still weary from all his tears, and the bruise on his cheek was an ugly blue-black in the moonlight, but his smile positively glowed. "I woke up, and Michael was in our room. Jim, he looked... so different than I ever saw him look. He was dressed like he was going on stage--all leather and studs, his hair really long and wild. And he looked so...*happy*. He led me downstairs, and then out here, and Brian was waiting for him in the gazebo. He was dressed in all white leather, and with all his blond hair--he looked almost...*angelic* in the moonlight. And when they came together--it was reminded me of us." "Pretty amazing, huh?" Jim asked affectionately, running his hand through the side of Blair's hair, then resting his palm against the cool skin of Blair's uninjured cheek. He leaned forward on an impulse and kissed the bruise. "They were holding each other and kissing...they were finally *together*. And they were so...*happy*. I've tried to make myself want to cry for Brian, because he's dead...but I can't. He's finally with the other half of his soul. He's happy. And for all his attempts to back off and push Brian into living his own life, Michael was trapped here until Brian was with him." "You don't think Michael hung around because of his connection to you?" Jim asked, since that had been their initial theory about Michael's presence. "I think he cared what happened to me. We had a very special bond because he spoke and acted through me before. He always tried so hard to protect me." Blair looked off toward the trees. "But the truth is, he couldn't bear to move on without Brian, and I think he was so lonely his heart was broken. He needed Brian with him. I think he would have been trapped here however long it took for Brian to join him." "That's the phone," Jim said, heading toward the house with Blair close behind him. He made it to catch the phone while it was still ringing. "Jim? It's Kelli." The voice on the other end of the phone shook badly. "Brian...Brian's gone. He was very quiet. He died in his sleep." There was the sound of a muffled sob or two. "I'm so sorry, Kelli." Jim paused. "Blair and I really thought a lot of him--of both of you." "I know. But I know he's happy now," she managed through tears. "The last thing he said was 'you came back for me', and then he smiled, and then he was gone. I know Michael came for him." "I think you're probably right." "The man who did it...he's dead?" she asked. "Yes. There was no other way--" "I'm glad. Brian didn't deserve to die that way." "No, he didn't," Jim agreed. "He was a great guy, Kelli. You'll let us know when the arrangements are made?" "Yeah...I'll call you tomorrow sometime..." There was a long pause, then in a tearful voice, she added, "I know he's happier. It's just...hard..." "You were really good to him, Kelli. He was lucky to have found you." "I was lucky too," she responded. "I'll let you go for now. I'll call when the times are set up." "Okay. If we're not here, you've got Blair's cell phone number, right?" "Yes. I'll find you, or my mom will. She's making some calls for me." "Okay. Try to get some rest, Kelli. If there's anything at all we can do, please--call us anytime." "I will. Goodnight, Jim." She hung up the phone, and Jim followed suit. "How's she taking it?" Blair asked, getting them both a glass of orange juice from the refrigerator. "As well as can be expected. She's pretty convinced that he's happier now." "He is. He was miserable without Michael." Blair handed Jim the glass of juice. "Like we'd be without each other." "How're you feeling, sweetheart?" Jim asked, looking at his lover with concern. "A little better, I think. I--" Blair stopped when Jim set the juice on the counter and took a hold of Blair's hand, looking over the chafing around his wrist. "Does it hurt?" Jim asked, leaning down and kissing the irritated area. "Not as much now," Blair responded, grinning. "How bad are your ankles?" "The skin's not broken. It's just raw." "We've got some ointment upstairs that should help. God, I didn't even look at that earlier." "I was sort of...freaked out. That was probably the least concern." "They must hurt," Jim said, still holding the hand he'd latched onto. "They sort of burn..." Blair looked away. "I've had them before. It's no big deal." Jim hooked a finger under Blair's chin and gently nudged him until the dark blue eyes looked up and met Jim's. "Don't look away, baby. You don't have anything to be ashamed of. And if you're hurting, it's a big deal. Are we clear on that?" Jim leaned forward and planted a gentle kiss on Blair's lips. "Yeah, we're clear on it." Blair smiled and slid his arms around Jim, careful not to jostle the restrained arm in its sling. Jim used his free arm to pull Blair tight against him. "Good. You don't ever have to look away from anybody, sweetheart. You're a survivor. You should be proud, not ashamed." "I love you," Blair whispered. "I love you too, Chief." "I'm glad Brian and Michael are together finally. I know I should feel badly that Brian died, but they're so...*happy* now." "It's good to know they're together." Jim moved back a little. "Did you notice the house?" ", it's like nothing ever happened." "It's almost dawn, Chief. Let's see if we can catch a nap before we have to tackle this day. I have a feeling it's going to be a long one." "Jim...when I make my I have to go into detail know...Borden...touching me?" "Well, we've eliminated the tape from evidence, so you definitely don't want to refer back to that." Jim started up the stairs with Blair close behind him. "I don't think it's necessary to be gratuitous in your detail, let's put it that way. I think it would be good to be honest about at least some part of it, because it doesn't make sense that he'd abduct you and tie you up that way and then just...sit there with you." "No, I guess not." Blair didn't object as Jim led him into the bathroom and located some of the ointment. Even working with one hand hampered by his arm's position in the sling, Jim efficiently flipped the cap on it, managed to squeeze some out onto his fingers and began gently applying it to Blair's wrist while he held onto the younger man's hand with his own hand that extended from the sling. Looking at the left hand, most specifically at the left ring finger, Jim wondered why they'd never had rings. Blair had bought them the mitzpah coin pendants when they were in New England, and Jim had thought them the perfect little symbol of their union, tucked away discretely under their clothing. "Jim?" Blair's voice held a note of concern, and Jim realized he'd been staring at Blair's hand for quite a few seconds now. "I was just thinking." Jim let go of that hand and reached for the other, working on soothing the chafed skin there. "Just a lot of stuff on my mind, I guess." Jim smiled as he finished his task with the right wrist, then directed Blair to sit on the closed toilet seat while he removed the socks that were damp from running around in the grass outdoors. "Damn, these look sore," Jim commented, seeing the bright red chafing of the tender skin around Blair's ankles. "They are." "Why didn't you tell me, Chief?" "I was too tired to do anything about it, and I thought you should be resting--and you should." "It was just a flesh wound, Chief. I'm doing fine. I'll be out of this stupid sling in a few days at the most." "The doctor said a week, minimum, and then he wants to see you." "Yes, Dr. Sandburg," Jim responded, smiling as he finished soothing the second ankle. "Man, that feels better," Blair said honestly. "Good. Let's hit the sack for a couple hours, huh?" "Yeah, I'm still really wasted." "Blair, about your statement--you tell whatever you can handle telling. Borden's dead. We can't charge him with anything anyway. I'm not saying you shouldn't be as honest as you can, and that you shouldn't tell the pertinent details, but we don't need to know every little touch and taunt." "Thanks," Blair said, relieved. The two men climbed back into bed and shifted around until they found comfortable positions, Blair's head on Jim's shoulder. ******** Brian Nolan was buried in the Nolan family plot three days after his death. The funeral was one of the biggest media circuses Cascade had seen in recent history, with grieving fans held at bay by some of Cascade's finest as the family and a few friends paid final respects at the grave side. The rest of Brian's band flew in from New York, comprising four of the six pall bearers, Jim and Blair doing the honors in the remaining two spots. Amid the outpouring of grief from devastated relatives and friends, and the visions of tearful fans held behind police barriers, Blair couldn't help but feel a sense of release for Brian. His dearest wish had been to join Michael, to be with him and consummate their relationship. How consummation worked on the other side of the barrier, Blair didn't know, but he did know what he had seen in the gazebo the night of Brian's death. It was a good feeling to have *proof* that love does, indeed, survive death into eternity. As Jim and he each laid a single yellow rose, cut from the early-blooming bush in their garden, on the polished wood surface of Brian's casket, they knew that wherever Brian was, he was with Michael, and because of that, he was at peace. Mark Borden was buried at about the same time, and the police department had heard from his grieving parents, demanding an explanation for their son's death at the hands of a Cascade PD detective. They were given that explanation by Simon and Jim in a meeting which had left them well-informed about their son's offenses, and satisfied that his death had not been preventable under the circumstances. Like Borden himself, his mother seemed to harbor some vague suspicion that Blair was somehow responsible for Mark's mental problems, but short of accusing Sandburg of putting a curse on her son, there was no way to put that suspicion into words, or to follow up on it. The house had been free of any signs of supernatural activity since the night of Brian and Michael's reunion. There were times Blair felt a sense of loss at the absence of Michael's presence, but he couldn't be anything but happy to know that a spirit, trapped on this plane for years without release, was finally free. Spirits of a more earthly kind were high in the house the weekend after Memorial Day as the long-promised cookout finally took place, and the half-finished garden finally reached completion. With burgers and hot dogs on the grill, bags of chips and dip in warehouse quantities and cases of beer and soft drinks being consumed over the course of the day, Simon, Daryl, Rafe, Brown, Joel, the Wolf Family, Megan, Serena, and a number of other Cascade PD denizens happily helped out with the planting projects. Jim and Blair's sprawling back yard had already been the site of more than one outdoor party, so there was no shortage of willing volunteers to improve the atmosphere for what they hoped would be more occasions in the future. Word had also leaked out that an inground pool was in the offing for the following summer. Blair hurried downstairs following his shower, ready to spend the evening out in the gazebo with a few remaining friends. He was surprised to see Simon in the hall near the stairs. "I still can't figure how you got that chandelier looking so good again. There were crystals all over the floor in here," Simon observed, staring at the fixture with great puzzlement. "It wasn't easy," Blair responded, giving up on explaining to Simon that the tidy up had been Michael's departing gift. "I hope you don't mind that I hit the shower in the bathroom down here." "No, that's fine. I think there was more mud on us than in the garden," Blair responded. Much more comfortable now in a clean t-shirt and jeans, he was also better dressed for the cooling evening than he had been in the shorts and tattered excuse for a tank shirt he'd worn earlier. He found himself thanking all the deities for the vision of a sweaty Jim cavorting around the yard most of the day, wearing nothing but a pair of soaked shorts, and then quickly averted his thoughts back to Simon. Bulging denim wasn't something he wanted to explain to the captain at that moment. "I had a talk with Chief Warren the other day." Simon paused. "You know that Wendy Evans' parents are considering a lawsuit against the department." "I know," Blair responded, nodding. "As responsible as I felt for her death when it happened...looking back? I don't think it was our fault." "No, I don't think so either. At any rate, Warren met with them and proposed another way in which the department could spend the money they would otherwise offer in the form of an out-of-court settlement. They went for it." "What was it?" "We're going to be setting up a new Domestic Violence Unit. Instead of those cases being at the bottom of the priority pile in Major Crimes, they'll be the sole activity of that unit. It would include child abuse and molestation cases, spousal abuse--and that would include homicides arising from those situations. Now when the workload wasn't sufficient to tie up a whole unit, the detectives assigned to it would work cases in their usual fields--I'm figuring we'll be drawing heavily from the half-assed attempt at a child abuse task force we have, as well as Major Crimes. We'll be looking for detectives who have been handling rape, child molestation and family violence cases predominately, and also giving the unit a shot in the arm with help from some of our best people when schedules permit." "Wow." Blair leaned against the banister, smiling slightly. "Are they going to hire any new people?" "Hopefully, eventually. There are going to have to be some new hires down the line, but for now, it'll probably be mostly existing personnel being re-assigned, with a couple departments undergoing some reorganization. I talked it over with the chief, and he agreed that we need someone to coordinate this project--once we pull these people and tell them they're part of this new unit, we need some sense of direction. I recommended you for that job." "Me? But I'm not a cop." "Hey, wait a minute--that's my line," Simon shot back, and the two men laughed. "Do I have the right credentials for something like that?" "Well, you've been working with Jim for a period of years now, functioning more or less like a cop, you have a Ph.D. in Anthropology and you're an abuse survivor yourself. The chief didn't seem to feel we could get anyone more closely qualified for this job if we grew one in a lab." "Are we talking part-time, full-time, volunteer status, what? I have to know...I mean, I'm scheduled for a full teaching load in the fall." "The initial offer would be full-time. We could probably work something out part-time if that's the only way you would do it. And it's not a volunteer job. It would be a full-time administrative position." "What about Jim? I mean, I don't want to spend all day behind a desk. And I don't want to stop working with him. And then there's the U..." "Blair, those are choices you have to make. As far as your work with Jim, it would probably be something you did when time permitted. This is going to be a big project to launch. My thinking is that it would be very full-time for probably the first couple of years, and once the unit is rolling and functional, your position could probably be cut back to part-time, or folded into a more general 'consultant' position. At the outset, I would be the senior officer in charge of the procedural issues relating to the unit. Eventually, it would have its own captain, and at that point, there'd be less of a need for your direct input into things." "So we might be looking at a couple years of really going after it, and then having it taper back to part-time?" "Possibly. Or be part of a more general full-time position that would actually sanction your working with Jim as part of your job." "Wow." Blair sat on the bottom step. "I have to think this to my department head...maybe they'd let me do some sort of sabbatical. I'm so new as a faculty member that I don't know if they'll go for it." "Maybe an unpaid leave of absence?" "They might go for the 'unpaid' part," Blair quipped, chuckling a little. "Would Jim ever be working on the new unit at all?" "Well, I'll be honest with you on one point, Blair. I can't spare Jim from Major Crimes for a full-time reassignment, even if he asked for it. But I would definitely cooperate with him working an occasional case relevant to the unit--especially one that overlapped with Major Crimes' usual domain." "I have to talk it over with Jim. And if we agree on it, I still have to talk to my department chair." "Give me an answer by Wednesday?" "That's doable." "Good." Blair stood up. "You know, I really didn't see how anything good could ever come out of Wendy Evans losing her life in such a senseless, *preventable* way...but this..." "That's sort of how her parents seemed to feel. See, the hook is, you were kind of part of the selling feature with them." "But it was because of me she filed the complaint and because of that--" "They don't see it that way. They seem to feel you were the only one who really invested concern in their daughter's case--I guess she spoke to them about you, said you'd been a lot of support to her. When I mentioned the possibility of involving you with the project, her mother brightened right up and latched onto that." "So this really wasn't just my glowing credentials that got me the job offer?" "I wouldn't have mentioned you if you didn't have the right background for it. But your connection to Wendy, and your moral support of her, made a big impression on her parents, and it made them much more receptive to the idea. Warren was a little pissed off at first, but the more we talked, the more convinced he was that it was a good idea." "This is really an exciting opportunity, Simon. Whether I can do it or not, I'm so thrilled it's going to happen." "I am too, Blair. It's long overdue. Well, I better find my kid. Last time I looked, Daryl was drooling over your new computer. I think he's in the study, staring at it reverently," Simon quipped. "Yeah, it's pretty cool. Pentium III, 500 mega-hurtz. Jim really knows how to pick out a birthday present." Blair led the way into the study, where Daryl was, indeed, staring at the new machine like it was a holy relic. "Man, this thing is *beautiful*!" Daryl opined as Blair pulled up a chair next to him at the computer table with Simon looking over their shoulders. "I bet you have to fasten your seatbelt to surf the 'net on this baby!" "Just about," Blair responded, laughing. "Power it up." Simon took in the posh surroundings of the home office, the elaborate computer and the multi-function printer connected to it--which had been last year's birthday present--and shook his head, smiling. "Sandburg, you're spoiled rotten, do you know that?" There was a little chuckle in Simon's voice. "I sure do, Simon," Blair looked up, smiling back, the love he felt for his partner radiating from his expression. "Don't get lost in cyberspace for too long, you two," Simon admonished gruffly, heading out to join Jim, Megan and Rafe in the gazebo. ******** "Garden looks pretty good now," Jim opined, sitting on the back steps next to Blair. It was almost midnight, and the only light to the garden was the moon, since all the outdoor lanterns had been extinguished. "We've got some good friends." "Who want a dip in that pool next summer." "Not to mention a place to hold the Fourth of July party," Blair added, chuckling a little. "Jim, we've got to talk about something," Blair began. He immediately had Jim's full attention, and with a deep breath, proceeded to recap his conversation with Simon. "I don't know exactly what to do. I mean, in one way, it's a dream come true--to see a PD really take issue with domestic violence this way, and to have a chance to be part of it. But on the other hand, I just got settled into a routine at the U, and I don't want to miss out on us working together." Blair let out a long sigh. "Do you think they'd give you a leave of absence from the U?" Jim asked, draping an arm around Blair's shoulders, happy to feel the answering arm slide around his back. //It should be illegal to be this happy with somebody,// Jim thought, squelching a smile. "Well, actually, this job would be in my field--it's a people-oriented position, dealing with a social and cultural issue like domestic abuse and family relations. I can ask for a sabbatical. My department chair looks like he could use a good laugh." "You haven't really built up enough seniority to get something like that, have you?" "I don't even have tenure yet. I'm supposed to get that after next year. But if I take time off now, that could be delayed too." "Blair, you've paid your dues with this whole abuse situation. And you did your best for Wendy Evans--we all did--even though we failed miserably. If you're happy at Rainier and with the way things are going, don't feel pressured into doing this." "I know I come off sounding like it isn't something I want to do. In a way, it is. In another way...I don't know if I can deal with reliving all that day after day. When I'd talk to Wendy, and she'd tell me something about what her husband did or she'd have some big bruise or something--it was just like going back in time." "Maybe it's still too fresh, Chief. A lot of time survivors get involved in work like this, but maybe you need a little more time to recover yourself before you're ready to help other people do it." "I just feel selfish. I mean, here's this incredible opportunity dropped in my lap to give something back--in return for all the good things that happened to me. I was rescued, I was cared for, and I'm loved--by somebody who is patient enough to deal with all the scars inside from what I went through. I guess I feel like I owe something, on a cosmic level, for being that...*blessed*." "Did you ever think that maybe the good things were what the cosmic scales owed *you* for living with that son of a bitch for six months and taking his abuse?" Jim responded, rubbing Blair's shoulder where his hand rested. "Sweetheart, you don't owe anybody anything because you're loved. You get what you give, and one thing you've always given me is a lot of love." "I think about all the good things that could happen with a program like that--if it's put together right. And I won't have any rights to bitch about it later if I don't like how it's handled. Or if they pigeon-hole it after they get the lawsuit off their backs." "True. The only way you can *control* anything about this new program is to participate in it. You know, Chief, they can't make you stay if you find you can't handle it--emotionally or otherwise." "I'm not a quitter, Jim." "Believe me, honey, I know that." Jim kissed the younger man's temple. "A quitter wouldn't have made it this far." "What about my work with you?" "You know I love having you with me, as much as I can. But if this is something you want to do, I won't be upset if you go for it. My senses are pretty well under my control now. And we live together--it's not like we won't see each other. We'll still live together, eat together, sleep together--the only time we won't be together are the hours you're working, and we're apart that much now when you're teaching full-time." "I want to say yes to this. I'm just...*scared*. I've never been an administrator of anything before. I don't have any experience running a whole program on my own." "Simon and I aren't going to just sit back and watch you flounder. You've got two resource people right there standing ready to help any way we can. You know that." Jim rested his head against Blair's. "You have the ability to do this job, Chief. And you've said you want it. The things you're afraid of...well, experience only comes from doing, so there's no way to get around that. As far as it reviving old pain, if it does, and it's too much, you pass the baton on to someone else and know you gave it your best shot. Whatever you want to do, I'm behind you, sweetheart." "I don't know what they're talking about for salary. I mean, we're in debt up to our eyebrows with the landscaping and by the time that's paid off, there's the pool and--" "Blair, listen to me. If this is something you want to do, we'll figure out how to do it, even if the money isn't that great. But I have a feeling it will be competitive, and maybe more than what you're making now." "You think I should go for it?" "I think it's an opportunity that might bother you if you don't," Jim responded honestly. "I think you're right." Blair leaned into the embrace, smiling. "What do you say we find some leftover wine and go upstairs, huh?" "Yeah, that sounds good." Blair smiled, not moving for a couple of minutes, soaking up the contentment of being nestled against Jim's side, planning their future, looking out over the property around their home that they were improving and enhancing together. Having a house and a mortgage and bills and a predictable future was not something Blair ever pictured wanting. Now he couldn't picture wanting anything else. ******** Blair made the commitment to accept the full-time position with the Cascade PD beginning in the Fall. He was scheduled to teach a course during the summer, and had a couple of academic articles he wanted to finish and submit before taking a leave of absence. Rainier approved a leave without pay, but with his position guaranteed for at least one year's time. His department chair had found the project he was undertaking to be of great interest, and felt that Blair could bring some valuable insight and field experience back from it, perhaps teaching a Sociology or Social Work course or two related to domestic violence and intervention. Returning to the Rainier campus to teach his summer course, Blair had a definite spring in his step. While there were times that the new job left him a bit intimidated in its breadth and level of responsibility, he was still excited by the opportunity. Wandering around the campus free of fear was another new sensation. First it had been Watson and his terror tactics, and not long after the run ins with him, Blair had been dodging Borden and his harassment. Though he felt sorry that any human being would degenerate to the point of ending as badly as Borden did, it was a liberating feeling to know he wasn't going to be popping out from behind every tree. Knowing he was only receiving psychiatric treatment and could be released at any time, Blair had always had a certain sense of unease, wondering where and when Borden would pop up again. Most of his worst fears about such an encounter had been realized, so while he couldn't exactly say he was relieved, at least it was over and he could put it behind him. Putting it *truly* behind him was proving a bit more difficult, and Blair found himself wondering when Jim would develop a fatal case of blue balls and finally dump him for good. Sex had been almost a daily occurrence until the incident with Borden, and now it had fizzled to once a week *if* Jim had time to romance and ease Blair into it for a couple of hours. The first week after the assault, Blair had genuinely been too sore to get very enthusiastic, the bruising around his genitals keeping his sex drive at close to zero. Jim had, as usual, had the patience of a saint, not making any demands on Blair's body that he wasn't comfortable meeting. Sure, they had made love, but Blair still hadn't been able to cope with being on the bottom during sex. Sinking into his desk chair and staring glumly at the pile of exams in front of him, Blair let out a long breath. "That sounds like a man who could use a lunch break," Jim said from the door where he leaned against the frame. "Jim!" Blair jumped a little in his chair. "You were expecting the Dean?" Jim quipped, ambling over to Blair's desk and leaning down to kiss him quickly on the lips before plunking into the visitor's chair near the desk. "I thought you had to be in court." "Been there, done that. The judge called a recess--one of the jurors had to leave because her kid fell on the playground and was in the emergency room to get stitches. I guess it wasn't serious, but she still had to leave. Anyhow, I won't have to testify until tomorrow." "Great. I wanted to be there anyway, and now I can be," Blair responded, referring to the Evans murder trial, which was just getting started with opening arguments. Jim was the first witness for the prosecution. Blair was due to testify himself, but not until a bit later. He stared at his lover a moment. "God, you look good in a suit," he commented. Jim smiled and waved his striped tie at Blair. "I look better out of it." "No arguments there, man," Blair retorted, laughing. "Too bad you have such a self-image problem." "If you've got it, flaunt it." Jim smiled. "You better not flaunt it for anybody but me, lover." "It's a deal." Jim laid his hand on the desk, palm up, and Blair's slid into it easily, curling his fingers around it and holding on tightly. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" Jim noticed the tension in the hand, and in Blair's whole demeanor. "Things aren't...going too great for bed." "They're okay, Chief. We're working on it." Jim rubbed his thumb over the soft skin on the back of Blair's hand. "You haven't...I haven't let you...penetrate me...since..." Blair looked away, blushing furiously. "I just can't." "It's only been a month or so, Blair. It'll get better." Jim paused. "Have you thought about seeing somebody?" "Yeah, I thought about it. I even looked into this support group for survivors of sexual assault. They wouldn't let me in because I'm a man. The woman I talked to said the whole group were women and that most of them had been victimized by men, so I would make them uncomfortable." "That's discrimination." "It makes sense. I understand it. But I want to change it. I thought about going in and talking to a shrink one on one...and I can't handle it. I can't keep reliving this over and over again. But I am planning on talking to one about setting up a support group for adult male sexual abuse and assault survivors. I mean, I just proved to myself that there's no place for men with this problem to go for support or counseling besides a private one-on-one shrink." "Maybe you can get something going in relation to the domestic violence project at the PD." "I hope so. It's one of the main things I want to address with the administration--the treatment and processing of *male* abuse and assault victims, and developing some resources for them." Blair slumped back in his chair. "You know, when I was really little, I had this dog--he was a nice dog--you know, something presentable and pedigreed." Jim smiled as Blair laughed a little at thinking that even Jim's dog had to measure up to the Ellison standard for prestige. "He was a thoroughbred beagle from a really good bloodline. He was supposedly my dad's dog, and I think my dad took him hunting one time to impress a client, but honestly, he didn't like hunting and he was even less interested in dogs. He got the account and I got the dog." "Sounds like a good deal," Blair responded, smiling, but wondering how they'd gone from discussing the possibility of therapy to Jim's beagle. "Anyhow, I had him for about three years, until I was nine. He was a lot of company for me. Stephen was still pretty little, and Sally didn't allow him to get as far out of her sight as I could when he was a toddler, so Caesar went with me." "Caesar the Beagle?" Blair repeated. "My dad wouldn't have named a dog something like 'Spot', Chief. His papers said something like 'Ellison's Emperor Julius Caesar' -- you know how those dogs in the dog shows have longer names than most humans?" "Sometimes I tune into the dog show just to hear the names," Blair said, laughing a little. "Well, one day, Caesar got a little carried away when we were playing, and he chased a ball right out into the street. I yelled at him and ran, but there was no was a busy street, the cars moved fast..." "Oh, man, that's lousy," Blair sympathized, squeezing Jim's hand a little. "He was dead. The guy who hit him felt terrible. He was an older guy, really nice. It wasn't his fault, but I felt so bad about it, I swear the old guy had tears in his eyes when he talked to me. He loaded Caesar on a blanket in the back seat and drove me home. Of course Sally had a fit that I'd taken a ride from a stranger. Anyway, the reason I'm telling you all this is because of something Sally said to me. I was miserable for weeks after that, skulking around the house. One day when I was sitting on the steps, sort of staring into space, Sally stopped what she was doing and sat down with me for a few minutes. And then she said that when a big hurt happens, sometimes it just takes so many sunrises and sunsets before it gets better, but it *does* get better eventually." Jim covered Blair's hand with his other hand. "I'm not comparing the terrible things you went through with Borden to something as simplistic and common as a child losing a pet, but maybe Sally's words were good ones to take to heart. It just takes so many days and nights to pass to ease the hurt a little." "But that means you have wait through all that time with me, and that's not fair to you." "I've got you, Chief. That's more than fair. That's the best. We'll recover from this. We made it through Watson, we'll make it past Borden." "I just can't...give up that...*control* yet. I can't handle...being so...vulnerable. You know what I mean?" "Exactly. As much as you participate when you're on the bottom, the top is still mostly in control--they have the most power physically." "That's just it. I need to feel like I'm in control. I can't give that up yet." Blair shook his head. "And I feel so fucking lousy about that, because it's not like I don't trust you. I'm just..." "Scared?" "Yeah." Blair nodded, looking away. "It's okay, honey. I understand. You know I think you're worth waiting for." Jim pulled the hand he held up to his mouth and kissed it. "Thanks for loving me so much." Blair smiled and leaned forward, and Jim met him halfway for a long kiss, only broken by the uneasy shuffling of feet near the open door. When they parted, one of Blair's students was standing there. A pretty girl with long, dark hair, she smiled shyly. "Sorry, Dr. Sandburg. I didn't know you were...uh...busy." "That's okay, Diane. He was just finishing up his extra credit project," Blair quipped. That broke the tension and all three of them laughed. ******** "To the victorious assistant DA," Simon declared, raising his beer mug high above the table in salute to Beverly Sanchez, who, along with her co-counsel from the case, had joined the victory party Major Crimes had assembled at The Tavern Grill, an upscale bar favored by the cops and attorneys of Cascade, given its central location near the PD and the courthouse. The Evans case had ended in a conviction of first degree murder. "I couldn't have done it without that nice, tidy case you gentlemen assembled," she responded, as hers and the other glasses were all raised in response to Simon's toast. "Now if we can get through the penalty phase successfully, we'll be all set." "You're going for the death penalty, right?" Jim asked. Seated at the large table next to Blair, Jim leaned back in his chair. "I'm trying for it, but I have a feeling we probably won't get it. I think there are a couple people on that jury that are just a tad too liberal. I don't see them voting death." "We probably don't have enough strength in our case for special circumstances," Beverly's co-counsel, Andrea, an attractive blonde in her early thirties, spoke up. "Frankly, I have to admit that I don't think the death penalty in this case will solve anything. It'll only cost the taxpayers more money in the long run to finance Evans' career of making appeals. I think life would be the best sentence." "I have to agree with that," Blair responded. "I mean, there's an element of revenge that society looks for in criminal punishments, and the death penalty is a whopper in that regard--it's this primal, ultimate payback. But I honestly don't think that it's very effective. Studies have shown it doesn't really have a deterrent effect and it's more expensive than life. And of course, that puts aside all the moral issues of two wrongs not making a right." "I completely agree," Andrea enthused, leaning forward a bit in her seat. "I'm all for giving the scumbag the worst penalty he can get, but I don't think the death penalty is it. He'll spend the next ten to twelve years becoming a jailhouse lawyer, and then he *might* be executed. Or some bleeding heart along the way will probably commute his sentence because he'll find Jesus about the time he's on his final appeal." "Yeah, there are quite a few religious experiences in prisons, aren't there?" Blair retorted, smiling a little. "Well, let's just say that if anyone truly wants to find God, they can always check death row, because he seems to make a lot of visitations there," she added, laughing. "I think sometimes it's genuine. Being faced with your mortality for real, when the appeals are running out," Blair commented. "Oh, I'm sure there are some people who really do find a sort of redemption under those circumstances. I'm just not sold on the idea that quite *so many* of them do." The conversation slowed a moment while the waitress arrived with drinks. Rafe asked Megan to dance, and the two of them headed for the jukebox first, where they laughed and talked over the selections, and chose something that would play when the current song ended. "Would you like to...?" Andrea nodded toward the dance floor, looking hopefully at Blair, who managed to catch Jim's eye as subtly as he could. He did love to dance, and it was pretty apparent that Jim wasn't going to be asking him any time soon--at least not in a setting like this one. Still, the old ghost of Watson's brutal jealousy kept him hesitant to expect Jim to see it as the innocent activity it would be. He wasn't sure if he was happy or disappointed to see Jim's little smile of approval. "Sure." Blair got up and the two of them walked to the dance floor and started dancing to the slow song Rafe and Megan had chosen. "You could always cut in," Beverly suggested to Jim, leaning over to whisper. "I don't think Andrea's too interested in dancing with me," Jim responded, chortling a little. "I wasn't talking about Andrea, you nitwit." She laughed, leaning back in her chair, shaking her head. Jim was relieved the rest of the group seemed to be engrossed in other conversations. "I think she's hit on every eligible man in the Cascade criminal justice system. She must be expanding the ripple effect outward to include consultants now." "Mee-ow," Serena observed, having overheard Beverly's comment. The two women laughed at that, but Beverly defended herself, still smiling. "Hey, I don't present my case unless I have all the facts straight. You better get out there and defend your turf, Ellison." Jim laughed it off, but as he watched Blair dancing with the pretty blonde, he realized that his partner was still, for all intents and purposes, an eligible man. While most of their friends certainly knew they were in a committed relationship, Jim had laid no public claim on Blair. They wore no rings, there had been no ceremony... Without realizing his body was actually acting now and setting him into motion, Jim found himself at the jukebox, agonizing over just what he'd pick out to play as the backdrop for his first public dance with his lover. He finally spotted one he liked, an old song by The Carpenters, and made his selection. Remembering the lyrics, he realized it described how he felt about Blair so perfectly that he couldn't believe he hadn't thought of playing it for him before. As the current song drew to a close and Blair and Andrea were heading away from the dance floor, Jim approached his partner and caught him by the arm. "Think you've got the strength to go another round, Chief?" Jim asked, immediately cursing himself for putting the question to Blair in such a blunt, completely pedestrian manner. "Another round of what?" Blair looked totally confused now, and Andrea smiled, moving toward the table to let the two men settle whatever their discussion was about in private. "Uh...this...I picked something out...on the jukebox." "You want to *dance* with me? Here?" Blair asked, his eyes bugged. "It's okay, Chief. I shouldn't have put you on the spot. I mean I thought you'd like to so I--" "Like to?" Blair laughed slightly. "I would *love* to, man! I literally thought you'd *never* ask!" The two men moved back to the dance floor and took their spot among the other dancers. Blair slipped easily into Jim's arms as the first words of the song came through the speakers. //Day after day I must face a world of strangers Where I don't belong I'm not that strong It's nice to know there's someone I can turn to who will always care You're always there When there's no getting over that rainbow When my small list of dreams won't come true I can take all the madness the world has to give But I won't last a day without you.// Jim looked down into his lover's eyes and returned the broad smile beaming up at him from Blair's face. It felt good to give this moment to Blair, almost as wonderful as it felt to hold him close and move to the music. Thinking back on the early days of wrestling with his newfound sentinel abilities, remembering how lonely life had been before Blair, Jim felt a lump in his throat. He pushed away the painful memory of their year-long separation, and his own inability to recognize soon enough that the man he held in his arms was the one person he needed most in the world. That Blair had been subjected to Watson's abuse all because of bad timing. Blair knew they belonged together, were meant to be a couple, but it had taken Jim longer to recognize and accept that fact. He found himself pulling Blair more tightly against his own body, almost protectively, haunted by the thoughts of what he'd been unable to protect him from in the past. They were together now, and Blair himself had said the best way to battle the pain of the past was with the love they had in the present. //So many times When the city seems to be without A friendly face A lonely place It's nice to know you'll be there If I need you And you'll always smile It's all worthwhile...// Blair rested his head against Jim's shoulder, feeling the warmth and security there, and realizing just how true the words were. Jim was his safe harbor, his protection, not to mention his best friend, lifetime lover and favorite person. He tried to reach back in his memory for a single time he had brought some terrible problem or fear or anguish to Jim and not gotten comfort, solace and help. Not a single moment in time sprang to mind. If Jim had drawn strength from his smile and his unwavering allegiance, Blair had drawn more than his share in return from his lover. And despite the horror he'd lived through to get to the place he was now, Blair knew in his heart he wouldn't do things any differently if that was what it took to bring them together. //If all my friends have forgotten Half their promises they're not unkind Just hard to find One look at you And I know that I could learn to live Without the rest I found the best When there's no getting over that rainbow When my small list of dreams won't come true I can take all the madness the world has to give But I won't last a day without you...// Jim drew back a little and then moved down to cover Blair's mouth with his own for a slow, gentle kiss. When he moved back, he rested his forehead against his lover's. "I think the song's done," Blair said quietly. "Nah. Not for us," Jim responded, kissing Blair again. "Ours is just getting started." "Do the rest of those guys know what a hopeless romantic you are?" Blair teased, barely noticing that another song was starting to play, and the dancing was starting up again. Neither of the two men moved or swayed to the music. "Well, I think they've got a pretty good idea now," Jim quipped, chuckling softly as Blair laughed with him. Hand in hand, they returned to the table and sat down again. "You didn't tell me you were taken, Blair," Andrea chided, smiling. "Well, he was before, but now it's official," Jim responded, sliding an arm along the back of Blair's chair. ******** "You really surprised me, man," Blair said, pausing in the middle of what had been an epic round of kissing and groping, having begun the moment the two men fell into the bed together. "I surprised myself a little." Jim lifted a stray curl out of Blair's eyes and kissed the end of his nose. "I didn't think you'd ever want to dance with me in public like that." Blair looked down a moment. "When Andrea asked me, it really felt *wrong*. I just wanted it to be you." "I know you like to dance, Chief. I didn't want to turn into another jealous lunatic that keeps you chained by one ankle to the chair. You should have the right to do something as innocent as dancing with someone else if you feel like it. I don't have to *like* it." Jim added, smiling and then claiming Blair's kiss-swollen lips again. "You didn't like it?" Blair asked, grinning. "If wanting to rip every last shred of that dyed blonde hair out of her head by its dark roots counts, no, I didn't like it." "Whoa--she's not a real blonde? Oh my God, Jim, I don't believe you were using your sentinel abilities to scope out the competition!" Blair started to laugh, and Jim feigned annoyance. "It's not funny, Sandburg." "Oh, Jim, it's a riot. Dark roots, huh? Man, I thought she was for real." "Yeah, well, she's a bottle blonde, sweetheart." Jim rolled onto his back, bringing Blair with him until the smaller man sprawled across his body, his legs spreading to straddle Jim, their cocks meeting and rubbing together. "Mmmm," Blair opined eloquently, rocking back and forth, increasing the friction. Jim's hands moved down to knead the firm buttocks, fingertips trailing into the cleft between them. He hadn't been inside Blair since the kidnapping incident several weeks earlier, and while he was resigned to wait forever if that's what it took, his desire to explore that most secret and tender of places was almost overwhelming. Reading his lover's thoughts, Blair ceased his movements. "We can try it if you want," he said softly. "Not unless you want, too," Jim responded, patting Blair's butt gently with both hands. "I do's just..." "Not time yet?" "I don't want to make love with you that way and be thinking about... I just keep seeing that damned video in my head and... I don't know how to explain it." "You don't have to, baby." Jim moved his hands away from the inviting cheeks and pulled Blair into a tight embrace. "When the time's right, it'll happen." "Why don't you relax and let me do something for you?" Blair pulled back and looked down at Jim, flexing his eyebrows. "Why don't we both relax and do something for each other?" Jim grinned up at his lover, watching Blair's expression as the concept of a 69 dawned on him. Shifting positions with the coordination of professional dancers, each man found himself facing the other's semi-erect cock. Both men gasped as they were engulfed in wet warmth, soon losing themselves in the dual sensations of giving and receiving pleasure simultaneously. Hands roamed over sensitive skin, silky curls brushed the insides of Jim's thighs as Blair settled himself there, sucking in earnest now, working at bringing Jim to his climax. Jim picked up the pace of his own ministrations, cautiously slipping a finger into the valley between Blair's cheeks, caressing the little pucker there, hoping to relax Blair enough to at least enjoy being touched there again. The younger man wasn't objecting. He was writhing with his own pleasure, concentrating on keeping up the stimulation that would bring his lover with him to climax. Suddenly, Jim stopped, pulling away and releasing Blair's rock hard erection. "Why don't you finish up in me, baby?" Jim suggested. "I really miss that feeling, Chief," Jim admitted quietly, stroking Blair's thigh. "But I still..." "You don't have to look at this like some kind of debt you have to repay. I want you inside me for me. Not as some sort of incentive to make you return the favor. Just because I want it." Blair looked at his lover, realizing how difficult a verbal admission like that was for Jim. And hating himself for making him spell it out. He should have known better than to think that Jim was trying to push him faster than he could move. He should have known it was just a desire to have sex that way, to get that intimate with Blair. There were never "payback" strings attached to anything they offered each other in bed. "I want it too," Blair finally responded, smiling softly at his lover. Jim rolled over on his stomach, drawing his knees up, presenting his aroused partner with an easy target. Blair fumbled in the drawer for the lube with shaky hands. For as long as Jim hadn't been inside him, he hadn't been inside Jim either, not feeling comfortable with asking that of Jim when he couldn't reciprocate. Up to this point, Jim hadn't asked for it. Whether that was out of concern for Blair or just the fact that Jim didn't feel the urge to be "on the bottom" as often as Blair did, he wasn't sure. But whatever the reason, the exceptionally beautiful, firmly-muscled body was laid out before him now like a feast. And feast he would. Ignoring the lube and his own painful arousal for the moment, Blair moved between Jim's spread legs and with a gentle hand on each buttock, exposed his little hole. Moving in closer, Blair began to tease the tender skin with the tip of his tongue, loving the surprised moan that drew from Jim. He moved away from Jim's center, licking and sucking at his perineum, nuzzling the heavy balls. "Oh, God, Blair...please, baby..." Jim pleaded breathlessly with the little demon who was now purposely ignoring his hungry center, waiting to be filled. Blair finally returned to his goal, dragging his tongue in broad strokes over the little pucker before darting his tongue inside, again and again until he was satisfied that Jim was almost mindless with the teasing pleasure of it. He let his hair brush the skin of Jim's ass, knowing that feeling was a major turn on for his lover. Pulling back, he located the lube and began the process of lubricating and stretching Jim to accommodate Blair as comfortably as possible. He made sure to reach one long finger deep inside Jim to brush over the little nub that he knew would drag the first animal shout of pure ecstasy out of the larger man. He rubbed the little spot a few times, putting enough pressure on it to make Jim scream and writhe shamelessly on the intruding finger, the muscles in the powerful back springing to life as strong arms spread out for fingers to curl over the top edge of the mattress. Satisfied Jim was as ready as he could be without coming, Blair coated himself with lube and slid steadily but carefully into Jim's waiting body. "Oh yeah," Jim muttered, receiving his lover readily and eagerly. "Feels good, mine," Blair responded, kissing the middle of Jim's back before he straightened a bit and began to move slowly within the tight channel, picking up the pace of his strokes to match the rhythm of Jim's backward thrusts. "That's it, baby...oh yeah...faster..." Jim ground out, thrusting up to meet each one of Blair's strokes until their frenzied rhythm stilled momentarily as Jim came, contracting around Blair and wringing a shattering climax from him as Jim's receded, their cries alternating and mingling until they slumped together on the bed in a heap of sweaty, sated, spent flesh. "Love you, mine," Blair whispered against Jim's back, sliding out of him slowly, then crawling up to lay his cheek against Jim's. "Love you too, sweetheart," Jim responded, managing a sideways kiss against Blair's mouth. Blair rested there a moment, soaking up the warmth, feeling and scent of his lover. His own body somehow felt a bit vacant, something in his spirit almost asking to be physically filled by Jim the way Blair had just filled him. The intensity of the love he was feeling at that moment made him long for that connection, and to bitterly wish to banish the images of that ungodly video from his mind's eye. To shove back in its box the memory of that pain and violation, to again associate opening himself and being filled to his capacity with love and Jim and their commitment to each other, and not some painful endurance test forced on him by a sadist. One he invariably failed, one that always left him shaken, torn and bleeding, feeling used and humiliated. "Blair?" Jim's voice drew him out of the horrible thoughts and back to his lover. "It's okay, honey. I know the memories are there." Jim reached behind himself to stroke Blair's hair. "We're going to beat this thing." "I didn't mean to think about it. Tonight was...beautiful," Blair said quietly. "I love you so much." "Ditto, buttercup." Jim smiled as Blair laughed with a loud snort against his shoulder. "You're not going to let me live that down, are you?" "On our 50th anniversary, I'll still be reminding you," Jim responded, laughing. "Promise?" "Promise," Jim responded, as both men shifted positions so Jim was spooned around Blair, on their sides, ready to fall into a lethargic, post-sex sleep. "Although if we celebrate that occasion this way, you'll probably have to call the rescue squad to get my knees out from under me." Both men laughed at that mental image, and before long, dozed off to sleep, wrapped around each other. ******** Blair put the finishing touches on the notes for his lecture the following day. Though he'd taught the course before, he'd come across some new information he felt would liven it up a bit, so revising his old lecture notes was a must. There were times it seemed almost odd working alone in the study and not sensing Michael's constant presence. On those occasions when his mind did drift back to Michael, he remembered the vision of him meeting his lover in the gazebo, and the joy he'd seen in the two men's faces. Thinking of reunions with lovers reminded him to head out to the kitchen to start the steaks grilling. It was Jim's birthday, and when given the choice of spending it any way he wanted, Jim had chosen a fat, juicy t-bone and a slender, juicy guide, both to be devoured wantonly over the course of the evening. He much preferred a quiet celebration for just the two of them. Given the somewhat noisy and ribald donut party Jim had been given that morning, Blair figured he was ready to kick back a little. Blair had never seen so many creatively frosted donuts in his life, and wondered how safe Cascade was now that all its finest were flying around on sugar buzzes. Blair tossed the steaks on the grill on the back porch, hoping they'd soon be able to afford to expand it. With the garden work just completed and the pool on the agenda for the following year, that wasn't too likely. The heat of the afternoon was waning a bit, but was still a contrast to the coolness of the air conditioned house. The overhang kept the porch in the shade, and there was a nice breeze, so Blair had no complaints. Going back inside to get the potato and veggie kebabs he'd put together earlier to go on the grill with the steaks, Blair froze in his tracks as a memory hit him broadside. A *good* memory. The very first time he'd had sex with Jim, all the way, had been on Jim's birthday, three years earlier. He pushed the thought aside and took out the kebabs, walking back outside and adding them to the grill. Jim had guaranteed he'd be there at six o'clock sharp, and since it was almost that now and Blair'd heard nothing to the contrary, it was time to get the food started. If he waited for Jim, the other man would insist on doing part of the food preparation, and Blair wanted Jim to be treated like royalty on his special day. Smiling, he wondered what Jim would think of his present. A few weeks earlier, Blair had wandered into the music store in the mall to buy a string for his guitar. While he was transacting that big purchase, he had noticed Jim spending an inordinate amount of time examining a drum set displayed in the center of the store. He had finally watched his lover with some fascination as sentinel fingers wandered lightly over the surface of the drums themselves, those cool blue eyes taking in every detail with great interest. Unable to stand the curiosity any longer, Blair joined his lover. "Nice drums," Blair said casually. Jim nodded. "Beautiful. I would have killed for set like this when I was a kid." "You played drums? Why am I having trouble picturing you in a garage band?" Blair teased. Jim chortled a little at that. "I never got that far. I had a drum set for a few months when I was in high school. I got pretty...*okay* at it. I really loved it," Jim admitted honestly, obviously thinking back on the feelings playing the drums had engendered. "Why'd you give it up?" "I didn't, exactly. My dad couldn't stand the racket, and he thought it was a waste of time. One day I came home and they were just...gone." Jim was silent a moment, then he chuckled a little. "Probably just as well." "He didn't tell you or anything? rid of them?" "He'd been complaining about it the last few times I practiced. I wasn't surprised." Jim looked away from the drums to Blair. "Hey, you get what you need?" "Yeah, I'm all set." Blair had still been in a sort of funk when they left the store, thinking how attached Jim must have been to his drums, given the almost affectionate stroking he had been giving this set. When he'd tried to open the subject again later, Jim had laughed it off as ancient history. Blair turned the steaks, thinking to himself, a bit sadly, that it was no wonder that loud music and rock and roll often got on Jim's nerves. Maybe it wasn't so much that he didn't like it as it was a painful reminder of how much he did love it and how that passion had been squelched so ruthlessly. As he heard the truck pulling up out front, Blair hoped the drum set wasn't a mistake that would revive more painful memories than it would exorcize. "I smell food," Jim called to Blair as he came out the back door of the garage and made his way to the porch, bounding up the steps and wrapping his arms around Blair from behind, burying his nose in the loose curls. "And chamomile." "Happy Birthday, love," Blair responded, smiling at Jim's reference to one of the shampoo ingredients that Blair had found to be a real turn on to Jim's sentinel sniffer. Why it seemed to be an aphrodisiac, Blair wasn't sure. He only knew what the results usually were, and that suited him just fine. "Food looks great. Man, I'm starved." "You wanna help out here?" Blair asked with a little laugh in his voice as he tried to turn the kebabs with Jim draped happily over his shoulders, arms still around his middle. "No, I'm just enjoying the scenery. All of it." Jim kissed a bare shoulder. It was still hot outside and Blair was in his favorite blue shorts and a loose white tank shirt. "You want to change clothes before we eat?" "Great idea. Maybe I'll grab a shower too." "Nope, that's my job. Got something special in mind for that, lover." "You do, huh?" "I've got a lot of things in mind for tonight." "I've thought of one or two myself." Jim kissed Blair's cheek before moving away from him and heading toward the house. "Chief?" "Yeah?" Blair looked up from his work on the grill. "I'm glad we're staying in." "So am I," Blair responded, grinning. The two men shared a pleasant dinner in the kitchen, looking out the window at their garden area and discussing the possibilities for doing the porch and the pool the following year. When it was determined that there was a choice between the porch expansion and groceries, both men opted to put off the porch project. Blair brought out the cake he'd managed to hide--though he had little doubt Jim had smelled it as soon as he'd entered the kitchen--and placed a few candles on it. "Don't want to set off the smoke detector, so I won't put the right number on," Blair quipped. "Your day'll come, smart ass," Jim shot back, chuckling. "I haven't sung 'Happy Birthday' yet." Blair set the lit cake in front of his lover at the table, and then straddled his lap, facing him. "Happy Birthday to you," a kiss to Jim's forehead, "Happy Birthday to you," another on his mouth, "Happy Birthday dear Jim," a thorough tonsil probe with a hungry tongue, "Happy Birthday to you," Blair concluded with a little thrust of his groin against his lover's. Resting his arms around Jim's neck, he grinned wickedly and flexed his eyebrows. "Aren't you gonna make a wish?" "Why bother?" Jim said seriously, pulling Blair into a tight embrace. "I've already got it." That left Blair a bit speechless while he soaked up the closeness of the moment and the beauty of Jim's words. "I love you," Blair said, pulling back and looking into Jim's eyes. "I love you too, sweetheart," Jim said, stroking Blair's cheek and then kissing his lips tenderly. "Time to cut the cake," Blair presented Jim with the knife, not moving off his lap. Jim looked at the white frosted confection with the light blue roses and "Happy Birthday Jim" scrawled across it. Then he looked back at Blair. There was no question which of the two desserts he wanted to devour first, but since Blair had even caved in to buying him something as unhealthy as a big, sticky, frosted cake, Jim figured he should take on the task at hand. With Blair's warm body still snuggled against him, an evil thought seized him. He set the knife aside and stuck his fingers into the side of the cake, pulling off a chunk of cake and frosting. "What--?" Blair gaped at the messy assault on the cake with glassy eyes. Jim offered him the chunk of cake, waggling his eyebrows. Grinning back, Blair carefully ate the cake off Jim's fingers, then seized his lover's wrist to hold the hand in place long enough to languidly lick clean the frosting-covered digits. In the spirit of it now, Blair grabbed his own chunk off the cake, complete with a rose, and started feeding it to Jim, loving the feeling of the hot, wet mouth devouring the cake and then licking his fingers. When it was Jim's turn again, he took a large gob of frosting-drenched cake and stuck it in his own mouth. At Blair's surprised look, he pulled his lover in closer. "If you want it, you're gonna have to take it," he mumbled around the mouthful. Blair pounced on Jim's mouth, their tongues and the sweet dessert sliding around together. They continued working their way through at least a third of the cake until Jim intercepted Blair's hand, kissing it. "I'm gonna blow up, Chief." "I think there's more frosting on us than on the cake." Blair laughed softly as he surveyed their hands and mouths and the fronts of their tank shirts. "Only one thing to do about that, I guess," Blair said, sighing and shaking his head. "Can't get frosting all over everything." "Nope. Gotta keep neat and clean..." Blair hoisted himself back on his feet, off Jim's lap, and held a sticky hand out in invitation to his lover. Jim glommed onto the hand readily and the two of them made their way upstairs to the shower. Clothes flew carelessly in the direction of the hamper, and both men climbed into the shower, washing each other and splashing around, kissing and groping until Blair moved down on his knees and engulfed Jim's hardness in a motion so swift it had almost escaped even sentinel detection. Sighing with pleasure and bracing himself on the tiles, Jim lost himself in the sensations of that hot mouth working his shaft, and the sight of the full lips closing around it. Though he fully acknowledged that he was tightly wrapped around one of Blair's little fingers, one look in the desire-clouded blue eyes that looked up at him reminded him all over again. "Oh, baby, that's good," Jim moaned, feeling his climax building. "Oh, man!" Trying hard not to thrust too wildly, Jim felt the tide building and flowing through him, exploding in hot juices that Blair swallowed greedily. Coming out of the fog of his own orgasm, Jim noticed Blair's scent mingled with his own. As he pulled his lover up for a kiss, he let one hand slide down to feel the other man's lax, sticky cock. "You came?" Jim asked stupidly. He knew the answer, but still, the thought that Blair would come solely from pleasuring him was an exotic thought Jim wanted to confirm and save for one of his best wet dreams. "I was pretty worked up from downstairs, and doing that for you...I couldn't hold it." Blair grinned. "Happy Birthday, mine." "I'll tell you one thing, baby. This sure beats the fish tie Brown gave me." Jim was startled by a slap to his wet rear. "Smart ass," Blair shot back, laughing. "Your present's downstairs." "Ah yes, the basement. I wondered when I'd get to see what you've been hiding down there." Jim pulled Blair into a tight hug. "I don't see how anything can beat what I've gotten so far." "The night is still young," Blair responded, returning the pressure of the embrace. "Come on. We're starting to shrivel in here." After toweling each other off and sharing a few more kisses, they both wandered into the bedroom and found clean shorts and tank shirts, clothing which had become their summer around the house "uniforms". Sliding their feet into comfortable old sneakers, they headed for the basement. As soon as they'd reached the foot of the stairs, Blair stopped, and turned to look up at Jim, who was right behind him. "If you really hate this, I want you to tell me. I mean, if I called this totally wrong and you don't like it or it's not what you want it's okay and I'll take it back no problem--" "Blair, before you return it, could I see it?" Jim asked, smiling. Blair had to laugh then, and he nodded. "Wait here. I've got to get the lights. I'll call you, okay?" "Okay." Jim waited patiently at the foot of the stairs while Blair hurried around the corner into what was the big, open area of the basement. They had talked about doing *something* with it, but with as much space as they had in the house, it really wasn't needed space, and there were other renovations and repairs that had been more urgent and plenty costly. "Okay, you can come now." "No, thanks. Maybe later," Jim called back, grinning devilishly, waiting for Blair's retort. "Not at all if you're gonna be a wise ass," Blair replied, drawing a chortle out of Jim, who walked around the corner into the area where Blair waited with his birthday present. "Happy Birthday, love," Blair said, a little hesitantly. The room had been converted, a la Blair, from a big, barren cement room into something friendly and inviting. There were a number of wall hangings decorating the white painted brick walls, most of them either Native American or South American in theme, interspersed with a few framed tour posters from bands like Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple, and of course--Santana. The floor was still mostly bare, but there was a large woven area rug in blended colors of brown, orange and gold framed by a big, cushy-looking couch and two matching chairs. End tables held fat, pottery-style lamps with burlap-look shades that cast a soft, friendly light into the room without benefit of the naked overhead bulbs. There was a matching area rug beneath the central attraction of the room: the elaborate drum set that Jim had last seen in the center of the music store in the mall. Beautiful white drums with bright, chrome accents that had drawn Jim like a magnet on that shopping trip were now his, sitting in what was his own little musical paradise. "There are a few stools down here too. Um, Henri likes to play a little music in his spare time, and I play guitar...I was thinking...we could have some fun with this...if you want." Blair seemed a little disconcerted by Jim's almost catatonic reaction to the gift, and continued filling up the uneasy silence. "I was gonna put a little bar over there, but I sort of...ran out of money. But I was thinking for Christmas, if you find you'd like something like that, I could get Simon to help me--he likes to play around with building stuff, and I'm not really all thumbs either, and we could put it--" Jim made a couple of long strides toward Blair and ended the nervous chatter by covering his lover's mouth with his own, kissing him deeply. "Does that mean you like it?" Blair asked, smiling as he looked up into Jim's moist eyes. "I honestly...don't know what to say, Chief," Jim moved away from Blair, looking around the room. "It's...beautiful. And these..." Jim walked over to the drum set and let his fingers dance over the surface of one of the drums. "I haven't played in years. I probably suck now," Jim added, laughing. "Very well, I might add," Blair retorted. "One of these days, Sandburg, *pow* right to the moon," Jim quipped back, invoking his best Jackie Gleason voice. "I figured we've got enough property around us that you should be able to really cut loose and have some fun. If you're not interested in playing again, I understand, no problem." "Blair, I..." Jim looked back at the drums, touching one of the cymbals as reverently as he'd stroked the drum. "I *loved* playing... when I was a kid..." Jim looked around the basement room. "I'd have given anything for a room like this." "Now?" "Some things never change, sweetheart." Jim sat behind the drums on the stool there and picked up the sticks. "Oh, man, I don't even know where to start." There was a little laugh in his voice as he tried twirling a drumstick and it dropped gracelessly out of his hand on the floor. Blair picked it up. "Not there, obviously," he teased, handing it back to Jim. "I think I spent most of my time when I was a teenager perfecting the move of thumping the big bass drum with the foot pedal and twirling a drumstick over my head--I'd seen some of the rock drummers do that, and I thought it was pretty cool." "Yeah, or the way they sort of propel them into the audience-- when it looks like they're bouncing them off the drums?" "I tried that once. Hit Stephen in head with it. He never let me hear the end of it." Jim laughed at the memory, and at his thirteen-year-old brother's indignant insistence to Sally that he had been seriously hurt by the flying drumstick. That she had laughed out loud at his complaint hadn't exactly endeared her to Stephen's heart. "Thanks for the warning. I'll duck when I come downstairs unannounced." "It's weird. My mind's totally blank. I can't think of anything to play." "Maybe I can help out with that." Blair went over to the beige tweed couch where his guitar was propped against it. Pulling up a wood stool near the drum set, Blair seated himself and drew his guitar into his lap, his hands poised to start playing. "Ummm...'Black Magic Woman'?" "Too complicated. I'd fuck it up in the first two notes." "Me too," Blair responded honestly. "Carlos Santana I'm not." "You do okay, Chief." "Oh--I've got one. How about 'Smoke on the Water'? The big thing's the guitar riff, and you can sort of plug along with the backbeat until you get the knack of it again." "I used to play that one all the time," Jim said, a glimmer of recognition crossing his features. "Let's give it a shot. You have to promise not to laugh." "I swear," Blair replied, raising his right hand, laughing. "You're already laughing and I haven't played anything yet." "I'm getting it out of my system early. Come on. I'll get started." Blair started out the classic guitar riff, with only a few faltering notes from his own lack of practice, and it wasn't long before Jim ventured to tap on the drums in front of him, joining Blair in singing a somewhat off-key and undoubtedly inaccurate rendition of the lyrics while they played. By the time they were finishing up the song, Jim was keeping up with his lover quite well. When they were done, Blair let out a little whoop of approval. "Yeah, man, we're *good*!" he enthused. Jim raised a single eyebrow. "I don't think we should give up our day jobs just yet, Chief." Jim paused, looking back at the drums. "Thank you, Blair. This is probably one of the most incredible gifts anyone has ever given me." "Kind of how I feel about you," Blair responded, setting his guitar aside and moving to stand behind Jim, wrapping his arms around his lover's neck. "How long have you been working on this, sweetheart?" Jim asked, reaching up to pull Blair's face close to his. "As long as I've kept you out of the basement," Blair responded, and Jim could feel the smile against his cheek. "You trusted me not to peek while I had that day off that you had to work at the U?" "You didn't, did you?" Blair asked, as if he didn't consider it any real possibility. "No, I didn't. It damn near drove me insane, but I didn't." "I trust you, lover. I knew you wouldn't spoil my surprise for you." "This had to have cost a fortune." "Actually, the drums and the furniture were the only items that were pricey at all--and the furniture is just some sort of cheap but comfortable stuff I found at that new discount place out by the mall. I had some of the hangings stored down here, and I ordered the posters from a collectibles place and framed those was a fun project. A labor of love," Blair added, kissing Jim's cheek. "It's really great, Chief. Thanks," Jim added, twisting to look at Blair, then kiss him on the mouth this time. "The party's not over yet," Blair said, grinning. "Can you stay down here and play with your new toy for a while? I have a couple things to do upstairs." "Upstairs, huh? As in, second floor upstairs?" Jim probed. "As in bedroom level upstairs," Blair responded, moving away from Jim. "I'll call you when it's time for you to come up." "I'll be waiting...*impatiently*," Jim added, grinning and attempting to twirl the drumstick again. It made it a bit farther before falling this time. "Obviously I can use the time to practice," Jim commented, laughing as he leaned down to pick up the stick. "I won't be long," Blair called back as he hurried up the steps. Jim thumped around on his drums a little, examining them and experimenting with the sound of each one. It had been years since he'd actually had access to drums to try his hand at playing them, but he was fast feeling the old surge of excitement he used to feel as a teenager when he'd pound away, convinced he was the next John Bonham. He could hear the floorboards upstairs, then Blair's footsteps heading up to the second floor, and of course, all his movements up there. He heard rustling fabrics, lots of footsteps, water running, drawers opening and closing, a few sounds he couldn't really place, and finally, a little soft instrumental music, and the sound that was truly music to his ears--the creak of the bed springs. "Jim." The word was soft, not even a call. Just the speaking of his name. Casting a last fond glance at his birthday gift, Jim turned out the lamps and hurried upstairs, through the kitchen and up the steps to the second floor. The hall was dark, the door to the master bedroom was partially closed, and the soft flicker of candle light was visible through the small space it stood away from the frame. Jim slowly pushed the door open, and smiled at the sight before him. The bed had been changed to white satin sheets, and a very naked Blair sat in the middle of it, propped on a mountain of pillows, holding two glasses of champagne. "Wow," Jim mumbled. "No clothes allowed in this bed, lover," Blair said, halting Jim as he moved toward the bed. Grinning, Jim happily complied with the rule, tossing his clothes every which way before joining Blair on the delightful satin sheets. Between the luxurious sensation against his heightened sense of touch, the soft candle light to relax his eyes, and the soft music to soothe his ever-vigilant ears, it was obvious that Blair knew how to plan a celebration fit for a sentinel. "Here," Blair handed him the glass of champagne. "We have to toast. To all our occasions--no matter how we celebrate them, may we always celebrate them together." "Amen, baby." Jim touched his glass to Blair's and both men took their first drink of the champagne, then shared it with one another in a languid kiss. "I wanted to give you something special for your birthday--" "You already did, Chief. Everything downstairs--it's great." "I mean besides that. Something more...meaningful." Blair took a deep breath. "You remember the first time we made love--all the way?" "It's not likely I'd ever forget that, baby." Jim smiled affectionately, cupping Blair's cheek in his hand. "It was on your birthday." Blair looked into Jim's eyes intently. "Blair...tonight...?" Jim asked carefully, afraid to hope for what he thought was being offered. His heart resumed a normal rhythm when Blair nodded--or perhaps a slightly elevated rhythm. "Are you sure?" "I'm sure I want us to have that again. I'm not sure everything'll go perfectly for me...but I want to feel you inside me again, and I want us to be that close...and tonight, it just seems more meaningful somehow." "It's very meaningful, sweetheart." Jim leaned forward and kissed Blair's forehead. "Just for the record, anytime we've made love has been meaningful...*precious*...I wouldn't trade a second of any of them." "I know it's been hard waiting this long. I'm really sorry--" "No apologies. You don't have anything to be sorry for. Besides, we've managed to entertain ourselves the last couple of months." Jim smiled and flexed his eyebrows a little. Blair had to chuckle at that. "I just wanted you to know...that it means so much to me... how patient you are with me, about everything with Vince and then Borden... I didn't feel like I could even get through it for a while there. I mean, you pull yourself back up above water from the whole mess and then all of a sudden something comes along and drags you back under again." "If anyone should apologize, it's me. I should have never left you alone the day Borden got in here." "That wasn't your fault." "Maybe not my *fault* exactly, but I still should have protected you. If I had--" "Jim, you had to go into headquarters, and Brian was going to be with me...quit beating up on yourself. You didn't do anything wrong by leaving me." "And you didn't do anything wrong by holding back on some part of sex until you felt comfortable to do it again. When I touch you, I don't want you to feel afraid. I want you to enjoy yourself. If we can't both enjoy what's happening, we don't need to be doing it." "It's still a little scary...but I want to try it. I want it to happen. Just be patient with me, okay?" "You know I will be, sweetheart." Jim stroked Blair's cheek, then took the champagne glass out of his hand, setting it, along with his own, on the night stand. Moving back toward Blair, he pulled his lover into his arms and claimed his mouth, sliding them down on their sides on the slippery sheets. Jim let his hands roam gently over Blair's body, caressing him, cherishing him, avoiding lingering on any of his more erogenous zones. He let his lips travel down from Blair's mouth to his chin, then beneath it to his neck, burying his nose in the soft, clean hair that smelled of chamomile and some other sweet herb that Jim didn't recognize. Whatever it was, it was part of the shampoo that Jim had teased Blair should come with a warning label. The minute he smelled it on his lover, Jim was ready for action. Blair was holding onto him tightly, caressing a little, but mostly letting Jim make the moves. Jim didn't really need Blair to tell him that this step was a scary one; the sentinel could pick up the rapid heartbeat and the slight tautness in the muscles. The memory of the video that Watson had made still lurked in Blair's mind, and up to now, the association between that incident, which was tantamount to a torture session, and penetration, had been too close to allow Blair to even relax enough to let it happen, let alone to want it. "Try to relax your muscles, buttercup," Jim said, smiling as Blair snorted a little laugh against his chest. When gentle kissing and caressing didn't relax Blair, laughter usually did. "That's the ticket, my little apple turnover." Jim licked and sucked at a tender spot on Blair's neck, sliding a hand down to caress the firm mounds of the other man's buttocks. He let the hand linger there, massaging, as he pulled back and kissed Blair's mouth again, a bit more aggressively this time. "I'm going to take care of you, angel. Relax for me," Jim coaxed, rolling them so Blair was beneath him. He trailed his lips down Blair's neck to his chest, moving to the left nipple, lapping at it before taking it into his mouth. He sucked firmly, happy to hear a little groan of pleasure out of Blair as the younger man's hands slid into Jim's hair, attempting to hold him in place. Satisfied when he had turned the little protrusion into a rock hard nub, Jim moved to its mate and began inflicting the sweet torture on it. Leaving both of Blair's nipples impossibly hard, Jim considered them sexy decorations for the heaving, sweat-sheened chest of his lover. Blair loved having his nipples sucked, and Jim made a mental note to return to the task shortly. "Jim...more..." Blair panted, trying to thrust his chest up toward the retreating mouth. "In time, baby. Got a little more work to do down South." Jim licked a path down the center of Blair's chest, over his belly, stopping to dart his tongue into the little valley there, happy to feel Blair spreading his legs, trying to nudge Jim in the chin with what was becoming a raging hard-on. Reaching in what he hoped was a subtle manner, Jim snagged the lube from the spot where he expected it would be. They usually stashed the tube under the pillows for one of their planned encounters, making it easier to reach in the heat of the moment. "Pull your knees up for me, baby," Jim commanded gently. He could hear a little spike in Blair's heartbeat at the order, but his lover complied quickly, drawing his knees back up toward his chest, exposing himself completely. "It's gonna be good, sweetheart. Relax," Jim soothed, rubbing gentle hands over the backs of Blair's thighs. He started peppering the soft flesh there with kisses and licks, working his way toward his goal. He teased Blair's perineum with the tip of his tongue, smiling as Blair let out the first full-bodied moan. He knew each little sensitive pleasure spot on Blair's body, and tonight, he was going to drive them all to the brink, make the experience so fantastic that Blair would never fear it again. Ignoring the obvious erection and sensitized balls, he moved down to the little pucker and started teasing it with his tongue, smiling at the little jerks as Blair's body spasmed at the pleasure of it. He took his time making love to Blair's hot little hole, darting his tongue in and out of it, getting Blair used to the sensations of something entering him; something small, wet and slippery without the capacity to hurt. Moving back up, Jim opened the lube and squeezing some out on his fingers, descended on Blair's right nipple, sucking it hard into his mouth at the same time he ventured a tentative fingertip inside the smaller man's body. Blair grasped the sheets with both hands, the intensity of the grip being too likely to leave bruises if it had been used on Jim's body. "Jiiiimm..." It was a half cry, half moan, undecided if the onslaught of stimulation was pleasure or torment. Judging by the response of Blair's cock, it was pleasure. As Jim eased a second finger into his lover, he moved to the other nipple, treating it to the same suction its mate had endured. "Oh, God...Jim...I'm...gonna... Oh, yeah...*NOW*!!" Blair shouted, knowing he was on the brink of coming, and if Jim didn't take him then, they'd never climax together. "Love you, baby," Jim said against Blair's mouth before kissing him hungrily, then moving back between Blair's raised thighs, coating himself with lube, he positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to Blair's body. In one long, smooth slide, he was sheathed to the hilt. Blair let out a long moan of pleasure, too hungry for completion to think about discomfort or fear or memories or anything else except reaching what promised to be a volcanic orgasm. "Jim...take me..." Blair ground out, wrapping his legs around Jim's body, drawing him in tight. Jim responded by beginning a slow, firm thrusting, spurred on by Blair's passionate cries of delight and his own hunger. He built the pace and force of his strokes, finally beginning to aim them directly at Blair's prostate. Blair screamed then, pulling one fistful of the sheets so hard that some little corner of Jim's brain noted that they were being ripped off the mattress. "Oh yeah...come on, man, make me come..." "Love your ass, baby. So hot, so tight," Jim managed, making a sloppy attempt at kissing Blair's mouth, thrusting his tongue into that warm, wet cavern while his cock was thrusting into the willing body from the other direction. Blair was groaning out a string of nonsensical words, and in the middle of his raging lust, Jim had to smile. Even during sex, Blair was a talker, even if he didn't make any sense. Jim didn't have time to think for long, feeling the rising tide of his own climax building, building and then wrenched from his pulsing cock by the frantic contractions of Blair's internal muscles as the hot wetness of Blair's completion spurted across Jim's chest and belly, Blair's cries of pleasure filling his ears as the scent of his completion filled the air. With a long, throaty howl, Jim thrust a few final, wild times, filling Blair with his seed. Exhausted, he slumped on his lover, finding the strength to gather Blair into his arms. Blair's legs dropped away from him, landing with an unceremonious plop on the rumpled bed. The younger man's chest heaved for breath beneath Jim's head, and as soon as he had the strength, Jim pushed up on his elbows to take some of the pressure off his lover. "Wow," Blair said quietly, smiling a little. His face flushed and damp, a few stray curls sticking to it, his breathing still a bit labored, Blair was a vision Jim wanted to savor. He smiled back at the younger man, stroking a warm cheek with the back of his fingers. "Yeah, wow," Jim agreed. "Best ever," Blair said, grinning up at Jim, shifting as Jim carefully withdrew from the snug passage and then gathered Blair close in his arms, turning them on their sides. "Feeling okay, sweetheart?" "Great," Blair responded, still grinning. "You knew just what I needed," he added, his expression a little more serious. "I'm glad. I hoped so." Jim kissed the full lips gently. "I think I know what you like." "Yeah...and you did it all." Blair snuggled into Jim's arms, holding on tightly. "I love you, mine." "I love you too, baby." "Happy Birthday," Blair said, and Jim could hear the grin in his voice and feel it where Blair's face rested against his chest. "Every year, I think I can't have a better one." Jim reached down and hooked a finger under Blair's chin, encouraging his face upward until their eyes met. "Each year, you prove me wrong." He kissed Blair's forehead, then each eyelid, his nose, and finally his mouth. "I know how scary this was for you tonight. I hope you know what it means to me that you faced that for me." "I trust you," Blair said softly. Then he unsuccessfully stifled a huge yawn. "I trust you too, Chief. Maybe we should catch a nap?" Jim asked, smiling. "Sounds good," Blair muttered, wrapping himself more firmly around Jim. Within moments, both men were sleeping. ******** When Blair awoke, the room was bathed in shadows, the moon peeking through the curtains, spilling a little light across the foot of the bed. He had flopped on his back at some point as he slept, and now he turned his head to see Jim propped on one elbow. Though it was hard to make out the other man's features in the darkness of the room, Blair knew he was being watched with sentinel eyes. "I was hoping you'd wake up pretty soon--before midnight," Jim said, a smile plain in his voice as he leaned down to kiss Blair's forehead. "Of course, I was enjoying just watching you sleep." "You mean watching me drool. Gross," Blair opined, wiping at his mouth with his hand. "That's really sexy," he berated himself. "You haven't slept deeply enough to drool in a long time, baby." Jim smiled at Blair's puzzled expression, which the younger man knew could be seen in the darkness. "Or to sleep without a little line right here." Jim rubbed a gentle finger over the spot between Blair's eyebrows. "It feels like things are...*okay* again." "They are, sweetheart." Jim was quiet a moment. "I want to talk to you about something." Jim rolled over toward his night stand and lit the candle there, mainly for Blair's benefit. Then he reached in the drawer and pulled something out, obscuring it in his hand while he rolled back over to face Blair, who turned on his side, propping himself on his elbow to mirror Jim's position. "I know we made a commitment to each other, and we've never really questioned that we'd always be together...but I've been thinking a lot lately...and..." Jim let the words trail off, finally letting action speak for him. He revealed the small velvet box that had been hidden in his hand and then opened it, holding it toward Blair. Inside were two identical, plain gold bands. "Are you sure...?" Blair asked, looking from the rings to Jim's eyes. "For the last few months, it's like I keep looking at your left hand and it seems like something's missing. I know you'll probably say this is me exercising my territorial imperative or something..." Jim shrugged. "But I love you and I want to put a visible claim on you. One that says hands off, that you're mine." Jim paused. "And because I'm proud of us...I'm proud of you--proud to have you by my side forever." Jim waited as Blair stared at the rings, his voice caught behind the lump in his throat. He swallowed a time or two, then looked up at Jim again through glistening eyes. "I always wanted this. Always," he said softly, looking back at the rings. "I love you so much. I've wanted so badly to do something *show* it." "The best birthday present you could give me would be to agree to let me put this on your finger, and promise me it'll stay there the rest of our life together." "As long as I live," Blair responded. "'til death do us--" Jim's words were cut off when Blair pressed a finger against his lips. "No. Death doesn't part two people who love each other like we do. Love is forever--if we didn't know it before, we know it now--look at Brian and Michael." "I wouldn't want you to be sad and depressed and give up living if something happened to me, sweetheart." "I wouldn't want that for you either, but you can't control that--how another person feels or grieves. I'd never be angry if you found someone else--I'd want you to be happy." "So would I--for you, I mean." "If I did, it would be living a lie, man. After what we've had...Jim, I could never love anybody else this way. Somebody new would be just...a sad imitation." "I feel the same way, Chief." "Maybe we could just say 'forever' and let it go at that?" Blair suggested, smiling. "Forever works for me." Jim smiled back, nodding a little. He took the first ring out of the box and took a hold of Blair's left hand. "With this ring, I promise you forever." He looked into Blair's eyes as he spoke, easing the ring into place. Blair smiled so widely Jim feared his face might split in half. Then, the younger man took the second ring out of the box and took a hold of Jim's left hand. "With this ring, I promise you forever," Blair repeated, catching Jim's gaze, smiling softly as he slid the ring into place. They kissed to seal the pact, sliding back down in the bed, devouring each other's mouths until the need to breathe forced them apart. "Looks like they belong there," Jim commented as they examined the rings, and evaluated how it "looked" to be married. "They do." Blair slid his arms around Jim and held on tightly. Jim returned the strong embrace, rubbing Blair's back in long strokes. "They always did. I'm sorry I made you wait so long, angel." "I didn't know how much I wanted this until right now," Blair muttered, his voice a little shaky. "I knew, baby. It just took me a little while to get up the nerve to...take *ownership* of us." "You never hid our relationship. Not from anybody." "No, but I didn't go out of my way to show you off as my lover." Jim laid a hand on either side of Blair's face and looked into moist blue eyes. "Now I want bragging rights." He kissed the end of Blair's nose. "You mean that?" "With all my heart. Besides, I have to protect my territory from predators. I thought the rings would be a better idea instead of my being forced to do them great bodily harm." "You don't have to protect your territory. Your territory isn't going anywhere. Not ever. Not without you." "Technically, we haven't consummated the marriage," Jim said, bumping noses with Blair. "I'd hate to have the whole thing be invalid on a technicality like that," Blair responded, grinning devilishly. When the morning sun finally made its appearance, it found two damp, warm, completely sated and totally oblivious men sleeping in a tangle of clinging limbs, ringed hands entwined, as the windchimes sang a soft melody. ********** The End ;-)