I don't own the Sentinel Characters. They belong to Pet Fly and the Sci-Fi channel. I'm making no money off this story, it is written only for my pleasure and the pleasure of my readers.

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Jim and Blair get sent on an undercover assignment that drastically changes their lives.


by Heather

Blair dropped his keys in the basket as he walked into the loft. Looking around the spacious apartment he didn't see his roommate, but then after a minute noticed Jim's shadow on the balcony. He was just about to go say hello when something on the table caught his eye. "Primitive Man Meets Modern Man? Art in Early Civilization?" Blair murmured, looking at the textbooks.

"Blair! What are you doing?" Jim exclaimed as he came through the balcony doors.

"Ah, hi, Jim, didn't hear you come in," Blair stammered, one hand still resting on a textbook as he looked up at his best friend.

"Obviously," Jim huffed, glaring at Blair, "I asked you what you were doing."

"I couldn't help but notice these textbooks. What's going on?"

"Nothing, Chief," Jim said, obviously trying to avoid the subject.

"Yeah, right."

"I mean it, there's nothing going on."

"Jim, come on, man, I know there is, these aren't mine," Blair said, trying to coax his friend into talking.

Jim ran his hand over his face, muffling his voice as he answered, "I'm taking Anthro 101."

"Jim? Did I hear you correctly? You're taking Anthro 101?"

"I thought I was the one with super hearing," Jim murmured as he tried to look anywhere but at his friend. "Yeah, I am, you got a problem with that?" Jim asked sounding annoyed.

Blair held is hands up in a gesture of defense, "No, I'm just surprised."

"Well, I figured...aw, never mind."

"Come on, you figured what, Jim?"

"It's just that you know so much about what I do, and I figured it was time I learned something about what you do."

"What section are you taking?"

"Tuesday's and Thursday's at night."

"Cool, just don't expect any favors because you live with the professor."

"The catalogue said that you weren't teaching that class."

"Yeah, well, Professor Craig had something going on those nights so he begged me to take it in return for taking my Monday, Wednesday, Friday section."

"That does it, I'm dropping out."

"Don't you dare do that, we'll be fine. Just think, you have a personal tutor," Blair said, grinning at Jim.

"You just said no special favors," Jim pointed out.

"Tutoring isn't a special favor. I offer it to all my students. I just don't live with most of them," Blair smiled at his friend, trying to get Jim to lighten up a little.

A look of even deeper concern crossed Jim's face "Chief, you don't think I'm horning in on you, do you?"

"Of course not, Jim. I'm glad you want to learn something about Anthropology. Just one thing."

"What's that, Chief?"

"How do you plan on taking classes? You don't have the most regular work schedule on the planet."

"An understanding professor?" Jim teased, his nervousness finally easing somewhat.

"I don't think so, big guy," Blair said, trying to glare at his larger roommate.

"It was worth a try," Jim said with a smile, "actually, I told Simon I was taking a class and he thought it would be good. The department encourages us to expand our minds."

"So no calls when you're in class? No missing classes because of cases?"

"No, professor, I'll even give you my cell phone during class if you want."

"I'll think about that," Blair teased, though his face looked serious.

"Speaking of thinking," Jim said, seriously, "I'm thinking I'm hungry and it's your turn to do supper."

"Oh, man, I so forgot..." Blair said with a sigh. "You feel like Chinese?"

"Yeah, I could go for that."

"The usual?" Blair asked as he headed for the phone.

"Yeah, and don't forget the extra egg rolls."

"You got it," Blair called as he dialed.


The next day Blair walked into Major Crimes just as Jim was heading for the elevator. "Come on, Chief." Jim said, grabbing Blair by the shoulder and steering back into the elevator.

"Where are we going?"

"We need to go down to forensics and get the results on the water sample we brought in yesterday for the Simm's case. Then I figured we'd go to lunch."

"I'm not doing Wonderburger," Blair said, knowing that was where Jim always wanted to go.

"Nope, not today. I thought we'd go to The Garden Cafe."

"Okay, what'd you do with the real Jim Ellison," Blair said with a teasing smile as the elevator door opened.

"Sandburg..." Jim said, his voice clearly a warning.

"What?! You've never volunteered to go there in your life."

"So, we're going there today."

"Oh..." Blair said as though realization had dawned, "you're trying to suck up to the teacher."

"Not likely."

"I know...you broke the African Mask in the living room, didn't you?"

"No, I just wanted to go someplace we could both agree on," Jim said as he opened the door to forensics, ending the conversation.


"Oh, Man." Blair sighed, an hour later as he slowly put down his fork.

"What's the matter, Chief?"

"I just realized how hard it's going to be not mentioning your abilities in class."

"Sorry, Chief."

"It's okay, I'll just have to pretend you aren't there," Blair said, grinning at his partner.

"Great, thanks. Instead of the Sentinel of the Great City, I'll be the Invisible Man," Blair grumbled.

"Sorry, Blair said, staring at his salad, "guess it was a bad joke."

"Just act like usual, and don't mention it. And if someone finds out that we know each other and has a problem with it, I'll drop out. It's not like I'm going for a degree."

"Good point, sorry I freaked on you there."

"It's okay," Jim said, just as his cell phone rang. He pulled the phone from his pocket and spoke into it briefly. "Let's roll," he said as he put the phone away. Jim threw enough money on the table to cover their check and led the way out the door.

"Where are we going?" Blair asked as Jim pulled out of the parking lot.

"The Cascade Mall. There's been a murder, same MO as two others in the past three months. With this third one it gets kicked over to Major Crimes."

"Oh, man." Blair groaned, thinking of the two other murders that had occurred recently with similar MO's. Cascade was a big city, but there weren't really all that many murders, and the one's he thought Jim was referring to were really ugly.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"You don't have to go in if you don't want to," Jim offered.

"A lot of good I'll do you if I stay outside."

"I'll be fine," Jim protested.

"Just because it's been awhile since your last zone-out doesn't mean it won't happen again," Blair reminded his friend.

"Yeah, okay, but promise you'll leave if it gets to be too much for you," Jim said, pulling to a stop in front of the mall.

"I promise," Blair, said, following Jim inside and down the hall to where a uniformed officer guarded the taped-off door to a supply closet.

"Ellison, Major Crimes," Jim said to the uniformed officer.

"Go on in, Detective."

Jim nodded at the man and ducked under the crime-scene tape, holding it up for Blair to follow. Jim gasped as he took in the sight before him, noticing that Blair turned his head aside. "You okay, Chief?"

"Yeah, let's just get this over with."

Jim pulled on a pair of gloves and began to examine the scene. There were two bodies, both male, one in his late thirties, early forties and the other late twenties. They were positioned so that the older man appeared to be holding the younger man. Both men had been killed with a garrote, and then their chests had been cut open. The murderer had then placed one of each of their hands on the other's heart.

"Can you pick up anything?" Blair forced himself to ask.

"I'm not sure...it might be something or it could be nothing."

"What is it?" Blair asked in frustration.

"A faint oil smell."

"Oil? Like gasoline you mean?"

"No, more like crude oil, like they use to make gas or even plastic. But it's hard to tell if the smell is from the killer or was here before."

"You'll have to check out the victims clothes when they get them to the morgue," Blair said, shocked at how easy it was to talk about these things after three years.

"Yeah, okay, let's go and let forensics do their job," Jim said, turning to the door, once again holding the crime scene tape up for Blair.


"Chief, you seeing what I am?" Jim asked two hours later as he and Blair were sitting at their desks, going over the reports from the two other murders with the same MO.

"I hope so...you're seeing-" Blair answered, the rest of his sentence drowned out by a shout.

"Ellison! Sandburg! My office! Now!"

"I think he's seen it too..." Jim said as they crossed the bullpen toward Simon Banks' office, reports in hand.

"Have a seat." Simon said, closing the door after his best team and motioning to the two chairs in front of his desk.

"Yes, Sir," Jim said, sitting down across from his captain.

Blair kept silent and plopped himself into the chair next to Jim's.

"I assume you have both been going over the reports of the two other murders that were just kicked up to us."

"Yes, sir," Jim answered.

"Well, so have I." Simon stated unnecessarily. "What have you found?"

"So far we don't know much about the killer, only the victims."

"Go ahead."

"The victims are all male, found in pairs, positioned so that they appear to be holding each other in a lovers embrace. All have been strangled with a garrote, implying that it's someone with a knowledge of specialized killing methods, a professional or someone with a military background." Jim said matter of factly.

"That's it!" Blair exclaimed.

"What's what!?" Simon demanded.

"Sir, I kept looking at something that just wasn't clicking, Jim just said it. In all three cases the older of the two victims had been a high-ranking military officer, Captain or higher."

"He's right, sir, I almost missed that myself," Jim reluctantly admitted.

"Good work, Sandburg," Simon said with surprise.

"Thank you."

"The other link is rather more personal, though," Jim continued after it was clear the other two were done "In the transcripts of associate interviews, it was revealed that with the first two murders, the victims were lovers who had recently come out of the closet, so to speak."

"What about the interviews for this latest murder?"

"Sandburg and I were about to go do them. We just got positive ID's on the victims, the older was John Liston and the younger was Steve Winston."

"Okay, I want a full report first thing in the morning."

"Yes, sir," Jim said, heading to the door, trusting Blair to follow.

"Oh, Sandburg?" Simon said, stopping the young man just before he closed the door.

"Sir?" Blair asked, opening the door wide again.

"Don't be too hard on him in class."

"I won't, Sir," Blair said, grinning at Jim's groan.

"Let's go, Sandburg," Jim said, impatiently as he held Blair's jacket out to him.


"So where are we going first?" Blair asked once they were in the truck.

"I want to go talk to John Liston's neighbors," Jim said, pulling out of the parking garage under the police station.

"Do you think they'll be able to shed any light on why he was killed that way?"

"I hope so, Chief," Jim answered with a small sigh. "What's that address again?"

Blair looked down at the notebook on his lap, "645 Lincoln."

"Here we are," Jim, said a few minutes later as he pulled to a stop. "Remember-"

Blair cut off his roommate "To let you do the talking, I know, Jim, I've been an observer longer than half the force have been cops."

"Funny, Chief," Jim said, getting out of the truck and slamming the door. Leading the way into the apartment building Jim used his hearing to scan the area for possible danger, even though it seemed unlikely. "Let's search his apartment first."

"Right behind you."

As they approached Liston's apartment the door of the unit next door opened, causing Jim to spin around ready for danger.

"Didn't you hear?" The elderly lady who was coming out of the other unit asked.

"Excuse me?" Jim asked, his defenses lowering when he realized she wasn't likely to be a threat.

"Poor John was killed."

"Yes, ma'am," Jim said, pulling out his badge and showing it to her. "I'm Detective Jim Ellison with the Cascade PD and this is Blair Sandburg, an observer to the department."

"Oh, well, I apologize, I thought you were friends of John's. He had some mighty interesting visitors recently."

"What can you tell us about Mr. Liston, Mrs...?" Jim asked.

"Mrs. Jessup, Maggie Jessup."

"Mrs. Jessup, then."

"Well, John was wonderfully sweet. He knew I don't go out much and would always stop by and make sure I was okay, and if I needed anything he would make sure I got it. Real big guy, strong looking, like you Detective. Last person on Earth I'd ever suspect of not liking women. I was so shocked when I found out. I just asked him one day who the young man was that came to see him so often. Should've seen his face light up when he spoke of Steve, he said he'd never been in love like that."

"How long ago did you find out about Steve?" Jim asked as Mrs. Jessup trailed off.

"Oh, about a month I guess. Nice young fellow couldn't be much older than Mr. Sandburg. He stopped in on occasion, dropping by things that John had picked up for me. He was absolutely devoted to John. Now, I'm not saying I approve of that lifestyle, but it was so obvious that they were in love. All of us should be lucky enough to find love like that."

"Yes, we should," Jim agreed, "Anything else you can tell us about Mr. Liston or Mr. Winston?"

"Not that I can think of, my memory isn't what it once was."

"Thank you for all your help."

"Oh, you're more than welcome."

"Call me if you think of anything else that might help us." Jim said, handing her a business card.

"Of course. I hope you catch the man who would do this to two such nice people."

"We'll do all we can." Jim promised.

"Good day."

"Good day," Jim and Blair said together, watching her go back into her apartment.

Jim and Blair then went to check John Liston's apartment, but didn't find much of use, except an address book. Then they interviewed a couple more of his neighbors, but the only thing they found out was that he volunteered at a homeless shelter. After they were done with the apartment building they went to his work. Then they repeated the process for Steve Winston's neighbors and associates. The only useful information they got about either of the men was that they both volunteered at the same homeless shelter down by the waterfront, and that Steve went to the Gay community center and frequented a bar called Flaming Rose. Jim and Blair assumed that John went to the community center and the bar with his lover.


"Jim, where are you going?" Blair asked as Jim turned the truck in the opposite direction of Rainier University after leaving Steve Winston's apartment.

"Back to the station."

"We have class," Blair reminded him gently.

"Oh, damn, I forgot and left my books at home," Jim said, taking a corner that would send them heading in the right direction.

"Don't worry, you won't need them tonight."

"Do you have a spare notebook I can borrow?"

"Do I have...Jim, how long have you known me?" Blair asked with a laugh.

"Sorry, guess that was a dumb question."

"That's okay, you're allowed one a month," Blair said, grinning at Jim.

"Only one?"


"Funny, Sandburg," Jim couldn't help but laugh softly as they pulled into the university parking lot.


"So what did you think?" Blair asked as Jim joined him at the front of the lecture hall after all the other students had left.

"I think those were probably the most interesting two hours I've spent in a long time."

"Really?" Blair asked, smiling at his friend as they walked down the hall. "I wasn't too boring?"

"Sandburg, you are a lot of things, but boring is not among them."

"Thanks, Jim."

"Come on, I don't know about you, but I'm starving. Where do you want to go?"

"Wonderburger," The anthropologist said, without a hint of teasing in his voice.

"Excuse me?" Jim asked skeptically "I'd ask what you did with the real Blair Sandburg, but since I can tell that it's really you I won't. So what's come over you?"

"Nothing, man, I don't mind once in a while. Besides, letting him eat a burger once in a while keeps my roommate from turning into a total grouch." Blair smiled at Jim as they got into the truck.


Forty-five minutes later Jim opened the loft door and dropped his keys in the basket. After he hung up his coat he started pulling burgers and fries from the bag that Blair had set on the table. "Thanks." Jim said, as Blair came back from the kitchen and put a beer in front of him.

"No problem," Blair answered, uncapping his own beer and taking a sip as he sat down across from Jim.

"This is one day I'm glad to see end," Jim said just before taking a bite of his burger.

"Lucky you," Blair responded, "I still have about three hours of reading and prep work to do for class tomorrow."

"Yeah...I suppose I should get to work on our report, so I won't have so much to do tomorrow."

"Good idea. Plus, this way I can help you if you need it."

"Thanks, Chief."

"No problem."

"What time is your class tomorrow?"

"Nine a.m."

"Have fun."

"Yeah, right," Blair groaned as he threw his burger wrapper away and headed for his room to get his laptop.


"Here, let me," Jim said walking up behind Blair, two hours later as the younger man was sitting on the couch, hunched over a book, one hand massaging the back of his neck.

"Thanks, man," Blair said, trying to relax as Jim worked the knot out of his neck.

"No problem," Jim said as he finished. "I think I'm going to bed, 'night Chief."

"Night, Jim, see ya in the morning," Blair said, going back to his reading.


Blair had barely walked into Major Crimes the next day when he and Jim were called into Simon's office.

"I read the report," Simon said, barely giving Jim and Blair a chance to sit down.

"Sir, I've been thinking all morning of how to get this guy and I'm just not sure, short of finding his next victims."

"You're close, Ellison," Simon said with an almost predatory grin "you're gonna become his next victims."

"Beg your pardon, Sir?" Jim said in stunned disbelief.

"You heard me, Jim. I want you to become the next victims."

"Who are you pairing me with? Rafe and Brown are working on that weapons case and no offense but you don't quite fit the profile."


"No," Jim said, his voice leaving no room for argument.

"Jim, you two live together, you fit the profile, it's for a case so no one who knows you will say anything..."

"Blair isn't a cop," Jim said, his voice hard as the Sentinel tried to protect his Guide. "This would put him directly in the line of fire."

"It wouldn't be the first time we've used willing civilians as bait."

"He's not willing," Jim protested.

"Excuse me...have you both forgotten that he is right here?"

"Sorry, Chief," Jim said, looking at his friend apologetically.

"'S'okay, I'm used to it," Blair said, looking Jim straight in the eye. "Jim, I want to do this."

"Told you he's willing," Simon said to his best detective.

"Blair, you could get hurt...or worse," Jim was unable to say the word, unable to even think it.

"Jim, he always takes them together, which means you'll be there to protect me."


Blair cut off Jim's protest "Jim, I never told you this before, and I don't want to now, but I will, his next victim could very well be any one of a number of friends of mine. We need to stop him and I want to help you do it." Blair turned to Simon, not waiting for Jim's response, "What do we have to do, Sir?"

"Not much, just act like you've been lovers for a while and just decided to come out of the woodwork. I noticed a few places that all three couples went, you'll want to go check them out, undercover of course."

"Yes, Sir," Jim said with an air of resignation as he realized that Blair was determined to help on this assignment.

"Now get out of here," Simon ordered.

"Yes, Sir," Jim said, moving for the door, then he turned back "Simon, it would be best, and safer for Blair, if everyone believed it was true, even everyone in Major Crimes."

"Okay, you're probably right. We can confess to them later. Why don't you two go to lunch and come back with the attitude that you're tired of trying to hide it."

"Yes, Sir," Jim said, ushering Blair out the door, he stormed by his desk and grabbed their jackets on their way to the elevator.


"Do you have any clue what you're doing!?" Jim raged once they were safely driving toward the loft.

"Yes, I do," Blair shot back, "I'm not a kid!"

"No, but you are my Guide...my friend. I know eventually you'll get your dissertation done and leave...but I don't want you to leave me like this...putting your life in danger..."

"Jim, I appreciate the concern, but if we don't put a stop to this guy many more people could die. And face it, of everyone in the department we fit the profile best...who wouldn't believe we're lovers?"

"What do you mean?" Jim asked a little too quickly.

"Jim, we live together, we work together, everyone knows that we probably know each other better than anyone has ever known either of us. Jim, face it we're the only ones that can pull this off."

"Chief, I..."

"What is it?"

"I'm afraid, what if this affects our friendship?"

"Jim, we've played roles on other assignments."

"I know, but we never had to act like we were in love. I mean in order to pull this off we have to go to the gay community center. Simon even wants us to act like lovers at the station."

"I know," Blair said as they pulled into Jim's space at the loft.

They took the elevator up to their apartment in silence, each lost in their own thoughts. "I'm going to make coffee," Jim said as they walked through the door into the loft.

"I'll make some sandwiches," Blair offered, going to the fridge and getting lunch meat and bread out.

"How do we do this, Chief?" Jim asked, slumping back against the counter after he finished with the coffee.

"Jim, have you ever been with a man?" Blair asked softly as he set the sandwich he was half through with making on a plate and turned to his friend.


"Ever thought about it?"

"I guess...the same way everyone does when they're young." Jim paused before finishing his thought, "I suppose this must be old news to you..." his voice trailed off as he looked at the floor.

"Not really, though I admit I have been with two men."

At that statement Jim's head snapped up, blue eyes blazing into his friends. "What are you saying!? Are you bi!?"

"No, I'm not, I would have told you if I was..." Blair's voice sounded hurt, "Jim, I would so not do that to you."

"Well then what? Never mind, you don't have to tell me...none of my business."

"I don't mind telling you," Blair said, taking a step away from Jim, seeming to sink into "story-telling" mode. "It was when I was first in college, in the space of two years there were two guys, very good friends of mine. The first time it happened, my friend Rob had just broken up with his girlfriend. One night we got drunk in my dorm room and things just happened. The second time was with my friend Keith, he got a phone call that his lover had been killed in a train wreck on the way back to school, he came into my dorm room to tell me and you know me, I put my arms around him to offer him comfort, and things happened."

"Did you love either of them?"

"Depends on what your definition of love is... I loved them as friends, but I wasn't in love with them."

"Thank you for telling me," Jim said, placing a hand on Blair's shoulder, his way of letting his younger friend know it was all right.

"Thank you for listening," Blair said, squeezing Jim's hand.

Jim gave Blair's shoulder one last pat and then turned and began pacing in front of the windows leading to the balcony. "I just don't know, Chief, I mean we have to go into public and act like we've been together for a while..."

"I know we do, Jim, we'll do it, just like everything else...together," Blair said, forcing himself to sit down on the couch. After he had let Jim pace for a few minutes Blair went up, reached out and took Jim by the hand, "Come here," he said softly, leading Jim to the sofa. "Let's just get used to the idea here, where we can separate if things get too weird."

"Yeah," Jim said by way of agreement. If he were asked to tell the truth at that moment, it felt perfectly natural for Blair to be holding his hand, it felt right. "So what do we do?"

"We'll just sit here, together," Blair said, sitting down and pulling Jim down next to him.

"Now what?"

"Relax, big guy, it's just me, I won't hurt you," Blair said, snuggling into Jim's side.

In response Jim put his arm around the younger man, his body trembling. "Sorry this is so hard for me, Sandburg."

"That's one thing, if we're supposed to be lovers you better think of something more loving to call me, at least once in a while."

"Chief?" Jim suggested.

"You can do better than that."

"Darling? Pet? Love?" Jim tried.

"Love works for me, big guy," Blair said, resting his head against Jim's shoulder.

"We won't have to kiss, will we?" Jim asked, absently rubbing his hand along Blair's upper arm.

"You're the cop, but if we want to lure this guy we better make this thing believable."

"Yeah, I know, it's just that you're my best friend."

"And you're mine. I know, this has me a little freaked out too, but..." Blair looked up at Jim with a teasing gleam in his eye, "who would you rather pretend to be lovers with? Rafe or Brown?" He paused, and then continued with a grin "Or maybe Simon?"

"No, if we have to do this I'm glad it's with you."

"Me too," Blair said, his voice soft.

"Kissing, huh?"

"Yeah, um...we don't have to go all out, but at least little touches. If we're supposed to be just coming out we might not be quite so lovey dovey in public, but we wouldn't look like we were just roommates either."

"So something like this?" Jim said, shaking as he lowered his head to touch his lips to Blair's. The kiss was just a whisper of touch, so soft that it could barely be felt with Sentinel senses, but it still made Jim's blood sing.

When the kiss broke they stared at each other for a minute, without speaking. "Yeah, or maybe this..." Blair whispered, brushing his hand through Jim's close-cropped hair as his lips touched his friend's cheek.

"If I didn't know better...I'd say you were hitting on me," Jim teased, his voice catching on the words.

"Isn't that what boyfriends do?"

"Yeah, I guess they do," Jim said with a smile as he kissed the top of Blair's head. "Ready to go back to work, Chief? I mean, love," Jim chuckled in embarrassment.

"Ready whenever you are," Blair said with an answering laugh.

"Up," Jim said as he nudged Blair up off the couch. "Let's go, babe."

"That works even better," Blair said as he slid on his coat.

"Come on," Jim said reaching for Blair's hand. At Blair's shocked look he shrugged "Just practicing coming out of the closet."

"Ah, okay," Blair slipped his hand comfortably into the larger one of his friend.


When Jim pulled into his space at the station a few minutes later he looked over at Blair for a long minute.

"What's the matter?" Blair asked, tilting the rear-view mirror to look at his reflection.

"Well, I've seen you when you just had lunch with someone who really excited you and that's not how you look. Right now you look terrified."

"So what do you want me to do?"

"Come here," Jim nearly growled, tugging on Blair's hand to pull him closer. Jim tilted his head and took Blair's lips with his own. Blair leaned into the kiss with a small moan, squeezing Jim's hand as he instinctively parted his lips in invitation. Jim traced the outline of Blair's mouth with a slow, sweep of his tongue, before allowing himself the luxury of delving into Blair's mouth to taste more of him. They both looked dazed as the kiss broke, their lips swollen slightly by the passionate kiss. "You look better," Jim said hoarsely.

"So do you."

"Good, let's go then, now, before that look wears off," Jim said sliding out of the tuck and pulling Blair with him.

"Why don't you have more girlfriends?" Blair asked as they were going up in the elevator."

"I don't know...why?"

"Because if you kiss like that all the time..."

Jim gasped as he saw a shiver run through his friend and felt an answering shiver race through his own body.

That afternoon as they went over files listing known serial killer profiles they were closer than ever. Their knees touched under the desk as they clicked through the computer pages. Jim's hand rested on Blair's shoulder as they stared at the screen. They were just about to finish up for the day and head to the community center when Simon bellowed for them to get into his office.

"Good job, you two." Simon said as they sat down. "You'll understand that I have to act like I can't condone this."

"Of course, Sir," Jim answered.

"WOULD ONE OF YOU TWO TELL ME JUST WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Simon yelled, trying to keep from laughing as he shouted.



"IF BLAIR AND I WANT TO LOVE EACH OTHER YOU CAN'T STOP US! THE CITY EVEN RECOGNIZES DOMESTIC PARNERS! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE MIDDLE AGES! SIR!" Jim threw open the door "Come on, Babe, let's go home." Jim said to Blair, ushering the young man out the door, grabbing their jackets as they made their way to the elevator. Both men were well aware that all eyes in the bullpen were on them.


"You were terrific," Blair said once they were safely in the truck and heading down the street.

"Thanks, Chief," Jim said with a glance at his friend. "You do realize, though, that you'll never get to date that civil aide down in records now?"

"It's okay, she's getting married next month anyway."

"Sorry to hear that."

"I'm not," Blair said, too soft for even Sentinel ears. "We going to the community center now?"

"After we go to supper, I'm starved."

"So am I," Blair admitted, realizing that they had not eaten, and in fact had left the food on the kitchen table. "What's up at the community center, do you know? Or do we just go hang out?"

"I called before you got to the station today, they have a group for new couples on Wednesday nights."

"Cool," Blair said as Jim turned the corner. "Where are we going for supper?"

"I thought we'd go to that Italian place over on Hobart," Jim said, grinning at Blair.

"That's my favorite restaurant!"

"I know, Babe."

"Still in character? This is good," Blair teased.

"Well, we're more likely to screw up if we keep slipping in and out of character," Jim said realistically.

"Good point."

"Good...oh by the way, you're sleeping upstairs during this assignment."

"Excuse me?" Blair asked nervously.

"I'm fast, but not fast enough to protect you if someone breaks into the loft."

"But Jim, each of those murders were at least two weeks apart."

"So you sleep upstairs for at least two weeks. Don't worry, it's not like I'm going to jump you in your sleep." "Yeah, I know you won't," Blair said, feeling foolish.


"Welcome to the community center, so nice to see new faces," A very energetic young man greeted Jim and Blair as they walked hand and hand into the new couple's meeting that night. "My name is Mike and I'll be hosting the group tonight with my partner Sam. Please help yourselves to the coffee and cookies. We'll be starting in about fifteen minutes."

"Thank you," Jim said, leading Blair into the activity room. "Do you want some coffee?"

"No, thanks, my stomach is in knots right now."

"I know, babe, mine too," Jim said, slipping his arm around Blair as they joined the other couples milling about.

"Excuse me for a minute," Blair said, disentangling himself from Jim's embrace and heading for the rest room.

"You better keep him close," a blonde haired man said to Jim as he watched Blair walk away, "there's a singles meeting across the hall."

Jim felt a wave of totally irrational jealousy race through him, "Don't worry, I don't intend to let him go," he hissed.

"Good for you. I'm Sam, Mike's partner, welcome to the center."

"Thanks, I'm Jim and that was Blair."

"He's a little nervous, huh?"

"Yeah, well we haven't been out too long and this is our first time in a group."

"Don't worry, you'll love it here. Everyone is really friendly."

"Thank you," Jim said, turning back as though to watch for Blair's return, though his sensitive ears had already picked up on Blair's heartbeat and he knew his friend was on his way. As soon as Blair rejoined him, Jim slipped his arm back around the younger man, "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine," Blair said, sinking into the warm embrace.

"Okay, everyone, have a seat please, so we can get started." Mike shouted, waiting for the ten couples in the room to seat themselves.

The next two hours were spent in meeting each other and discussing the intricacies of being a new couple, and to an extent at having just come out as there were six couples who had just recently come out about their homosexuality.


"That was really interesting," Blair said as they left the community center, still holding hands, "at least from an anthropological standpoint."

"Yeah, but I don't think we're going to find out anything about our killer there. I don't think it's a jealous lover."

"Not with what we've found out so far. But each of the couples were involved with the community center."

"I know," Jim said with a small sigh, this case frustrating him more than he would admit. "During the break I overheard Sam and Mike talking about the latest murder and how tragic it was for two people so in love."

"That's one thing I did notice tonight," Blair said as they got in the truck, "every single couple there seemed so devoted to each other, so much in love. That's not something you see every day."

"No, it isn't, I wonder if they know how lucky they are..."

"I hope so," Blair said, inexplicably reaching over to squeeze Jim's arm. Then the young man was all business again, "So what do we do now?"

"Tomorrow we go and volunteer at the homeless shelter. I tend to think that the killer would be more likely to be there, I went to the forensics lab today, and the clothes definitely smelled of oil."

"Okay, oh, and Jim, don't forget your books for class tomorrow," Blair said, grinning over at his roommate.

"You mean the teacher won't even give a break to his lover?"

"Pretend lover," Blair corrected, "and the answer is no."


Two hours later Blair was just finishing the reading he needed to do when Jim sat down next to him on the couch, his arm resting along the back of the sofa.

"Still in character?" Blair asked, though he was teasing.

"Hm?" Jim asked, distractedly as he stared off into space.

"You never sit this close."

"Sorry..." Jim said, shifting away.

"Aw, man, I didn't mean that, it's just...this is all so strange...we have to act like lovers, but I don't know where to draw the line."

"I know...and..."

"And what, Jim?"

"Nothing, we better get to bed," Jim said, standing as he patted Blair on the shoulder, "Upstairs," he reminded his roommate.

"Yeah, I'll just go get changed," Blair answered, heading for his room.


Ten minutes later Blair was climbing the stairs, nervousness showing in his blue eyes. Jim's breath caught in his throat as Blair moved to the opposite side of the bed.

"You want me to sleep on the floor, big guy?"

"No, I'm sure we can share a bed without anything happening."

"Okay," Blair answered, sliding under the covers and lying on his side, facing away from Jim, as close to the edge of the bed as he could get without falling off.

"Night, Chief," Jim said, copying Blair's pose on his own side of the bed.

"Night, Jim."


The next morning Jim woke with the alarm, after he had shut off the offending noise, he wrapped his arm back around the warm body next to him.

"Mm..." Blair moaned, snuggling back against the larger man.

"Mm...Blair..." Jim murmured, "Blair!" he exclaimed.

"Jim!" Blair said in confusion, not quite awake yet. "What..."

"I'm sorry...so sorry," Jim said, sitting on the bed with his back to Blair and his head in his hands. "I knew this was a bad idea...we have to put a stop to this...can't lose you..."

"Jim, it was an accident, that's all," Blair soothed, sitting next to his friend with his hand on Jim's shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess..." Jim's voice trailed off, sounding more afraid than he ever had before.


"I don't know...it just..."

"What, big guy?" Blair asked after Jim had been silent for a few minutes.

"It felt...nice...not waking up all alone."

"I know it did..." Blair said, feeling the same way himself.

"But...I mean...I don't like men...do you?"

"No, but...ah, Jim, let's just forget it and get going, we have to get this case closed. After that we can analyze this all you want."

"Yeah, good idea...I'll start breakfast while you shower."

"Okay, I'll leave some hot water for you."

"Yeah, I'll believe that one when I see it," Jim teased, his good humor returning slightly.


Later that morning Jim and Blair walked into the homeless shelter, looking around until they spotted someone who looked like she was in charge. "Excuse me, Mrs. Beech?" Jim said to the harried-looking older woman holding a clipboard.

"Yes, what can I do for you?"

"I spoke with you on the phone yesterday, we're here to volunteer."

"Oh, good we can always use new people, Mister....?"

"I'm Jim Ellison and this is my partner Blair Sandburg."

"Nice to have you aboard," Mrs. Beech said, looking over Blair's head for someone. "Oh, there..." she said distractedly, "Jeff?" She called.

"Yes?" The tall dark-haired man said, seeming to bow before Mrs. Beech.

"Would you please take Jim and Blair, here, and show them the ropes?"

"Of course, follow me," he said to Jim. "I'm Jeff Walters, head cook and kitchen manager. I used to be a cook in the Army, so feeding a couple hundred homeless is no problem."

"Well, Blair and I decided that we have so much and we wanted to give some of it back," Jim said, squeezing Blair's shoulder.

"Well you can start by helping Cal here peel potatoes," Jeff said, leading them to a table where three fifty pound sacks of potatoes had been broken open. "Cal, Jim and Blair are our newest volunteers, just tell them what you want done," Jeff said to the tall red-head, then he turned back to Jim, "Cal here was my right hand man in the Army."

"Hello, nice to meet you," Jim said to the man that looked to be about Blair's age.

"Yeah, nice to meet you. Grab a knife and dig in," Cal ordered.


"Did you pick up anything? Blair asked as they walked back to the truck.

"Other than the obvious fact that Cal doesn't like anyone?"

"Yeah, even I noticed that...you think he's our killer?"

"I'd bet on it. Not only that but I smelled oil all through that shelter."

"Well, we already knew that there is a refinery just down the street," Blair reasoned. "So, let's bring Cal in for questioning...we can't leave him on the streets.

"Blair," Jim said patiently, "you know without evidence we can't bring anyone in."

"I know...I know," Blair said, his frustration obvious.

"Come on, let's go make our report to Simon, then after class tonight we can go to our last stop."

"The bar?"

"Yeah, you okay with this?"

"Yeah, I will be, after the community center, how much worse can the bar be."

Jim smiled at his friend, "Hey, I'll be there, no one will hit on you with me around," Jim promised, sensing Blair's nervousness.

"Good point, no one would dare mess with you, especially when you get riled." Blair flashed a smile at his friend as Jim pulled out into traffic.


Blair came out of the bathroom later that afternoon, dressed in tight blue jeans and a baggy blue flannel shirt, with a tan shirt underneath.

"Whoa!" Jim said, taking one look at his partner, "You might just get hit on, even if I am there..."

"Thanks, I think," Blair blushed, walking toward his friend. "You don't look half bad yourself, big guy." Blair said, taking in Jim's black jeans and black pullover shirt.


"You're blushing," Blair said with a smile.

"So are you, I'm just not used to guys complimenting me on my looks."

"Neither am I," Blair admitted, looking at the clock. "You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be," Jim said, heading for the door.

"Oh, man!" Blair suddenly exclaimed.

"What is it?"

"How am I ever supposed to teach class knowing where we're going afterwards?" Blair groaned.

"You just will...like you always do."


Heads turned as they walked into The Flaming Rose later that evening. Half of Blair's class had the same reaction two hours before when Blair had walked into class. During the entire lecture the students hadn't been able to keep their eyes off the young teacher, including the police detective in the back of the room. Seeing people watching his Guide like they were Jim felt another wave of jealousy and put his arm around Blair, possessively as they made their way to the long bar.

"Let's get a drink, babe," Jim said, just loud enough to be heard by nearby patrons.

"You got it, hon."

"Mm...like that," Jim said, still in character as he leaned down and brushed Blair's lips with a kiss.

"So do I," Blair whispered, too soft to be heard even by Sentinel ears.

They had decided that the best place to start was by talking with the bartender. They learned that he had been a Marine and had been tending bar since he got out of the corps 10 years before and that all three of the murdered couple's had been regulars. After a couple hours of mingling with the others in the bar, Jim excused himself to go to the restroom. No sooner had he left Blair sitting at the bar, than a very blonde man walked up and offered to buy Blair a drink.

"No, thanks." Blair answered his offer.

"Oh, come on, honey, just one little drink."

"No, that's really okay, I'm fine," Blair said, lifting his still half-full glass of beer.

"What's the matter? Your fellow won't even let someone buy you a drink?"

Just then Jim walked up behind Blair and slipped his arm around his friend. "This guy bugging you, babe?"

"Nothing I can't handle, he offered me a drink and I said no."

Jim sent a piercing gaze the intruder's way, "What part of 'no' don't you understand?"

The other man looked nervously around for an escape, finding none he looked back at the very intimidating form of Jim, standing with his arms around Blair, "Oops...sorry," he stammered, backing away quickly.

"Thanks, Jim," Blair said, staring up into Jim's blue eyes.

"No problem," Jim whispered, kissing Blair again, this time it was a deeper kiss than it really needed to be to protect their cover, but for some reason neither man wanted it to stop. "Let's go home," Jim said breathlessly, his lips barely a centimeter from Blair's. "We won't get anything more tonight," he added, almost as an afterthought.


"Today was a long day," Jim said, sinking onto the couch.

"Yeah, it was, and I have a class at nine," Blair said, sinking down next to his roommate and handing Jim the beer he'd gotten from the fridge for him.

"Oh, man, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, I'm just going to bump up one of their assignments, so I don't have to do anything to get ready."

"What assignment?"

"I'm going to have them go observe people and write a one page paper about what they see."

"Good idea," Jim said laughing and taking another sip of beer.

"Hope you feel that way in a few weeks when I give you the same assignment."

Jim groaned, not wanting to think of having to do homework.

"I hate to say it, but I think I'm going to bed." Blair said, finishing his own beer and heading for his room.


"Jim, I don't think that's such a good idea."

"Blair, we have to play this thing out, and I am not fast enough to get downstairs if someone comes in, I want to be where I can protect you."

"I know, but we don't really need to sleep together."

"Blair, please, I can't explain it, I just need to protect you, please, just sleep upstairs."

"Yeah, okay," Blair agreed with a small sigh, "it was nice not waking up alone," he added almost guiltily.

"Yeah, it was," Jim said under his breath as Blair headed to his room to change.

For the next three weeks Jim and Blair kept up the charade, going to the community center, homeless shelter and bar, as well as doing 'regular' police work, and going to class. They insinuated themselves very well into the communities where the first three murders had taken place. No one that they worked with, not even Rafe, Brown or Megan suspected that their relationship was an act. Even visitors to the loft would have thought that they were lovers, since they decided it was too risky to give up the act for even a moment.

Jim and Blair climbed into bed on Friday night, having just put a long week behind them. After almost a month of acting like lovers it was no big deal to sleep next to each other, and the two men were comfortable as they faced each other and talked for a few minutes before sleep.

"Jim, I'm beginning to think that he's never going to make a move on us."

"I'm beginning to hope he doesn't, I don't want to endanger your life."

Blair laughed ruefully, "And I don't want yours endangered."

"But when I took my job I knew the risks."

"Still doesn't mean I want to lose you, besides I knew the risks when I took this assignment with you."

"I'm not going anywhere, Chief. Go to sleep."

Blair snuggled down under the covers, "Goodnight."


Jim drifted to sleep shortly after Blair, one hand on the smaller man's shoulder.


Two hours later Jim was awakened by the sound of the front door opening. He slipped out of bed, trying unsuccessfully not to wake up Blair.

"Jim?" A sleepy Blair asked.

"Sh...love, it's all right. I'll go check it out." Jim said, patting Blair on the shoulder. Jim didn't even get to the top of the stairs before he was pushed back on the bed.

"You and your queer lover are going to pay for your crimes," the intruder hissed.

"Jeff?!" Blair exclaimed in surprise, now completely awake.

"How does it feel to know by whose hand you'll die?"

"You won't kill him." Jim said, pulling himself off the bed to stand between the assailant and Blair, not wanting to startle the man into anything.

"Oh, won't I?" Jeff said with a sneer. "I'll kill you both. You deserve to die, just like all the others." He lunged around Jim who made a grab for him but missed, and headed for Blair, who scrambled out of the way just in the nick of time. "You both deserve to die, men shouldn't love one another...pig," he hissed as Jim grabbed him by the collar. Walters struggled and knocked over the bedside lamp, causing a brilliant flash of light before the room went black. The bright light totally blinded Jim because of his sensitive sight and Walters took that opportunity to lunge for Blair again. This time he managed to grab the smaller man by the shirt-front and throw him against the wall. "How does it feel knowing you're going to watch him die, Jim?"

"Let him go, Walters." Jim hissed, shaking his head and blinking to try and regain his sight.

"Not a chance."

"Don't you dare hurt him," Jim growled, hearing Blair struggle in the larger man's grasp and not being able to do anything for him was pure torture for the detective.

"Oh, he won't hurt much once he's dead," Jeff said with a leer as he shoved Blair forward onto the bed. He almost had the garrote around Blair's neck when Jim finally recovered his sight and shoved him out of the way.

Jeff fought back, throwing punches and kicks at Jim, trying to overpower Jim and wrestle him to the floor, but Jim was stronger, faster and more determined. He slammed a fist into Walter's jaw, stunning the other man, then he used Walter's confusion against him and, taking him by the shirt-front shoved him back against the railing.

As Jim held Jeff captive, Blair recovered enough of his wits to grab the spare set of handcuffs out of Jim's nightstand and hand them to Jim, their hands brushing for just an instant so that Blair knew Jim had the cuff's securely, then he sank down on the bed and called for backup.

"You aren't going to get the chance to kill anyone else." Jim hissed, cuffing Jeff's hands together and shoving him down the stairs. Once downstairs Jim cuffed Jeff to the railing of the stairs, making sure that he couldn't move. Then he moved to stand with a comforting hand on Blair's shoulder, as the younger man stood staring blankly out the window, the shock of being attacked in their own home too much to bear.

A few minutes later Simon barged through the front door "What have you got?" He asked, taking in the scene before him.

"His name, at least as we know it is Jeff Walters. He's the kitchen manager at the homeless shelter." Jim said, giving Simon the brief report as Blair moved to the sofa.

"He the one you thought?" Simon asked, as two other officers led Walters away.

"No, we thought it was Cal Sumner, who also worked at the homeless shelter."

"Well, I'm just glad he's off the street."

"So am I," Jim said with a weary sigh.

"I'll go deal with the preliminary paperwork, you better make sure Blair's okay," Simon said, nodding to where Blair sat huddled in the corner of the sofa.

"Thanks, Simon. I'll see you in the morning."

"Take tomorrow off. You had it anyway. I can keep him on ice until Sunday without a problem."

"Thanks, Simon," Jim said then turned his attention to his shaken guide. "Blair, are you okay?" Blair nodded, not saying anything "Blair, love, don't lie, you're shaking." Jim settled next to Blair, put his arm around the younger man and held him close.

"You don't have to call me that anymore," Blair said softly.

Jim took a deep breath, "We need to talk."

"Where's the real Jim Ellison?"

"Blair..." Jim said a slight catch in his voice.


Jim snuggled Blair closer, holding him tightly "I don't know what's going on, but suddenly the thought of being alone again is totally devastating. Blair, somewhere in the past three weeks I've fallen in love with you..." Jim's voice trailed off as he realized the truth, "no, not in the past three weeks, it happened long before that."

"I'm scared."

"Why, love?"

"You said that you knew I'd finish my dissertation and leave..." Blair said, turning his blue eyes toward the older man, "I don't want to leave..."

"Blair, I'd never make you leave...I don't want you to go. I really do need you in my life, you're so much more than just a Guide. Playing at being lover's...nothing has ever felt so right."

"I know, big guy, I feel the same. I don't want to play anymore...I want to love you. I said I wasn't bi...and I'm not, I just happened to fall in love with my best friend, who happens to be a guy."

"I said I'd only been interested as a curiosity...that was wrong, I have wondered...wondered what it would be like to run my fingers through your hair, to hold you close. I don't want to be alone anymore."

"Neither do I." Blair said, reaching up to run his fingers through Jim's hair, pulling the older man closer.

Jim didn't need any prodding, he leaned down and took Blair's lips, wrapping the younger man more firmly into his embrace. Blair's lips parted in invitation as Jim's tongue swept across them. Blair's tongue snaked out, pulling Jim's tongue into his mouth for a soft caress.

Jim moaned as he allowed himself to learn the sweetness of Blair's hot depths, as a lover instead of as an assignment. The kiss only broke when both needed to breathe.

"Wow," Blair sighed as he found his breath.

"Wow is right," Jim panted, pulling Blair's head to his shoulder.

"Jim, do you think you could make love to a man?" Blair whispered after they had been cuddling for a few minutes.

"No...but I know I could make love with you. I do love you, Blair, so much."

"I love you."

"And I do want to make love with you, if you'll have me."

"I'll have you, but not tonight, babe, it's late and I don't know about you, but I just want to get some sleep."

"Can I hold you?"

"I was hoping you would. I don't want to wake up alone," Blair said softly.

"Let's go to bed, love."

"Yeah," Blair agreed, getting up off the couch.

Jim stood up and pulled Blair back into his arms, "I don't know what you see in me, but I'm so thankful that you're here."

"I'll be here as long as you want me, Jim. This is the first real home I've ever had."

"I hope it's the last one you have."

"Home is wherever you are."

"You do realize Simon's gong to have a fit."

"Are we going to be open?" Blair asked, sounding slightly afraid.

"We've been out for almost a month, there's no sense going back in the closet."

"Good point."

"Blair what would you think about continuing to volunteer at the shelter and going to the meetings at the center?"

"I think that is a wonderful idea, especially the shelter."

"At least now you can get insurance."

"You mean..."

"I mean I want to declare you as my domestic partner."

"Oh...Jim..." Blair said with tears in his voice

"Sh, babe, no tears..." Jim whispered, brushing his fingers softly over Blair's cheek.

"Jim, let's sleep down here tonight."

"You don't want to sleep in our bed?"

"I do, but not until we get it cleaned up, if we go up there now I'll keep seeing Walters."

"Okay," Jim agreed, fearing that he would see Walters holding Blair no matter how much time passed.

"Why don't you light the fireplace and I'll get some blankets, well be more comfortable out here than in my room."

"Your old room," Jim corrected.

"My old room," Blair said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll get us something to drink, too."

"Okay," Blair said, leaving Jim with a light kiss to his sweet lips.


Ten minutes later Jim pulled Blair closer to him in front of the fire, "This is nice."

"Very nice...guess I can admit now that I liked waking up and feeling your arms around me."

"I liked waking up holding you in my arms. I liked the few not so necessary kisses. I loved holding your hand and I loved the feeling that someone cared."

"I do care, Jim. I have for a long time," Blair whispered turning his head to place a soft kiss on Jim's shoulder, "Love you."

"Love you, too."

"Am I going to wake up in the morning only to find this is a dream?"

"No, Blair, I promise it's very real. Now get some sleep," Jim whispered, brushing a kiss into Blair's curly hair.

Blair snuggled in close and closed his eyes. Jim sighed as he held his smaller mate and closed his eyes.


Neither man woke until 10 the next morning when they heard their door being pounded down.

"Guess the honeymoon's over," Blair mumbled as he got up and threw on his robe.

Jim pulled himself to his feet, rubbing his sleep-blurred eyes as he followed Blair to the door.

"Simon!" Blair exclaimed as he opened the door and the larger man pushed past him.

"What the hell have you been doing?" Simon shouted

"Sleeping," Jim answered his captain.

"I've been calling for damn near two hours!"

"Sorry, I turned the ringer off," Jim said calmly.

"I tried the cell phone...both your cell phones!"

"Ah, that was my fault," Blair admitted, "I pulled the batteries."

"Why on Earth would you do that!?"

"So we could be alone," Jim said, moving close and putting a protective arm around Blair's shoulders.

"Jim, the assignment is over, you don't have to pretend you're in love anymore."

"We're not pretending," Jim said, snuggling Blair close.

"You're not...how long have you been a couple?"

"Depends, if you want to count the last month, then we've been together for a month," Jim said.

"If you don't count that, then..." Blair looked at the clock on the wall "We've been together almost 8 hours."

"Oh, my...I did this," Simon moaned.

"In a way, yes, sir, you did. But we were headed in this direction anyway," Jim said.

"We just needed a kick in the pants," Blair added, leaning into Jim's embrace.

"Simon, what did you need us for?" Jim asked, trying to get the conversation back on track.

"Oh, ah, yeah, sorry," Simon stammered "I didn't really need you for anything, I just wanted to make sure you were both okay. And I admit it bothered me when you didn't answer any of the phones."

"Sorry, Simon, we won't do that again, we just didn't want to be disturbed," Jim said, blushing as he realized what it sounded like they had been doing.

"I understand," Simon said, holding up his hand, as though to say that he had enough information.


"What, Sandburg?"

"Will this affect my observer credentials?"

"Not as far as I'm concerned, I need my best detective and he needs you so he doesn't zone."

"Good, thanks."

"Oh, and Simon, I need to update my insurance," Jim said.

"Your insurance?"

"Yeah, well, with the amount of time Blair has spent in the hospital he needs health insurance," Jim said, grinning at his partner.

"I'll have the paperwork on your desk first thing Monday morning," Simon said with a sigh of resignation.


"Anything else?" Simon asked, heading for the door.

"Nope, I made him my beneficiary for life insurance a long time ago, so that's it."

"I didn't know you did that," Blair said in awe.

"I was afraid you'd knock me off in m sleep."

"Never...I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You two do realize you're going to drive me right into early retirement, don't you?" Simon asked, turning back toward Jim and Blair.

"How's that, Simon?" Jim asked.

"Three years ago you come to me and tell me you need ride along status for your cousin, a few weeks later you tell me he's not really your cousin, that you have this crazy thing going on with your senses and he's helping you learn how to control them. And in those three years those senses have helped solve so many cases, with evidence that you couldn't have normally, that I had to find ways of explaining that would stand up in court without revealing your senses. And now there's this!" Simon threw up his hands in frustration.

"Sorry, Simon," Jim said, though he didn't sound the least bit contrite.

"Don't be. Just be careful, the city might recognize this lifestyle, but not all cops do.'

"I know," Jim said, then he looked at Blair "but it doesn't matter."

"Everyone that matters already thinks we're a couple anyway," Blair said..

"Yeah, true," Jim and Simon agreed.

"He's right, just still be careful."

"We will, Simon," Jim promised.

"And with that, I'm off to take Daryl to a game. Enjoy your Saturday off." Simon said, heading for the door.

"Thanks, Simon," Jim said, closing the door behind his boss and friend, then he turned back to Blair," Where were we?"


"Do you want to go back to sleep?"

"I don't know."

"Come here," Jim said, opening his arms and walking toward Blair. "You okay, love?"

"Yeah, I guess I'm just a little nervous," Blair said, as Jim snuggled him close.

"Don't be, we'll go slow," Jim promised, breaking into a teasing smile "Besides, you're the one with experience."

"But that was different. I didn't love them, I just did it to give them comfort." Blair leaned back to gaze at his soon-to-be lover

"Well take it slow," Jim promised again. "How about we start by just getting comfortable again?"

Blair nodded and moved back to the 'bed' in front of the fire, sitting down cross-legged and pulling Jim down next to him. Jim knelt next to his lover and brushed his fingers through Blair's silky hair.

Blair reached out and traced the chiseled features of Jim's face almost in awe. Jim leaned in and kissed Blair tenderly as Blair ran his hands down Jim's broad chest and tugged at the waistband of his Jim's tee-shirt, slipping his hands underneath to touch silky, smooth skin.

Jim moaned softly as Blair's hands slid up his chest, thumbs brushing sensitive nipples. "You like?" Blair whispered huskily as their kiss broke.

"I love it...I love you."

"I love you, too," Blair whispered, once again taking Jim's lips in a kiss, this time more demanding, his hands pushing the shirt up, exposing more of Jim's belly to his teasing caress.

"Do you know what you're doing to me?"

"Yeah, I do," Blair whispered, "And I love it," he finished, finally ridding Jim of the shirt, as his lips began a teasing trail down Jim's chest, stopping to anoint each nipple with a teasing kiss, shoving Jim back on the pillows as his lips trailed down to Jim's navel.

"Love that..." Jim moaned.

"I'm glad." Blair said, hands slipping under the waistband of Jim's blue boxer shorts to push them out of the way.

Jim gasped as his manhood was exposed to the air, hard and aching for Blair's touch. He could smell Blair's arousal, feel both of their temperatures rise as Blair took the tip of his manhood between his kiss-swollen lips and began to pleasure him.

Jim moaned incoherently as Blair took more and more of him into his mouth, his hands mapping every inch of Jim's body, feeling hard muscles beneath his hands. It had been so long since either of them had been with anyone that Jim was ready without much teasing from Blair's lips, tongue and fingers. "Babe, can't wait."

"Then don't," Blair whispered, his breath rushing over Jim's manhood.

The breathless quality in Blair's voice, as well as his teasing touches to Jim's thighs and testicles, sent Jim right over the edge, and with a scream of Blair's name he shot his seed into Blair's waiting mouth. Blair swallowed all he could, what he couldn't swallow he then lapped from Jim's salty skin. When Jim was sated and clean Blair rested his head on Jim's thigh, absently stroking Jim's stomach.

"Thank you, babe," Jim whispered, stroking his fingers through Blair's hair, holding his lover close.

"My pleasure, anytime..." Blair sighed.

"Can I return the favor?" Jim asked softly, nervously.

"Are you sure?" Blair asked, levering himself up on one elbow to look at Jim.

Jim took one look at the exquisite body hovering over him and groaned. "Oh, yeah..." he sighed, gently rolling Blair onto the pillows. He slowly began to undress his lover, his fingers learning each inch of skin he uncovered. He took long moments learning Blair's feel and smell, loving the fact that he could take his time, and build up Blair's pleasure before he even touched his jutting manhood. When Jim was ready to explore Blair even more intimately he ran one finger up the vein on the underside of Blair's length, touching tenderly, wanting Blair so much, but so afraid that if he took what he wanted, he would find he was dreaming.

"Jim..." Blair moaned when the teasing became too much to bear.

"Oh...babe..." Jim whispered, leaning to gently run his tongue along the length of Blair's manhood. When he reached the tip he ran his tongue around it, the salty sweet taste of his new lover exploding across his tongue. Suddenly, just a taste wasn't enough he wanted it all. Jim began to suck Blair's erection savagely, moving from Blair's manhood to his testicles. As Jim suckled his love's sweet skin, he teased Blair's butt with his fingers, causing both of them to gasp as his finger accidentally found Blair's most intimate opening.

"More..." Blair moaned.

At that, Jim allowed one finger to slip inside, teasing Blair, his lips and tongue never letting up their urgent sucking, he matched his finger to his lips, the rhythm driving Blair mad.

"I'm going to cum!" Blair warned only seconds before he screamed Jim's name and came into Jim's mouth.

Jim swallowed all Blair had to offer, then cleaned his lover with his tongue and snuggled in next to Blair. Blair shifted them, managing to get himself firmly ensconced in Jim's arms, then leaned in to kiss the gorgeous man he lay with, the mingling of their tastes in the teasing play of their tongues making them both moan in pleasure..

"Thank you," Blair whispered sleepily

"Anytime." Jim promised, soothing his lover to sleep. "Anytime," Jim whispered, kissing Blair's hair as he also drifted off to sleep. That began just the first of many day's off spent in front of the fire in each other's arms


The next day Jim and Blair took a box of Simon's favorite cigars into the station with them and put them on Simon's desk with a card, thanking him for the assignment. It was discovered in trial that Jeff Walters was against the homosexual lifestyle because he had been brutally raped by a superior officer when he was in the Army. He was found guilty of all six murders and sentenced to life in prison, with no hope of parole. Everyone in Major Crimes was thrilled that Jim and Blair had found their love for each other in fact, Megan, Rafe and Brown had been betting that it would happen sooner or later, and Taggart thought that it had happened long before. Blair and Jim continued to go to the community center and the homeless shelter, giving back something to their community. They found that the strangest thing about their new relationship was how little their lives actually changed.

The End

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