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Bilbo asks,

How can I prevent ejaculating too soon while having sexual interourse?

Dear Bilbo,

There are a couple of things you can do - some physical, some mental.

For the physical, get yourself a cockring. You can see a fine selection by visiting and checking out their catalog. Don't put it on too tight, get one with velcro or snaps for easy adjustability until you find just the right fit. This will make it take longer for you to ejaculate.

Mentally, try training yourself. Jack-off, and make yourself slow down. When you feel orgasm approaching, back off. Keep yourself calm, try doing multiplication tables in your head to distract yourself.

If none of this works, see a doctor. Premature ejaculation can have physical causes, and a qualified doctor can help.

Mostly, don't stress yourself out about it. Relax and let your body tell you what it wants - don't tire yourself out worrying - stress can do weird things to your body.

-- Minotaur

Resonant asks,

I've heard of lots of physical techniques a guy can use to delay an impending orgasm. (Pinch below the head of his cock, tightly grip the base, pull the balls away from the body ...)

Do any of them actually work?

Dear Resonant,

Pinching the cock just below the head works, as well as tightly gripping the base (sort of making a cock-ring with your hand), but I've never tried the pulling your balls - it sounds more painful than anything, but then again, pain is also a good way to stop an orgasm.

There's also the mental tricks to delay, or at least slow down, orgasm. Concentrating on something other than the physical sensations works sometimes - like doing the multiplication tables in your head or picturing something non-sexy.

Of course all these techniques only work up to a point, or when applied at the right time. There is a point of no return, when no matter what you do, that orgasm is gonna hit.

-- Minotaur

Hyena asks,

1) Occasionally you read about an orgasm that was so intense that the orgasm-er passes out, even just momentarily. Also, the graying out of the vision etc...

Does that really happen? I mean, I've had mind blowing, head exploding sex, but I've never passed out, even for a few seconds. I'm also a girl, as if that might make a difference.

2) Cock rings. Once ejaculation has occurred, should you wait to take it off? How long should you wait? Will said cock still be hard? And, when removed, does it hurt? (either being removed or the "after effects" of being removed.)

Dear Hyena,

Actually loosing consciousness, no, probably not. But being so overwhelmed by the sensation that your brain looses track of such unimportant little things like vision, time, one's own name, etc., sure. I think this is authorial hyperbole, trying to illustrate how wonderful the sex was, and can be taken with the proper grain of salt.

2) Usually you'd wait a few minutes for the aftershocks to die down, then remove it. Or if your partner hasn't cum yet, you might leave it on until he's done.

The purpose of a cock ring is to make erections harder and last longer, so the cock would usually stay erect a little longer after orgasm with one on than it would without - but the erection would still fade away.

If worn properly, there shouldn't be any pain on removal. If he's wearing it too tight, it should start to hurt long before orgasm, and if too loose, it would probably fall off by itself once the erection fades.

-- Minotaur

Zuzanny asks,

I was wondering, because it's in a lot of the slash that I read, if it was really possible to make a guy cum against his will? And at around what age do guys actually start to cum at? Or is that just a puberty thing?

Dear Zuzanny,

Yes, it is possible to make a guy cum when he doesn't want to. There's a "point of no return", and once you're past that, there's no stopping it. If you are referring to rape or other noncons, then the issue is more murky. Sometimes it's possible to get a guy aroused against his will, but it depends on the guy and the circumstances.

The production of sperm and semen is a puberty thing. Guys can have what are called "dry orgasms" before puberty, but there's no discharge of fluid. The prostate and testes, which produce the semen and sperm, don't start pumping it out until puberty.

-- Minotaur