And They Say Romance Is Dead

by Cyan

Warnings: Drabble, E/J, not beta'd.
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Strongly suspect the folks at Columbia still do, but what they don't know won't hurt 'em. This is all in fun, so please don't sue.
Summary: 100 word snippet in which Egon makes known his feelings for Janine.

Notes: Immediately after posting my E/J mini-rant I started thinking. (Yes, I know. Think first, then post!) So what if Egon isn't big on flowers, candy, or moonlit walks on the beach? (Assuming of course that he isn't & that was certainly my take at the time of posting.) Egon can show Janine how he feels in other ways. The geranium and the invite to the movies (snickers at thought of "science films") being just two canon examples. Anyway, as a result of these musings I was compelled to dot down the following at 2:00 a.m.

"You did this...for me?"

Janine stared at him in wonder.

"Yes. I wanted the world to recognize the great admiration I feel for you."

The sound of Janine loudly blowing her nose drew Peter from his office.

"Janine? Are you crying? Egon! What did you do?!"

Dabbing tears from her eyes, Janine smiled and slid the journal over to Peter. "Isn't this just the sweetest thing you've ever seen?"

Peter stared at the captioned photograph, shaking his head. "Only you, Egon, would name a new species of fungus after your girlfriend. Whatever happened to flowers and a box of chocolates?"

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