MISHAP: Part 31

by:  PHO
Feedback to:  phowmo@mindspring.com

DISCLAIMER: All characters and property of Stargate SG-1 belong to MGM/UA, World Gekko Corp. and Double Secret Productions.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

Sam noted with gratitude that Marne steadfastly refused to renounce those mentioned in the dispatch as Goa'uld. She also noted Ferretti's reaction to the news. He knew, as well as she did, where the other half of SG-1 had gone. And if the colonel and Daniel were, God forbid, dead, then the first order of business, after their release, would be to collect their bodies. A shudder raced through her body as she realized how little might actually be left.

Marne watched silently as Sam and Teal'c were marched rapidly away toward the arena. Turning he hastened back into the house, praying that, for all their sakes, Teal'c was correct about the cure.

Daniel was breathing heavily by the time Elden and Laro reached the tall walls of the arena. The sound of many voices, all talking at once, echoed through the oversized tunnels leading into the arena. Daniel's eyes widened as he realized the structure was vaguely Roman in design. An older man greeted the Euloeans and looked with interest at Daniel. "Hail, Laro, Elden. You have business with the Council?"

"Yes. Our friend, Daniel, wishes to address the Council at the trial."

"In what capacity?"

"He wishes to speak on behalf of the prisoners."

The guard frowned for a moment. "Interesting. Proceed through to the inner box. I will add his name ... Danya?"

The younger man shook his head vigorously. "Daniel."

"... to the list of presenters."

Laro asked quickly. "How many are on the list?"

"Only one. Lord Tiamon, if he still lives at the time testimony is required. I fear he is not doing well."

Elden nodded slightly. "Thank you, Begrain. Please, keep us informed of any changes in Lord Tiamon's condition."

"As you wish." Begrain watched the three men until they disappeared into the inner box.

The door shut behind them, and Daniel leaned wearily against the wall. Elden eyed their companion's features with concern. The young archaeologist was pale, and sweating profusely. "Laro, fetch Healer Ardi. I fear our, uh, tonic has worn off."

Laro barely nodded an acknowledgment and disappeared into the maze beneath the risers. Elden took Daniel's arm and pushed him into a sitting position on a nearby stool.

"Elden, I'm fine. Really. We don't have time for this."

"On the contrary, Daniel, we don't have time not to treat your wound. You will think much more clearly if your mind is not clouded with pain. And there is less likelihood of long term effects, if the wound is treated now."

"Long term? What kind of 'long term'?"

Elden watched amused as Daniel's face changed expression. "Death comes to mind."

Louis Ferretti blinked in astonishment at the arena floor outside their holding cell. "Why am I thinking lions and tigers and bears?"

Sam sighed. "Haven't seen any of those, but the Redcap things make up for it."

Ferretti shuddered. "Is that the name for those things with the teeth, and claws, and smell?"

"Can't vouch for smell but yeah. That's the name, and when we have time, there's a remarkable story behind..." Her voice faded away as the cell door suddenly opened, revealing the rest of SG-2.

"Major Ferretti, Major Carter, Mister Teal'c ... are you all right? What's going on?" Lieutenant Hancock quickly crossed the floor toward his commanding officer.

"Hancock, Spenser, Anderson ... are you all right?" Ferretti moved quickly toward his team. "Why are you here? And yes, we're fine. So far."

Hancock shook his head. "I don't know why we're here, sir. New guards had words with old guards, and suddenly we were being hustled out of that hut. Had me worried for a moment. Didn't know what they were going to do. Obviously the destination was here ... wherever here is."

"Well, here is a holding cell in the arena where the High Council and most of the population is gathered to watch our trial." Sam replied irritably. "Guess you get to watch, as well."

"Don't worry, Major, we'll get out of this." Hancock smiled encouragingly at the senior officer.

Not wishing to disillusion the younger man, Sam replied. "You're right, Lieutenant. Somehow, this will all turn out okay." 'Just how, I don't know.'

"I do not like this, Vraxas. Point of law demands--"

"Point of law demands the interview process, but why should we waste the time when the four who arrived today are garbed identically with the Goa'uld?"

"Alleged Goa'uld, Vraxas." Lord Altri spoke somberly. "I do not believe that to be sufficient cause to try the four males for anything."

"They confess to being friends with the male and female on trial!" Vraxas cried out in frustration.

"Again, I do not believe that to be sufficient cause to do away with points of law, Vraxas, and the vote must be unanimous. Even if you gain the support of the remaining Councilors, I will remain the lone dissenting vote." Altri replied, then swiftly left the room.

Vraxas' eyes grew dark with rage as the other man disappeared through the door. "KRAGO!"

A handsome face peaked around the door frame. "You bellowed, my Lord?"

Vraxas glared at the impertinent youth. "Krago, Lord Altri will not support me. The other four are to be interviewed in the morning. Damn the man!"

Krago shrugged his shoulders as he entered the room. "Then I should have the others returned to the jail?"

The older man's eyes narrowed, then a slow smile spread across his lips. "Nooo. Keep them in the holding cell. When the evidence proves the original Goa'uld guilty, I shall put the fate of their friends in the hands of the crowd. You do know how to stir up a crowd, don't you, Krago?"

"Yes, my Lord. No problem at all."

Daniel braced himself for the worst as Ardi removed his shirt, and clucked sympathetically at the sight of the wound. Without warning the healer poured a noxious smelling liquid down the gash. It took all the control Daniel could muster not to scream as the liquid boiled in the wound. Every nerve ending in his body seem to race to either side of the gash vying for their turn to give the young man pain. The little healer hummed absently as he applied a cool salve to the gash, then dressed it with bandages. Daniel breathed a heavy sigh of relief as Healer Ardi deftly finished his work. The throb, which the injured man had assumed was to be permanently part of his life, was gone, and to Daniel's surprise he felt almost ... good.

"You are better now." Healer Ardi commented.

"Yes, thank you, I am." Daniel responded before he realized it had not been a question. The little man nodded, then disappeared from the room without further comment. Daniel looked after him. "How very odd."

"Healer Ardi is very skilled with wounds such as these." Elden smiled. "I am glad he could help you." The sound of a horn echoed through the chamber. "Final call. Are you ready, Daniel?"

"Yes." The younger man feigned confidence he didn't feel. 'Considering I have no idea what I'm going to say.'

The door to the arena opened, and an over-sized guard motioned for Sam and Teal'c to accompany him. SG-2 quickly positioned themselves between the door and the SG-1 duo. Teal'c shook his head. "Major Ferretti, the offer is much appreciated, but it will not work. Please allow us to leave the cell."

Ferretti frowned. "The colonel will have my hide--"

Sam smiled in gratitude. "Teal'c's right, Major, and look at the bright side ... I just might be able to talk our way out of this mess."

The SG-2 commander sighed. "Ya think?"

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