by:  Jmas
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DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognisable characters and property of Stargate SG-1 belong to MGM/UA, World Gekko Corp. and Double Secret Productions.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment purposes and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.  Not to be archived without permission of the author(s).

Daniel awoke with a start, for a moment unsure of where he was. He was still feeling more than a little disassociated from the 'psychic bug juice', as Jack had dubbed it. He had experienced flashbacks of memories he knew did not belong to him. He could still hear the sound of the shot...


Jack was looking at Daniel an expression of concern that made Daniel want to cringe; he hated being the cause of concern to his friends, especially Jack. Daniel moved to get up, but Jack gripped his shoulder to keep him down.

"Daniel, we're not running a race here. Now that we have food and water, we can afford to take a little time with this."

Daniel tried not to gape at Jack's unusual attitude, realizing just how worried Jack was about him. Normally, Daniel would have found the paternal sterness of Jack's tone irritating, but right now it was a source of comfort. Daniel gave a brief smile and leaned back. It had been a rough time for all of them and he didn't have the energy or the desire to argue.

Jack was regarding at Daniel with a questioning look, handing over the canteen. Daniel noted with consternation that his hands were still trembling with exhaustion. He hated the pervasive weakness that had been his constant companion for nearly a week now.

"So, find anything out so far?" Jack asked in that pseudo-interested way that told Daniel that Jack understood.

Daniel laughed a little at the obvious diversionary tactic and allowed himself to be steered away from his dark thoughts.

"Yeah, actually the writing is an offshoot of the Egyptian sub-family of the Hamito-Semitic languages, but there's an odd flavor to the vowel patterns..." Daniel trailed off, noticing Jack was looking at him strangely. "What? Should I start over...?"

Jack shook his head. "No...uh...I actually think I understood that."

Jack sounded so amazed that Daniel almost laughed. "It must be some kind of residual..."

"Weirdness from that over-stuffed head of yours." Jack finished and Daniel nodded agreeing to the concept, if not the words.

They hadn't really spoken about their shared memories other than a brief 'thank you' as Daniel had fallen asleep just before they had set out on the long hike to the river. Daniel vaguely recalled that Jack had promised they would talk about it later. He wondered if now was 'later' enough.

"Jack, I..."

Jack put up a hand to stop Daniel, looking away briefly before speaking. "It's nothing we didn't already know..." Jack's voice was low and rough, too close to that emotional center that he rarely allowed to show.

"...just more." Daniel agreed, his own tone hesitant. He was no more comfortable talking...or thinking...about what had happened than Jack was.

The two men looked at each other and laughed ruefully, deciding they could live with it. Talking wasn't going to change the simple facts of the reality. Jack put out a hand to help Daniel to his feet.

"I'm hungry. Let's call it a day."

While they waited for dinner to cook (fish and some sort of root plant that Sam had found and cleared as edible), Daniel poured over his notes, transcribing his unique shorthand into something more detailed. He didn't notice when Sam placed his food next to him. When it became obvious that direct action was called for Sam reached out and removed the notebook and pen from his hands, replacing them with the plate and fork.

"Eat first," she ordered gently.

Daniel had the good grace to look apologetic. As he began to eat mechanically, his mind still reviewing his notes, even without the visual aid, Daniel was unaware of the surreptitious looks of his teammates. Finishing his food and returning to his notebook, he was equally unaware of the sigh of relief and amusement his friends released.

As darkness approached, Teal'c called Jack to the edge of the clearing. After a brief, quiet conversation, Daniel was startled out of his concentration by a loud curse from Jack.

"Teal'c's pretty sure we're being watched," Jack announced, going into C.O. mode without missing a beat. "I don't want anybody going off alone anymore and we're going to double up on guard duty. Teal'c and me first, then Teal'c and Carter."

It was simple logic, Daniel knew that. Teal'c simply didn't require the sleep that the humans did; a few hours of meditation were all that he required to replenish his energy. Teal'c understood Jack's reasoning and moved off to do just that.

Daniel looked up at Jack, blue eyes glowering as he prepared to argue with Jack that he was fully capable of standing watch like the rest of his team. Jack kneeled down next to Daniel with a sigh.

"Look, Daniel...That out there,' he motioned vaguely at the forest around them, "that's a maybe. This," he said, tapping the notebook in Daniel's hand, "is not. We need you to do what you do best...translate that thing and get us the hell out of here."

Daniel blinked at the off-hand compliment, accepting Jack's assessment, but his expression made it plain that he was not happy about it.

"Okay, Jack."

Jack smiled, pleased to have won another argument, and started to rise.

"For tonight anyway..." Daniel added, firmly.

The qualification wasn't lost on Jack, who sighed and gave a noncommittal grunt.

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