Chef's Songs

all lyrics are as heard and interpreted by Nicole

 Cartman Gets an Anal Probe -- in which Eric Cartman is abducted by aliens and Chef helps the children by singing a song about sweet love down by the fire

Weight Gain 4000 -- in which Kathie Lee Gifford visits South Park and Chef sings her a song of sweet love

Volcano -- in which the children go hunting as an erupting volcano threatens South Park, and Chef sings about hot "Lava"

Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boatride -- in which Stan learns that it's OK to be gay, and Chef teaches the children that playing football is like making love

An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig -- in which the children try to make the best science project in their class by combining the DNA of a pig and an elephant

Death -- in which Stan's 102-year-old grandfather devises a plan for assisted suicide

Damien -- in which the Devil's spawn comes to school at South Park Elementary, and Chef teaches the children that different is good

Tom's Rhinoplasty -- in which Mr. Garrison gets a nose job and Chef sings a love song to the substitute teacher

Pink Eye -- Halloween special in which Kenny turns into a zombie and Chef Zombie sings like Michael Jackson

More song lyrics to come.

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