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Part 6 of 12 Days of XMas 2009
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import



Jethro has a visit with his cousin Seeley.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

by nancy

Jethro looked around the dimly lit tavern until he spotted Seeley in a booth along the wall. He was still in the standard dark FBI suit as if wearing a uniform, which made Jethro grin a little. The men in his family were nothing, if not duty oriented. Seeley looked up at his approach and Jethro greeted, "Hey, Shrimp."

Seeley rolled his eyes at him even as he stood to take Jethro's hand. Dark eyes widened in surprise when Jethro pulled him into a hug, but he returned the embrace readily enough. "I'm not ten anymore, Leroy, you can call me Seeley."

"I know," Jethro agreed, sitting. "Shrimp's just more fun."

Seeley snorted and replied, "Gee. Thanks."

Jethro caught the waitress' gaze and, once she came over, ordered, "Bourbon on the rocks."

She smiled and nodded before heading off to get his drink.

"So this is the kinder, gentler Gibbs. Never though I'd live to see the day," Seeley teased.

A faint smile curved Jethro's mouth and he countered dryly, "Neither did I."

The waitress set down his drink and asked, "You boys want anything to eat?"

Seeley shook his head. "No thanks, can't stay long."

Jethro had noticed his lack of a drink and added, "Nothing for me, either, thanks."

She left and Seeley asked, "How's Jackson? I heard about the robbery from Pops."

Jethro didn't begrudge his father talking about the situation with anyone, let alone his twin, but it still went against the grain that he'd had to dig to find out what happened. Jethro answered, "Better. It'll take a while, though."

The worry on Seeley's expressive face cleared a little as he said, "I'm glad you two are talking again."

"Me too," Jethro replied simply. "So how is Hank?"

Guilt flashed over his younger cousin's face as Seeley answered, "Doing well. I try to visit as often as I can, but it doesn't seem nearly enough. He stayed with me a few weeks ago, but…with work it just didn't work. I mean, he's the one who went back, but I know he did it because of me."

"You're on the job and Hank knows that," Jethro assured him.

Seeley drank some of his water. "Doesn't help. The man raised me, Leroy, I should be able to take care of him now, when he needs me."

Jethro said firmly, "And when he does really need you, you'll be there."

Sighing, Seeley looked down into his water for a minute. He'd always been sensitive, so Jetro didn't prod him. Sometimes it was hard to believe they were from the same family, especially when he thought about Seeley's father, Jethro's cousin, being such a bastard. It was a testament to Hank that Seeley had come out so well.

Seeley finally looked at him with a brief twist of the lips. "He says hello, by the way, and to, `get your lazy ass,' down to see him. He wants to give DiNozzo his own personal seal of approval."

Jethro snorted. "As long as no sweaters are involved, I'll bring him. We're out ofroom and DiNozzo's already a clothes-whore."

"You mean clothes-horse."

"No, I don't."

Seeley laughed outright at his sour tone and said, "Don't worry, I'll warn Pops away from sweaters."

"So how's your head?" Jethro asked, changing the subject.

Seeley smirked a little, but let him and quipped, "Hard as stone, as we all know."

Jethro resisted the urge to slap Seeley upside the head. I mean the tumor. No sign of recurrence?"

Seeley smiled and shook his head. "Nothing yet. And no residual effects from its removal, either. Well, nothing major."

"And Brennan? She still driving you crazy?"

"Oh yeah."

Grinning a bit, Jethro prompted, "So when's the wedding?"

Seeley groaned and his head dropped down momentarily. "You know, no matter what everyone thinks, Bones and I are just partners."

"So were DiNozzo and I," Jethro pointed out, dry.

But Seeley shook his head and said, "Not the same thing. For there to be more, we both have to be open to it and Bones…she's not. I doubt she ever will be. As much as I, ah, care for her, I can't pin my hopes on a maybe."

Jethro nodded slowly and waited.

Seeley groaned again and this time thumped his head down on the table. Biting back a grin, Jethro prompted, "So who did you pin your hopes on?"


Jethro laughed at that, but not unkindly. "The shrink. Pop's will never let you live that one down. What is he, twelve?"

Defensive, Seeley exclaimed, "He's more than legal and smarter than us both."

"And a kid."

"And a kid," Seeley groaned. "I'm an idiot. The worst part is that I think *he* thinks that I'm in love with Bones."

Jethro grinned and told him, "So do what I did. Corner him one night and make sure he knows how you feel."

Seeley's eyebrows rose askance. "You told DiNozzo how you felt?"

"Didn't say it was with words," Jethro replied, smirking a little.

Seeley snorted and said, "Course it wasn't. I won't be so lucky."

"You're the one who fell for a shrink."

"Don't remind me."

Jethro chuckled and finished off the bourbon, which Seeley took as the sign they were done. He stood and asked, "You coming to Pop's place for their birthday?"

Standing as well, Jethro clapped him on the sholder and confirmed, "DiNozzo and I'll be driving Dad down."

Jethro dropped a twenty on the table and they walked out together. Having realized the hard way that showing those he loved how he felt was a good thing, he caught Seeley up in another hug just outside the cars.

Seeley held tight for a moment and then stepped back with, "Have a great New Year's, Leroy."

"You too, Shrimp," Jethro replied. "See you next month at Pop's."

Jethro waited until Seeley was in his car and then got in his own. He whistled cheerfully to himself, making a mental note to keep in better touch with the younger man. They generally went months at a time without talking thanks to being so crazy with both their jobs, which he needed to do better with. He hoped that things worked out as well with Seeley and Sweets as it had between himself and Tony.

Smiling, Jethro reached for his phone to let Tony know he was coming home.




This orphaned work was originally on Pejas WWOMB posted by author Nancy.
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