Not Just a Name, But a Calling
by Angel

Archive Date: February 14, 2001
Category: Silly
Notes: Unbeta-ed. A big vicious plot bunny in a frightwig mugged me.
Pairing: EVERYONE loves Luke.
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Everyone loves Luke, including his one true love.
Warnings: Lots and lots of slashy kisses

Luke Skywalker walked quietly through the halls of the great Massiassi temple. He was deep in thought and on an urgent errand for his sister, the Princess.

Luke never saw the tall, dark haired man until he collided with him. When he did, he only had time to notice and he was suddenly being kissed within an inch of his life, the mustache tickling his mouth.


"I missed you, Luke. That year at the Academy was hell."

"Missed you too, my shooting star." Luke gave himself more fully to this kiss, then his reminder button prickled him. "Sorry, gotta run. Vital mission for the Princess."

"Later." Biggs raised a hand after him, but Luke was long gone in an orange flash.

As Luke was about to open the hanger doors, Lando caught up with him. The beautiful brown man was excited.

"Luke, I've got the deal of a lifetime. You want to come with me and help? It'll be fun..." He wrapped surprisingly strong arms around Luke, and kissed him.

Luke kissed back, loving the feel of it. Lando was very, very accomplished at everything he felt it was important to know, and kissing apparently rated high on the Important list.

"Sorry, Lando. I can't. My sister has a job for me. Gotta go!"

As he ducked under an X-wing in the hanger, Wedge caught him around the waist and pulled him in. This kiss was very intemse, and Wedge seemed determined to get into his flight suit right here.

"Cut that out! You want me to freeze?" Luke shot a pointed glare at the icicles hanging like deadly stalactites from the ceiling.

"No, farmboy, I want to get you so hot you melt us both right through the floor. A thousand years from now, they'll excavate this ice-cube and find us trapped in the ice, still doing it, and show us off in a museum."

"Yeah, and we'll be the hit attraction. Just, leave me fastened up. It's cold in here." He sank into another kiss with Wedge. The reminder-button heated hot enough to burn him before he noticed. "Ouch! Sorry, Wedge, Leia has me on a very vital errand."

The Falcon loomed between him and the hanger door. Han stepped out from around the ramp. "Hey kid."

"Hi, Han."

"Bout time you showed up." The big Corellian ruffled his hair and did his best to kiss him senseless. "We're ready to lift, and Chewie's practically shedding worrying about whether you'll be late. Hyperspace wouldn't be nearly as much fun without you."

"Sorry, Han. I really have to do this one thing for the Princess. Then I'll be right back." He stretched up for a light kiss. "Promise."

Luke strode out the Echo base shield doors and stepped into the muck that passed for ground on Dagobah. He walked carefully to the falllen tree where Yoda sat and sat down on it himself.

"Long past the time for training is. Been this way between master and apprentice since beginning of Jedi it has, hmmm." Yoda tapped his way along the tree to poke Luke in the chest with his gimer stick. "Much have you to learn, yes. Interspecies contact our next lesson is." Yoda ran a suggestive eartip up his arm.

"I'm sorry, Master Yoda. My sister sent me on a mission. Wait, what's that?" He stared at the foreboding bole of the tree.

"Great evil."

"I must go into it. What's in there?"

"Go. Then return. And finish your lesson we shall."

Luke stepped into the tree, following the slow slope of the ground.

The wheeze of a respirator broke his concentration.

"I'm not afraid of you, Father. I know you won't hurt me."

"And why do you believe that, son?" asked the black-armored figure. He took off the helmet to reveal a face as intact as Luke's own and just as handsome. "I'm evil, remember?" He caught Luke's jaw in one massive glove. "And I have plans for you even the Emperor doesn't dream." He bent in to kiss his son, but the Dark Lord's kiss was not fatherly.

"Father!" Luke sprang backward.

"It's hardly as if I raised you. You're an adult, make your own decision about who to sleep with!"

"I do choose. And I choose to be about the errand my sister sent me on." Luke deliberately turned his back and walked from the tree.

And straight into the Falcon's forward compartment. Ben Kenobi tossed the remote in the air for him, and he connected for a long pop fly to the rear hold.

"Very good, Luke, even if it wasn't quite what I had in mind." He sat down heavily on the acceleration couch.

"Master Yoda said something about interspecies contact being the way of the Jedi?"

"No, I'm sure he didn't."

"He said it had been that way between master and apprentice since the first."

"Ah, yes. We'll deal with that aspect of your training when you're a little older. And I'm a little haler. Tatooine did me no good." He brushed a soft kiss on Luke's hair before departing to the cabin.

Chewbacca fired up the holochess and offered Luke a game. He agreed. Half way through, the Wookiee leaned over, and ruffled his hair, then smoothed it. The ruffling was an affection gesture, but the smoothing said something more intense. Luke did the same back.

Then the comm station demanded their attention. Leia appeared, and reminded Luke about the mission. "You must wake up!"

He startled awake, six inches above the floor and caught himself before he could lose control of the Force. Lowering himself gently to the floor beside his bed, he sat up and stretched out a hand to find his true love was not far away.

"Oh Artoo, I had the strangest dream."

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