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Part 1 of In the Light of Two Moons
Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

In the Light of Two Moons


After "Objects at Rest" John and Delenn find that once again the dead do not stay dead; there is actually another purpose behind the Starfire Wheel.

Chapter 1: Prologue


Disclaimer: These stories are not meant to infringe upon the copyrights held by J. Michael Straczynski, Kathryn M. Drennan, Babylonian Inc. or Time Warner Productions. I'm merely playing with what they've apparently abandoned, adding my own take on that universe. It's not my muse is forcing me to do it.
Note: This fic is dedicated to John Vickery who has been described as having a voice that could melt the underwear off a cloistered nun at 50 paces. So very true.

Chapter Text

In the light of two moons

crystal mountains gleam

within their hearts

no shadows fall -- Shaal Mayan                      



Earth Year 2262:

John Sheridan, president of the Interstellar Alliance, found he couldn't sleep; perhaps it was because Minbari days were almost four hours shorter than Earth days and night had come far too early. Or maybe it was the unsettling dinner Delenn and he had just had with Emperor Mollari. Or it could be the lack of the sounds made by ship or station engines that he'd grown used to over the years. Their rooms were quiet, amazingly so for such a large structure that he'd christened the "royal palace" in his mind even though there was no royalty on Minbar. The ISA headquarters was large and currently mostly empty for many of the offworld personnel had yet to arrive. In the morning he planned to make a grand tour as he wanted to know his way around by the time everything was up and operational. However, for whatever reason sleep eluded him, he was able to make his way into the front room of their quarters. He found a comfortable seat and began to record advice for his unborn child in case he didn't live long enough in these uncertain times to deliver it himself. He dictated what came to mind, ending with, "Fight for what you believe in. Which brings me to the first piece of advice my dad ever gave me, and now I'm giving to you: Never..."
"Never start a fight," Delenn interrupted, finishing for him. "But always finish it." John looked up at the sound of her voice, not having heard her enter the room.

As John shut off his recorder, she continued, "I have a piece of advice for you. Get some sleep."

"I think I'll do just that. It's been a long day. I might even sleep in tomorrow."

"Good idea," Delenn replied as she leaned forward to kiss him.

"Have I told you how much I love you?

"Yes but you may continue to repeat it for as long as you like"

"Oh I plan to ... every day... that I can." John said, always aware of Lorien's warning about his borrowed time.

They headed toward the sleep chamber when suddenly a bell chimed. At least the door didn't just open; the Minbari had different notions of privacy but Delenn had ordered her people to follow human custom when John was with her. After Delenn said enter, a clearly perturbed Ruell, Delenn's aide, stepped into the foyer. John reluctantly continued toward the bedroom expecting whatever it was to concern Ranger business. "Delenn, the Maria has returned ahead of schedule with the survivors of a Shadow prison planet."

"Is it really necessary to tell me this now?"

"Apparently one of the survivors in Neroon!" Sheridan stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the two Minbari.

"That's impossible. I saw him die over a year ago in the Starfire Wheel."

"Captain Montoya swears it is him but there's more. He's with a human woman named April Dancer and has made the sire-oath for her child."

Delenn stared at her aide. Captain Montoya was a reliable Ranger but this was unbelievable. "When will the Maria arrive?"

"It's in orbit preparing to land here at the spaceport."

"Fine. That will give me enough time to dress and be there to greet this...Neroon. Make sure that the Maria lands away from the other ships and personnel. The last thing I want is for this to get out before I've had a chance to investigate." Ruell bowed and left the apartment. She turned to her husband, waiting for her in the doorway to the bed chamber. "John, you can still stay here and sleep in."

"Not a chance," he said, as he stepped aside to let her enter. So much for the grand tour. "I certainly know who Neroon is but who the hell is April Dancer?"

And so it begins...

*A/N: dialogue taken from "Objects at Rest" B5 ep. 5.21