Cast of Charmed
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Willow turns evil and sends the LA gang and the Scooby's back to ancient Greece to get them out of the way. The elders know that to leave them there would tip the balance in favor of Evil so they send the Charmed ones back to help the Buffy/Angel guys get back.
Categories: Buffy/Angel/Xena/Hercules/Charmed; Characters: Ace/Poseidon, Ares/Joxer, Cast of Angel, Cast of Buffy, Cast of Charmed, Ensemble, Leo/Piper, Strife/Cupid, Xander/Wesley; Genres: Crossover, Gen, Het, Slash
Warnings: Blood, Brain-Insane, Caveat Lector
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 3263; Read Count: 746; Completed: No
Updated: 11/19/2018; Published: 11/19/2018