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Peja's Wonderful World of Makebelieve Import

Nest – Always Get Their Man


Ianto was assigned elsewhere when Jack was away for those three months

Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Rating: PG at the moment
Pairing: Janto
Spoilers: All of Torchwood, and Transformers 2
Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Torchwood or Transformers. I wish, if I did would I be writing fanifc. It would all be on the screen baby
Feedback. Would appreciate it but just hope you enjoy the story
N/B I know I have many, many, many stories but you can’t stop my mind and yes please ignore the huge potholes you can driver a bus through. Come on Ianto with a cool car LOL

Chapter Text

Nest – Always Get Their Man
by Wereleopard


Chapter One

Ianto stood out on the quiet hillside, looking out as the stunning view. It was coming up to three months he missed Jack desperately but had started to get on with his life. Admittedly he had not been around much; he had been in America and made some new friends.

“Ianto.” One of those new friends said. “You seem lost.”

Ianto turned to the autobot. “I’m fine Sideswipe, just thinking about new friends.” Ianto said with a smile.

“They did want you to stay with them Major Lennox would be more than happy to have you with his team.”

“Torchwood is my family, I’m needed there. You could always go back; you don’t have to stay with me.”

“I know but this is my wish. We have become friends, family too?”

“Yes we have.”

The young Welshman thought of Will, and shook his head. After all the time of being around Jack Harkness would have stopped it but no, he had to get a crush on an Army Ranger. The beeping in Ianto’s ear took him out of his daydream.

He clicked his earpiece. “Ianto we need you back.” Tosh said.
“On our way.” Ianto grinned as Sideswipe turned back into his silver Chevrolet Corvette
The door opened and Ianto climbed in.


Major Lennox glanced at the screen, he recognised the pattern. “The Rift, right?” He asked.

“Yes, sir. It seems some things have been coming through and the decepticons want them. I have emailed Mr Jones; he should get back to us soon on what he thinks they are.”

Will smiled at the thought of the young man that had joined them, he had only been hear for a few months but definitely became one of the team and they were all on caffeine withdrawals, nothing matched up to Jonesy's Coffee as they had nicknamed it. He just wanted to see him again they had become friends and Ianto was the first man that he had ever been attracted to which brought around the event of them kissing. It had been a good kiss, a very good kiss and memorable one.

“Let me know as soon as you hear from him, we need to work out what our next step is.”


Ianto walked into the hub smiling at his friends. They had noticed that Ianto had become confident, he still missed Jack desperately and they knew that but after from working with Nest, this was the new improved Ianto.

“What’s up Tosh?”

“You have an urgent email.” She said with a smile glad to have her best friend back.

“Thanks.” Ianto stared down at the screen as the images appeared before him. “Tosh take a look at this.”

Tosh walked over to the screen. “It’s The Rifts pattern, what is it sending through. Why haven’t we seen it?”

“I don’t know but this could mean trouble.” Ianto reached out and grabbed the phone.

“Major Lennox please?” Ianto paused for a moment. “Will, it’s Ianto. Yes, we don’t know at the moment. Uh huh, ok I think that is a good idea but try to be subtle less military look more civilian if you can manage it.” Ianto laughed.

Gwen and Tosh leaned towards each other ignoring Owen, who had been trying to interrupt them. “So we get to meet Major Lennox, he looks very hot in those pictures.” Gwen said.

“Have you seen the way he looks at Ianto, and the odd ones with Ianto gazing at him?” Gwen said with a grin.

“Ianto’s been gazing at who?” A male voice asked.

Ianto was just about to hang up the phone when it fell to the ground. “Jack?”

Gwen ran passed them all and into Jack’s arms, hugging him tightly. Jack’s eyes never left Ianto’s. “So anyone going to answer me, who has Ianto being gazing at?”

“Major Lennox U.S Army Ranger. Ianto worked with him, they look cute together.”

Jack’s eyes narrowed. “Ianto?” His voice held an edge to it.

“Will and I are just friends we worked together.” Ianto’s back went up. “This has nothing to do with you because you just upped and left. Who wants coffee?”

Ianto turned without waiting for an answer and headed for the kitchen.

“He missed you Jack, he missed you very much.” Tosh said quietly. “Don’t break his heart, if you can’t love him the way he should be loved let someone else try.”

Jack opened and closed his mouth pulling her into a hug. “Well you will get to meet him.” He’s on his way.

Jack watched the suited man wander around, so he was going to meet his competition.


Major Lennox smiled, he was Nest and they always got their man. This man wanted one Ianto Jones, whether it was to join his team or more. He couldn’t wait to get to Cardiff.


end part 1