Mace Windu Is Willin'
by Laura JV

Archive: M&A, SWA-L
Author's Webpage:
Category: Humor/Parody
Disclaimer: George owns Star Wars. I own this lovely piece of...well, it ain't so lovely, but hey, it's mine. Also, my apologies to the willin' Miss Barkis.
Notes: I squicked myself. Hope you guys are happy.
Pairing: Ma/Q/O/J/R2
Rating: NC-17
Series: Sequel to "JarJar and the Amazing Tongue-Loving Jedi" and "A Droid, A Gungun, and a Padawan Walk Into a Bar".
Summary: Mace Windu discovers the lively foursome.

JarJar soothed Obi-Wan's red, paddled ass with his tongue. "Meesa make it better," he said, between licks. Qui-Gon, relaxing at the end of the bed, chuckled.

"Maybe I'll become a voyeur," he said, "like Mace Windu."

Obi-Wan sat up, knocking JarJar backwards off the bed. "Master Windu is a voyeur?"

*ffffffffffftrrrriiiiip* said R2D2.

"Quite right, R2," said Qui-Gon. "How did you know about that, anyway?"

*kkkkkkkkfffsiirrt eeerffb*

"Really? Your brother? Small universe. At any rate, Obi-Wan, when Mace Windu and I were both teachers at the Academy, he used to bring home the most exotic aliens he could find, and just watch them. Eventually, when I started spending time in spacer bars, he asked to watch me, too. It's quite interesting to be watched, actually."

Obi-Wan played with one of JarJar's ears. "He never joined in?"

"Oh, sometimes. But he always watched first."

"Maybe weesa let him watch us." said JarJar. "Weesa leavin soon, not have much time."

"Good idea," Qui-Gon replied.

"We need to set up a situation where he'll stumble across us," Obi-Wan said.

"We could just invite him, my young apprentice."


"Artoo's right, Master. That's no fun."

"Fun, schmun," said Qui-Gon, amiably. "All right, how do you want to do it?"

"Well, Master Windu takes daily walks in the gardens..."

The next evening, as Mace Windu followed a narrow footpath toward the wilder, more neglected area of the AgriCorps gardens, he heard a noise. A very...sensual noise. And he recognized the maker of that noise, from many years of watching and listening: Qui-Gon Jinn.

As he crept closer and peeked through the long grass, he saw Qui-Gon and JarJar sprawled on the ground. The Gungan's tongue was performing an elaborate dance over Qui-Gon's body, teasing all the sensitive bits and leaving a warm, sticky trail behind--which, Mace noticed, was being sensually rubbed into Qui-Gon's skin by droid.

A blue, phallic, astromech droid.

Who had a paddle attachment, and was using it on an unidentified rosy tush which was sticking up in the air from the middle of a patch of daisies.

If that wasn't a pretty sight, Mace Windu didn't know what one was. He shimmied out of his pants and wrapped his hand around his cock, shivering with anticipation. As JarJar's tongue curled around Qui-Gon's balls, Mace felt himself go rock-hard, and began to stroke himself lightly.

Several meters away, R2 whistled softly. *tteefrp*

"Oh, good," whispered Obi-Wan. "What's he doing?"


Qui-Gon started to chuckle, but then gasped and shuddered as JarJar began rimming him, the Gungan's long, sensitive tongue teasing the entrance to his body with exquisite skill.

R2 extended his anal-safe, pre-lubed probe attachment and held Obi-Wan's wiggling ass still so he could insert it. The young Jedi pushed back into the attachment, which earned him a slap on the bottom--exactly what he'd been looking for.

Behind a clump of grass, Mace Windu moaned softly and moved his hand frantically over his cock. Just a little more--

Qui-Gon arched his back and came, splattering semen off to the side, and all over Obi-Wan's ass. JarJar shivered and milky blue...something...oozed from his cloaca. Obi-Wan shook his ass so that sunlight sparkled on the wet semen, sending little flashes of light in all directions, some of which reflected off of the descending paddle.

As his Padawan bucked and came, Qui-Gon looked over at the quivering tuft of grass that hid Mace Windu, and smiled. The grass shook violently, and then was still. Qui-Gon disentangled himself from JarJar and snuck over, but found only shimmering drops of semen, dancing like dew on the grass.

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