Nicole Robertson as seen by Thom Dougherty Jr.

About me ...

I am a copy editor, page designer and feature writer at The Oakland Press -- a daily newspaper publishing since 1844 in Pontiac, Michigan -- where I started in 1988 as a reporter. Formerly part of the ABC division of Disney, the paper now is owned by 21st Century Newspapers Inc.

After two years at the Center for Creative Studies in Detroit, where I studied advertising illustration, I earned my bachelor's from Eastern Michigan University, where I completed my art degree and was features editor of the Eastern Echo my senior year. I've been married to Thom since 1984. My husband and I have a cat -- we recently lost our dear dog, Mandy -- but no children. We enjoy camping, hiking, antiques, photography and sailing. In addition, I still dabble in art and I'm a voracious e-mailer.

I was born on Pearl Harbor Day, 1961 -- exactly 20 years after that first Day of Infamy.

Aside from the stuff I celebrate on my Web pages, I love British humor, horror stories and science fiction. I'm a pretty good singer, but never had the patience to learn an instrument with any proficiency. I dislike competitive sports, but enjoy swimming and horseback riding. I've also recently taken up Tai Chi and study the Taoist form, as a member of the Taoist Tai Chi Society founded by Master Moy Lin-Shin in Ontario. I highly recommend Tai Chi -- it is an exercise almost anyone can do and benefit from. I rarely read fiction, but when I do, I usually stick to classics. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I also enjoy good friends, stimulating conversations, Euchre games and Mexican food.

Thom & me at OP Christmas party


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As long as you're here, find out why I'm called "The Dick-list Wonder"

Nic's Abode