Attempting the Impossible - Epilogue
by Clarence

Jedi serenity, Bruck decided, wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. He'd been on the luxury liner 'Tempest' for days now and all he wanted to do was relax and enjoy the trip. But, as Jedi were so rarely seen in public, his Master had insisted they gave a good impression. So, forced to be on his best behaviour, Bruck was finding the experience a strain. Worse still, the trip was supposed to have been a treat, a gift from the United Governments of Sidozrine in thanks for the success of their last mission.

Bruck sighed inwardly -- if this was what it was like to mix with the public then no wonder the Jedi avoided it.

All he wanted to do was bounce, pace or join the tourists crowding round the viewports in the extravagant lounge to get the first sight of Coruscant. Bruck was really looking forward to getting back home. He and his Master had been away for three months on an interesting mission surveying Sidozrine's crust and using the Force to identify and help strengthen the increasingly unstable areas.

Unable to restrain himself any longer, Bruck bounced on his heels on the soft carpet. His Master looked round disapprovingly and Bruck replied with one of his wicked smiles. Master Nasdex shook his/her head and sighed tolerantly. Bruck grinned again. Nasdex knew why he was so excited; Obi-Wan was on Coruscant and he'd missed the other padawan so much. Especially at night. And the sense of foreboding he got when they were apart for too long was back. It had to be paranoia; fear that someone would steal Obi-Wan away from him. He had to learn to calm down and get over it. Separation from their fellows was an expected part of a Jedi padawan's life.

As the excited tourists watched the liner finally established a parking orbit. Bruck could almost sense Obi-wan down on the planet. He wanted to run to board the small shuttle that would take them down to the Temple but Master Nasdex insisted they walk slowly amongst the hubbub of the other passengers' departure. "Like an island of calm in a sea of chaos," she/he had said. Then there was the boarding and clearances bureaucracy to get through, followed by the interminable journey to the Temple platform itself.

Eventually, several lifetimes later, the shuttle landed. Its retros had barely shut down before Bruck, after the barest nod of dismissal from his Master, grabbed his pack and ran for the exit ramp. Once there he continually punched the 'lower' button in an attempt to get the ramp to deploy quicker. It was only halfway down before his patience finally gave out and he jumped off and raced straight into the object of his thoughts.

"Obi-Wan!" Bruck said looking down at the padawan he'd just knocked over a crate. Obi-Wan was lying on his back, legs in the air and surrounded by the boxes he'd been carrying. Bruck had been hoping to get Obi-Wan in such a position -- but he'd imagined a very different location.

"Padawan, you should be less clumsy. Padawan Chun could have been anything. A threat to the Temple, an unwelcome visitor. You must learn to be more prepared," said a horribly familiar voice.

Bruck stiffened. Qui-Gon was standing serenely, arms in robes, at the platform entrance. And Master Nasdex was walking down their shuttle's ramp behind him. Humiliating Obi-Wan in front of both their Masters was not the reunion Bruck had been hoping for. In fact, he hadn't wanted Qui-Gon anywhere near it. Qui-Gon tended to glower over any meeting he had with Obi-Wan these days. Bruck didn't understand why. It was almost as if Qui-Gon were jealous. But that couldn't be so. The Code forbade such relationships and Obi-Wan would never disobey he Code; Qui-Gon had to know that.

"Yes Master," Obi-Wan said and meekly started to collect the scattered boxes. Bruck quickly bent to help him.

"Obi-Wan, I'm sorry..." Bruck started.

"Obi-Wan, our transport is waiting for us," Qui-Gon said as he hovered over the padawans. Master Nasdex walked up to stand beside him.

"Ah, I see you found him. And more quickly than you anticipated I warrant." Qui-Gon raised an eyebrow towards him/her

"Transport! You're leaving," Bruck said having finally processed Qui-Gon's words.

"If we ever get the transport loaded, we are delivering medical supplies to Arancokkis IV," Qui-Gon answered for his Padawan.

"Perhaps Bruck could help you carry the supplies on board?" Nasdex suggested. "To help you get off quicker."

Bruck looked gratefully up at his Master.

"Thank you, Master Nasdex, that would be very helpful," Obi-Wan replied before Qui-Gon could say anything.

"Then I'll see you later, Bruck." Master Nasdex said and, after exchanging brief bows with Qui-Gon, left.

Ignoring Qui-Gon's snort, Bruck gathered an armload of boxes and followed Obi-Wan into the transport's hold. He needed to talk to Obi-Wan but Qui-Gon wouldn't leave them alone. He was making Bruck nervous with his hovering. Thankfully, after their second trip, the pilot turned up and Qui-Gon reluctantly went to double-check the flight plan.

"Are you going away for long?" Bruck asked as he placed the last box in the stack. He was impressed that he'd managed to keep the tremble out of his voice.

Obi-Wan straightened and shot Bruck a seductive grin. Normally Bruck would be delighted. Obi-Wan in a seductive mood was a prelude to pleasure but for him to enter this mood just as his ship was about to leave was, at best, frustrating.

"Only a few days -- in fact I was hoping to see you before I left," Obi-Wan said and his seductive grin took a turn into suggestive. He took hold of Bruck's braid and, tugging a little, walked backwards towards the exit ramp. Bruck found himself pulled along even though he was suddenly having a little difficulty in walking.

"I've booked the Maze room for third hour in four days time," Obi-Wan said as they reached the bottom of the ramp. "I thought we could play 'The Sith and The Padawan'." Obi-Wan lifted Bruck's braid to his lips and nibbled daintily on the end. "You can be the Sith." Obi-Wan looked over Bruck's braid and his expression descended to that of a leer.

"Ahhh," said Bruck eloquently and considered jumping Obi-Wan where he stood.

"I'll take that as a yes," replied Obi-Wan. Then he dropped the braid and walked, hips swinging, past Bruck and up the ramp.

Bruck, finally realising that he was being abandoned, somersaulted to land in front of other padawan and grabbed him by the shoulders. Pulling his unresisting victim towards him Bruck prepared to kiss some of his burning desire away.

"If you've finished loading, Padawans, the ship is ready to leave," Qui-Gon said from the top of the ramp, completely confounding Bruck's attack.

"Everything is on board, Master," Obi-Wan said pulling away from Bruck slightly.

"Then I think we should thank Padawan Chun and leave immediately."

"See you in the Maze Room, Bruck," said Obi-Wan and he walked up the ramp using his most seductive walk. Bruck stood transfixed by the show until the loading ramp began to rise and he had to jump off. Standing at the platform entrance he sadly watched it leave. As reunions went it had been a disaster. Although it had been good to know that Obi-Wan had missed him too, he was now stuck with raging frustration and no one to help him deal with it. At least he had the Maze Room to look forward to and now nothing could make him miss that appointment.

The Maze Room was one of the largest rooms at the Temple but it was filled with hangings, curtains, tapestries, false walls, doors, walkways and platforms and the lighting varied from darkness to intense light. It also had Force signatures hidden throughout that would confuse any nearby Jedi. It was used for meditations, Force use in difficult circumstances, tracking and training in Force concealment. Those unfamiliar with its twists and turns could get lost inside it for hours. Bruck was very fond of it -- he and Obi-Wan had made some fantastic memories in there.

Bruck smoothed his hand down the black velvet robe that was his only garment. They hadn't played 'The Sith and The Padawan' in ages and he had high hopes that this visit to the Maze Room would turn out to be extra special.

Bruck entered by the northwest door and walked into the dim, tapestry-draped area immediately inside. He felt in the Force to see if he could sense Obi-Wan and to his surprise he could. For that to happen in the Maze Room, Obi-Wan had to be nearby and projecting. And what Obi-Wan was projecting was helplessness and vulnerability. Exactly the kind of things a rampaging Sith was looking for.

Bruck felt his skin tingle in anticipation. Obi-Wan was obviously throwing himself into the part and he wasn't going to disappoint either. So he stalked towards the door that lead in the direction he had sensed his victim.

The door led into a winding corridor whose far end was lost in shadows. Bruck stepped boldly down it. Suddenly, there was movement at the bottom and Obi-Wan appeared in a pool of light. He was wearing his robe fastened tightly to the neck. Bruck hoped this meant that there was nothing beneath it.

"Who's there?" Obi-Wan said with the most titillating hint of tremor in his voice.

"Your fate," Bruck said menacingly and ignited his lightsabre. It hummed and glowed red in the dim light.

Obi-Wan gasped and took a step back but ignited his own 'saber. Bruck grinned evilly and charged towards the padawan. He was almost upon him before Obi-Wan did a backwards somersault to land on the platform above. Bruck paused for a moment to admire how Obi-Wan had used the Force to keep his robe wrapped around himself then followed, swinging his sabre. Obi-Wan parried easily then attacked. Bruck let himself be pushed back. The platform was small and that hindered Obi-Wan a great deal more than it did him.

"You'll never take me alive, I'll die defending the honour of the Jedi," Obi-Wan said between clenched teeth. He then feinted to the left and dived to the right. Bruck had anticipated the move and tripped him sending Obi-Wan sprawling along the platform. Quickly Bruck leapt to straddle him.

"You'll die, but not soon and not quickly. You will first experience the unrestrained lusts of the Sith," Bruck replied, spitting towards his opponent. Obi-Wan squirmed beneath him and Bruck felt his excitement building. Obi-Wan eyes widened, then he gulped and kicked out. Bruck jumped back and Obi-Wan dived down into a curtained off area below.

Bruck's blood was hot, his heart was beating fast and his body was tingling in all the good places. Force, he'd always loved this game. He had been away from Obi-Wan for far too long and his entire body was looking forward to the reunion.

And Obi-Wan had just made a terrible mistake. He had forgotten how well Bruck knew this room. Obi-Wan's escape route led to just one place and Bruck knew a shorter route there. He could trap Obi-Wan there. Bruck jumped to a higher platform and ran along until his destination lay just below him. The section had a ceiling made from folds of fabric which he could jump through. He was getting a strange muted sense from the area below -- Obi-Wan must have realised Bruck knew about the shortcut and was waiting for him. Bruck smiled to himself; so Obi-Wan felt he had run for long enough and was ready to be caught. Well, Bruck was quite happy to do some catching.

Bruck threw his robe wide and, with both lightsabres at the ready, jumped down.

"Tremble, Jedi, as the Sith are revealed to you....Ahh. Ohh. Hello Master Yoda."

Bruck had suddenly, and most unpleasantly, found himself standing before not merely that Jedi Master, but Yarel Poof, Depa Bilaba, several other Knights, at least a score of padawans and a dozen initiates. An unhappy looking Obi-Wan was standing at the back, fully clothed.

All in all, it was enough to completely kill his ardour.

"See, I told you his hair colour was natural," Padawan Siri said to her neighbour in the silence following Bruck's entrance.

Bruck gulped and quickly wrapped his black robe around himself. Clearing his throat, he gingerly stepped down from the table he'd landed on.

"Padawan Chun, have you come to join in the 'Concealment from Force-users' workshop?" Yarel Poof asked.

"Ah, no, I, umm, I, ahh seem to have got lost. Umm, with your permission I'll leave you in peace," replied Bruck.

Yarel Poof nodded and Bruck bowed unsteadily and, after giving Obi-Wan a hard look, headed for the room's curtain-draped exit. He was barely outside before the laughter started.

Mortified, Bruck raced to exit the Maze Room, but he wasn't fast enough to miss the comments that drifted down the corridor.

"I didn't know 'The Sith and The Padawan' was still so popular," someone said over the uproar.

"So that's what Obi-Wan sees in him," someone else added.

Bruck ran to his quarters and, ignoring his Master studying at his/her desk, flew into his room and buried his head under the bedclothes. Perhaps if he wrapped them around tightly enough he could erase the memory of the last half hour. It seemed like a good idea because, at worst, he would suffocate and would never have to face anyone else in the Temple ever again.

Then, through the intervening layers, Bruck heard the door chime. He resolutely ignored it and fervently hoped that they would go away. Unfortunately, his Master answered it and a few moments later his bedroom door opened and someone walked in.

Bruck peeped out from his cocoon. Obi-Wan was standing over the bed looking very contrite, a look which had always suited him. But it wasn't appealing enough, Bruck reminded himself. Not appealing enough to someone who'd just flashed half the Temple.

"I don't want to talk to you," Bruck said, burying his head in the bedclothes again.

"Oh, Bruck."

Bruck remained unmoved for a good thirty seconds before he threw off the bedclothes and stood to confront his tormentor.

"I just can't get over that you would humiliate me in front of Yoda, half the Council and more initiates and padawans that I've ever seen gathered together, just because I ran into you on the shuttle platform. Especially after I'd been away for so long."

Obi-Wan looked confused. "What shuttle platform? Oh that. It wasn't about that. It was because of what you did at Dr. Farrow's lecture."

"Dr. Farrow!" Bruck exploded and began pacing up and down his room. "That was nothing in comparison."

"Well, it was also for the time you put crazy putty on Qui-Gon's chair and I got blamed and had to spend the next six days weeding the cactus meditation garden; and then there was the time you spread the rumour that I'd caught Treazan flu and was contagious and no one would speak to me for two weeks; and when you put glue on my lightsabre and...."

"All right, that's enough," Bruck said impatiently. He had to admit that he'd been impressed by the set up, he just wasn't ready to forgive Obi-Wan yet. Several bits of him had really been looking to playing 'The Sith and The Padawan'. And after their exposure before a group of people that they had never, ever wanted to see, those bits were feeling definitely out of sorts.

"And it was because you're starting to think that I'm too stuffy, staid and rule-bound for you," Obi-Wan said quietly.

Bruck stopped pacing and looked sharply round at Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan was looking down at his feet and exuded insecurity. An insecure Obi-Wan had even more appeal that a contrite one.

So Obi-Wan thought Bruck was getting bored with him! It never ceased to amaze Bruck that anyone could be as clueless as Obi-Wan and still manage to get dressed in the morning, even if you took into account that he always wore the same thing.

"So you devised the most outrageous plan you could think of just so I wouldn't think you dull. And you didn't even enjoy it," Bruck said as he advanced menacingly on an increasingly upset looking padawan.

"But there is one thing you didn't take into account," Bruck added nastily.

"And, and that is?" Obi-Wan stuttered. He was obviously bracing himself for the worst.

"The resilience of the Sith!" said Bruck as he pounced.

Bruck watched Obi-Wan's face lift. But Obi-Wan's obvious relief didn't stop him making an attempt at escape. The other padawan swivelled and made a break for the bedroom door, but Bruck tackled him and dropped them both to the floor. Obi-Wan was not giving up so easily however and he dragged himself halfway out of the room.

"Help, help, I'm being seduced by the Dark Side," cried Obi-Wan as he scrabbled at the door frame.

"Damn right," said Bruck as he pulled his victim back into the room by his ankles. The door slid firmly shut on the helpless padawan's cries for mercy.

Outside Master Nasdex raised her/his eyebrows and made no attempt to intervene. Whatever had been the matter, the two padawans had obviously sorted it out and were now obviously engaged in one of the sexual rituals they enjoyed so much.

Master Nasdex shook his/her head. All in all it made him/her glad that she/he was an asexual plant.

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