When You Walked Into My Life
by Amy Fortuna

Archive: master_apprentice, QJEB, SWAL; anywhere else, just ask, I won't say no.
Archive Date: November 28, 1999
Category: Romance, Angst, POV
Disclaimer: No, not mine. Though I *will* dream.
Feedback: Compliments are recieved with hugs and kisses and wots of wuv and are treasured forever. Criticism is appreciated. Flames are ignored.
Notes: Inspired by Lila McCann's song "When You Walked Into My Life." Another one written in my first flush of slash discovery, unearthed, polished, and sent.
Pairing: Q/O
Rating: PG
Summary: Obi-Wan discovers a message not meant for his eyes.
Warnings: Hit Back if you don't think Qui and Obi were 'so doing it.'

When you walked into my life, I didn't want you anywhere near me.

Now I want you with me forever.

I gave you that rock, symbolizing my heart at that point in my life. You managed to soften it completely. My heart, not the rock.

You weren't to be denied, my Padawan. Always going after what you want like a lion after prey.

That's why I'm so sure you...don't love me.

If you did, you wouldn't hesitate! But no, I haven't seen a single sign.

Not a lingering look, not a touch.

Well, Qui-Gon Jinn, what did you expect? Daily declarations?

Obi-Wan dropped the datapad on the desk with a sharp noise. His Master...was...in...love...with...him!

Collapsing into the desk chair, he considered a course of action.

A few moments of thought and the lightbulb went on almost visibly. He bent over the datapad.

When you walked into my life, I knew. Instantly. My Master.

And now I want more. I want you with me forever.

To me, you were like that rock you gave me. Hard, but so very precious. Valuable. For inner qualities, not outer ones. For things unseen, not things that can be seen.

Though I must confess, I think your outside is pretty appealing too....!

You're right. I won't be denied.

But you're also wrong. I do love you. I just don't do looks and touches. Or declarations, though I suppose this is one, isn't it?

I hope you'll give me a chance to surpass all your expectations. Tonight.

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