by:  Jmas
Feedback to:  jmtm1@eastky.net

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognisable characters and property of Stargate SG-1 belong to MGM/UA, World Gekko Corp. and Double Secret Productions.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment purposes and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.  Not to be archived without permission of the author(s).

Chapter 17: Colonel Jack O'Neill


Get the hell out of here, guys.

I should have known they wouldn't go.

Teal'c is beside me in less than a minute, lifting Daniel onto his shoulder and running with him while Ferretti and Skaara cover our six. The staff blasts are close, but we manage to stay ahead of them and finally reach the trees. I motion for them to keep going, the cavern we spent the night in isn 't far. Skaara moves up beside me.probably expecting me to be mad at him. Hell, I never could stay mad at him when he looked at me like that. I give him a smile and clap his shoulder as we run. I'm not exactly happy he didn't get away while he could.but I sure as hell understand it.

At least Kasuf is safe now.

Damn, I wish we could have got Daniel through. So close.

Ferretti keeps looking back at me like he's got something to say. Something's wrong.or at least more wrong than it already is. He'll tell me when we get under cover. Skaara moves ahead to show Teal'c the way through the brush, wish I had half the energy the kid's got.

I pretty much thought we were dead back there, Daniel did too. When Skaara got those chains off and took off with Kasuf, I had definite visions of Butch and Sundance in my head. I've got to admit I was pretty surprised by Daniel; he really pulled it together even when I could see every gunshot was like a spike into his head. He did it, though.just like I he always does when he has to. But by the time we headed around the back of the hill toward the gate, he just couldn't hold on anymore. He tried to get me to go on without him.like that was going to happen. He ought to know how impossible that was.for such a brainy guy he really needs to buy a few clues when it comes to friendship. He's learning.but sometimes he just doesn't get the point. I left him behind before.I swore I never would again.

He's going to be doubly ticked off to see the others here. Teal'c, I expected it from.Ferretti, I guess I really shouldn't be surprised.Daniel works his magic in the most unexpected places. Too bad he doesn't even realize what it is he does that makes people either like him.or totally hate him. Funny the ones I'd least suspect are the ones who usually wind up liking him. I'm not even sure what it is.just that it's something I wish I could have more of..

We get inside the cavern and Teal'c and Skaara get Daniel settled in a corner while Ferretti pulls me off to the entrance. I've got a bad feeling about this.

He starts out slow, giving me a look like he's wondering when I'm going to punch him..

Oh, shit. Holy living shit..

This can't be right.

Why in hell didn't Fraiser catch this weeks ago?

I really do want to hit something about now.


Ferretti's going on about some medicine in his pack. Okay, I can do this. We give Daniel the meds like Fraiser said and hope like hell it's just an abscess. Right. I can do this. Jesus, I just hope the DHD isn't permanently damaged. One good thing.if it is then Heru'ur can't send for reinforcements that way, and it would take awhile to get a ship here.I hope.

I nod at Ferretti to let him know I'm.sort of.calm now.

We've all got to hold it together now if we're going to help Daniel.

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