by: PHO
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DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognisable characters and property of Stargate SG-1 belong to MGM/UA, World Gekko Corp. and Double Secret Productions.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment purposes and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.  Not to be archived without permission of the author(s).

'Only a few more feet. Only a few more feet.' The words were almost a mantra as Jack O'Neill attempted to make it, unnoticed, into his office. A smile played on his lips as his hand reached out for the knob.

"Jack, I've gotten that... Why are you limping?" Daniel peered at his friend, and commanding officer, over the top of his glasses.

"I'm not limping."

"Yes you are. You're definitely limping."

"Who's limping?" Sam asked as she approached the men.

"No one." Jack growled.

"Jack." Responded Daniel.

"Are you all right, sir?"

"I'm fine."

"No you're not, you're limping."

"I am not limping."

"Then let me see you walk."

"I don't..."

"Colonel, if you're not hurt, then..."

"Oh for crying out loud... Fine. I'll walk." Jack took a couple of steps away from the door. "See? No limp."

"Jack, you only took two steps. Let's see you walk to the elevators."

"I don't have time for this game, Daniel. I have work to do."

"Won't take a minute, Jack. Now, if you don't mind..." Daniel nodded toward the elevators.

Bracing himself, Jack took a few normal steps toward the elevator, then staggered slightly.



Cursing softly under his breath, the colonel turned to glare at his teammates. "Okay. Fine. I'm limping. Are you satisfied?"

"No. What happened?" Daniel hurried to Jack's side, accompanied by Sam.

"Shouldn't you see Doctor Fraiser, sir?"

"No, I don't need to see the Doc, Carter, and I stubbed my toe. Okay?"


"Honest. That's all. Just stubbed it."

"Then why can't you walk? Let's see it."


"Off with the boot, Jack."

"Not happening. Hot day. Leather boots. You get the idea."

"Sir, I have to agree with Daniel. If you've really injured yourself, you don't need to be forcing the boot on."

"I didn't force it on, for heaven's sake. It slid on over my toe just fine thank you."

"Ah ha." Daniel crossed his arms over his chest, and looked at his friend.

Jack looked from the archaeologist to the major then back to the archaeologist. Neither of them looked as if they were willing to back off. Practically snarling in frustration, he squatted and began unlacing his boot. "Fine. You don't believe me. I'll take off the boot. But don't say you weren't warned."

"And the sock. Can't see the toe with your sock on." Daniel added quickly.

"Ya think?" Jack's wince was noticed by both his companions as he slipped the boot, and the sock, off of his foot. "Now are you happy?"

Sam and Daniel stared at the floor where four white toes wiggled on the linoleum. The big toe, however, was black. Very, very black. "Sir, I think it's broken."

"Thank you very much, Dr. Carter. And how did you reach that diagnosis?."

His companions exchanged glances. A grumpy colonel was a hurting colonel. Sam nodded to Daniel. "I'll call Janet."

"Right." Daniel knelt down to look at Jack's foot, as Sam hurried back toward his office.

"Now wait just a minute. Okay. I'll admit it. It's broken, but that's no reason to call Dr. Fraiser."



"Hey, Jack, did you notice that the black runs all the way down the side of your foot?"

"No, I..."

"And, ugh," Daniel almost tipped Jack over as he pulled the injured foot off the floor to get a better view. "it's turning yellow underneath."

"Watch it, Jackson!" Jack desperately grabbed at the wall for support as he tried, and failed, to pull his foot loose.

"Janet's on her way. Wow, look at that black streak..." Sam knelt beside Daniel and stared at Jack's foot. "And it's turning..."

"Yellow underneath. I know, Carter. Thank you very much. And you didn't need to call the Doc."

"Sir, you know all injuries have to be documented. How, what, that sort of thing."

"It's a broken toe, for crying out loud. She can't even set it!" Jack's frustration was evident even in his voice.

"Yeah, Jack. We know. ... Ya know. I'm thinking you're gonna lose that nail. What do you think, Sam?"

"Oh, for sure. Just look at the nail. It's kinda shrivelly."

Daniel glanced at the young woman. "Shrivelly? Is that a word?"

She shrugged. "Don't know, but it fits."

"Sure does. Hey, is that a crack down the center of the nail?"


"Right... What!" Daniel gasped as an angry colonel forcibly removed his foot from Daniel's hand.

"Leave it alone, Jackson."

Noticing the ire in the older man's voice, Sam and Daniel rose from the floor just as the elevator opened to release Janet Fraiser. "What've we got?"

"Jack broke his big toe."

"Looks like the colonel's gonna lose the nail."

Janet glanced downward and her eyes opened wide. "Wow! Haven't seen one that black and yellow in years."

"Oh, for crying out loud."

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