MISHAP: Part 11

by:  PHO
Feedback to:  phowmo@mindspring.com

DISCLAIMER: All characters and property of Stargate SG-1 belong to MGM/UA, World Gekko Corp. and Double Secret Productions.  This fan fiction was created solely for entertainment and no money was made from it.  Also, no copyright or trademark infringement was intended.  Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.  Any other characters, the storyline and the actual story are the property of the author.

Tiamon kept his pace deliberately slow as he made his way to Councilor Vraxas' home. Every instinct he had told him that the prisoners were not Goa'uld, and he had a feeling that the sly councilor felt the same way. Unfortunately for the prisoners, this was not necessarily a good thing. Vraxas was one of the most influential members of the High Council, and was always on the lookout for ways to increase his power base. And being able to put a face on the Goa'uld invaders who had unleashed the Redcaps upon their world could only help his position. Particularly if he argued successfully for their deaths.

Not for the first time did Tiamon regret belonging to the Euloean militia. Well, not to belonging to the militia exactly, but to being a high-ranking officer in said organization. The militia was important. They alone stood between the Euloean citizens and the horror of the Redcaps. And they were always ready to provide a barrier between their people and the Goa'uld, should the creatures bother to return to finish what had begun so long ago.

Tiamon knew the stories. All Euloeans knew the stories of the invasion by the time they had reached five years of age. Knew how the Goa'uld invaders had come, bringing death and destruction. How nearly one third of their people had been taken in the night from their homes, never to be seen again. And how the remainder had managed to severely injure the Queen of Apophis thus winning the day, but at too high a price. In retaliation for the defeat of his queen, Apophis had unleashed the Kul-Da-Poir. Tiamon smiled wryly. All Euloeans knew the true name of the beasts, but as a people they refused to ever say it, preferring instead to call them Redcaps. A tribute of sorts to the blood-red mane around their over-large heads.

With a start, Tiamon realized he'd reached the gate to Vraxas' abode. Grimacing, he pulled the bell, and waited for the servants to arrive.

Teal'c and Sam remained seated as one of the Euloean guards entered their prison. He stared at the pair with undisguised disdain, and no small amount of fear, as he placed a covered tray on the low bench. He continued to stare for a short moment, then backed out of the room, obviously unwilling to turn his back on the prisoners. Sam frowned deeply as she watched him leave. "Well, this isn't good."

"You suspect the food may be tainted, Major Carter?"

"What? Oh, I guess it could be, but the way that man just left was pretty weird. Unless I miss my guess, we've been tried, convicted and sentenced already."

"An interesting theory." The new voice caused Sam to jump, and even Teal'c looked mildly startled.

Sam stared at the newcomer for a moment. "You're Marne. You were talking with Tiamon on the trail."

He bowed slightly. "That is correct, Major Samantha Carter. I am his second in command."

She sighed. "Please, call me Sam."

"As you wish, Sam. It is my duty to ensure your safety until your fate is determined."

"You mean it hasn't been already?"

"By Euolean law it has not. By Euolean politics, who can ever be sure?"

"Terrific. So what happens at dawn, uh, first light?"

"You will be summoned before the High Council, where you will answer their questions. They will then decide if there is sufficient evidence to place you on trial as Goa'uld."

"We aren't Goa'uld." Sam's anger was beginning to get the better of her.

Marne frowned. "Tiamon does not believe you are, and neither do I, but only the High Council..."

"...can make the ruling. Yes, I know. Look, Marne, we have friends to the south. One of them has been injured. They're waiting for us to help them. Could you at least send someone to help them?"

"No one may leave the village after dark. It is far too dangerous."

"Please help them. We'd already be there if it hadn't been for ..." She stopped as she realized she might have said too much.

"... our strict adherence to our laws." Marne finished the sentence for her. "I understand. Very well. I pledge to you that I will take troops and search for your friends, regardless of your fate."

"Thank you." Sam's voice was filled with gratitude. Teal'c added his own respectful nod to the mix.

Marne bowed. "Tiamon and I will do all we can for you when you are summoned. And should the rulings be against you, I swear that I shall take your lives myself, so that you will not suffer." With that he turned and left quickly.

Sam stared after the little man for a moment then spoke to no one in particular. "Thanks, I feel so much better now. Shit!"

The silence in the cellar was deafening. Once the echoes from the gun's second blast had died, and the screams had died, and the beast had died, and Daniel had.... The silence was not only deafening it was damned terrifying. Jack's groan broke the stillness as he tried, and failed to make it to his feet. Feet, hell, he'd have settled for his knees. From where he lay propped awkwardly against a wall, he couldn't see Daniel at all. The younger man's body was completely concealed by the body of the whatever-the-hell-it-was, and Jack couldn't get to him. He tried to speak but the words stuck in his throat. Swallowing convulsively, he tried again. "D..Daniel!"

There was no response. Jack's drug dulled senses were reeling, and the room swam around him. God, had he been too late? Had he allowed his young friend to die? Please God, don't let him be dead. A single tear rolled down his cheek, and he screwed his eyes shut tightly to stop the others before they started. He would not give up on Daniel so easily. He would not. A low moan caused dull brown eyes to snap open. "Danny? You okay?"

"Ouch. Ooof. SHIT! GET OFF!" With a wide variety of grunts, groans, and curses that would have done a sailor proud, Daniel struggled out from under the inert form. "GOD! What a smell!"

"Dammit, Daniel, ARE YOU ALL RIGHT?" Jack's worried voice couldn't conceal his returning pain.

Daniel scrambled to his side, and again placed his hand on Jack's good shoulder, this time anchoring his friend in place. "I'm fine, Jack. It just knocked the wind out of me for a minute. You didn't miss. Thank you."

Jack sighed with relief. "Should have gotten him the first time."

The slightly bruised archaeologist managed a smile. Ignoring the feel of liquid trailing slowly down his back, pooling at his waistband, he responded quickly to Jack's feelings of guilt. "We'll just chalk that up to the drugs." His smile was replaced with a frown as he took note of Jack's drawn features. "Want more morphine?"

"How..how much is left?"

"Two vials."

The colonel sighed heavily. "No, better wait. I can handle it for now, but if help doesn't come, we're gonna have to walk out. And I'll need it then."


"No, Daniel. We leave at dawn. Sam and Teal'c aren't here yet. That can only mean one thing."

"They're in real trouble." Daniel cringed slightly as the not-so-distant screams continued. "And so are we."

"Ya think?"

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