MISHAP: Part 17

by:  PHO
Feedback to:  phowmo@mindspring.com

DISCLAIMER: All characters and property of Stargate SG-1 belong to MGM/UA, World Gekko Corp. and Double Secret Productions.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.


"Yes, Lieutenant?"

"Where do you suppose Colonel O'Neill and Dr. Jackson are?"

Ferretti frowned. "I wish I knew, but it's obvious that only Major Carter and Teal'c have been seen by these people. And from what that little bald guy said, they're in a lot of trouble. I'm also not sure about that runner. There's no telling what story he's been sent home with."

"But what about..."

"Lieutenant, Colonel O'Neill is perfectly capable of taking care of both himself, and Dr. Jackson, even with one hand tied behind his back. You heard what's his name ..."


"Yeah, that sounds right. There's nothing but ruins to the south, desert to the east, and mountains to the west. If O'Neill and Jackson went anywhere, it was probably south of the gate. Jackson's got a nose for really old stuff and is probably having the time of his life playing in the ruins. Carter and Teal'c are being accused of being Goa'uld and are quite probably being tried at this very moment. No, we go after the prisoners first."

"What if we can't convince these folks that the major and Teal'c aren't Goa'uld?"

Ferretti patted his M16. "Well, we'll just have to talk some sense into them. Damn! I wish we could go faster without insulting our, uh, hosts."

Lieutenant Hancock grew silent, wondering if he should voice his concern that the natives hadn't considered SG-2 to be potential Goa'uld. It made no sense. After all, it was Carter and Teal'c that his team was looking for. And that pair were being detained as possible Goa'uld.

Ferretti grew silent, wondering what the hell kind of mess Daniel was in this time; the major couldn't think of anything else that would've kept the colonel from searching for Carter and Teal'c. But he breathed a sigh of relief that none of his men seemed to think it odd that SG-2 hadn't been singled out as Goa'uld, just like Carter and Teal'c.

"Hey, Anderson." Spenser's voice was barely below a stage whisper.


"What do ya think they're talking about?" Spenser motioned toward the two officers.

"Keep your voice down." Anderson studied his CO's back for a moment. "Well, I'm only guessing, but I'm betting they're wondering why Colonel O'Neill isn't already looking for the major and the Jaffa."

Spenser looked surprised. "Didn't think of that. Do ya suppose they're wondering why these guys don't think we're Goa'uld?"

Anderson snorted a laugh. "I keep forgetting you're kinda new to the SGC. The major's been doing this a long time. As long as O'Neill, from what I'm told. Supposed to have been on the original mission to that Abydim,dum,dos, whatever, place. Although no one ever talks about that." The airman shot another quick look at the officers. "Yeah, the major's thought of it, and I'm betting the lieutenant's not far behind."

From the length of time it took the Euloeans to bring them to the interview, Sam should've suspected that there would be crowds. Teal'c had even warned her of the possibility. But the sheer numbers sent shivers down her spine. And the way the noise stopped as they were led onto the field. Unnerving, to say the least.

If she had to guess, she'd say everyone in the town was present, including the children. Terrific. Years spent traveling to other planets for exploration in search of allies against the Goa'uld, only to become the featured stars of a bizarre little drama. And the courtroom, well, it appeared to be a stadium of some sort, with the stadium seating being about fifteen feet off the floor. A dirt floor.

As they were escorted across the arena, it suddenly became obvious who the interviewers were. A line of seven high-backed, almost plush chairs sat side by side in front of a long table. Seated behind the table were seven citizens. Three men, four women. Was that an advantage? Sam could only hope. But unless they gave her something to stand on, she was gonna have to defend herself and Teal'c while looking up. She'd end up with a major crick in the neck. These people were really starting to get on her nerves. A surprisingly deep voice startled her out of her thoughts.

"The male bears the mark of Apophis. He may not speak. Female!"

The contemptuous tone infuriated the young officer. Sam glared at the arrogant figure high above her. "The male is called Teal'c. I am Major Samantha Carter. You may address me as 'major'."

If he was reading the path of the sun correctly, and Jack knew that he was, it was well-past mid-morning. By now, Daniel should be at the Stargate. If he... Don't go there, Jack. Absently he ran his uninjured hand across his forehead. He stared at the sweat on the back of his hand, then reached once more for the canteen. God, he was so hot. Surely it wasn't this hot yesterday, was it just yesterday they arrived in this, this place? God, he was so hot. And thirsty. Fever? That had to be it. He was running a fever. Terrific. Way to go, Einstein. Two broken bones, a possible concussion ... of course he'd be running a fever. Shit!

He shifted his position trying to ease the pressure on his tailbone, and screamed as his broken bones protested the movement. His vision darkened, and for a moment he was afraid he would lose consciousness. If he did that, he might never wake up. Fighting back tears of pain, he forced himself to look at the dead forms on the other side of the cellar. Daniel had dragged the hulking remains as far from him as possible. Jack smiled slightly at the memory of Daniel's slender frame struggling with the creatures' bulk. His smile faded as he realized exactly how, uh, ripe, they would eventually become. Particularly if the day stayed this hot. No, wait. It wasn't really hot. It was just fever. Right. That was it ... just fever.

He found himself staring at the sky again. Not much later than it was the last time he'd looked up. Damn. He was beginning to think like a small child. 'Are we there yet?' He could almost hear the whine in his thoughts. Shouldn't Daniel be back? No, he hadn't been gone long enough. Or had he been gone too long? Daniel'd winced in pain when he got up, and tried to pretend it was cramped muscles. But he knew better. The gash on his young friend's back was probably inflamed, maybe even infected by now. Damn, he should have checked it before Daniel left. But no, he'd ordered him out. Damn it, Jack. What if Daniel had coll... Don't go there, Jack. He's fine. Just fine. He'll be back. I hope. God. Please. Don't let Daniel die. Not alone. Not at all.

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