Summary: Man, leave Conner and Ellison alone for one night and see what happens. :) Not exactly what you think.

Where Will I Belong 3?
Ramblin Rose

Conner felt like it was her turn for the tag team event and said, "After both of us took a shower and went to the department, we went down and had Dan draw our blood for the tests. Dan said he'd call us both and tell us when the results came in. We went back up to the bullpen and tried to appear busy while we about lost our minds."

Jim decided it was his turn again and said, "Dan called about five hours later and said that he had the results from the tests and wanted both Conner and I to go down right away. So I collected Conner and we got down there swiftly. When Dan saw us he told us the news about the drug first. It was a combination of Rohypnol and something like a Mickey. So we didn't have much control over how we were acting, feeling or not remembering."

Blair was still sitting there bewildered. Not saying a word waiting for the end to come so he could try to process it all.

Megan decided that it was her turn again as she said, "Sandy, now comes the really hard part. Please don't run off. Please don't be angry, we had no control over it. Dan knew what happened so he went ahead and took a blood test to see if I have pregnancy hormones in my blood and he said they were present. He can tell me in a week for sure. But he is pretty certain I'm pregnant. And Sandy, I've not been with anyone in two months, so I know that it's Jim's."

There was pure silence as they let this news sink in. Blair just sat there looking from one of them to the other and back again. He didn't even know what to say. He realized that Jim and Conner had no control over what happened. It's not like they planned it. But now what? Jim was going to have a child with a woman, a friend of theirs and where would that leave him.

Blair being the free thinker that he is decided to take the upper hand right off and try to gain some control. He said, "All right, first of all Jim, how do you feel about this?"

Jim said, "Needless to say, babe, it's not the kind of news I wanted to be giving you. I wanted a family some day, but with you. Not with anyone else. And Conner that is nothing against you, I just didn't want it like this. We have to find out who did this and take care of that too. There are a lot of things we need to think about. What do you think Chief?"

Blair said, "Well, Jim, I know that you would never do this to me to hurt me. So, I do believe you. I'll help you find the people behind this. It could have been more dangerous than it was. You could have left and went home with a stranger that might have not been safe. At least you know Megan is safe. And Megan, I mean that in the best way. I also know that both of you would make great parents, so that doesn't bother me. I am bothered that you slept with my mate. That will always bother me. But thankfully you don't remember it."

Conner smiled at him and said, "Sandy, thank you for not hating us. Or at least for not hating me."

Blair always the thinking man said, "Okay, now the next thing on my mind is where does this leave me?"

Both Jim and Conner looked at him and said, "What?"

Jim finally got his voice back and said, "Babe, what do you mean, where does that leave you? Are you saying you're not with me? Because as far as I know, you're with me, you're going to continue to be with me forever if I have anything to say about it."

Blair said, "No Jim, I meant where does that leave me in the parenting role. We always wanted a family but not with Megan. So now, she'll be the Mom, you'll be the Dad and I'll be what? The kind Uncle?"

Jim could see where this was going. He asked him, "Would you rather that I don't have anything to do with this child, Chief? You have a say in this. I'll do whatever you want. You know that."

"Jim," Blair said, "you know that I would never ask you to give up seeing your child. And you also know I would never want you to not spend quality time with him or her. What I want to know is where do I fit in? I don't see myself fitting in at all. I'm not complaining, just stating the facts."

Conner said, "Oh Sandy, I can't believe that you feel you wouldn't fit in to our lives. First of all, who is my best friend here in the states?"

Blair shrugged his shoulders and said, "Rafe?"

Conner glared at Blair and said, "Sandy, its you. It's always been you there for me. You always include me in everything. You listen when I complain. You hug me when I am depressed. You're my best friend."

"But Conner," Blair said, "that still doesn't answer where I would fit in this child's life. I will always be the outsider. I know there is nothing I can do about that, but you wanted to know how I feel, and that is how I feel."

Jim walked over to Blair and took him in his arms and quietly asked, "So Chief, are we still a we? Do you still love me? Do you still want me in your life?"

Blair hugged him hard and said, "Jim, it would take an awful lot to make me stop loving you. I adore you. I want you to be happy. But I'm really confused here. I think I might need to see someone about this. I can see problems down the road. And I never want you to chose between your child and me."

Jim was panicking, as he said, "Blair, please don't say that. I want you. I would choose you. I love you."

"Jim what about after you see this child," Blair asked, "and you realize what a precious gift it is. You see how much you love this baby even though you don't know him or her yet? You going to tell me, you'd choose me over that child? Because I have to tell you, I would think very lowly of you if you did."

Jim hung his head and said, "Babe, I don't want to have to chose. I want both. Okay, I want both. I want this child but I want you. Without you, my life would be totally empty. Conner can't fill that just because she is having our child."

Conner said, "Okay, my turn. I think that you'll have a different name. Not Daddy, not Mommy no doubt, but something special. We'll have to think of a good name for you. And that will be your place in his or her life. Blair, we can't do this without you. Say you'll at least give it some thought."

Blair smiled and said, "Well, then start thinking about the name now. I'm not going anywhere, Jim. I love you and I'm not leaving. And Megan, I am honored that you want me in your child's life."

They all smiled at each other and Blair said, "Man, I've got a great idea. Just listen before you both say no."

How about we take and make my old room into a new room for Megan and the baby. She can move in with us. That way, if she wants to go somewhere, the baby is here with us. I'd rather not leave her or him with strangers, especially at night. What do you think of that idea?"

Jim said, "Well, I think it could be worked on, if Megan agrees. But why don't we first find out if she is pregnant for sure. Then we start making plans from there."

Conner stood up and went into both of their arms and just hung on. She finally said, "You two are the best friends I could ever hope for."

Now, thought Blair, if we could only think of a good name for me. It has to be special. Something that baby isn't going to forget, ever.

Where Will I Belong 4?

Patt's Index