Title: A New Rendition
Author/pseudonym: Angelise
Author's webpage: http://writingonthewall.slashcity.tv/~angelise7/index.html
Fandom/Series webpage: http://writingonthewall.slashcity.net/~angelise7/dmmain.htm
Angelise's Update List http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AngeliseUpdate
Fandom: Diagnosis Murder
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jesse/Travis
Date: 1-1-2001
Archive: Yes to BBQ Bob's, the Abode and all others
Disclaimer: Somebody else owns these two cuties.
Summary: Never drink and sing on New Years!


A New Rendition


Copyright January 1, 2002


Fireworks exploded outside the condo as the year 2002 was uniquely welcomed in by Detective Steve Sloan and Doctor Jesse Travis.

"Should all great asses be forgot.."

Jesse wiggled his bare butt at Steve.

"And never rimmed or fucked."

The blonde giggled and ineffectively pushed against his large lover. When Steve refused to budge from his position on the bed, Jesse stuck his bottom lip out and presented the patented JT pout.

"Heaven help me." Steve shook his head and sighed. Rolling his eyes, he turned over on his stomach and gave in to Jesse's musical request.

The young doctor let out a shout of victory and scrambled to his knees, running his hands over the detective's rock hard ass. "Sure ain't forgetting this fine specimen of buttdom."

Jesse leaned down and skimmed his lips over the curve of Steve's bottom. He nipped the pale flesh and sat back quickly when the older man swatted at him. Nearly falling off the bed, Jesse grabbed onto his lover's ankles. Laughing, he proclaimed, "You've got the best honeybuns I've eeeeever tasted."

Jesse scooted forward and licked his tongue over Steve's hole. "And knowing my sweet tooth, I'm never gonna get enough of you, babe."

Steve moaned, his large hand clawing the sheets. "Where the hell did 'honeybuns' come from?" he whispered hoarsely.

The doctor ignored his lover's mumbling and took another taste. A second later he resumed his singing.

"For your sweet ass, I'll kiss and lick. For your sweet ass, I'll beg. I'll take another taste, dear Steve. For your sweet ass is great!"

Steve flipped over and grabbed his slightly intoxicated lover. Hauling him under the covers, he tucked Jesse against his side and nuzzled his neck.

"That's the last time I let you spike the punch, Sunshine."

The end