Disclaimer: UPN and Pet Fly own all "The Sentinel" characters. Original folks are mine. I didn't get paid for this, and I'm not trying to infringe on anyone's copyrights. Just sharing a story with friends. Author's Note: "For Better or For Worse" is the sequel to "The Ellison Reports". You could probably figure this out without reading that, but if you want to know how the guys got to this point, you can check out installments I & II of The Diary Series on this site (The Sandburg Chronicles and The Ellison Reports). This story is an AU of sorts, as I am picking up at the end of the second season, as if the third is not happening. Rating: MAO for m/m. Some violence and language. Archive: Please! Comments: blair_lady@yahoo.com Thank You: To Virginia Call and Emily Brunson, my dynamite beta-readers, and all the wonderful people who sent comments on my previous stories, and those few brave souls who came right out and asked for this one! Enough. On with the show... For Better or For Worse by Candy Apple Blair wiggled his nose, vaguely aware of something soft brushing beneath it. Unwilling to give up the peace of closed eyes, he snuggled further under the covers, groping around for Jim. All he got was the tickle under his nose again, and the very distinct scent of roses. With a spreading grin, he opened his eyes. Jim was kneeling on the bed, leaning over him, brushing a single red rose under Blair's nose. Having been unsure how his male lover would react to a dozen red roses, Jim had taken the risk and had them delivered to the loft the previous afternoon. Blair had set the day aside to work on his dissertation at home, so it was the perfect time to catch him off guard. The kiss in the car in front of the Cascade P.D. had caught them both off guard. Jim still had mixed feelings about "coming out" at work, but he couldn't let those misgivings make Blair feel he had any doubts about the "rightness" of their relationship. That was right, perfect, and meant to be, in Jim Ellison's opinion. A couple of the roses had been sacrificed the night before when Jim had the inspiration of sprinkling his beautiful, naked lover with rose petals while he lay on the bed, waiting. Then he had taken Blair with a gentleness he didn't know he was capable of, prolonging their pleasure, tasting as much of his lover's body as he could while they were joined. "Good morning," Blair greeted sleepily, still smiling, capturing the hand that held the rose with his own. "Come back to bed?" "Thought you'd never ask." Jim discarded his robe and quickly slid under the covers. Winter was coming early to Cascade, with these October nights and early mornings dipping into the 20's. With a warm bundle of Blair in his arms, it didn't take long to warm up again. He handed the other man the rose, and then kissed his lips gently. "Last night was beautiful, sweetheart. Thank you." "For me too. I love you, mine." Blair reached up and caressed Jim's face. "I'll always love you, no matter what." "Sounds kind of ominous, baby." Jim captured the hand and kissed it, then held it against his chest. "I mean, even if things get difficult...nothing could ever make me leave you--unless you told me to go." "Then you're here for the duration, Chief." Jim pulled Blair firmly into his arms, squeezing him just tightly enough to make his point, but not to leave bruises. "I'm glad Carolyn was such an idiot." "Come again?" Jim pulled back. "Gee, thanks, Jim. I probably will in a little while." "Smart ass," Jim chided, laughing. "You know what I meant." He leaned forward and kissed the end of Blair's nose. "I said that I was glad Carolyn was such an idiot. She let you get away, so then I could have you." Blair busied himself kissing a hot trail down Jim's throat to his chest. Then he snuggled back into the warm nest of Jim's arms and the heavy comforter, seeming content to rest there, settled tightly against his lover. "I'm glad for whatever chain of events brought us here." "Did anything happen yesterday when you went in?" "They hadn't painted my desk pink or anything, no." Jim kissed the top of Blair's head and let one hand rub lazy circles on the smooth skin of his back. "I'm serious, man." "I know." Jim was quiet a minute. "Nothing major. Things were a bit chilly in the break room when I ran into a couple guys from Vice." "Not the same two who saw us?" "No. Patterson and Miller saw us. This was Hank Andrews and some new guy." "News probably travels pretty fast." "Well, within Vice, I reckon they pretty much know. Since most of the people who work at the P.D. are reasonably busy, it'll take the news a little bit of time to make it to all the departments. That is, to all the people who have any real interest in who their co-workers are sleeping with." "Did you tell Simon?" "Is that okay with you?" "You did? Yeah, I think that's great, Jim. Hey, I would've taken out a wedding announcement in the Cascade Herald if I could have." "Wedding. You know, that makes me think...we still haven't really said all those words to each other yet." "Jim, about Simon--" "Well, I told him that I wanted to be the one to tell him, because I figured he'd be hearing about it pretty soon. I said that you and I were in love, that we were committed to each other, and considered ourselves a couple." "What did he say?" "Before or after he passed out?" "Jim, dammit, I'm serious," Blair declared, completely unsuccessful at not smiling back at the sappy, lovesick face looking down at him. "He sat there for a minute and looked kind of dazed. I kind of thought the shock had killed him at first, but then he moved again--" "Jim, I swear to God, I wanna hear the serious version." "Okay. Sorry. He did reel a little, and then he asked me how long. I said a few months now, since early summer. He nodded, like he had known all along, and then he said he hoped I knew what I was getting into." "Gee, remind me to thank him for that one." "He didn't mean you, baby." Jim cuddled his lover a little closer and kissed him, this time poking a little with his tongue until he was finally admitted. Blair was almost always responsive, but next to sex, talking was one of his favorite pastimes. He wasn't thrilled to be interrupted in the middle of either one. Jim released the soft lips reluctantly. He'd have much preferred to spend the early morning hours making love. "He meant the attitudes of people at the station, society in general, etc." "What did you say?" "That I had never been happier, and no archaic social prejudice was going to take that away from me, and that I didn't see it as any problem in our working relationship. I also pointed out to him that even in the brief time when Carolyn and I were actually getting along in our marriage, we were able to behave professionally around each other at work, and still collaborate without ducking into the nearest closet for a quickie. I assured him you and I wouldn't be any less professional when we were together in the bullpen, or doing police business." "Guess we can't make out during stakeouts then, huh?" "Just the dead end ones." They shared a little chuckle, and as it faded, Jim continued. "Seriously, he was pretty calm about it. He just told me to be prepared to take some heat, and not to be surprised if the powers that be tried to make things a bit dicey for me at times." "You don't think that the other guys would ever...you know...not back you up or something like that?" "I like to think I work with professionals. My significant other's gender shouldn't be a basis for whether or not I get back-up." "It shouldn't be, but Jim...God, if anything happened to you because of us--" "It won't. Don't even worry about it." Jim held the smaller body close. "I'd die if I lost you." "No you wouldn't. It might feel like it at first, but you'd survive. Because I'd want you to. That would be your tribute to me--to survive it, and live, and be happy. Besides, I'd be waiting for you on the other side so we could pick up where we left off when you got there--many, many years later when you were old." "I hate this conversation, Jim. I don't want to talk about that. Ever." "Shhh." Jim felt a little tremor run through Blair's body. "I'm not going anywhere. Not now--not when I finally have the sexiest lover on earth." "What did Simon really say to all of it--after he'd said all the captain stuff, what was the friend stuff?" "That he knew we were in for a long, hard road, bucking the tide, but that he hoped we were happy together, and he wouldn't be giving us any hassles. He said he'd support us as much as he could." "I kind of hoped that's how he'd react." "You know, all this talking is nice, but we've got a whole Saturday to ourselves, and I can think of things I'd rather do." "Do you really want to say the words?" "What?" "What you said about weddings--and that we hadn't said those words. Do you want to?" "Yes." "Maybe we could plan our own. I mean, a marriage is between two people anyway, so why do we need for it to be legal or sanctioned by anyone?" "We don't. There are a few things we need to do legally--I want to be sure you have my power of attorney for business and medical situations in case I'm down for the count. Otherwise, you could run into taking a back seat to Stephen, if they could even track him down." "Good idea. I want that too." "What about Naomi?" "You think tracking Stephen would be tricky? Man, I'd be dead three times over before they could find her." "Are you feeling okay, sweetheart? I'm getting the feeling you're keeping us talking." "No, I wasn't doing that at all," Blair responded, a little too defensively. "Sore from last night?" Jim asked gently, kissing Blair's forehead. "Kind of," Blair admitted quietly. "I wasn't thinking about doing that again, baby. It's too soon." "I seems like I ought to be able to do it more than once a week, Jim. I guess I'm just uptight or too small or something." Blair exhaled in frustration. "It feels good when we actually do it, but it hurts afterwards." "It's my giant, throbbing rod of manhood that's the problem. It's just too damned huge for you." Jim smiled as Blair laughed out loud, for quite a few seconds. "It's not *that* funny, Chief." He reached around and swatted Blair's rear end. "Hey!" Blair started a little, but Jim stifled the protest with a kiss as he stroked the offended cheek. "It'll take your mind off your asshole for a minute." "You're such a poet, man." Blair was smiling again, snuggling back into Jim's arms. "We'll get used to everything eventually," Jim responded. "If this is truth time, after the last time you topped, I walked around like the Hunchback of Notre Dame most of the next day. Man, it killed my back." "You're the one who wanted to be on your back and folded up like a pretzel." "You're heavier than y