The rest of their stay in California was uneventful, though they were thrilled to hear an affirmative reply back from Nathan Delevan only hours before they were due to board the plane back to Cascade. Blair slept peacefully in Jim's arms at night, but neither man seemed to be pursuing anything sexual for the time being. The first time had been good, but it had still brought up painful memories for Blair, and Jim figured he had enough to cope with without stirring his emotions up further. They still had the legwork on the Park case to complete. A side trip to Tacoma unearthed very little new evidence. Keith Park had fallen down an outdoor staircase and broken his neck. If there had been a pattern of abuse, the elderly landlady was disinclined to reveal that. The house where Park and Watson lived in the upstairs apartment was not close to its neighbors, and there were no records of calls to the police for domestic violence incidents. Keith Park was a loner who didn't have many close friends, and his family all lived in the Midwest. His parents hadn't seen him for over a year before he died. His homosexuality had estranged him from the rest of the Park family, and he'd moved out to the West Coast. Ironically, he had lived in LA while Watson did, but didn't meet him until Park accepted a job in Tacoma as a photographer for a local newspaper. Watson's employer in Tacoma had no complaints against him, except for a passing mention that he appeared to have a bad temper only marginally under control. "That was a whole lot of nothing," Blair grumbled as he dropped onto the couch. Jim locked the door of the loft behind them and tossed his keys in the basket. "We did well in California, Chief. You can't win 'em all." "But he probably murdered Keith Park! Dammit, Jim, we could have put him away for life!" "Okay, so Tacoma was a dead end. We still gained a lot by what we found out in LA. We have established a pattern of behavior with Watson--" "Oh, yeah, right. * If * Nathan Delevan really comes through and testifies. If he decides not to, it's back to my word against his. You said yourself that the DA felt we needed some back up for me." "It never hurts to be able to corroborate your version of life with Vince Watson." Jim settled on the couch behind where Blair sat in the corner of it, facing away from him. He gathered the smaller body in his arms and rested his chin on Blair's head. "He's gonna skate, Jim. You know it and I know it." "He isn't going to skate, sweetheart. I already told you that." "I don't want you to do something stupid, Jim. I mean that." Blair put his hands over the hands that crossed at his waist. "I don't want to lose you that way." "You're not going to lose me at all." "Look, I know you think that because you know 10,000 ways to kill a man with a toothpick from being in Covert Ops and another 10,000 ways to hide the body, that means I want you to go out and do away with Vince. I don't want you to turn into a murderer for me. I don't want you to look at me and know that I made you do that." "You aren't making me do anything, Chief. I've told you before to quit worrying about it." "I can't, Jim. You can talk to me, man. You always shut me up with telling me not to ask any questions, but you know damn well I'd never testify against you or say anything to anybody-anything you told me would be in confidence. I'd die before I'd tell on you." "I know that. I don't want you lying for me." "But it's okay if you kill for me?" "Nobody said anything about killing, sweetheart." Jim kissed the soft hair that had been tucked under his chin. "What're you planning then? To sternly advise him not to bother me?" "Worked before, didn't it?" "No, Jim, it didn't. Vince isn't obeying your advice. He's lurking. It's the calm before the storm. He's up to something." Blair shuddered, and Jim's arms tightened around him. "I know that he seems larger than life to you sometimes, sweetheart, but he isn't. He's just a man. A sick, perverted, twisted man but still-nothing more than that. He isn't all-powerful." "It feels like he is. It's just like tomorrow. Meeting with the DA. He can still humiliate me even by proxy. Do you know what it feels like to talk about the things he did to me? To admit that I let him treat me that way and didn't do anything to save myself?" "We've been over this before, Chief. You didn't * let * him do anything. He terrorized you into thinking that you were going to be putting the people you loved in jeopardy by crossing him. The dangerous thing about this SOB is that he's a * smart * SOB. He knew how to psych you out. Just beating you or threatening you wouldn't keep you in line. You'd want your freedom and your safety, and you'd be independent-minded enough to tell him to fuck off. But if you thought you were putting me at risk, or your mom at risk, you'd endure anything. You stayed for us-for the people you love." "I still look like the world's biggest wuss. I mean, look at what he did to me. Over and over again, and I didn't fight back." "Just because you don't fight back doesn't make it less of a rape, or it doesn't make it right for him to beat you." Jim nuzzled Blair's hair, cuddling him close. "I know this is hard. If there was any way I could spare you talking to the DA tomorrow, or testifying at all, I would. You know that." "But that's the only way. I know." "Look at it this way: at least you're getting a practice run with friendly troops before you have to deal with the trial." "I guess." He paused a moment. "You getting hungry, lover?" Blair turned slightly in Jim's embrace. It was the first time he'd shown any interest in food without Jim prodding him to eat. Even though his appetite was normal now, and his weight at a good level again, he still rarely suggested food first or offered to cook. "What'd you have in mind?" "I don't know. Have we got any pasta in the house?" "There's some fettuccine." "I can work with that. Anything we can put on it?" "There's some frozen chicken breasts and I think we have all the stuff you used to use to make sauce." "Fettuccine Alfredo with chicken. Cool. I can do that." Blair got up and headed for the kitchen. Jim turned on the couch and rested his chin on his arm on the back of it, watching Blair move around the kitchen as if he'd never left. It was so wonderful to see him there, doing something so ordinary and domestic as pulling out pans to cook dinner, that Jim had to close his eyes for a moment against the emotion that was sweeping over him. His beautiful Blair was coming back, little by little. And when this damn trial was over, maybe he could come back the rest of the way, and finally put Vince Watson behind him. ****** Beverly Sanchez sorted through a formidable stack of paper that had bulged from a manilla folder she'd brought to the conference table. Blair had expressed mixed feelings about talking to someone they both knew, but he'd admitted to Jim that he realized it made very little difference. In a matter of a couple of weeks, he'd be telling his story to an open courtroom. "There are a few things we should go over before we get started with the Q&A." Beverly folded her hands together and rested them on top of the pile of papers. "Obviously we have to work past the obstacle of your testimony at the hearing regarding the restraining order. I spoke to my supervisor and he's not interested in pursuing charges against you if your testimony in this case conflicts with that, even though both are under oath." She opened a slender folder that sat beside the larger one and scanned the page of notes inside. "There are a couple of things the defense is planning to use that I think you should be aware of--both of you." Jim and Blair exchanged glances, and she continued. "First, Watson is claiming that Blair only started having a relationship with him because he looked like you, Jim." She looked from one to the other, obviously expecting some reaction or objection. "Blair?" "That's true," he admitted quietly. Jim pitied his lover immensely. Being forced to read one's diary out loud and defend it couldn't have been more embarrassing. "You're kidding?" She shook her head. "I'm sorry. I'm not finding fault with your preferences. I was just hanging my hat on that being a lot of fluff--a smokescreen from the defense." She paused, and then rolled her eyes as if trying to prepare herself to ask the next question and hear the answer. "He further claims that you and Jim are currently lovers, and that this case is less about abuse than it is about a jealous lover coming--and I quote--" she read from the notes, 'to drag Sandburg off by the hair back to his cave'." "Jim and I weren't lovers when I met Vince. So that's not true." "You weren't lovers when you met Vince. Hold up a second. Are you trying to tell me that you are now?" "That's what he's saying." Jim rescued Blair from his uncertainty. "It took something like this happening to shake me up, I guess. But now that it has, a lot of things fell into place for me. For us." "I don't believe this." She snorted an ugly little laugh. "All this time, I just assumed this was so much tabloid fodder Watson and his lawyer cooked up." "If you're waiting for me to apologize for this relationship, it isn't going to happen." Jim met Beverly's eyes with unwavering conviction. "Well, I guess there's no point in wasting our time bemoaning what can't be helped." She started shuffling through her papers. "One thing you should be aware of from the outset is that we have a couple of strikes against us-well, several, given what you've just told me. First, we have a male victim. I know it's an unjust double standard, but male abuse victims are not accorded the same sympathy and credibility as female victims." "That sucks," Jim interjected. "I agree. So does the hole in the ozone layer, but it exists. Second, we have a homosexual relationship as the domestic set-up. Even with every effort made to select a liberal jury, you'll get some members of it who won't be able to put that aside and objectively consider the evidence of domestic violence without putting it in a different light because of that." "Do you think we're all finished because of Jim and me?" Blair asked. "Not necessarily, but it's a considerable obstacle I'd have liked more warning about than this. Listen, I don't agree with what Watson did. Whether I agree with or understand your lifestyle or preferences, nothing justifies that type of behavior. Hopefully a jury can view it that way too. The third problem we have is the issue of kinky sex." "What?" Jim seemed shocked, but Blair just slid down slightly in his chair and covered his face with one hand. "Watson has a fairly extensive collection He claims that most of them were your idea, Blair." "That's a damn lie," came a low voice from behind the shelter of Blair's hand. "You didn't order any of these items?" She slid an inventory list in front of Blair, which Jim began reading over his shoulder. Handcuffs, dildos, whips and other assorted paraphernalia were listed there. A total of twenty-six adult toys, all leaning toward S&M activities comprised the list. "Yes," Blair muttered. "Why did you just tell me none of them were your idea then?" "Because they weren't," he replied quietly. "The orders were all placed in your name, charged to your credit card." "He picked the stuff out and made me order it, okay?" Blair looked up, his voice raised with a definite threat of tears behind it. "It gave him a thrill to make me order it because he knew I... I didn't want to do things that way. I knew he was going to use that crap on me and he knew I hated it and it just made it that much more fun for him to make me pay for it." "He used all of these items with you?" "What do you think?" Blair shot back, wiping away a couple of escaping tears. "He only stopped using the whip because the marks lasted too long and he was afraid of someone seeing them." "Goddamn that bastard," Jim growled. "He says that you had a taste for this kind of activity, and that it escalated as your relationship progressed." She waited as Blair laughed a little, though there was no joy in the sound. "Why doesn't that surprise me? I've * never * had a taste for this kind of stuff. I'm not making judgements on people who do, but that's never been what sex was about in my mind. I always thought it ought to be about love, and I don't see what handcuffing someone to a bed and whipping them has to do with love." "Is that what he did?" "Look, suffice it to say that when he got one of his new toys, he wanted to play with it. A lot. Until he got sick of it, or until he was too tired, or too hard and just wanted to fuck my brains out and then roll over and go to sleep." Blair paused. "I'm sorry. I'm being unnecessarily crude." "Understandable." Beverly tried to smile slightly. She glanced at Jim, who was a study in contained rage. His jaw was twitching, the fist that rested on the table clenched so tightly that the knuckles were white. "Do I have to describe everything?" Blair asked. "Inasmuch as it gets us sympathy. You don't need to be gratuitous, but the fact you weren't interested in that type of activity, followed by descriptions of some of the more violent incidents you were subjected to might help us." The next several minutes put Blair through the difficult paces of going down the list of toys and describing how and when each one was used. Blair was always on the receiving end of the painful stimuli, having been subjected to everything from simple bondage to whipping to increasingly exotic and painful activities. The session concluded after running through all of the known facts of the case, including the beatings and sexual assault incidents that Blair had previously disclosed. "Well, gentlemen, I can tell you one thing. We have an uphill battle here. I don't think it's beyond us to win it, but it's going to be a struggle. It's only fair for me to warn you that Watson's lawyer is going to take the gloves off when he cross-examines you, Blair." "Make the victim the criminal, huh? That's nothing new." Jim shook his head. "Jim, you have to understand that all we have is Blair's word that he didn't like all the kinky toys that were ordered by him and placed on his credit card. Both of the key bombshells of Watson's defense are true-Blair was carrying a torch for you, and the two of you are currently lovers. That doesn't leave you a hell of a lot of credibility as a cop on the case." "What about Nathan Delevan?" "I spoke with him by phone yesterday. He will be a great witness. Something a little more current would have been helpful, but we'll work with what we have." "What do you think our chances really are?" Jim leaned forward, elbows on the table. "I think we'll get a conviction on the aggravated assault without question. Even if Blair had all the kinky tastes Watson claims he did, no one asks to be beaten until their spleen ruptures. And even if you twisted it around to say that Blair considered a beating a turn on, that degree of beating is irresponsible and absurd. I have total confidence in that charge. I have some concerns about how far we'll get with the rape charge." "He needed stitches, Beverly. You've seen the hospital reports." Jim hated to bring up the technicalities, glancing at Blair, who had very little dignity left after everything that had been discussed. Now they were discussing the condition of his rectum as if it were just another piece of evidence. "If--mind you, * if *-- the jury buys the S&M angle, the tearing and other injuries are not outside the realm of possibility for some messing around that got out of hand." "Oh, Beverly, come on!" Jim slumped back in his chair. "Who in hell asks to be torn up like that?" "A pain junkie." "Are we done here?" Blair asked quietly, keeping his eyes focused on the entwined hands in his lap. "Yes. Blair, I'm sorry this had to get so personal. There isn't any other way." "I know. I just hope it works." "So do I. I'll be in touch if I have any other questions." "You know where to find us," Jim responded, standing. Blair followed suit. Blair was silent for most of the ride back to the loft. He kept his eyes focused on the scenery passing the passenger window. Jim finally reached over and picked up the hand that rested on Blair's knee. "I'm sorry you have to go through this, baby." "How can you even...even care about me after you heard what I did with him?" Blair's voice was shaky, but he kept his gaze averted out the window. "Watson was the pervert here, not you." "Sometimes I feel guilty. Dirty. I didn't want to do any of that stuff. But it all happened." "It wasn't your choice, sweetheart." "Jim, they're going to make me look like nothing better than a kinky male whore. I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to end things right now." "What? Why?" Jim tried to keep his divided concentration on the traffic. "Being lovers with me is the worst thing that could happen to your career." "And the best thing that ever happened to * me *. Screw my career. Screw all the bastards who want to mess us up. I love you, Blair. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'll be damned if I give up my one shot at happiness with the person I love because of some set of lies Watson cooks up." "There's something I don't exactly understand, Jim. It's been bothering me since I got back." "What's that, sweetheart?" "When I left, it was because you couldn't handle thinking about loving another man, not even me--I think those were your exact words." Blair took a deep breath. "I guess I need to know why all of a sudden, when I show up all messed up and half dead, you suddenly want me for a lover." "I thought we'd been over that. I guess it took the proverbial brick house falling on me before I stopped and assessed what mattered more-sticking with some tired old preconceived notion about love and sex or having a life with the person I wanted to be with." "But how do you just switch your orientation all of a sudden?" "I don't know." Jim was frustrated now. Blair was asking him to put into words feelings that seemed to defy them. "Maybe you fall in love and everything else figures itself out." "All I'm saying here is that the only thing worse than a pity fuck would be a guilt fuck. I don't want you taking me in and doing what I want because you feel guilty that I got messed up after I left you. That wasn't your fault. That I did all by myself." "Watson did that." "Whatever. The point is, it isn't your responsibility to make it up to me because someone else abused me." "Is that what you think we're about? Some kind of guilt relief on my part?" "I believe that you love me. I just don't know as it would have taken this form if you hadn't felt bad that I got what I got with the next person I was with after you." "Sometimes an idea has to be suggested to someone before they can embrace it. Sometimes you don't think of something until someone brings it up. I never even thought of making love to you, even though I loved you with all my heart from...well, practically from the day you moved in with me. I didn't even really want to *like * you at first, but I did. And before long, I loved you and wanted you in my life. But since you were a man, I didn't let myself consider the possibility of us being lovers. I thought of you as family." "So what changed?" "I spent close to a year by myself, and I think I went on a grand total of two dates in that time. I hated every minute of both of them. It made me realize that I wanted to eat dinner with you, I wanted to go to movies with you-even if you do talk too much through them-and I wanted to share everything I could with you. I felt split down the middle without you. And I guess I woke up one day and realized that you knew what we had long before I did, and that you were right about what direction it should take next. But by then, we'd been out of touch for months, and even when I called, I got that e-mail back. I hope you've changed your passcodes and password since you got out of the hospital." "Yeah, I did all that as soon as I could hold the phone to call the U." Blair stared out the window a few more moments. "So you figured there wasn't any point in calling again, huh?" "Blair, I think I set a record for the number of calls I made to Rainier's voice mail system. I didn't figure you were any more interested after you'd started a relationship with someone else than you were when you ignored my messages." "You were pissed at me?" "Not really. Just disappointed." "So when I showed up again--" "I made up my mind I wasn't going to fuck it up the second time." "This is what you really want then?" "Yeah, this is what I really want. Geez, Sandburg, what am I going to do with you?" "Maybe when we get home, you could figure something out," Blair responded, with a definite invitation in his voice. Jim pulled the hand he was holding up to his lips and kissed it. ****** There was something incredibly sexy about drawing the shades in the middle of the afternoon to make love. At the same time, there was something very awe-inspiring about the responsibility of making love to Blair. Given everything he'd been through, it was difficult to know what he would want to do, what would upset him, or what would, God forbid, remind him of something Watson did. While Jim contemplated all this in the loft bedroom, chewing thoughtfully on his lower lip as he turned back the bed, Blair made his way upstairs. He was already wearing his robe. "I got undressed downstairs," he explained. "You're a little ahead of me, Chief," Jim stated, smiling a bit. "Maybe you can give me a hand, huh?" He slid his arms around Blair's waist, pulling him close. "I figured we were going to take things slower today than we did in LA, and I...I know it sounds weird, but... I didn't want to have to undress for you... In front of you, I mean." Blair kept his face buried against Jim's chest as he spoke. "Any special reason, baby?" Jim stroked the soft hair that hung loosely on Blair's shoulders now. "He used to make me...strip for him. Move certain ways. It made me feel, I don't know, humiliated the way he did it. I know it would be different with us, but " "But it still bothers you." Jim squeezed his armload tightly. "I understand, sweetheart. It's okay. Anything you need to do--or not do--you just tell me." "I want you." "I want you too." "No, I mean...I really want you. All the way." "Are you sure? There's no rush, baby." "I'm healed, and I--I want to feel you inside connected." "You don't have to do this." "I understand if you don't want to." Blair pulled back to look at Jim. "I'm not exactly a clean slate here. A lot of people are turned off by used merchandise." Blair lowered his eyes again. There was no anger or bitterness in the voice. Just resignation. "You're not used merchandise, baby. Not at all." Jim pulled him into a tight embrace. "I don't want to hurt you." "You won't. I just... I want to... I want to make a commitment to you. A real commitment. Not just words." "We have a real commitment. You don't have to do anything you're not ready for to prove something to me." "But I * am * ready." "Then I am too, sweetheart." Jim pulled back and cupped Blair's face in both hands. "I need to go get something-" "I got it covered," Blair replied, pulling a tube of KY from the pocket of his robe. "Do you want to, um, use protection?" "Come here." Jim took his hand and led him to the side of the bed, where they sat together. Still holding the hand, he continued. "You said Watson always used protection?" "Every time." "God, I hate to ask this. Did he use it when you, uh...during oral sex too?" Blair nodded. "Did he ever do anything for you?" "Jerked me off once in a while because he wanted me to come while he was inside. He said he liked it better that way." "Did Watson get tested for HIV regularly?" "Every six months. He had just had his six-month check up when we got together, and he had another one just before all this happened. They always came back negative." "How about before Vince? Was there anyone else?" "There wasn't anybody else except my right hand since I moved in with you." "All those girls-what about Chris?" "You've got a long memory, man." Blair laughed a little, shaking his head to think that Jim remembered catching him on the couch with Christine Hong during the Lash case. "What's the expression-close, but no cigar? I cared a lot about Chris, and she seemed to feel the same way about me. We were headed that way but never got there." "It's been two years for me." "Seriously?" "Seriously. You know I've never been big on one night stands, Chief." "Yeah, but that's a long time not to get any." "You're telling me. At one point I figured I should just go move in with the guys at St. Sebastian's and save on my rent." That made Blair laugh, and Jim smile. "You think we need to use anything then?" "We made a commitment to each other, and we've both been in relatively safe situations, and tested regularly. I don't think we need to. I'd like it to be just you and me--no barriers. But only if you feel comfortable with that." "I'd like it that way." Blair nodded, and looked back down at his lap again. "Jim, if--if after what you heard this afternoon, if being with me... if it kind of grosses you out or anything I'd want you to feel free to stop." "What I heard this afternoon definitely grosses me out. But not in terms of * you * grossing me out. I want Watson's head on a plate. Preferably with an apple in his mouth, like the goddamn pig that he is." "I was so ashamed. I didn't want you to ever hear that stuff. I didn't want you to ever know what I had to do with him." Blair paused, and when he looked up, the beginnings of tears were in his eyes. "Jim, I still don't know if I can do it." "Do what, sweetheart? There's no rush with us if you're not ready." "No. I--I mean testify." "Without your testimony, he'll probably walk, Chief." "I know." Blair looked down again. "I can't say those things in court, Jim." "What if I work on getting a closed courtroom, huh? No more people there than those who have to be." "Could you do that?" "If I can convince Beverly to work on it with the judge, and I think she will. Given the intimate nature of your testimony, and the fact we don't print rape victims' names anyway, she would have a good chance, I think." "Okay." "Okay. And about today, sweetheart...are you sure you're ready to do this?" "I'm okay, Jim. I called the doctor and asked him. He said I was healed up from the rape. He said if I felt good, I was okay to go ahead. He just told me to take it easy. You know-none of the rough stuff." "I don't want to hurt you, Blair." Jim stroked the soft curls. "You won't." "I'm a little overdressed, baby. Why don't you get comfortable and I'll lose these clothes, huh?" He kissed Blair's forehead. "Get under the covers. We'll snuggle for a while and see where things go, huh?" "Okay." Jim went about undressing while Blair shed his robe and climbed into the bed, seemingly relieved at the more relaxed pace this encounter was taking. Before sliding out of his boxers, Jim found a CD of soft piano music and put it in the player next to the bed. "That's nice," Blair commented, looking very relaxed there among the big pillows, serene smile on his face. "Have I told you lately how beautiful you are?" Jim discarded his underwear and slipped between the sheets, gathering Blair into his arms. "You might've mentioned it, oh, last night sometime," Blair replied, grinning and settling into the big arms that held him. It was remarkable how bulging muscles and great strength could mean terror in one man's bed and complete security and solace in another's. "Just so you don't forget then. You're beautiful. And you smell good. Did I ever tell you that? Or how good it feels to hold you like this? How soft your skin is?" "If you keep this up, I'm going to start crying here, man." "I just want you to know that every inch of you is precious to me. And beautiful. God I love you so much." "I love you too." Blair shifted so his leg flopped over Jim's, and his arm wrapped around the larger man's middle. "Look at all this," Jim commented softly, playing lightly with the mop of curls on his shoulder. "Just like raw silk." There was a shaky intake of breath from Blair, and they lay there a while in silence, holding each other and relaxing with the soothing sounds of the music. Then Jim began kissing Blair's forehead, then dipping down to capture the soft lips in a gentle kiss. Blair's mouth yielded to his immediately, opening with the invitation for Jim's tongue to explore. Blair's hand strayed across Jim's chest, found a nipple and began tweaking and rolling it, smiling against Jim's mouth at the low rumble that came from Jim's throat at the stimulation. Blair pulled away from their kisses, kissing and nibbling a trail over Jim's jaw line and down to his Adam's apple. Jim reveled in the feeling of the silky hair caressing his skin as Blair moved down, fastening that devilish mouth to his nipple, suckling and lapping at it. Satisfied he had treated the first nub to the utmost torment, he kissed his way over to its mate. As Jim relaxed into the sensations, he realized he longed to see Blair's beautiful body moving over him. He dismissed the thought just as quickly, realizing that Blair had been forced to "put on a show" in bed for far too long. This first time had to be all about love, and nothing else, and the cover of the sheet seemed to be making Blair feel at ease. There was a whole lifetime to watch Blair, and hopefully, as their love grew and matured, and memories of Watson faded a bit, Blair would feel more comfortable being watched by the man who loved him so much. Jim reached down and guided Blair's head upward, locking their mouths together again, rolling them on their sides. Holding his lover firmly in his arms, he kissed his way down Blair's neck to his shoulders, then began exploring the soft mat of hair that hid the two little buds of flesh he sought. He smiled against his lover's chest as he heard Blair's little whimpers of ecstasy as first one, then the second, nipple rose to attention under Jim's insistent mouth. His hands slid down Blair's back and cupped his firm, rounded cheeks. Blair just growled a little and humped against Jim, brushing their fast-growing erections together. "Get me ready?" Blair asked breathlessly, groping under the pillows for the lubricant. "How about on your side for now?" "I want to see you when we make love." "Okay. But if we start out on your back, it's a hard position to hold for a long time. I don't want to put a lot of strain on your side, baby." Jim stroked the pink scar from Blair's recent surgery. "But when we do it--can I turn over? I...*need* to see you." "You can do anything that feels right to you, sweetheart. You don't have to ask." Jim waited while Blair shifted onto his right side and drew his knees up. Jim spooned himself around the other's back a moment and kissed his nape. "I love you." "Love you too," Blair whispered back. Jim could hear the other man's heartbeat thudding loudly, the understandable anxiety associated with this act coming to the foreground. "If I hurt you, or you change your mind, you just let me know. I don't care how far we've gone-okay?" "Okay." "Try to relax, baby. You know how much I love you. It's going to be good for you from now on, baby. I promise. I'm going to touch you a little, and then try to put my finger in a ways, okay?" "Okay." Jim coated his finger with the gel and gathering Blair close to him with one arm around his middle, he slid down into the valley between the firm cheeks and felt his way to his lover's center. He gently massaged the gel into the little pucker there, happy to hear Blair's satisfied little grunts. Adding more lubricant, he finally risked slipping the tip of his finger past the little ring of muscle. Blair tensed a moment, then relaxed as the finger continued its gentle massaging while Jim was planting little kisses and nips on Blair's shoulder and neck, his free hand finding and tweaking Blair's taut nipples. "More," Blair panted, finally moving back to meet the motions of Jim's finger. Jim slid the finger in all the way, and stepped up the pace of its motions. He buried his face in Blair's neck, inhaling his scent and reminding himself how important it was to go slowly. His own arousal was becoming painful, ready to slip into the tight channel he was so carefully preparing. "I'm putting more slippery stuff on now, baby," Jim explained as he withdrew the finger. "I'm coming back with two. Just relax, and if it hurts, let me know and I'll stop." "Just do it, please, lover." "Since you said 'please'..." Jim smiled at the ragged little chuckled from Blair. He carefully eased the two fingers inside the other's body, massaging again, spreading lubricant and trying to relax the inner muscles. He worked the fingers all the way in and brushed a little nub inside his partner's body. "Oh, God, Jim... Oh, man..." Blair must have realized that vocalization was what had frozen the delicious movement, so he hastened to clarify. "Do it again! Please!" Jim retraced his movements, brushed the little nub again, and felt Blair's whole body spasm in reaction, bearing down on his fingers and moaning out his pleasure. Blair's body was opening more and more to him, the previously taut muscles relaxing. With great concern, he slowly withdrew and returned with three fingers. "It'll feel fuller this time, baby." "Just get in there!" Blair groaned, drawing his knees up as far as he could. Jim kissed his shoulder and obliged, massaging him with three fingers. His free hand found Blair's hardness and began pumping. "Oh, Jim... Oh my God!!!!" Blair yelled, writhing with pleasure as Jim found his prostate over and over, pumping the straining erection at the same time. "Please...I want you in me, lover!" Blair gasped. "Yess," Jim sighed into Blair's hair, his own arousal held at bay as long as possible. He slowly withdrew the three fingers and coated himself with the KY. "I wanna turn over." Blair flopped on his back, and Jim moved between legs Blair spread wide, pulling them up toward his chest, holding his knees. "It's not too late if you-" "Oh, God, Jim, please do it!" Blair gasped breathlessly. Jim only spared a moment to drink in the sight of him there on his back, his legs drawn up, fully exposed. It was the most awe-inspiring sight he'd ever seen. He stroked the backs of Blair's thighs lovingly with gentle hands. "I've been all over the world, sweetheart. Seen everything... perfect sunrises, the blanket of stars on a clear night in the mountains, the miracles of nature in the rainforest... Dear God, I've never seen anything half as beautiful as you are right at this moment. I love you, baby." "Show me?" Blair asked through tears of love. Jim positioned himself at Blair's opening, and slowly began sliding inside his lover's body. He paused at several intervals to give Blair's muscles time to adjust, relax and accept him. He guided Blair's legs around his waist, taking some of the strain of holding the position onto himself. As he sheathed himself completely, Blair's eyes, that had drifted shut moments ago, opened as he adjusted to the bulk inside him. He blinked a few times, and Jim could feel the muscles relaxing a little around him. Then they clenched very deliberately, dragging a groan out of Jim. "Little demon," he grunted, beginning a slow, rocking motion, leaning forward to capture Blair's mouth, their tongues imitating what their bodies were doing. His hand kept a steady rhythm on Blair's cock, pumping it firmly while he plundered the willing mouth that received him. "My beautiful lover," Jim said against Blair's mouth, then started a little chant in time with their movements. "Love you, love you, love you..." He could see tears seeping out of Blair's eyes at the same time he was groaning with pleasure. Jim was so close to completion that it only took a few gentle thrusts to push him over the edge. He came as Blair did, the spasmodic pulsing of his lover's passage forcing his climax out of him as they came almost together, calling each other's names. He carefully moved back, withdrawing from Blair's warmth, easing the strong legs back down to the mattress, watching Blair's sated, sweat-dampened face to see any traces of pain or discomfort. All he saw was a look of contentment. "Are you okay, sweetheart?" He lay beside Blair, gathering the sweaty body to his, loving the feeling of their arms and legs twining and tangling as they lay facing each other. He wasn't sure how to react when Blair began to cry softly against his chest. "Did I hurt you, baby?" he asked softly, rubbing the smooth back slowly. "I never...knew it could...feel like that. It was so beautiful." "I never felt this good with anyone else before, sweetheart. Thank you." Jim kissed the disheveled curls, cuddling the beloved body closer. "It didn't hurt," Blair murmured, sounding surprised. With a pang of sadness, Jim realized that with Blair's prior experiences, anything short of nailing him ruthlessly to the mattress would have seemed shockingly easy. "It doesn't have to. I love you so much, Blair. Nothing would be worth hurting you." "Did I do okay?" Blair asked hesitantly. Jim's heart twisted at the uncertain little question. "You were beautiful, sweetheart. You gave me the most amazing experience I ever had. And I'll tell you a secret--the earth really *did* move this time." He smiled as he kissed Blair's cheek softly. "Yeah, you did okay." "I don't want you to think you did anything wrong, but I can't help it." Blair started crying in earnest then, sobs that seemed to rattle his entire body. "It's just...I love you so much...and it's so...good with us." "It's perfect with us. Perfect and forever. Have a good cry, sweetheart. I understand. Get it all out. Just know that nothing that happened with him was your fault, and it doesn't change how beautiful and special and dear you are to me." "Not even the sick stuff?" "Not even the sick stuff, baby. None of it." "Love you," Blair sobbed into his shoulder. "Love you too." "Jim?" Blair seemed to be struggling to regain his voice. "What, Chief?" "Happy Birthday." "Wha--?" Jim had totally forgotten the significance of the date, and being on leave from the department, hadn't even been reminded by gag gifts from the other guys in the bullpen. But Blair remembered. And gave him the most magical gift of all. "Did you think I'd forget?" Blair pulled back a little, sniffling. Between the rigors of sex and the ravages of tears, he looked weary and bedraggled. And all that much more beautiful to Jim. "Is that" "I wanted us to do it when it was special somehow. And I needed to know that you really wanted me, and that you didn't just feel sorry for me. That's why all the questions before." "Thank you, sweetheart. That's the most remarkable gift anyone could ever give me. There's only one thing." "What?" "Will you get me the same thing again next year?" Jim smiled as he felt Blair really laugh for the first time in a long time. ****** "Jim, for the last time, I remember your pager number, I have my cell phone, the battery's charged, I won't leave this building until you come and get me--let's see did I forget anything?" "I'm driving you crazy," Jim responded, a little regret in his voice. "Just a little. Come on, man. I'm in my office in the middle of a whole floor full of faculty members." "Only half full. It's still summer." "Look, there are plenty of people around. And I promise I'll wait right here until you come back." "No hanging around the commons or wandering around campus," Jim admonished. "I'll be okay. And no, I won't do any of those normal things." Blair exhaled loudly. He knew Jim was only trying to look out for him, but Watson was under a restraining order and suspended from his duties at Rainier. If he showed up and pestered Blair, it would mean he'd spend the last two weeks before the trial in jail. "All right. I have to meet with Simon and Joel, and then I'm going to the gym. You're sure you'll be all right?" "I'll be fine. The semester starts in three weeks, and I'm so far behind I can't see straight." "I still don't understand why you can't do this at home." "All my stuff's here." "I thought the new computer would mean you wouldn't have to spend as much time by yourself in this old mausoleum of a building." Jim referred to the new, full-sized computer system that resided on an equally deluxe computer table against a wall in the living room. "It does. I can do a lot of things at the loft instead of hanging around here. But there are some files and stuff I need to get ready for the semester. All that stuff's here. Look, I'll be fine, man. Go do your thing." Blair smiled a little at Jim's concerned expression. "And I love the computer. And you." Blair slid his arms around the larger man's middle and rested his head against Jim's chest. "I'm sorry I'm being such a pain in the ass about this." Jim's arms came up around Blair, pulling him close. "I know it's because you love me. But I'll be fine. I think we're just experiencing a little separation anxiety here." "I guess we really haven't been separated since I got you back, have we?" "With the possible exception of a few minutes to go to the bathroom, no." "I'm going to miss you." Jim kissed his forehead. "For all three hours you're going to be gone, huh?" "Two hours and forty-five minutes too long for me." He rubbed noses with Blair and then released his hold. "Go. I'm fine." "Call me if you need anything." Jim moved reluctantly toward the door, but Blair motioned him to keep going. "I'm okay, Jim," he said, exasperation in his voice. "See ya later, Chief." He finally went out the door and pulled it shut behind him. Blair half expected him to pop back in and insist he lock the door to the office, but he heard the familiar footsteps retreating down the hall instead. And felt an irrationally sharp stab of pain at the separation. //Get a grip, Sandburg. He'll be back in three hours. You'll go get some take-outs and cuddle on the couch and watch TV together, maybe make out a little... Whoa, you're a goner, man. You've got it bad for that guy. Yeah, big surprise there.// Blair smiled to himself and started digging through the mountain of accumulated mail and other garbage on his desk. It was good to feel strong and healthy again, not to mention happy and loved. The last time he'd sat at the desk, he had needed a pillow on the chair, made four trips to the bathroom in an hour, and was nursing badly bruised ribs. He shuddered at the thought and went back to his sorting. "Long time no see." Blair froze as he recognized the voice. "Cat got your tongue, kiddo?" Watson closed the office door behind him and turned the lock. "Behind closed doors together again. What do you know about that?" "What the hell do you think you're doing? There's a restraining order-" "Before you lurch for the telephone and call the campus cops, I have something here you might want to take a look at. And I have a little proposition for you." "I'm not interested," Blair shot back, sounding much braver than he felt. //Oh, God, Jim, hear him up here somehow. Come back!!// "I seem to recall you had one of those nifty little TV-VCR things in this rat's nest somewhere." Vince waved a black plastic item around that looked like a boxed video tape. "You better get the hell out of here." "Or you'll do what?" Watson advanced quickly across the office until he stood towering over Blair. The long-sleeved t-shirt he wore accentuated the bulbous muscles, and his eyes were as harsh as ever. "If I want your ass right there on the desk, you know I can take you." "What did you come here for? Did you forget about the restraining order?" Blair forced control into his voice. //How could I have ever thought you looked anything like Jim with those cold, dead eyes?// "I guess we know how effective a witness you are, sweetcheeks. I'm not too concerned about that restraining order anymore. I want to talk about these charges and your testimony. I would prefer you didn't entertain any ideas of testifying against me." "I reckon you probably would." Blair crossed his arms over his chest, refusing to give Watson the show of cowering he was working so hard to get. "People in hell want ice water, man." "You're getting pretty smart-mouthed. Must be Ellison doesn't know how to teach you any manners. I think you remember what mouthing off to me gets you. Anyway, I'd just like you to take a look at this before we finish our chat." "The machine's over there." Blair indicated a small TV-VCR sitting atop a file cabinet. Watson calmly strolled over to it and popped in the tape. Blair's heart froze in his chest at the images on the screen. In living color, on video tape, was that magical afternoon the previous week. The day they'd made love on Jim's birthday. The tape captured every intimate move, and when the sheet slid off Jim as he rose up over Blair, the camera was at the perfect angle to showcase Blair on his back, thighs spread wide, and finally, the act of intercourse itself, with all its undulating, kissing and intimacy. "How did you get that tape?" "It wasn't all that hard hiding a camera in the bedroom. And the cute little girl in the bakery downstairs was very helpful about giving out that spare key." "What 'cute little girl'? Mrs. Donoghue would never give you that key, man." Blair recalled that Jim left a spare key with the bakery owner, and very responsible, grand motherly-type woman he'd known since he moved into the loft several years earlier. Blair had used it himself a couple of times when he'd forgotten his own keys. "Her little helper would. I thought you'd be interested to know I could pass for Ellison. Might turn you on a little, huh?" "You could never pass for Jim. Not with anyone who knew him." Blair paused. He knew there was a demand coming, so he prompted it. "What do you want?" Blair asked, unable to keep the tremor out of his voice. "Well, first, you're not going to testify. Because if you do, copies of this tape will show up in the in-baskets of every high-ranking officer and administrator of the Cascade PD-maybe even in the mayor's office. And that's not even including all the folks here at Rainier that are going to get a copy for their viewing pleasure. Maybe I'll send a few to the residence halls. 'See Professor Sandburg on his back getting his ass fucked'. Bet it'll be a hotter ticket that the Rainier Film Society's foreign film series." Watson smiled in satisfaction as Blair dropped into his chair. "Provided Ellison doesn't kick you out on that well-used little ass of yours, and you still have a thing to break up, you're going to break it off with him and then you're coming back to me." "I'd die first," Blair replied with total sincerity. "Probably. But would you let all Ellison's superiors and coworkers see this little piece of film noir? Ellison fucking his male whore? That's all you are, you know. For your fancy degrees and your office and your studious little glasses." Watson leaned on the arms of Blair's chair, his breath blowing against Blair's face as he spoke. "You're still a dirty little whore and you're nothing better." He leaned in still closer. "What you need is a good hard fuck to put you in your place. Not that ballet dancing Ellison was doing with you. Your first night home is going to be a night to remember. Now unless you want this tape to be the hottest video in Cascade VCR's everywhere, you'll do as you're told." Watson straightened up, leaving a pale, shaking Blair in his chair. "You won't get away with this," he finally managed. "Maybe not. But if I go down, so does Ellison. And I still haven't forgotten about kicking his ass once and for all. He's sticking his dick in my territory. Such as it is," he concluded, giving Blair a disparaging once-over. "Weigh your options carefully, * sweetheart *. I'd hate to have to make a trip to LA to get to know your mommy better. Hope she's a better fuck than you, you sorry ass little bitch." With a slam of the door, he was gone, and Blair was alone. He pulled himself out of the chair and removed the tape from the VCR. Tears burned hot behind his eyes, and finally spilled. The most beautiful, intimate, magical moment of his life and somehow Vince had managed to turn it into something cheap and ugly. He let loose with the first of many wracking sobs then, curling up against the file cabinet, crying alone just the way he was used to doing it. //I can't go back to him. God forgive me for not being strong enough to do it for Jim, or for Naomi's safety, but I can't live that way anymore.// He worked at tearing apart the tape he had in his hands, unable to stifle his tears while he did it. //I can't live with Vince. I can't refuse him or he'll ruin Jim, humiliate him. Dear God, there's nowhere left to go.// He tried to take a breath, pull his tears under some slight control. //There's still one way out. You realized it while you were with Vince. And it's still the only way to get away from him. To leave Jim with some kind of life, to leave Naomi safe... And it would rob Vince of all his power. And maybe God can forgive someone who has no other choices.// Strangely calm, Blair rose from his hunch on the floor, and dropped the tattered remains of the tape into the wastebasket. ****** Blair felt bad to give Jim the silent treatment through dinner, but he didn't dare open his mouth to speak of anything serious, or even to return an "I love you". The thought of leaving Jim was so overwhelmingly painful he couldn't think about it or anything else. He wanted to cry for the pain Jim would feel at first. The loneliness he was inflicting on this man who had been so hesitant to entrust his heart to anyone again ate at his soul. //God, Jim, I love you so much. I'll always be with you. Please know that no matter how many years pass or how long I've been gone, I'll always be with you. You were my dream come true, if only for a few beautiful weeks. I've had all the love and the happiness I could ever wish for in just that one time we really made love. I'll carry that memory with me, in my heart, as I journey to the other side, and whatever waits there. I hope I can wait for you. I hope there really is a hereafter, or reincarnation--or something. Maybe you'll meet a nice woman and get married and have children and maybe you'll have one incorrigible, curly-headed brat you just can't figure out, who'll end up being your favorite...// "Blair? What is it?" Jim's words made Blair realize that there were tears in his eyes and an immovable lump in his throat. "Talk to me, sweetheart." Jim reached across the table in the crowded Italian restaurant and took his hand. Right there in front of God and everybody. "I'm--I'm just tired, I guess." "Do you feel all right?" "Yeah. I'm just ready to go home I think." "You look like you're about due to cry, Chief. Why don't you tell me the truth?" "I'm just worried about the trial." Blair was calm enough with his lie that even a sentinel would believe it. He'd made the best decision for Jim, and even if it ripped both their hearts out initially, it would be for the best in the long run. "Let's head home then. My pasta's cold anyway." Jim smiled easily and flagged down the waiter for the bill. ****** "Jim?" "What, Chief?" Jim was engrossed in a ball game on TV that was bound to go into overtime. "Would you mind if I slept in my old room tonight? I'm really sleepy, and you'll probably be a while with the game." "I can come up now if you want." Jim looked over the back of the couch to see Blair standing in his boxers and a tank shirt by the doorway of his old room. "You said yourself it was a great game. Um, I just kind of need a little time alone." "Sure, baby. Whatever you want. If you change your mind, come up and join me, huh?" "Yeah. Okay." Their eyes locked for a moment. "I love you, Jim. With all my heart." "I love you too. Do I get a kiss goodnight, at least?" "Sure," Blair responded softly, forcing a smile. //A kiss goodbye.// "You smell so good," Jim growled as he pulled the smaller body into his lap and nosed the soft curls. "Sure you don't want to reconsider about tonight?" "I'm sure." //I'm sure I'm doing the right thing. The only path I have left, and I have to travel it alone.// He lowered his lips to meet Jim's, and they shared a prolonged, but strangely gentle, kiss. "You've made me so happy, Jim. You're the best thing that ever happened to me. Always remember that, huh?" "Sounds like I'm getting a 'Dear Jim' letter, here." "Not at all," Blair replied, smiling sadly. "I just worry sometimes that you don't realize how much I love you. That you're my whole world." "I know that, sweetheart. I feel the same way about you. I just haven't found the right words for it." He cuddled Blair close. "Good night, lover. I love you always." Blair planted a kiss on Jim's forehead this time, and extricated himself from the warmth of the big arms that had held him. "Sleep well, baby. If you need me, just whisper my name. I'll hear you." "I know. 'night, Jim." Blair turned and made his way toward the bedroom, and with a deep breath, pulled the french doors shut for the last time. The pills were on the night stand. He would listen for Jim to go upstairs, and when he felt his sentinel was sleeping, he'd take the pills...and go to sleep. ****** Jim tossed and turned in the big bed alone. Not only did he hate sleeping without the warm, soft, fragrant bundle of Blair in his arms, but there was something not right about the familiar heartbeat downstairs. When he tuned into it fully, it seemed slower--no--downright sluggish. Looking at the digital clock readout of 2:35 a.m., Jim got out of bed and made his way stealthily downstairs to check on Blair. Even if he did happen to wake his lover, he felt confident Blair would be forgiving--maybe even welcoming--of his intrusion. He carefully opened the doors to the bedroom and looked in at Blair. He only wasted a split second assessing the sluggish heart rate, the unnatural depth of Blair's sleep before he grabbed his lover by the shoulders and shook him ruthlessly. "Jim, don't... " was the breathless response as eyes fluttered marginally and then closed again. "Blair-what the hell--?!" Jim turned to see the empty pill bottle tumble to the floor. "Oh shit." He scooped Blair out of bed and hauled him into the bathroom, ruthlessly jamming a finger down his throat. "Come on, vomit! Give it up, Chief!" Finally there was a strangled gag, and Jim held his partner over the toilet while he emptied the contents of his stomach into the head. "J-im," he gasped, falling against Jim when the vomiting was over. "You should've let me go," he moaned in a raspy voice. "Come on. We're going to the hospital." "No." "That wasn't a question." He gathered up his partner and carried him to the couch, where he left him momentarily to grab a t-shirt and shorts. He snatched a blanket off the bed upstairs and when he returned to Blair's curled form, wrapped him in it and carried him out to the truck. "Please, Jim...let me go," he whimpered as he was shoved into the passenger seat and strapped in. "Hang on, baby. You're going to be okay." "Sorry," he murmured. Jim reached over and stroked the soft curls gently. "I love you, sweetheart. Hang in there. Everything'll be okay." Jim waited an unbearable length of time while the medical team finished the job of pumping Blair's stomach and got him settled in a room. He used his badge to claim that he was the cop assigned to Blair, who was a protected witness in an upcoming trial. That way, he was given full access to Blair's room, 24 hours a day. When he next saw his lover, Blair looked much the same as he had when he was comatose on Golden. Oxygen ran through a clear, thin tube in Blair's nose, and a heart monitor kept time with the precious heartbeat that was sounding closer to normal, if a little rapid. Two exhausted blue eyes drifted open to greet him. "Hey there, beautiful," Jim smiled as he pulled up a chair near the bed and stroked Blair's hair back from his forehead. "I really messed up, didn't I?" Blair asked weakly. "You're going to be okay. That's the most important thing. But I do want to know why. When you can tell me." He took Blair's hand and kissed it, then held it against his face. "Dear God, Blair, I'd die without you. You know that." "You'd be better off." "Don't you ever dare say that again, Sandburg. I mean it." "I'm too tired tonight. I can't explain." "You don't have to. I'll be right here. Whatever it is, Blair, let me help you. Let me in. I love you. Don't shut me out." "Tomorrow," Blair whispered, his eyes drifting shut again. "Tomorrow and a whole lifetime of tomorrows. Promise me that, sweetheart. Promise me a lot of tomorrows." Jim raised up enough to place a gentle kiss on Blair's lips. "I promise," he murmured back before drifting off to sleep. ****** The staff psychiatrist at the hospital made his obligatory visits with Blair. Suicide attempts were not just sent out the door with an admonition not to try it again. The fact that Blair fluidly talked his way through a couple of counseling sessions, convincing the doctor that the suicide attempt had been an ill-conceived reaction to all the stress of his ordeal and the trial, and that he had purposely done it in such a way that he would be found in time, unnerved Jim but didn't surprise him. The day Sandburg couldn't talk his way out of something would be the day he truly was, in fact, dead. Jim finally confronted Blair with his own questions, and found his partner resigned to the interrogation. "I can't testify, Jim. That's final." "Whoa, hold on there, Chief. You can't be serious?" "I am. I'm not going to testify. And when I reached that decision, I didn't see any way that you'd still be able to go on loving me knowing I backed out on the case." "I told you before--" "I know what you said, but I--" "You're lying, sweetheart." Jim moved out of his chair and sat on the side of the hospital bed "Try the truth." "Not here. Look, they're going to release me this afternoon. When we get home, okay?" "Okay. But then no more stalling." "No more stalling." After dealing with the paperwork, Jim drove home in virtual silence as his partner brooded in the passenger seat. Jim's patience was frayed to a mere thread by the time Blair had settled on the couch with a cup of tea Jim made for him. His stomach was still understandably upset, and the tea would soothe it a bit. "I want some answers, Chief." Jim sat at the opposite end of the couch. "I was trying to do what was best for you--" "Don't hand me that!" Jim was on his feet, pacing angrily. "How in the hell could your death be best for me? Did you ever stop to think what I was going to feel like--finding you dead in your bed this morning? Of all the goddamned stupid things to do!" "Are you finished?" Blair's voice was flat and emotionless. It's firmness caught Jim by surprise. "You know, Vince used to yell at me all the time. It was a good way to shut me up because he knew I'd be afraid of what was coming. I didn't appreciate it from him and I don't appreciate it from you. As a matter of fact, I've just about fucking had it with getting pushed around and chewed out and controlled!" Blair's voice rose considerably. "I damn near offed myself because Vince backed me into a corner, and I'll be damned if I cower in one now because you're pissed off!" he shouted back at Jim, who stared at him, still shocked. "I think you're forgetting who was the one here with the tubes up his nose. It sure as hell wasn't you. I was trying to let you off the hook, and if you'd had any fucking brains at all, you'd have let me die last night." "I don't even believe this conversation." "Probably not, because I'm not shaking and crying in the corner." "You're comparing me to Watson now?" "In just this one way--when you get your 'stern voice' with me, I'm supposed to back down and do as I'm told." "Blair, I know this isn't about me. When you're really pissed off and frustrated with Watson, you take it out on me. That's fine, I can take it. But I *do* deserve an explanation of why you tried to kill yourself. Because, you see, if you were anyone else but who you are, you'd be dead right now. I'd kill any bastard who killed you or gave it a good shot. Now I want to know the real story--not a smokescreen of comparing me to Watson so *I'll* back down." "I wasn't doing that." Blair slumped further in the cushions. "Yes, Blair, you were." Jim sat on the couch again. "I dropped you off at Rainier yesterday, and you were fine. I pick you up and you're weepy and depressed and tense and all of a sudden you want to sleep in your old room. Then you gobble up enough tranquilizers to put half of Cascade under for a week. Now something happened in that three hours. I want to know what it was." "Vince came to the office," Blair stated quietly. "That bastard. Why didn't you say something?" "He wants me to not testify...and to--to move back in with him." "He's crazier than I thought. What did he do? Did he hurt you?" Jim scooted over close to where Blair sat. "He didn't touch you, did he?" By Jim's gentle tone of voice, Blair knew what kind of touch he meant. "No. Jim, he-he-he taped us," Blair finally blurted, the threat of tears in his voice. "Taped us?" "On your birthday," Blair managed, breaking down on the last word. Jim gathered his lover in his arms and stroked his back, rocking slightly. "Shhh. Everything'll be okay, sweetheart. Just try to calm down a little and tell me what happened." "It was all there...every move...he taped us...when we made love." "There has to be a proposed deal here somewhere." Jim tightened his hold, keeping Blair sheltered in a firm embrace. "You don't testify and he doesn't rent a screen at the Cascade Quad Cinema, right?" "He said he'd...give a everybody...important at the PD, and the mayor's office." "I still don't understand why you tried to take your own life over this, baby. I mean, it's horrible and it's upsetting, but even so--" "Don't you get it? You're never going to have any kind of life as long as you have me in it. He's always going to be there." "You had to know I wouldn't let you go back to him. I promised I wouldn't let you, even if you tried--remember?" "I didn't know where to turn. I thought if I was out of the picture altogether, he wouldn't have any reason to harass you. And I'm so damned tired, Jim. I've been under his thumb for so long I just want it over with." Blair burrowed deeper into the embrace, as if he wanted to crawl into Jim's skin. "It will be soon." "I was really scared, Jim. The things he said to me...just like before." "Look at me." Jim took a hold of Blair's face in both hands and held it only inches from his own. "I love you. Any life I could have without you in it, I don't want. You * are * my life-got it?" "Got it," Blair responded, smiling a little. "Next time something insurmountable comes up, you're going to let me in on it, right?" "Right." "If you ever pull a stunt like this again, Chief, you're in deep trouble, hear me?" "I hear you." "Hear something else. I may get mad and yell and throw things and even say some things that hurt you, but I will never hit you. You don't have to be afraid of me or my temper. Understood?" "Understood." "How did he make the tape?" "He said he got the key from the girl who works for Mrs. Donoghue downstairs. That's my fault too. He made me go in there with him one morning to get bagels and she asked me if I was there to get my key. I said no, that I didn't live upstairs anymore, but he had already seen her going to the register to get it out of the drawer." "That's not your fault. It just happened." Jim took a deep breath. "Now, the first order of business is getting those tapes back from Watson. Any thoughts on where he might stash them?" "He has a rented storage place." Blair looked down at his lap as they parted. "He keeps some stuff there." "Blair--sweetheart, what's wrong?" "This isn't the first time he's made tapes." "He taped you, didn't he?" Jim reached out and laid a gentle hand on the side of Blair's head. "Only a few times. I never saw the tapes, and I know he stashed them somewhere, because I searched every inch of the apartment after he left for work one day. I wanted to get rid of those damn tapes. I didn't care if he beat the hell out of me for it. I didn't want anybody to see those." "How did you find out about the storage space?" "I found the key. It was taped under a shelf in the bedroom closet." "Did you go there?" "No," Blair responded, shaking his head, smiling a little. "I got caught." "With the key?" "Yeah. I lied real smoothly. I said I was cleaning--he doesn't know me well enough to know how unlikely that is," he said, smiling a little at Jim's chuckle. "I said I had this idea to take everything out of the closet and vacuum it and wash the shelves. I had most of his stuff pulled out in the middle of the room, so I had to say something. Oddly enough, he bought it. He was pissed off at me for finding the key, and he grabbed me by the arm and told me if I ever rooted through his stuff again when he wasn't home he'd beat the shit out of me. Then he went to the kitchen, grabbed a beer and sat in the living room going over some paperwork for the health education class he taught. I was shaking so hard in that bedroom I almost wet my pants. I thought he was gonna kill me." "What did he do with the key?" "He took it with him, and later that night, I saw him tape it under the lid of the toilet tank. He thought I was sleeping, but I risked it to get up and look out the bedroom door. I knew he was about due to stash the key somewhere else, and I wanted to know where." "Which storage company?" "Whiting's, over on Hanover Street." "Okay," Jim began looking at his watch. "How late is he at the U?" "Today's Wednesday?" Blair thought a moment. "He's teaching a summer session of the health ed. class, and that doesn't get out until four. Then he works with the wrestling team for a couple hours. Since I'm not there to cook, my guess would be he'd eat out." "It's two-thirty now. Look, I'm going to go get that storage key. Do you still have a key to Watson's place?" "Yeah, but, Jim--" "No buts. Give me the key." Jim waited as Blair hesitated a moment, then went back to his old room and soon returned with a house key. "Jim, please don't--" "Give me the key, Blair." Jim held out his hand, and Blair reluctantly placed the key there. "I'm going to go get the storage key, and then I'm going to get back any of the videos that son of a bitch ever made--of you or us. For phase two of this operation, I'm going to need your help." "This is illegal, man. You could get arrested." "Look, I've had about all I can take of playing this by the book. I've watched you turned on the spit and humiliated by all this for the last time. Now, I'm going to get Watson's little video collection and destroy it. Then, I'm going to do the same thing with Watson." "What are you planning?" "I want the bastard to do something to ruin his defense, and get his ass tossed back in jail until the trial. Once he finds his tapes are gone, he's going to blame you, and come looking for you." "So far, I'm not liking this plan, Jim." "You won't be in any real danger, sweetheart. We're going to lure him over here. You know he won't be able to resist coming here to confront you about the tapes. We just have to be sure he sees me leave--and is convinced I won't be back for a while. As soon as he gets here, I'll be right behind him." "I don't know about this, Jim." "I do. This is beyond the law now. When he made that tape--hell, when he did any of the sick things he did--he stepped over the line into a territory that isn't covered by the legal system. He tampered with you. That's one thing I won't tolerate." Jim headed for the door, then pulled out his gun and handed it to Blair, who'd followed him. "If he shows up before I get back, don't hesitate to use this. And if you have to shoot the fucker, page me. Don't call the PD. I don't want you arrested by some over-eager rookie." "Jim, I don't want to--" "Blair, just do it." Jim gave Blair's lips a quick kiss and then was out the door and on his way. ****** Jim parked the truck one street over from Vine Court. Dressed in jeans, a dark jacket and a baseball cap, he didn't look much different from how Vince Watson himself would look to his neighbors. They were the same height, of similar build, and like Vince, Jim had a key to let himself in the house without any suspicious behavior. He unlocked the side door off the driveway and went inside the apartment. A quick sensory sweep of the place told him that no one was home, just as Blair had predicted. He didn't lose any time going to the toilet tank and locating the key taped under its lid. He paused in his stride down the hall to look in at the bedroom. The bed was neatly made, and there were a few discarded sweat clothes on the floor near an overstuffed chair. Jim swallowed when he thought of some of the things Blair had been subjected to in this room. His sentinel sight picked up scratches on the brass headboard, most likely from the handcuffs. Turning away from the room quickly, he hurried down the hall and back to the side door. Checking to be sure no one was outside who might stop him or speak to him, thinking he was Watson, Jim locked the door behind him with his leather-gloved hand, then thrust his hands into his pockets. A man wearing leather gloves in August could certainly be considered suspicious. Jim was relieved that the storage facility Watson used was self serve, and all he had to do was unlock the gate to enter. Getting past a guard would have been another obstacle, as the man would have then seen Jim's face up close. As it was, he was slipping in again without the truck, which was left parked in a grocery store lot two blocks away. Watson had a storage room the size of a single car garage. Most of the items were the usual stuff of storage facilities--i.e., things people should really throw out but generally didn't. There were cartons of books and household accessories, suggesting Watson must have lived in a larger apartment or possibly a house prior to moving into the Vine Court address. There was an old bike with a flat tire, some old exercise equipment, and a couple of surfboards, which Jim noted with marginal interest. He was shocked to find a TV-VCR with a 13-inch screen hidden under a tarp on one of shelves. It was plugged in to an outlet in the wall. He dug feverishly through every carton, until finally, buried under some old clothes, he found thirteen video tapes in black plastic cases. A part of him wanted to just destroy the tapes without ever viewing them. And he knew that was the right thing to do, out of respect for Blair's privacy. At the same time, he wanted to be sure he had the right tapes. He opened the first case, turned on the TV-VCR and loaded the tape. This was the footage of the two of them together, and despite his inclination to watch it out of simple curiosity as to what they looked like together from a third person perspective, he turned it off. There was something about viewing it that seemed to mock the sacredness of the moment. He checked the next nine tapes and found the same thing. Ten copies of the blackmail tape had been stashed here for future use. That left three. They could be three more copies of the same tape...or they could be the tapes of Blair that Watson had made. Jim took a deep breath and loaded the first of these final tapes. His stomach turned and something in his heart twisted when he saw the first images on the screen. He knew he shouldn't be surprised by watching Watson torturing Blair, given all he'd heard in Beverly Sanchez's office, but seeing it in living color was almost more than he could endure. There was no way to help the naked, too-thin Blair who was handcuffed to the bed, face down, his back, buttocks and thighs striped by the whip Watson was still wielding, criss-crossing the marks. Jim made the mistake of turning up the volume. Though the sound wasn't wonderful, his ears could easily pick up Blair's crying and little pleas for mercy, the snap of the whip marring the soft flesh, and Watson's own vocalizations, which ranged from aroused groans to various taunts directed at his captive. Stripped down to briefs, the big man was sporting a healthy erection. Jim turned off the tape. He knew he couldn't watch the rest of it, which would undoubtedly be one of Watson's violent violations of the precious body that Jim loved more than any other in the world. The next two tapes were no more pleasant, though they were each slightly different. All of them were made when Watson was using one of his new "toys". Jim could endure no more than a few seconds of each to determine that they were all, in fact, tapes of Blair that should be destroyed. He loaded the tapes back in the box, turned off the TV-VCR, re-covered it with the tarp and then hurried out of the storage unit. He carried the carton as non-chalantly as possible as he strolled down the sidewalk along the busy street, on his way back to the grocery store lot where he'd left his truck. As he loaded the tapes in the back, all he wanted to do was drive straight home and gather Blair in his arms and make love to him the right way... to stroke that healed, unmarred skin and leave trails of kisses over all the places Watson had left welts and bruises. He finally won the battle he was fighting with the threat of tears, and dialed the loft number from his cell phone. "Jim?" Blair blurted into the phone, pouncing on it after the first ring. "It's me, sweetheart. I've got the groceries, and I'll be home as soon as I drop off the recycling." Jim figured his bright partner would catch the double meaning, and understand that he didn't want to discuss the situation in the correct terms over the phone. "Get home soon, okay, lover? I miss you." There was a plaintive quality to Blair's voice that threatened Jim's tenuous hold on his emotions. "Miss you too, baby. When I get home, I'll show you how much, huh?" "I'll be waiting. I love you." "Love you too. See ya soon." Jim turned off the phone and headed for a remote area on the wrong side of the tracks. He had a little trash can bonfire planned. ****** Jim had barely walked through the door of the loft when he had a warm, clinging armload. He kicked the door shut as he held the smaller body tightly against his. "The tapes are toast, baby. All of them." "You saw them?" "Only enough to know I was destroying the right stuff. I didn't watch any more than I had to." "You saw the ones he made of me?" Blair kept his face buried against Jim's shoulder. "Only a few seconds of each," he lied. He'd watched more than that of the first one, drawn to the sheer horror of what he was seeing. "Let it go, Chief. It doesn't matter anymore. They're destroyed." "How can you even stand to touch me after what you saw?" "I saw you in pain, being violated. Watson's the one who has plenty to be ashamed of. Not you." "Now what?" Blair pulled back and looked up at him. "Now, I want to take you upstairs and make love to you. Because I want to show you how much I love every inch of you. I want to make you feel so good you'll forget you were ever in pain." Blair said nothing, just nodded a wordless consent. Jim started toward the stairs and held out his hand. Blair took it and followed Jim, smiling. Sweeping Blair up and carrying him was taking away his choice. Jim recognized that and simply led him upstairs, leaving him totally able to stop or turn back if he chose. As soon as they reached the head of the stairs, Jim lowered his mouth to Blair's, his tongue gently seeking an invitation into the wet warmth that waited there. Blair opened to him easily, and the kiss deepened as Blair's arms slipped around his back, hands grasping at the fabric of his shirt. Jim slid his hand into the silky curls and used the other arm to pull Blair tightly against him. They tumbled onto the bed together, lips parting and sharing a little chuckle at their somewhat klutzy and unplanned fall on the mattress. "Let me love you, sweetheart," Jim whispered, lightly kissing each of Blair's eyelids, the tip of his nose, his chin, and finally, his lips. "Yes," Blair murmured back in response. Jim could feel a laxness in his lover's muscles. It was a level of relaxation and comfort with their loving he hadn't felt from Blair before. His partner was still haunted by the demons of Watson's abuse, but they were losing a little of their hold on him now. Jim slowly unbuttoned the short-sleeved shirt Blair wore, kissing each little bit of revealed flesh. He finally parted the sides of the fabric and paid homage to the expanse of chest that was exposed. He kissed his way slowly through the soft hair, licking and nipping a little at the small nubs he found hiding there. Pushing the shirt off Blair's shoulders as the other raised a bit to aid him in removing it, Jim buried his face in his favorite spot-where Blair's neck flowed into his shoulder, and his scent and the scent of his hair and shampoo blended together. He worked his way from one side of Blair's throat to the other, over his shoulders, under his arms, then back along the little path of hair to his navel. The only sound in the loft was the soft suckling noises Jim was making or the occasional groan of pleasure from his lover. Straightening up a moment, Jim discarded his own shirt and then descended on Blair again, claiming his mouth in a passionate kiss, relishing the warmth and sensations of Blair's chest against his, feeling the beloved heart thudding in time with his own. He slid back down to kiss and nip at Blair's stomach, drawing occasional giggles along with groans of pleasure. Jim smiled when he hit something that was a "tickle zone" rather than an erogenous zone, and he heard that delightful little giggle out of Blair. After all the pain he'd suffered, Blair didn't laugh as easily as he used to, and the sound was music to Jim's ears. "Jim, you're killin' me here, man," Blair finally panted, wriggling to indicate the tautness of his pants. "Hang on, baby." Jim carefully unzipped Blair's pants and with a cooperative movement from an anxious Blair, slid the pants and boxers off in one smooth glide. "I love your smell, sweetheart." Jim illustrated his comment by burying his nose in the wiry hair of Blair's groin, kissing his way to the crease where thigh joined body, urging Blair's legs apart to give him better access to reach all these musky, secret places with lips and tongue. "J-im... oh, man, so good," Blair murmured, hips bucking slightly as the very obvious erection waited impatiently for attention. The little gasps and whimpers he was emitting spurred Jim to continue this intimate exploration of his lover's body. He encouraged Blair's legs upward, resting the strong thighs on his shoulders as he dipped below the straining arousal to slowly and maddeningly suck at the ovals there. He smiled as he withdrew, to kiss and suck at the tender skin of his lover's perineum. "Jim...oh, man...I'm gonna come..." Blair managed to gasp. "I'm not done yet, baby. Pull your knees up for me, sweetheart." Blair complied, obviously expecting Jim to enter him. He moaned luxuriously at the sensation that came in place of the anticipated one. Jim's tongue wetly lapped the little pucker, then began darting in and out in a maddening rhythm. Occasionally, the demon tongue strayed to one side or the other, nipping and kissing at the tender underside of Blair's cheeks. When Blair was moaning steadily, with both hands gripping the sheets in white knuckled clutches, Jim ceased his rimming and after drawing his tongue in one long sweep up the underside of Blair's shaft, took the now-painful erection into his mouth and suckled it. Within moments, Blair cried out his name and spurted his completion into his lover's waiting throat. Jim finally let the limp organ slip from his mouth, planting a kiss on it and sliding up the bed to pull Blair into his arms. After sharing a prolonged kiss, Jim felt a hand working busily at unfastening the jeans that were becoming devices of torture rather than a simple piece of clothing. Blair roused from his aftermath to grasp the jeans and boxers with both hands and slide them down the long legs and toss them on the floor with the flourish of an experienced stripper. Jim had to chuckle a bit. The chuckle melted into a groan of pleasure as Blair's hot mouth closed over the engorged shaft. His motions were a little tentative at first, but when he had the larger man writhing and panting his name, he became more aggressive, working the base with a skillful hand and concentrating the suction and motion of his tongue closer to the head. ", God..." Jim panted, feeling the storm building, and finally releasing it into the waiting mouth that diligently swallowed every drop, kissing and licking the relaxed organ before scooting back up into Jim's arms. The two men lay there a few minutes, tangled together, sated and content in each other's arms. As Blair moved and purred a bit against him, Jim wondered how anyone could have treated him the way Watson had. How could anyone want to make him scream out in pain, or want to watch the welts rise on the soft skin Jim was now stroking so lovingly? "You're awfully quiet," Blair finally commented. "That was...mind-blowing." "Good choice of words, baby. I think I've found my favorite flavor." Jim kissed a nearby temple. "Nobody's ever...I mean, when you put your tongue there...oh, man," Blair concluded, shaking his head a little. "Liked that, did you?" Jim asked with a smile in his voice. "It made me feel...I don't know. I've felt so damned...*used* since I was with Vince. Sort of dirty about myself. I guess I was thinking--not that I was thinking too much--but anyhow, I was thinking that if you could do that for me, maybe I wasn't as gross as I feel sometimes." "There's nothing gross about you, baby. I love every part of you." "I love you." Blair tightened his hold, and Jim mirrored the gesture. "I love you too. And I'm pretty fond of that mouth of yours, too." "I loved making you feel good." Blair started trailing little kisses along Jim's throat. "Easy, sweetheart. We don't have time to get going again." "What?" "Remember the plan?" "You didn't clue me in on phase two yet." Blair started kissing his way toward a nipple, but Jim stopped him with a gentle hand on each side of his head. "That's what we have to do next." "Damn." "I hear that, baby. Come on. Let's go grab a shower and then we'll talk." "Okay," Blair groaned, taking the hand Jim offered as he rose and plodding down the stairs, admiring the view ahead of him. ****** "We're going to have a fight." Jim leaned back in the cushions of the couch, with Blair nestled against his side. Despite his suggestion that they sit at the table, Blair insisted he would think better on the couch. //You're obfuscating again, sweetheart// Jim thought fondly. "What do you mean?" "A nasty one. Right out on the sidewalk. Because my guess is that Watson is going to start watching the place to see me leave." "Jim, why don't I just go ahead and testify? We can still stop this thing before it goes any further. Besides, there's still the civil suit against the department." "Because one thing you said was very true--at the most, he isn't going to get very long in lock-up. I want to lure him into doing something that's going to add onto that in a major way, and land his ass back in jail until the trial--and make that damn lawsuit look like the sorry ass joke that it really is. You'll still have to testify if all goes according to plan, but it'll gain us a more worthwhile result. Plus, I want him behind bars until the trial so you can have a little peace of mind." Jim slid a hand into Blair's hair and began lightly massaging his scalp. The soft waves were still damp from the shower, and the smell of the herbal shampoo tickled Jim's nose. He'd had the pleasure of washing those beautiful locks just moments ago. "So what do I have to do?" "I'm going to leave the loft with a travel bag, and we're going to be fighting all the way downstairs. Then we're going to finish it on the sidewalk, and I'm going to get in the truck and take off." "For real?" "Just real enough for Watson to get all excited." "Isn't this entrapment?" Blair asked, raising up a little. "Doing your homework, eh, Chief?" Jim kissed his forehead. "Yeah, probably. But only if we admit to someone that the fight wasn't real. Furthermore, he's not going to refer to the tapes when he's caught. They were blackmail evidence, as well as a documentation of some of the sick things he did to you. It'll just look like he was after you to keep you from testifying." "How am I gonna fight him? He'll kill me if he has the chance." "Knowing Watson, he's going to want to have a little fun first." "Jim, I don't like this. I can't face having him climb all over me even if it *is* for a good reason." "He's going to try to do that, but he won't have time. I'm going to park the truck a few blocks away, and then come back. I'll focus on the loft, and listen for Watson. Plus, I'm leaving my back up revolver with you. And I don't want any arguments on that." "I don't want to have to shoot anybody, Jim." "You shouldn't have to. I shouldn't have to either. But we need to make Watson show his true colors, and having him come after the prosecution's key witness shortly before the trial is perfect." "So what are we fighting about?" "I don't know. I doubt he's within earshot, but I guess we can use the tapes. Maybe I can be pissed off that they exist, shouting something about ending things to save my job--I don't know. Just don't take anything I say seriously." "The part about you saving your job probably isn't all false." "That's what I'm talking about, sweetheart. Don't glom onto something I shout during a staged argument and think it has any real meaning." "Jim, if our relationship goes public, and it will with the trial--" "It'll save me the trouble of announcing it." "You know what the guys at work'll do to you. There're already guys snubbing you because of what happened to me and the fact I'm back living with you again." "Who?" "When I went into the bullpen with you that day, there were plenty of surly faces looking back at us, man." "Our friends are still our friends. The people who acted that way obviously weren't good friends. Plus, some of that may have to do with the lawsuit. In any event, I'm not losing sleep over it. I'm not even sure staying here in the same old rut is good for us anymore." "Meaning what?" "A new start. A new life together. Leaving all the ugly memories behind. We could still do something similar to what we do now, only we'd work for ourselves. Maybe a PI business." "I could leave Rainier." "Is that what you want?" "Maybe it's inside me, man. I just feel...unhappy there. I guess it's Vince. And everyone who looks at me, even if they're nice to me--they all look at me funny, like 'there's the guy Watson was beating up on'." "We don't have to make any decisions now, sweetheart. The big thing to remember is that us being together is number one. After that, the other stuff just has to fit in around it." "I wish we could stay here like this all night. I don't want to see him again, Jim. I sure as hell don't want to be alone with him." Blair nestled deeper into Jim's arms, fastening one hand to the lapel of his robe. "You won't be--not really. I'll be tuned into what's going on here as soon as I can make it back on foot. And I'm not going to let him hurt you." Jim gave his partner a tight squeeze. "If I could see any other way to go after him, I would. The problem is, Chief, Beverly's right about a few things. We have some major strikes against us, even if they aren't fair. When he came after you at the University, he drew the battle lines. As long as he stayed the hell away from you and played by the rules, I was fine doing that too. When I think about what he almost caused...the point is, I didn't think it was possible for me to want his ass nailed to the wall moreso than I did before, but I do now." "I'm scared. I don't want to see him, Jim. There has to be another way. I'm sorry to be such a baby about this, but if he...if he tried anything--" "I'll kill him if he touches you." "I don't want you to kill anybody, and I don't want him anywhere near me." "Blair, in any other circumstances, I wouldn't push you this way. But we're out of choices, our backs are to the wall and we're running out of time. This son of a bitch is going to be a factor in your life unless we do something to neutralize him. Short of killing him in cold blood, this is the next best thing. Though the first option is more appealing." "So what do I do after you leave?" "Go back upstairs and wait. Be sure to keep the gun in easy reach. If he tries anything or touches you, shoot the bastard. If you can keep him talking instead, do it. If someone has to shoot him, better it be me, since I could honestly do it in the line of duty, and for me, it would most likely end with an IA investigation." "Is that how you want this to end? You shooting him?" "No. I want it to end that I show up, slap the cuffs on him, haul his ass downtown and throw him in a cell until the trial, where Beverly can take this new offense and use it to show him up for the menace he is and get him locked up for about twice as long as he probably would have been otherwise. Blair, as much as I love you, I'm not a vigilante, or he'd be dead by now." "I never thought you were a vigilante, Jim. I just know how angry you get at Vince and--" "I will be angry at that miserable piece of shit until I take my last breath--and I don't care if I'm 100 years old when that happens. I'll never forget what he did to you." "We better get dressed, huh?" "Yeah. It's getting late." "You figure he'll come here for sure?" "I'd bet a year's salary on it, sweetheart." Jim leaned forward and met Blair's lips, licking and kissing gently at first, then sinking into a deep, prolonged duel of tongues. He drew back, and kissed the end of Blair's nose. "It blows me away how much I love you," he rested his forehead against Blair's. The other man smiled in response. "Ditto, lover." "Okay. Let's get this show on the road." ****** "I knew I never should have told you!" Blair yelled, following Jim onto the sidewalk. It was mid-evening, and only a few people were moving around to the businesses that were still open. The two arguing men warranted a couple turns of the head from those people, but little else. "I should have known getting back together with you would be a disaster! We're finished! You can get your stuff together and get your ass out of the loft!" "I don't have anyplace to go!" Blair retorted, sounding a little too upset for Jim's tastes. He hoped his lover was secure in the falseness of anything he was flinging at him now. "That's just too fucking bad. I'm going out, and I won't be back tonight. When I get home tomorrow, I want you gone. Got it?" "I-I got it, Jim." Blair looked appropriately contrite, and Jim almost hesitated before getting in the truck and leaving the sad-faced man standing there on the sidewalk. Their acting had been convincing--maybe a little too good. Blair seemed genuinely wounded as he turned and slowly made his way into the building. ****** Blair set a pot of water on the stove to boil. Jim had been gone almost two hours, and still no sign of Watson. It was almost ten o'clock. Of course, that wasn't really late. //It just *feels* late// Blair reasoned. His stomach was churning now, having expelled its contents a few minutes earlier in an unexpected bout of nervous vomiting. Walking into the living room, he checked for the hundredth time that the revolver was still handy under the old sweatshirt he'd draped casually over the couch. His hand encountered nothing but the cushion. "Looking for this?" Watson asked as he smiled at Blair from the spot where he leaned casually against the stair railing. The revolver was dangling from his upraised hand. "How did you get in here?" Blair asked, feeling his mouth go suddenly dry. "If you don't want uninvited guests, it's always a good idea to lock the door. For a hot shot Einstein, you sure are stupid." "What do you want from me?" "You know why I'm here. Now give me the tapes back and you might still be able to walk when I get done with you." "I don't know what you're talking about." "Like hell you don't!" Watson's taunting demeanor quickly gave way to hostility. "You stole those tapes, and I want them back...NOW." "Like you have any right to those tapes in the first place," Blair shot back, praying that Jim would make good on his promise and show up soon. "You better hand them over!" Vince advanced toward Blair, this time releasing the safety catch on the gun and pointing it at him. "I don't have them! I-I destroyed them." "You did what?!" "Why in the hell would *I* want them?" Blair challenged. "I don't believe you." "I'm sorry, but that's the truth. Their history, man." "Then I guess I'll have to get something else out of my visit here. I would have taken the tapes and left quietly, but since you can't give me that...well, I guess I'll have to take what you have got to give." He waved the weapon at Blair. "Take off your clothes and get on all fours on the floor." "You want action? You can go fuck yourself, man. I'm not your slave anymore." Blair's tone was flat, firm and even. "I'll tear you apart, you rotten little bitch!" "Stay away from me!" Blair yelled back at him, backing up as Watson advanced, until in one panic-stricken moment, he felt himself tumble back onto the couch. That was all Watson needed to pounce on him and pin him there. "We can do this the hard way if you want. I like it rough." Watson had dispensed with the gun somewhere, and was now using both powerful arms to restrain Blair's arms to the cushions of the couch, keeping a painful grip on his wrists. "I'm going to fuck you, so it can hurt a little or a lot. Your choice," Watson threatened through gritted teeth. "If you're waiting for Ellison, you can forget it. He's probably dead by now." "What are you talking about? He left--" "Yeah, sure he did. Did you think I'd be dumb enough to buy that? *I* followed *him* when he left here. He's in the alley with a knife in his guts." "You better be lying." "Or what? What're you gonna do?" He deftly switched his grip so one powerful hand restrained Blair's wrists and the other arm pressed down on his throat. "I'll tell you what you're gonna do. I'm going to let you up, and you're going to strip for me and do as you're told." "I'll die first." Blair met Watson's eyes with complete confidence and conviction. "If you've killed Jim, I don't care about living anyway. So your threats are useless. Go ahead and kill me." "I don't need your cooperation." As Vince shifted his grip to take the pressure off Blair's throat to use that hand to unbutton his jeans, Blair wrested one arm out of Watson's grip. With surprising strength he brought his elbow up into his assailant's face, sending him sprawling momentarily, blood oozing from his lip. Blair sprang from the couch and ran for the door. Watson was on him momentarily, covering his mouth with one hand and dragging him down to the floor. "They're not going to recognize what's left of you!" he yelled in Blair's ear as he pinned the smaller man with his full weight. The teapot whistled loudly. Watson's momentary distraction gave Blair the opening he needed to blindly thrust his Swiss Army knife backward in the general direction of Watson's face. He heard a wail of pain and found himself relieved of the oppressive weight. He didn't take time to see what he'd hit. Instead, he grappled with the door locks and had the door open before Vince recovered enough to grab the waist of Blair's jeans and pull him back onto the floor. "Help me!!" Blair bellowed out the door just before it slammed. "Get off me!! Somebody help!" Watson's fist slammed into his jaw, silencing him momentarily from the pain and disorientation of the blow. Blessedly, the phone began ringing insistently. "Make it sound good," Watson rose up, grabbing Blair by the hair and pulling him up also. "If that's one of your neighbors, you and your roommate were just horsing around. Got it?" He yanked Blair's head back until the younger man croaked out an affirmative answer. As soon as he picked up the phone, he blurted a quick message into it. "Alley behind 852 Prospect--" He was cut off when Watson slammed a hand over the wall unit, breaking the connection. Blair hoped that at least whoever was on the other end might get Jim some help, if it wasn't too late. "You're a dead man," he growled, slamming Blair against the wall. Before he could advance on him, the front door swung open and Ellison staggered in, knife protruding from his side, gun clutched in two bloody hands. "No, you are. Get your hands up, now!!" His voice was raspy, but Watson was certainly hearing him loud and clear as he complied with the order. "Blair--get the gun. It's in the back...his belt," he gritted out. Blair followed the directive, backing away from Watson, revolver pointing at him. "I thought you were dead," Watson said to Jim, who forced a satisfied little smile. "Surprise. Blair, call for back-up, and for God's sake, get an ambulance, huh?" Jim sat against the back of the couch, but kept his aim at Watson unwavering. Blair made the calls as instructed, ordering back-up units and an ambulance. Then he turned back to Jim. "We've gotta get pressure on that, man." "Leave it. I don't want to move the blade." Jim was as white as a sheet, his face covered with a cold sweat. Blair's nervous distraction over Jim's condition was all Watson was waiting for. He grabbed the younger man around the neck, startling Blair into dropping the gun. He moved toward Jim, effectively using Blair as a shield between himself and Jim's weapon. "Okay, hot shot, you're gonna have to kill your little whore if you want to take me down." Watson smiled wickedly. "Do you have any idea how easy it would be to snap his rotten little neck? Drop the gun. Now." Those were Watson's last words. Blair heard the bullet buzz past his ear right before Watson's grip loosened and the large man tumbled to the floor behind him. A little unsteady on his feet from the shock of the whole situation, Blair made his way over to Jim, who draped his arm around his lover. "We got him, sweetheart," he gasped, just as he heard the first sirens...and everything went black. ****** Blair had spent what seemed like eternity in the emergency waiting room. Jim was unconscious and bleeding heavily when he was rushed into surgery. Simon had arrived with the back-up units, and he, along with Rafe and Brown, had sat with Blair to wait the vigil. None of it got through to the distraught man who clutched Jim's watch tightly in his hand and prayed to whatever deity would listen. There had been something terribly unnerving about the nurse handing him the piece of jewelry to keep for his partner. "Jim's strong, Blair. He'll make it," Simon stated confidently. "This is all my fault," Blair murmured, fighting the tears that were burning his eyes. "I shouldn't have let him take me out of Watson's place that day. He'd still be okay now." "That's ridiculous, Sandburg. Get a grip on yourself. Jim's going to be fine," he emphasized, as if it were an order. "You saw all that blood! How can anybody bleed like that and...and be okay?" "They can give him a transfusion if he needs it. Hey, we've seen guys torn up worse than that make it back just fine," Rafe added. "But he bled out there for so long without help, and he had to come all the way up to the loft..." Blair worked the watch over in his hands again, stroking it like it was an amulet. "You're here for Detective Ellison?" A tall man with dark hair and a neatly trimmed mustache, dressed in blue scrubs, entered the waiting area. "How is he?" Blair was on his feet the moment the man made it through the door. "I expect him to make a complete recovery--" Blair was grateful he was near his chair as his legs gave out and he dropped back into it. "Thank God." It was little more than a whisper. "He'll be in recovery for a few hours, and I expect him to sleep through the night. We were very fortunate in that the knife missed his organs, so it was only blood loss and tissue damage. He'll have to take it easy for a while to heal, but I don't anticipate any complications." "I want to see him," Blair blurted, springing back to his feet again. "He'll sleep at least until morning. Why don't you all go home--" "No. I *have* to see him. Please?" "When he's moved to his room, you can step in for five minutes. No more than that. I don't want him disturbed." "Thank you, doctor," Simon spoke up. "That's good news." "He was very lucky." "So am I," Blair whispered to himself, still clutching Jim's watch. ****** After Jim's recovery from Watson's attack, he had requested a leave of absence from the PD, and Blair had requested an extension on his leave from Rainier. The university had only disturbed him once during late September, when the chairman of the Anthropology Department called to strongly suggest he apply for the Assistant Professor position that had been vacated by a faculty member who accepted an offer to teach at Yale, beginning in the Winter Semester. This would mean getting seriously down to business on his dissertation, since they would accept an A.B.D., but had certain expectations for the time line in which he would obtain his Ph.D. His superiors' and colleagues' encouragement and support of him to go after the vacant permanent faculty position eased Blair over the hump of feeling that everyone was somehow looking at and treating him differently because of Watson. If they were treating him differently, it was in a very positive way. Two other complaints of sexual harassment and one complaint of sexual assault against Vince Watson surfaced after his death, and Rainier was relieved to be rid of him. Jim had never really had an overpowering desire to leave the Cascade PD. He did, however, have an overpowering desire to please Blair. If moving to Ethiopia and living in a hut was what that would take, Jim would have packed his bags. Blair had seen so much pain and heartache and horror in the last year or so that Jim made up his mind to do his utmost to bring joy into his lover's life. Seeing Blair's face break into one of those genuine smiles that could light up the entire solar system was worth anything. Now Blair was happy at the thought of staying Cascade, anticipating his first semester as a full-time faculty member. "A real person, not a student" had been Blair's exact phrase for it. Blair would, however, always be a student. A brain like his would never rest. Jim found himself envying the classes of young people who would learn from Blair. That boundless enthusiasm and love for learning and teaching were a real gift, and as he thought back over his college experience, Jim realized that very few of his professors had possessed it. With Jim's encouragement, Blair had gone to a few sessions with a therapist to talk about his feelings about the abuse, but the younger man had discontinued going after about three meetings. He felt he'd talked all the same feelings out with Jim, and that he was progressing through the stages of recovery as well as he could on his own. Now, six weeks after Watson's death, Jim relaxed in the passenger seat of a rented sedan, watching the panorama of color that was a Massachusetts autumn whiz past the window. There was a CD of something instrumental, relaxing and...earthy playing on the car's stereo system, and Blair's hand was moving slightly with the music as he navigated the car along the winding road. Closing his eyes a moment, Jim smiled as he thought that his connection to the Ellison family had finally earned him something worthwhile: spending the autumn months in the family's Cape Cod house. Stephen was the only one who really used the house anymore, and with him safely in Europe on business, it was an assured, private hideaway. "Keep your eyes open for the private drive. It should be coming up any minute." Jim straightened in the seat a bit, watching for the entrance to the tree-shrouded road leading back to the oceanfront house. "I can't wait to see the house. And the view of the ocean? I bet it's incredible. We've already seen so much beautiful scenery." Blair was talking a mile a minute, sounding very much like his old self. Jim smiled lovingly at him, and Blair sensed the gaze and smiled back. "What?" he asked, still grinning and stealing glances away from the road at Jim's expression. "I'm really glad we're taking this trip," Jim said, deciding not to mention that what was making him the happiest was to hear and see the "old Blair" taking the trip with him. There were still a number of internal scars of Blair's abuse that affected his behavior, but he was smiling more, talking more, and generally embracing life again. "Me too. Nobody has our phone number out here." "Or the address." "Well, uh, a couple people have the address," Blair said quietly. "Naomi?" "Well, yeah. I wanted her to be able to get a hold of me in case of an emergency. Plus, if anything went wrong and anybody back home needed us, she could reach us." "If they could reach her." "Yeah, there's that," Blair responded, laughing slightly. "You still haven't told her about Watson?" "I told her that he was an asshole, that he slapped me around and you got me away from him. I didn't tell her that it had been going on the whole time I was with him. I let her think it was just, you know, this last, really bad time that he got arrested for." "Don't you think she'd want to know?" "I don't think it serves any useful purpose for her to know. It's ugly and painful...and she'd think that she should have known or something when we talked, and I think she'd just feel she failed me. She didn't. This wasn't anyone else's fault but my--" "But Vince's," Jim cut him off. "Yeah, right. Vince." "Blair?" "What?" "Do you want to talk about Vince? I mean, how things ended? Does it bother you?" "It all bothers me. Is that the road?" Blair pointed at a dirt road off the main one. "No. A little farther yet." Jim paused. "I meant, you never talk much about the whole situation anymore, and I just wondered if you were okay with things--with what happened." "If you mean Vince getting shot, it was unavoidable when it happened. I just wonder how much we...set it up to happen. Sometimes it bothers me that...that maybe we set up a premeditated murder." "He stabbed me, Blair. I damn near died in the alley behind the building." "I know that. But if we hadn't set him up, baited him into coming after me--we laid a trap for him. He took the bait. And now he's dead. I just wonder if...if there wasn't another way to handle it that would have left him alive." "I'm going to be honest with you on something, Chief. If that son of a bitch had lived, we would have never had a peaceful moment. Even if he'd been convicted and done time, he'd have gotten out eventually. And I can promise you one thing--when the correctional system was through with him, I'd have picked up where they left off." "You would have killed him anyway?" "Do you want me to tell you that I wouldn't?" "No, I want you to tell me the truth." "I think it was inevitable. Because I know he'd have always been the demon around every corner, haunting the rest of your life so you had to fear him and look over your shoulder and jump at every unexplained noise. No one should have to live like that, least of all the person I love most in this world." Jim sighed and stared straight ahead at the passing scenery. "I would kill, or die, to protect you, Chief. You know that. The whole Watson situation was just a matter of time--he'd have crossed the line again, and I'd have dealt with it. At least this way, it happened within a legally acceptable framework. Blair, there are some can't *deal* with." "Vince fit that profile. And I was a sorry-ass witness." "You were a victim. That made you fragile for a while, but it also dropped the weight of the world on your shoulders when you were least able to carry it." "I know I should be upset to know you wanted to literally kill him." "I know I should be upset that I wanted to do that. What he did to you...there's no justice I could hand out--or that the courts could--that would balance those scales. I just have to hope that wherever he is, the miserable bastard is rotting in hell." "I think there's a justice somewhere in the world. Either through reincarnation, or some kind of atonement. I'm sure there's some way it all evens out." "That's the road," Jim said, pointing out a narrow, dirt path off the main road leading back into the trees. Blair turned onto it, and they continued for a few moments in silence, appreciating the cover of brightly-colored trees as their leaves rustled in the wind, sending a few down on the car as it made its way to the house. "This is beautiful," Blair commented. "It's secluded. Nice and quiet," Jim added. They exited the cover of woods into a semi-cleared area dotted with a few large trees. In the midst of it was a modest two-storey house with an exterior of gray cedar shingles and a black roof. It was situated on a bluff overlooking the ocean, which could be seen in the distance as the two men sat in the car. "Wow." "Like it?" Jim asked, smiling. "It's great. I love the setting. And that view? Come on, man, let's go check it out!" Blair turned off the car and was out of it like a shot, waiting near the front of it for Jim to get out and join him, reaching back for the older man's hand as they walked past the house toward the bluff. "Listen to that--you can hear the ocean crashing on the rocks down there." "Guess we'll be competing with Stephen for some vacation time here once in a while, huh?" Jim said, smiling. "I love it." "Cold?" Jim stepped behind his lover and wrapped warm arms around him. "Not anymore," Blair said, grinning back at Jim, resting his arms over Jim's where they crossed. "Feeling okay?" "Yeah, fine, sweetheart. The doctor gave me a clean bill of health, remember?" "I know. I just...worry sometimes." "I'm fine. Hey, let's get our stuff unpacked and get a fire going. We can rustle up some dinner." "I'm getting pretty hungry." "So am I. After we take care of that, we can eat, too." Jim dove into to attack Blair's neck, bringing a startled laugh out of his lover. ********* After dining heartily on grilled steaks, salad and potatoes, the two men retired to the living room with a bottle of wine. The room had an Early American motif, with hardwood floors, heavy furniture, and a huge, soft blue rug in front of the stone fireplace. Curled up on the couch, sipping the wine, sharing lazy kisses, it seemed like the start of a very promising vacation. As kisses became more heated and caresses a bit more feverish, Jim pulled back and looked into his lover's aroused eyes. By unspoken agreement, they pulled pillows off the sofa, along with the quilt that was spread on the back of it, and hastily assembled a bed in front of the fireplace. Gently divesting each other of every piece of clothing, they came together, flesh on flesh, the slight chill of the room giving way to the fire and their own body heat. Hands roamed over one another until they rolled to put Blair atop his lover, where he finally straightened, straddling Jim. "Wanna ride you, lover," Blair panted, undulating his hips, rubbing their engorged shafts together. "Stuff?" Jim gasped, his hands wandering to Blair's hips and around the back, grasping handfuls of the firm buttocks. "Ugh," Blair groaned, sliding off Jim and crawling over to his discarded pants, leaving Jim with a maddening view of his bare ass. Once he'd found what he was looking for, he looked over his shoulder at Jim, grinning enticingly. It was the first sign of Blair putting on a little show for his lover, and Jim was as moved as he was aroused. "You had lube in your pocket?" Jim said, smiling as Blair made his way back on all fours. "I was hoping you were going to pull over and drag me into the backseat, but alas, didn't happen," Blair lamented, flipping the cap on the small tube and handing it to Jim. "Love you, sweetheart," Jim said softly, pulling Blair in for a gentle kiss. Blair settled himself comfortably on top of Jim with his legs spread wide, relaxing while Jim held him and prepared him slowly. Their kisses deepened, intensified until Blair broke away suddenly to let out a little cry when his prostate was brushed with an insistent finger. "Now, Jim...gotta do it now," Blair breathed against Jim's mouth before pulling back and raising up on his knees, letting Jim guide him in his slow but steady descent onto Jim's hardened cock. "God, you feel good, baby," Jim groaned, feeling the warm weight of Blair's body settle on his sensitized groin area. The wet heat totally engulfing his needy cock, the vision of Blair's body in the firelight, covered in a fine sheen of sweat, and the pure joy of having Blair aggressively take control of their lovemaking for the first time threatened to bring on Jim's climax before Blair ever moved. Somewhere in the back of his foggy brain he could hear the faint strains of piano music from the CD they'd put on the stereo, and if he let his hearing expand just slightly, he could hear the crashing of the waves against the rocks, Blair's heartbeat, and the music blending into the most exotic symphony imaginable. "Jim?" The question was almost a whisper. "I'm still here, baby. Just taking it all in," Jim said gently, stroking Blair's thighs. "I thought I was doing that," Blair quipped, grinning devilishly. "Oh, baby, are you ever," Jim agreed, laughing, which bounced Blair just a bit. Liking what he felt, Blair started rocking tentatively on the shaft that impaled him. "Oh, yeah, that's good..." Jim encouraged, reaching up to lace the fingers of both their hands as Blair settled into his own rhythm. "Oooh, yeah...feels good..." Blair managed, throwing his head back and moving faster, the mane of curls swaying in time with his motions. "God, I love this," Blair groaned, smiling as he felt Jim thrusting up to meet his movements now. "So deep...ugh...yeah...come on, lover...move with me...faster..." "Getting close, baby." Jim made a couple of firm upward thrusts, nailing Blair's prostate and dragging a scream of pleasure out of Blair that coincided with a particularly vibrant splash of the ocean against the rocks. "Oh yeah, baby, that's it." "You can...hear the...ocean?" Blair gritted out, his eyes widening a little. "Tell me." "There's the music...the water on the rocks, waves...crashing...and you...your heartbeat..." Jim picked up his pace, watching Blair's eyes drift shut, as if trying to hear through Jim's words the incredible sounds his sentinel lover was experiencing. Jim freed one of his hands and grasped Blair's leaking shaft, pumping it firmly until his lover cried out and spurted his completion over Jim's chest and belly, slumping forward slightly, caught in the always-ready arms of his lover. The wild spasms of Blair's body brought Jim to the edge and then pushed him over in one delightful crescendo of music, the ocean and his own shouts of pleasure. Both men lay spent, hearts pounding, cuddled together in the firelight. Blair reluctantly shifted, Jim's softened organ slipping from its tight enclosure. Jim brought the quilt around their cooling bodies, cuddling Blair close, kissing every part of the younger man's face his lips could reach. "You were amazing, sweetheart." Jim ran his fingers into the soft curls, massaging Blair's scalp as the heart pounding against Jim's side slowly began to fall into a normal rhythm. "I liked it that way," Blair said quietly, hugging Jim tightly. "How'd you know about the ocean?" Jim asked, smiling. Blair looked up at him with sleepy eyes and returned it. "I just thought you looked like you were having this otherworldly experience, and it was the only sensory thing I could think of that was vastly different from when we usually make love." "Every time I'm inside you, it's an otherworldly experience, baby. Love you so much," Jim whispered, leaning down to capture Blair's slightly parted lips. When he drew back, Blair was smiling softly. "Love you too. I never dreamed we could be like this. I'm so glad you loved me back." "I always did. I was just too stupid to see it before." Kissing the end of Blair's nose, Jim drew his lover in close again. ******** Days were spent with picnics on the leaf-dusted grass overlooking the ocean, long walks along the shore on the private beach below, and sometimes just a quiet time curled up on the couch together, reading, or sometimes Jim would read or watch TV while Blair clicked away on his new laptop. There was the occasional trip into the nearby town of Hyannis, sometimes for a nice dinner out or to stock up on supplies. The nights were spent making love and enjoying the quiet intimacy of their secluded setting. Jim delighted in seeing Blair come alive, his playful, passionate side making itself known in their lovemaking. And spending this intensely private, meaningful time with Blair moved Jim along toward his own ability to accept a milestone he knew as long overdue in their relationship. Blair had never been inside him, never been "on top" in the fullest sense of the word since they'd become lovers. While Blair didn't seem consumed with the concept by any means, Jim realized much of that was the horrific conditioning that had left Blair not expecting much of anything from sex between men, and being consistently surprised and delighted with each new pleasure that unfolded. Lying in the comfort of their big four poster bed, the window cracked so both men could hear the sounds of the ocean, Blair curled inside the shelter of Jim's larger body, Jim moved his mouth against one curl-covered ear. "Make love to me, baby," he whispered softly. "I thought you wanted to just hold each other," Blair responded, shifting to look at Jim, smiling a little. "I want" Jim swallowed. Asking was probably scarier than the act itself. "Take me." He watched Blair's momentarily stunned expression. "You want me...inside you?" "Unless you don't want that." Jim suddenly wondered if he was putting too much pressure on Blair, or if the younger man was a confirmed bottom and had no real interest in being the aggressor. Somehow, Jim doubted the latter possibility. "I...I do...I just...never know, want me like that." "I want us to be everything to each other. All ways," Jim responded honestly. "This isn't just something you feel like you have to do, is it?" Blair looked away a moment. "I spent a lot of time doing things for someone because I had to. Because it was expected. I never want to make love to you because you think you *should* let me do that. Only if you can honestly say that you want me that way." "I would never lie to you, angel. I want you that way." "I never did it that way before." "Do you want to?" "Yes, of course, but...I might not be good at it. I don't want to hurt you. God, Jim, if it's done wrong, it hurts so bad--" "Blair, I never penetrated anyone anally before I was with you. Period. Never. I was sort of interested in trying it with Carolyn, but she didn't like the idea, and I didn't push her. I didn't blame her. I know it can be uncomfortable, and there isn't much in it for women." Jim brushed a stray curl out of Blair's eyes. "I didn't hurt you, did I?" "Never," Blair said without hesitation. "It just takes patience, love and some preparation. You'll be careful, and I'll let you know if something doesn't feel right. We'll muddle through it together, sweetheart. Like everything else. I'm not afraid of you." "Why now?" "Maybe it took me until now to want it. But now I do. I want that intimacy with you." Jim could feel the rapid increase in his lover's heartbeat, and almost feel the fear radiating from him. "It's really strange," Blair said softly, running his hand slowly in a little circle near Jim's heart. "It was scary to trust you that first time--the first time we made love all the way--after what happened. But this... I'm more scared of this than I ever was of that." "Blair, sweetheart, look at me." Jim encouraged Blair's face upward until their eyes met. "I know what your first time was like. Even at its worst, nothing could ever be like that between us. You aren't going to hurt me that way." "I'd never be able to live with myself if I hurt you." "It's pretty safe to figure that the first time is going to be harder, and a little uncomfortable. But it isn't going to be anything near what you went through. Baby, that was torture, not lovemaking." Jim pulled Blair tight against him, wishing that by shielding Blair with his body now, he could somehow go back in time and shield him from all that unthinkable pain. "I know I should be able to forget about it now, but I can't. I can't hurt you like that." "Am I hurting *you* every time we make love? Because if I am, it'll never happen again." "No! I...I love the way you feel inside me." "So why don't you think it can be that good for me?" "I was used to...I mean, I had...experience," Blair concluded, mumbling the last word in a hushed voice, heavy with shame. "Oh, sweetheart, what am I gonna do with you?" There was no anger in Jim's voice, and he started kissing his way along the side of Blair's face, still holding him tightly. "Don't be ashamed. You survived, baby. There's no shame in that." "You're a virgin. It just seems like it isn't fair for me to have that gift from you when I don't have it to give back." "It's not real often that two virgins get together in this society anymore, Chief. If you were making a commitment to a woman who was a virgin, would you refuse to have sex with her because you'd done it before?" "No, but it's just...hard to explain. I just...I'm scared. I never did this before." "We don't have to do it at all now if you don't want to, sweetheart." "H-How...w-would we do it?" "You mean the position?" Blair nodded. "Which one's easiest for you when you're on the bottom?" "On my side." "Let's try it that way. Besides, we can both relax--not have to hold any weird positions." Jim felt the tremors still coursing through Blair's body. "Honey, I'm not going to break--I'm not made out of crystal. We'll take it slow, we'll keep communicating, and if something happens that makes either one of us uncomfortable, we'll say so." "I love you so much. I don't know how you can be so patient with me." "Because you're the most precious thing on earth to me." Jim moved to seal his mouth over Blair's for a deep, gentle kiss. "Jim?" "What, sweetheart?" "Could we just stay like this a while?" "As long as you want, baby." Jim leaned his head against Blair's, their bodies completely wrapped around each other. "Sometimes the memories are just...hard." "Lots of bad thoughts about Vince tonight?" "It's just that we talk about making love that way, and I think about how he used to look...and the sick, horrible feeling I'd get when I'd see him coming toward me, looking like that... I don't want to be in that role. I don't want to be the one to inflict the pain." "It won't be pain, sweetheart. Not more than is necessary." "I just want the memories to go away," Blair said in a broken voice. "I know, baby. I know they hurt." "I'll try to get better." "You are better. We've got some rough stuff to work through yet. You're doing great, sweetheart." "It's not that I don't want to." "I know, Chief. I understand. You know what?" "What?" Blair pulled Jim impossibly closer with a warm, hairy leg wrapping around the larger man's legs. "It means everything to me that the thing you're most afraid of is hurting me. You could overcome your fears for yourself, but you won't risk hurting me. There's a lot of love behind that." Jim sighed into the warm curls near his face. "Relax, baby. Try to go to sleep. I'm just going to relax here and enjoy holding you." "Love you." Blair settled in and Jim felt his muscles relax a little as he started courting sleep. ******* Blair sat in the grass, his back against the big oak tree. He shifted his gaze from the panorama of fall colors to the head resting in his lap. Jim had dozed off there a few minutes earlier, listening to his lover reading a letter from Mrs. Halstead, who still kept tabs on Blair. Now, Blair was content to just treasure the total peace and beauty of the moment. The mild autumn day had provided them a great opportunity for a picnic and spending the majority of the day outdoors. "Penny for your thoughts," Blair said, smiling as Jim's eyes slowly opened from his nap. "I haven't been this relaxed in? I guess I never have been," Jim said, laughing a little. "This vacation was a great idea, man. We really needed to get away." "How long was I asleep?" "I don't know," Blair responded, smiling. "I kind of lost track of time. My mind wandered a lot. I just rested here watching you. Thinking about how much I love you." "Me too, sweetheart." Jim caught the hand that had reached up to stroke his face and kissed it, then held it firmly. "Jim?" "What?" "I got us something in town the other day. If you don't like it, you don't have to wear it. You can be honest." "Why wouldn't I like it?" Jim sat up and turned to face Blair. They both smiled as an oversized red oak leaf found its way to stick in the front of Blair's hair. The sudden little swirl of wind was making brightly colored leaves dance and scurry all around them. "I just...I wanted us to have something...symbolic." Blair pulled a small velvet box out of the pocket of his plaid flannel shirt jacket. He opened it to reveal two pewter pendants, each one bearing one half of a coin. "It's a Mitzpah coin. You wear one half, I wear the other half-" "Because we're two halves of a whole and not complete unless both halves are together. Right?" Jim grinned at the smile of complete delight that lit up Blair's face, and in Jim's opinion, rivaled the brightness of the afternoon sun. "Exactly." "I love it. I think it's perfect for us, baby." Blair took the first pendant out of the box and fastened it around his lover's neck. Jim followed his example and placed the other around Blair's neck. They sealed the moment with a kiss. Jim settled against the tree now, and pulled his partner into his arms. Blair snuggled against him happily and sighed luxuriously. "Jim?" "What?" "I, uh...I was thinking maybe we could do something...*special* seal the vow," Blair suggested quietly. Jim smiled when he thought about what Blair was saying. "How about right here?" Jim nibbled a little at the ear into which he'd been whispering. "I'll go inside and get what we need." Blair started "No need. Look in the picnic basket." "You *planned* for this?" Blair moved away, finding the tube Jim had hidden under some spare napkins. "Hey, a man can dream," Jim retorted, laughing a little, grabbing Blair around the waist and pulling him back so they landed on the ground. He'd hesitated to manhandle Blair even in fun, but Blair was laughing and wriggling out of the grip, turning over so he was lying on top of Jim, facing him. His face turned suddenly very serious. "I'm going to do everything I can to make this good for you." "It will be, Chief. For both of us." Jim watched Blair start to unbutton the blue shirt Jim wore, detecting the slight tremor in the hands. He relaxed and closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations of Blair's soft lips kissing a trail that followed the exposure of flesh as the shirt opened. Soon, he could feel silky curls skimming his skin as the shirt was moved aside and Blair made his way first to one nipple, then to its mate. The firm suckling dragged pleasured groans out of the man lying on the blanket, soaking up the stimulation. Jim slid his own hands up to start opening Blair's shirt, smiling as he encountered the layer of t-shirt that still protected Blair's skin from the cold. Blair sat back, still straddling Jim, and pulled his shirt off and sent his t-shirt flying to join it. He helped Jim with the right tugs and pulls to discard his own shirt. With a little grin, Blair started to unbuckle Jim's belt, and then stopped, resting his hands there a moment before pulling back. "Can we...get undressed the rest of the way ourselves?" His eyes didn't move up from the belt to meet Jim's eyes. "What's wrong, baby?" Jim took a hold of the paused hands. "Not now. I don't want to talk about it now. But I can't do it this way. I can't..." "Flashback?" Jim asked gently. Blair nodded. "Okay. I'll get rid of mine if you get rid of yours," Jim said, flexing his eyebrows and grinning. Blair laughed a little, jarred out his memories, and moved aside. The two men made short work of jeans, socks and shoes. They lay on their sides for long minutes, holding each other and kissing slowly, hands exploring one another. Jim felt strong hands stray down his back to cup the globes of his buttocks, kneading and caressing them. He attached his mouth to a spot on Blair's neck and left a bright passion mark there. "I need to get behind you," Blair said a bit hesitantly. Jim kissed him and pulled back while Blair moved around to lie behind his lover. Presented with the incredible view of that sculpted back and perfect, firm ass, Blair felt his throat go dry. He was nervous, excited, and incredibly turned on at the thought of sinking into the little tunnel hiding between those perfectly formed mounds. Concentrating on getting Jim relaxed and in the mood, Blair started kissing his way across the expanse of Jim's back, reaching around front to find the semi-hardened organ to squeeze and pump slowly. Jim grunted a little, moving in time with the motions of Blair's hand. Keeping up the tempo, Blair moved down to kiss and suck at the soft flesh near Jim's tailbone. He had never rimmed Vince--and had taken more than one beating for refusing to do it. He had this one gift left to give Jim. One he had guarded under the pain of Vince's belt, his fists and his sexual revenge. Jim moved to his stomach, then raised up on all fours. It seemed like an instinctual move, and Blair paused a moment, trying to dismiss the painful memories associated with that position. Still, it would probably be easier for Jim this way, and it was easier access to do what he wanted to do to the man he loved. Blair began kissing and lapping at the buttocks presented to him, smiling as he heard the broken little words of approval coming through Jim's gritted teeth. When he reached down to stroke the sturdy shaft, it was rock hard. "Just for you, lover--never for anybody else," Blair said softly. Then he parted the twin mounds and ran his tongue over the little opening there. "Oh, God..." Jim gasped, unconsciously thrusting back to pull the elusive tongue deeper. Blair teased the little pucker with his tongue, and finally darted it tentatively in and out, feeling tears of joy burning behind his eyelids at having this one gift left to give only to Jim, only to the man he was going to spend his life with. He had steadfastly refused this level of intimacy to Watson, and near the end of their horrific relationship, had resisted kissing him at all on any part of his anatomy, including his mouth. Kissing and worshiping a lover's body with his mouth, to Blair, involved love and tenderness. It meant something. Now, here, with Jim, it did. "I'm getting close, Chief," Jim grunted, and Blair took that as a cue to cease what he was doing. With a kiss to his lover's center, he moved back and found the lube. "We'll take it nice and slow, lover. I'll start with just one finger--" "Not too slow or you're gonna be getting to the finish line alone, baby." Blair tentatively eased a single finger into his lover, and Jim's haste seemed to give way to his better judgement now. Judging by the way the tight passage was gripping his finger, Blair knew as well as his lover did that they needed to take their time working up to the main event. Resolved to do everything for Jim that wasn't done for him his first time, Blair lingered over the stretching and preparation. By the time he'd worked up to three fingers, both men were bathed in sweat and breathing heavily, driven to the edge of their endurance. And then Blair brushed one long finger over Jim's prostate. An almost animal howl ripped forth from the larger man's throat, and in the aftermath, Blair withdrew his fingers and moved up so his mouth was near Jim's ear. "When I'm in you, I'm going to rub that little spot until you scream for me," he whispered, hot breath filling Jim's ear. "God, Chief, just do it!" Jim gritted out. "Do you need to dial it down?" Blair asked, teasing now. "Sandburg, if you don't do something for me, I'm gonna dial you down!" Jim shouted playfully, drawing a laugh out of Blair, who moved into position behind his lover. "Relax, love. It's going to feel snug even through we're ready for it," Blair said softly, stroking Jim's hip as he positioned himself at the slick entrance, then pushed in slightly. He paused, letting Jim's muscles adjust to the intrusion. "Breathe, lover." Blair continued to stroke the soft skin of Jim's hip, and planted a little kiss on his spine. "Okay, baby, try a little more," Jim encouraged. Blair forged ahead slightly, stopped by a gasp from Jim. "I think," he said in a strained voice, "we've been calling the wrong one of us 'beefstick'." "Don't make me laugh, Jim. It would be a really *bad* idea right now," Blair warned, his voice threatened by a chortle. He took the opportunity of the momentary distraction to push in a bit further. "How much more of you is there, Chief?" Jim asked. "I'm about two-thirds of the way there, love. You doin' okay?" Blair was trying to concentrate on something other that the vise-like grip of Jim's tunnel around his needy cock. Blair hadn't shoved into something hot, moist and tight in almost two years, and his body was screaming out for completion of the experience. He felt Jim relax, and moved ahead a bit, this time sliding all the way inside. "Feels full..." Jim panted. "Are you in pain, lover?" Blair dropped another kiss on Jim's back. "Not exactly. Just...stretched." "You need to relax, love. Your muscles are all on alert." He stroked a hand over the strong back, feeling the tension in the considerable network of well-defined muscles. "Hang on, sweetheart." Jim lowered himself flat on the blanket on his stomach. No longer required to hold a position, he seemed to find it easier to relax. "Move, baby. Come on," Jim prodded. Blair made the first tentative thrust, and despite a little grunt of effort, Jim met it with a thrust of his own. Knowing what he needed to do to get Jim in the spirit, Blair angled his next thrust, aiming directly for the sensitive little nub that had driven Jim so crazy before. As soon as he drove into that little pleasure button, Jim let out another cry of pleasure, spreading his legs further and thrusting back to increase the sensation. Slowly, together, they found their rhythm, and Blair started moaning and grunting in a counter-rhythm with Jim's own cries of pleasure as his prostate received a vigorous workout. The primal satisfaction of taking his pleasure from a lover was so intense for Blair that he found himself losing touch with reality, losing all sense of anything but the hot, moist, tight enclosure around his cock. All sense of anything but the intense love he felt for the man who was giving him this amazing experience. "Jim...Oh, good, lover...tight..." Blair started pumping faster, feeling his climax building. Jim met every motion with one of his own, seeming incapable of speech, but adding his own shouts and grunts to their symphony. "Love you so much," he managed, remembering how important Jim's words of love and reassurance had been when they had made love this way the first time--and every time after that. Blair gasped as Jim's muscles clamped around him still tighter than before, and the spasms began milking him, dragging his climax out of him as Jim cried out and reached his own completion, moments ahead of his lover. Blair threw his head back and screamed out Jim's name, shooting his seed deep into his lover's body. Exhausted, limp, and spent, he collapsed on Jim's back, somehow finding the energy to kiss the damp skin beneath his face. "I love you so much," Blair whispered between kisses. "Oh, man," Jim opined eloquently. "Did I hurt you?" Blair asked, concerned at the winded sound of Jim's voice. "If that's pain, I just became masochist." Jim looked over his shoulder at Blair and smiled. "It was great, baby." "It was...beyond words. I never felt anything like it," Blair admitted. "I should pull out now. It might hurt." "Just ease out, baby. Nice and slow." Blair followed the direction, and as soon as the connection was broken, Jim rolled over and the two men wrapped themselves around each other, kissing and exchanging little words of love. "Sore?" Blair asked. "I know you've been there, Chief," Jim responded, laughing softly. "Everything's fine." "Thank you." Blair buried his face against Jim's chest, holding on tightly. "Blair, when we were making love...when you...had your tongue back said I was the first--" "I never did that for any other lover before. I saved that for someone special. I always dreamed about it being you," Blair admitted. "That means everything to me, sweetheart." "I wanted something to be only ours," he responded quietly. "I wanted to love the person I did that for someday. I wouldn't do it for Vince. Not ever." "Before, about the belt--did that have something to do with...I don't want to ever ask you to do something that's going to make you uneasy." "The last time I unbuckled Vince's belt...he used it on me," Blair replied softly. "It was just the memories...I couldn't handle it. I didn't want to be thinking about that while we were making love." "Did he beat you for refusing...what you gave me?" Jim waited until there was a slight nod. "More than once. But it was the only thing I had that I could keep. It was the one thing he couldn't actually force me to do by wrestling me into it. Everything else, I had to submit to, because he could overpower me. But I had that one option--that one choice, and I held onto it, so I'd have...something left to give someone someday..." Blair smiled, and looked up at Jim through moist eyes. "Who'm I kidding? So I'd have something left to give you if you ever found you could want me that way." "It was an amazing, beautiful gift, sweetheart. You're never going to much it really means to me." "I'm available for the next sixty years or so--maybe you can show me, huh?" Blair suggested, smiling at his lover. "Every day, baby. I want to show you every day." Jim pulled his lover close and held him tightly. He felt Blair's stomach growl, and realized the sandwiches they ate were already hours in the past. "Want to go into town for dinner? I'll spring for lobster," Jim offered. "Sounds great. Then we can come home and I'll treat you to dessert." "Mere lobster pales in comparison, sweetheart." Jim hugged Blair tightly and they kissed again, embarking on that sixty-year plan. ****** THE END