by Owlet

Title: Hidden Weaknesses

Author/pseudonym: Owlet
Email address: whitford@wam.umd.edu
Rating: NC-17

Pairings: J/B
Status: new
Date: July 10, 1998
Archive: yes
Archive author: yes
Archive email address: yes
Other website:
Disclaimers: Not mine If they were, I'd take them to Australia
with me. ?

Notes: Well, this is my last hurrah for the summer--I hope you like it, this is literally an eleventh-hour work in some ways. Huge, wonderful thanks go to MegaRed for inspiration, enouragement, comments, and beta-reading, and and the lady of shalott for a priceless last-minute beta, and for the lady of shalott, saraid, and mcvey all forming a "post, Owlet, post" chant in #senslash as I wrote this. :) Thanks guys!

Summary: nope. You're going to have to read it. :)

Warnings: It's inspired by MegaRed, she of "Night Train" and "Deep Water." If you don't like tickling, run, run like the wind!

Hidden Weaknesses by Owlet

t was nearly ten-thirty, and Blair sighed ruefully as he pulled into his parking space. Jim would be sure to notice him coming home from a date three hours before he usually got home, and just the thought of the questions that his appearance would raise was almost enough to make him pull back out and go somewhere. Anywhere. A bar, maybe. Tahiti. Wherever.

Jim was *not* going to pass up such a golden opportunity as this, he thought, with all the confidence that came from being the man's best friend, Guide, and shadow for nearly three years. Maybe he could put him off with something tonight, but eventually Jim would want to know. And, for a guy who was almost forty, and whose reputation as a hard-ass was damn-near universal, Jim had the most oddball, boyish sense of humor Blair had ever seen. Not too many got to see it, but it definitely existed. It wasn't really practical joking, not quite verbal roughhousing, not even anything really *embarrassing,* per se, just the sort of teasing and wordplay that few would suspect dwelled beneath his intimidating exterior.

Blair sometimes thought he was a godsend for the otherwise reserved detective, giving him an outlet for his more playful side.

Of course, there were also things a guy just did not want his roommate to know…oh well. With a wry, amused sense of resignation, he turned off the ignition and got out. There were also times when it was easier to attack than try and run. And he didn't really think Jim was going to make fun of him over this. Not really.

But boy, was he going to get a kick out of it.

Jim was watching a game when he came in, the Jags playing the Mariners—from the time, it would be about the middle of the third quarter, and from the frenzied cheering, the Jags seemed to be winning. For a moment Blair thought he might get away with it, and then Jim cast him a quick, concerned look and muted the sound.

"Sandburg, you okay? You're home early."

Blair nodded, trying to look casual, coming to stand by the couch by Jim's side and striving for nonchalance. "Yeah, Jim, I'm fine, just, you know…" He stopped, aware that he babbling, and that Jim's look of concern was giving way to amusement and interest. /Oh, damn./

"What happened, Chief? Shelly throw you out?" Jim's look of amusement deepened at the flush Blair could feel spreading across his cheeks.

"No, nothing like that. I, uh, just…ah, hell." He dropped onto the couch with a sigh and a grimace. "Sorry, it's just that…I really don't want to talk about it."

The concern was back, and a large, warm hand landed on his shoulder, squeezing gently. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push. What happened?" The question was asked in a curious, mild tone, and Blair shrugged.

"Nothing. I mean, to me it was nothing, but I guess it must have been a big deal to her—anyway. I…" He was blushing again, and tried not to meet Jim's worried eyes.

"Just tell me this much, Chief—you need help with the body?" He couldn't tell if Jim was joking or not.

"No! No, it's nothing like that, it's just that—we didn't click, that's all."

Jim gave him a blatantly disbelieving look. "Uh huh. Sure. This *is* the woman you've been trying to ask out for three weeks? The "hottest TA in the Anth department," right?" And, after just one date, you decide you just don't click? Sandburg, I don't mean this badly or anything, but usually it takes you a lot longer than that to figure that out." Jim smirked. "I mean, look at Sam--you still haven't figured it out."

Blair punched Jim in the ribs lightly and glared. "Hey!" Jim just looked at him, relentless and inexorable. Blair shrugged and gave up. "I'm ticklish."

Jim gave him a blank look that said plainly, /So?/ "You want to run that one by me again, partner?"

Blair growled under his breath, and gave Jim a disgruntled look. "Hey, man, you asked, I answered. She threw me out because I was too ticklish."

Oh, damn, that look was back. The playful, bright-eyed, almost predatory, Let's-Get-Blair Look that boded badly for his immediate future. Blair began to plot escape routes.

"Because you're *ticklish?* Why would she do that? And how would she know, anyway?"

Blair got up and began to pace, not daring to look at Jim and the gleam in those blue eyes that he knew was there. "Well, we were at her apartment, and we'd just gotten back from the restaurant and we were on the couch—cuddling, you know? So I'm, you know, kissing her and she slides her hand up my shirt, and…stop laughing, Jim." He glared at his roommate, currently snickering into his hand. "It isn't funny. Anyway. She's sliding her hand up my shirt, and she touches my ribs—you know, *just* hard enough to be felt, *just* light enough so that it tickles? Well, she does that, and…I'm warning you, Jim…"

Jim shook his head, obviously struggling valiantly for his usual stony face. Blair came to a halt in front of Jim and gave him another couple of minutes to compose himself, accepting that Jim was going to lose it with this next part, and that if he wasn't completely calm beforehand he might hurt himself laughing. When he felt Jim was as calm as he was going to get, he went on.

"Anyway, so she's tickling me—doesn't have a clue that's what she's doing—and I go straight up in the air. She practically has to peel me off the ceiling. I never thought to tell her that I was…" Blair gave up. Jim was laughing outright now, almost falling off the couch from it. He grabbed a pillow and tried to muffle his laughter, and Blair groaned and reached to pull it away. "No, don't worry about sparing my feelings, I'm not sure I have any left. Anyway, that's kind of my reaction, too, so I guess it's all right. So Shelly decides she isn't crazy about going out with a guy who falls apart with laughter every time she tries to feel him up—" a particularly loud guffaw earned Jim a whack on the head with his confiscated pillow, "—and so she very politely helped me up and handed me my coat and showed me out."

Jim slowly recovered, wiping his eyes, chuckling. "Jesus, Chief, I thought I was supposed to be the sensitive one. You can get ticklish in the middle of that? Must make things interesting for your dates."

There was a gleam in his eye that made Blair nervous, but he shrugged it off, coming back to sit down now that the hardest part was over. "Well, I've always been ticklish, even when I was a little kid—Naomi and I used to have these great tickle fights when I was younger, since she's almost as ticklish as I am. And when you think about it, that…moment is more conducive to being ticklish than almost any other—you're relaxed, you're exposed, adrenaline and hormones and everything making you even more sensitive than usual, and…"

"Spare me the lecture, Chief," Jim interrupted, eyes alight with an impish mischief. "I can guess." He shook his head. "I still don't believe you're that ticklish. Hell, *I'm* not that ticklish, and I'm the Sentinel here—in case you forgot." He grinned as he teased his roommate, and Blair rolled his eyes.

"Come on, what do I have to do, prove it to you?" He froze in alarm as Jim's grin grew, if anything, wider. "Oh, no. No way, man, I am *not* going to just sit here and let you tickle me. Are you insane?"

Jim shrugged innocently. "Well, you're the one who always wants proof of everything. Besides—" and here his grin grew downright predatory, "—this might be useful information. Maybe we can work on some exercises for you to control it, for the next time some maniac decides to kidnap you—can't have you freaking out on me, Chief."

/Oh, damn./ Jim was never going to let him live this down—Blair Sandburg, grad student, scientist, friend, roommate, and Guide, being ticklish as all hell. /I'll never be able to sleep peacefully again,/ he reflected ruefully. /Maybe I can fool him—who are you kidding? He's a Sentinel, he's going to know something's up. But maybe you can throw him off his stride and pretend long enough…might be fun, anyway. Make him work for his kicks./ With a frustrated glare he didn't entirely mean, Blair sighed explosively and threw his arms up. "All right, all right! I'll prove it to you." In a single move he stripped off his red velour pullover and sat back against the covers, daring Jim with his eyes. "Okay, man. Do your worst."

Jim looked startled--/the bluffer just got his bluff called,/ Blair thought smugly, as he leaned back and stretched his arms across the back of the couch, leaving himself totally vulnerable. Then Jim's expression changed, and Blair tensed nervously, cursing the idiocy that had caused him to make this challenge. /Oh, man,/ he thought, as Jim's eyes lit up, /I must be out of my mind./

Jim moved smoothly off the couch, pushing the coffeetable out of the way and crouching on the floor in front of him. "Better access," he explained to his now-apprehensive partner, smirking at Blair's tense shifting. /Oh, shit,/ Blair thought to himself, /I've really done it now. They're never going to find the body…/ He braced himself just in time--as Jim pounced.

Blair felt himself pinned to the couch, Jim using his weight to shameless advantage. He reached out to stroke lightly over his lightly furred stomach. The touch was weightless, at first doing nothing more than ruffling the soft hair, long slow sweeps that never quite touched the skin but made him suck in his breath. /Keep calm, keep calm./ Jim eyed him carefully, but he gave him a deliberately nonchalant smile, and stretched. /Yeah, that's me, Mr. Cool./

Then Jim changed his tactics.

The first Blair knew of the change was when he saw the look in Jim's eyes—smug, triumphant. Then he felt it, faint but unmistakable, a delicate, deliberate scrape of Jim's index finger nail from his sternum to his waistband, detouring around his belly button to slide smoothly downwards. The sensation was maddening—so airy he could barely feel it, but sharp and distinct enough to make his sensitive skin flinch and his muscles tighten. He tried to clamp down on his reaction as Jim carefully repeated the move, then began elaborating, trailing the nail in aimless patterns over his stomach and ribcage.

He scratched very, very lightly at Blair's lowermost ribs, and Blair jerked as sensitive skin tried to shudder away from the inflaming touch and found itself trapped between diabolical fingers and unyielding bone, unable to escape. Unable to help himself he gasped softly and gritted his teeth to keep his expression neutral as Jim gave him a wicked look. Oh god. /Jesus, he's killing me./

The finger left his ribs and traveled downward, and Jim's other hand came up to join it as it centered and came to rest at his navel. For a moment they didn't move, and Blair felt himself tensing up even more in anticipation.

When they did move, it was a complete surprise, Jim fanning both his hands out to sweep along Blair's stomach, letting the contours of Blair's skin and muscle guide his fingers to where the most sensitive places were, along the side of his stomach where his the ridges of his abs met the smoother sheets of muscle of his back. For a long, endless time Blair fought to keep his breathing steady as Jim seemed to search out every single sensitive spot and devote the full measure of attention to it. He stroked with the pads of his fingers, one or two or three at a time, whisper-light or slightly harder. He grazed the junctions where muscle met muscle with his nails, painstakingly careful never to press too hard—and driving him out of his mind.


And again.

Until Blair looked down, and saw the hidden smirk on Jim's handsome face, and it all came clear. /He knows what I'm trying to do--he knows I'm faking!/ With that his tenuous control broke, and he doubled over. Laughing helplessly, he swore as he tried to push Jim's hands away.

"Okay, okay, I give! You win, I'm ticklish, I was trying to fool you. Uncle!"

Jim sat back on his heels and watched with obvious satisfaction as Blair relaxed, his laughs tapering off until he was slumped back against the back of the couch again, arms wrapped around his stomach. Then he made a lightning-fast grab, pulled, and pushed, and Blair found himself stretched out full length on the couch, Jim kneeling on the floor beside him and holding his arms above his head. He grinned, a predator who finally had his prey exactly where he wanted him.

/What the--oh, damn./

"Sandburg, if you think I'm going to let you go that easily, you're out of your mind." And with that his free hand slowly crept back to Blair's tummy, resting on his belly button. The fingers lay lightly, flexing in subtle, ceaseless movements that refused to let Blair's tense, shuddering body relax. The warmth seeped into his skin, striking against the relative cool of the room, and Blair shivered, partly from cold, partly from nerves, and partly from the wild and bewildering mixture of laughter, adrenaline, and desire making him arch against Jim's fingers. His mind was fogged--all he could think of was that he couldn't take any more.

"Jim, come on, man, let me up. I said I was ticklish, I cracked, what more do you—ah!" Just then Jim suddenly thrust the tip of his smallest finger into his navel, and Blair arched spastically as all the nerve endings in his stomach went wild. "Oh god… Jiiiiim…" Jim chuckled and did it again, and Blair bucked against him frantically. /Oh, man, this is not good!/

"Come on--Jim!" He craned his neck to glare at his roommate through stifled shouts of laughter. "What are you trying to do, man? Drive me nuts? That tickles!"

Jim looked up at him. "That tickles, huh?" He paused and frowned consideringly, then shook his head. "Nah, I'd better try that again. You know how you should always verify any new discovery, right?" He smiled, giving Blair a mischievous look. "Isn't that what you always say to me?"

Blair froze and looked apprehensively at the intent look in his Sentinel's eyes, almost dreading the investigative light he saw. Jim Ellison had both curiosity and control of the situation, and that was a very dangerous combination for one Blair Sandburg. He began to half-heartedly struggle against his Sentinel's restraint, but Jim was as unyielding as he was careful, and though Blair still had some freedom of movement and could breathe easily, he was as effectively trapped as though he was trapped in cement.

"So," Jim began almost conversationally, squashing another headlong attempt to escape, "you really are ticklish? You *do* admit that, right?" His hand began to move in circles, expanding ever outward to finally end at Blair's waistline. Blair made a violent lunge to escape, but Jim easily pulled him back and began to spider his fingertips across the incredibly sensitive skin at Blair's waist. Blair moaned and giggled helplessly, twitching, feeling his stomach muscles going into spasms at the constant torturous stimulation. It was *just* firm enough to be felt, but far too light to be really satisfying, and the stimulus was making his brain melt, one neuron at a time.

Jim chuckled as his partner yelped and thrashed, trying to get away from the maddening, knowledgeable fingers currently stroking along the tender skin sheltered underneath the waistband of his jeans. Blair groaned, trying to arch his hips away from Jim's hand, as what was normally a touchy area became almost painfully sensitized. The callused fingerpads breezed along his shuddering skin, until Blair could swear he felt every ridge, every line of the sentinel’s fingerprints. Everything. And he could feel the erection pressing with increasing insistence at the seam of his jeans as his body interpreted the stimulation it was receiving.

/Oh no, oh *shit,* this can't be happening…/ But it was, and he could feel his body begin to react hungrily to Jim's tickling, teasing caresses. He still was laughing, but the pure laughter of being tickled had deepened, darkened, dropping lower into the huskier registers of desire. He began to hiccup, breath catching on a sob, and to his horror saw his nipples beaded up tight and red, aching to be touched with the same exquisite mixture of agony and ecstasy that Jim's hands were bringing to his stomach. And now Jim was tugging at his jeans, a gloriously luminous grin on his face, sliding one hand underneath the soft denim to search out the even more sensitive spots that lay across the tight, smooth skin of his pelvis. Ruffling the hair. Stroking until Blair thought he might go insane just from the sheer pleasure of it. It felt incredible, unbelievable, arousing beyond anything he had ever felt before…/oh god/…and soon Jim was going to find out just *how* good it felt…

It took strength Blair didn't know he had, both physical and mental, to pull away from that perfect, intoxicating touch and firm grasp to escape over the back of the couch. He landed with a thud and was moving almost before he hit the floor, scrambling to his feet to back away from the advancing Sentinel.

"Jim, stop. Just leave me alone. Jim, I said…yipe!" Jim darted forward with feline grace and Blair bolted, aiming for his room with an involuntary snicker as Jim slipped and lost ground, then he was running…running…almost safe…

"Oof!" Two strong arms closed around his midsection and pulled him back from the dubious shelter of his room, trapping him against a rock-hard body. Jim smiled down at him, and one arm lifted and held him immobile while the other slipped down to scrabble with shattering delicacy inside the open fly of his jeans, against the shuddering, sensitized skin. Blair snickered helplessly and bucked again under the restraint, laughing, kicking and felt Jim moving them, felt the back of the couch against his butt--/oh hell/--

Then he was falling backwards in a descent controlled by Jim's big arms, arched helplessly over the back of the couch and pinned with one forearm while Jim sent his hand roving along his stomach and abdomen in a continuation of the determined assault that was slowly reducing his mind to mush, his breath to laughing hiccups, and his inhibitions to nil. He was laughing so hard he couldn't breathe; the arched, vulnerable position tightened and sensitized the soft, shivering skin on his belly so much that the slightest contact was enough now to get a reaction, and Jim was laughing too as he explored this intriguing new side to his Guide, the sound rich and warm and glorious.

"Looks like I've found a way to keep you in line, Chief," he teased, and the good-natured humor and genuine affection in his voice made Blair catch his breath. He was almost fully hard now, and Jim was moving his hand lower…lower…He squirmed, trying to get away, but Jim absorbed the movement, smirked, and edged his fingers just a little lower, searching for more ticklish hotspots.

His seeking fingertips brushed the tip of Blair's straining erection, and all movement froze. Jim gave Blair a stunned look, and Blair felt himself flushing. He closed his eyes, unable to stand the look of shock in Jim's handsome face. He felt the hand gingerly withdraw from inside his jeans, felt the forearm pinning him lift, and winced miserably.

/Great, Sandburg,/ he thought savagely to himself. /Way to screw up the best friendship you ever had. Man was like a goddamn brother, and what do you do? Go and get aroused during a simple game of "Tickle-Blair-'til-His-Brain-Melts," freak Jim out, freak *yourself* out, totally wreck everything in your life that means anything… Oh yeah, Blair, good going. *Not.*/

He tipped himself over the back of the couch to fall full-length on the cushions, panting and trying to keep his face from reflecting the desperation he felt. Not that he suspected he was very successful. "Jim, I…"

"Save it," Jim said--not brusquely, almost gently. "Just…wait a minute, Sandburg. Let me get my bearings back before you start in on whatever tangent. Okay?" Blair nodded, eyes still closed. There was a long silence, during which Blair couldn't even hear Jim breathing, then a rustle as Jim came around to the front of the couch. Since Blair was sprawled the full length of the couch, he sat down on the floor and leaned back, his shoulders just barely brushing Blair's side. Blair tensed, but Jim seemed not to notice, so he forced himself to relax. Opening his eyes, he studied the ceiling and waited for Jim to speak.

"So," came the quiet voice, after a long pause. "You're gay?"

Blair shook his head. "Never happened before, man," he answered, just as quietly.

"Do you know why it did?" Was there a shading in those words? Blair couldn't tell, so he kept his own tone neutral.

"I don't know--I guess it must have just been all the stimulation. I said before that it's easy for me to get ticklish when I'm--aroused--"he choked slightly on the word, but Jim didn't react so he went on, "--so I guess it could also work the other way."

Jim nodded; Blair could feel the move against his abdomen and shivered slightly as the over-stimulated skin reacted. Again Jim didn't seem to notice, so Blair brought the tremble--and the sharp surge of desire that had accompanied it--back under control. "So you aren't attracted to me?"

Blair went very still. There had *definitely* been something more in Jim's voice, but he couldn't quite identify it--was afraid to identify it. He decided to stick with the truth, and prayed that Jim wouldn't throw him out.

"I…wouldn't say that. You're a pretty attractive guy, you know?" He waited, shaking, for Jim to respond.

Jim didn't say anything for a long time. Finally he spoke.

"So is that a yes or a no?"

Blair almost growled with frustration. "I don't know, man! I've *never*--this has never--frankly, Jim, I'd never even really considered it as a viable option before!"

Jim nodded again. "Okay," he said softly. "I'll give you a few minutes to figure it out, then." His voice was accepting, casual--but oddly intense and serious, and Blair went rigid with shock. /Oh my god,/ he realized, with an odd thrill in the pit of his stomach, /he wants this./

Jim turned around to look at him for the first time since this whole surreal conversation had started. "I've wanted you forever, Blair," he said soberly, the unaccustomed use of his name making Blair stare. "I fell in love a long time ago. But this isn't a game for me, and I can't play it with you." He sat back, once again not looking at Blair, his voice dropping almost to nothing. "So there're my cards, laid out on the table--but I'm not going anywhere until I've seen yours."

Blair went totally still. Suddenly, a lot of things were becoming clear--like Jim's amazing, humbling, absolute faith in him. The constant affectionate touches Blair received, the close bond between them, always initiated by the otherwise distant and uncommunicative cop, and only directed towards Blair. Opening up his home, his job, his life, to someone so completely out of his experience, who could leave at any time.

Blair had always wondered why. Why had Jim--the original lone wolf--opened himself so totally, to someone like *Blair*? Why had he sacrificed so much, given so much?

Love. Pure and simple.

But did Blair love him back?

Blair considered this for a long moment. Jim was right; this wasn't something he could just play around with. He had to be sure. And he wasn't sure. Not at all.

Of course he loved Jim; that wasn't the issue. He loved Jim more than he could say, more than breath, more than life. If the man had asked him, he would have cheerfully thrown himself off the Cascade Dam. Given up his dissertation. Anything. But did 'anything' mean that he loved Jim *like that*?

He thought about that. Jim was handsome--even someone completely uninterested in guys had to admit that. Tall, muscular without being massive, with clear blue eyes that seemed to light up the room, Jim was probably one of the most attractive men Blair had ever known. There were times when he would simply watch his Sentinel, enthralled by the power and grace of the man, enjoying the simple sensations of being in the same room with this beautiful creature.

He'd never considered it in a sexual light before--it was simply something he did, without thought. But now, he was thinking about it, and he felt a slow warmth curl in the pit of his stomach as he realized what it could mean. What it did mean. Love, affection, trust, respect, admiration--all of that was there when he looked at Jim. And now he could identify the warmth he had felt, delighted in, even, but never thought to label.

Atttraction. Appreciation.


/I'm in love with Jim,/ Blair thought, stunned into stillness by the internal revelation. /I love him--I'm *in love* with him--and I never knew it. Never had a clue.../ He looked up to see Jim's gaze steady on his face, the blue eyes outwardly calm but with hints of apprehension and uncertainty. /What do I say to him?/

Jim's eyes clouded over slightly as he looked at Blair, and Blair felt himself flushing, feeling like every confused thought was reflected on his face. He shook his head quickly, forstalling the withdrawal he could see in Jim's suddenly guarded expression. "No, no, it's okay, Jim. I'm just...processing, I guess. I mean, it's a bit of a shock to realize that you've fallen in love and you never knew it, you know?"

Jim smiled slightly, the guarded expression vanishing, replaced by understanding and a faint, humbling trace of dawning hope. Blair swallowed nervously and carefully reached out, petting the short dark hair tentatively, sliding his hand down to cup Jim's jaw. Jim lifted his hand to catch Blair's, half-turning so that the older man was on his knees by the couch, leaning over Blair's body with his arms braced on either side of him.

Blair looked up at his partner, poised just above him and watching him with an unsure expression. /He doesn't know what to do next,/ Blair realized. /He's as nervous as I am./ And that thought made it easier to stretch up and press his lips lightly to Jim's throat.

Jim's reaction was gratifyingly strong; he closed his eyes and trembled slightly, rumbling deep in his throat in pleasure. Blair closed his eyes too, feeling the tense choked feeling in his chest release, savoring the soft feel of Jim's skin against his mouth--and Jim pounced.

Big hands went to his body, sliding up his bare chest to grasp his arms and tug them lightly upwards, where they were pinned with one hand while the other stroked back downwards to slide onto the flat muscled expanse of Blair's stomach. Jim paused to smirk down at him, and Blair groaned and squirmed helplessly as the fingers once again began their torture.

Blair had thought that he'd had it bad while Jim was tickling him--now he discovered a whole new dimension to the teasing as Jim put his heightened sense of touch to devastating use.

All the hot spots Jim had discovered earlier he now revisited, petting with light, teasing touches, the contact just as maddening, but for much different reasons. Blair felt his erection returning, the indescribable in-out ache and desire sinking claws into his gut and making him buck and moan underneath Jim's solid weight. He couldn't even move, almost totally pinned under his partner, helpless to protest the teasing. Jim smiled at him, wicked amusement in his eyes as he watched Blair twist beneath him.