Irene's POV:

"Don't go," I say yet again as I stand just inside the door to Tim's room, watching him pack his bag.

"I have a job waiting for me, Mom," he sighs as he turns to face me. "We've been through this. I'm not running away. Not this time. Megan said I could work at the crime lab once I got my degree. I've done that. Now it's time for me to be an adult."

I bite my lip to keep from begging him again and again to stay. This past year has been an eye opener for all of us. Once Tim was free from the grip of drugs we, as a family, went to counseling. What we learned about each other...

He had returned to Miami for a short time to thank Adam's uncle for his assistance and started following him to work at the Miami-Dade police station. There he met Megan Donner and they became friends. She saw the potential in him and convinced him to return to Columbia to finish his bachelor's in biology with an offer of a job as a CSI once it was completed.

He received that degree just yesterday.

"I've only had you back for such a short time," I say.

"I know, Mama," he responds with a smile. How I'll miss seeing that sweet smile.

"I...uh..." I have to clear my throat several times before I can continue. I refuse to cry. Not today. "I have something for you," I tell him as I turn to walk to my room.

"What? You gave me a gift yesterday at the party," he states as he follows me.

"Yes, but this is more personal. Something I wrote over the course of this past year," I reply as I open my hope chest.

He comes to stand behind me watching as I sift through all the things I had hoped to one day pass down to my daughter. I'm now hoping to give them to Tim's bride.

"Here," I finally find what I'm looking for. "I want you to take your time reading these. And think about what I say in them," I turn to face him, my journals clutched tightly to my chest.

"Mom?" he questions uneasily as he eyes the books in my arms with a frown.

"Don't worry. There's nothing in here that could cause you any embarrassment. These are my thoughts and feelings about you. Not Josh or your dad, just you. Please. Take them and read them," I hold them out to him. I can't make myself look in his eyes as he takes them from my hands.

"I...uh...I don't know..." he stammers.

"Please, Tim. Just read them. We can talk after that. Okay?" I finally look up at him.

He just nods, still confused, still wary.

"Tim! If you don't get a move on, you're going to miss your flight!" David calls out from downstairs.

"Well..." we both say at the same time then chuckle.

"Call me when you arrive in Miami," I order through a tight throat. Today is not a day for tears.

"Okay," he responds, his voice equally as strained.

We hug and then he's gone.

I stand at the window and watch as his taxi drives away. Wishing I could turn back time to when he was a baby and retain everything I now know about him. He has become a wonderful man and a loving son. We now share a bond that I am hoping will never be broken again. The darkness has been transcended and we have returned to the light both stronger and closer than ever.

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