Disclaimer: Pet Fly and Paramount own the copyright to The Sentinel and its characters. This piece of fan fiction was written solely for the love of the characters and to share freely with other fans. No profit is being made from the posting of this story.

Rating: PG

Summary: Jim is having problems....


by Marion

"Damn!" Jim swore.


"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault."

"It's these blasted senses." Jim ran a hand over his hair.

"Jim, they are a part of you, I've said that before."

"It doesn't help. It's as though I can feel every single thread, every stand of the material. It's an irritant."

"I get that, I really do."

Jim looked at Blair. "I'm sorry," he said again.

Blair sighed. "I know. Me too. We just have to try something else."

"Like what?"

"We could go..."

Jim cringed. "No, it's not that I don't want to, it's just... it's over too quick. I'm that sensitive without...."

"Hmmm." Blair nodded in sympathy.

"I don't mind when you...."

"...'do' you?" Blair smiled. "I know you don't, but I want my turn too."

This time Jim sighed. "Yeah. So, Doctor Ruth, what's the answer?"

"I guess I will get some more samples and we will just have to experiment."

Jim looked doubtful.

"Oh, come on, it could be fun!"

"Ok. But no flavored, or glow in the dark, or ribbed, or anything... different."

Blair hit his lover's shoulder. "Spoilsport!" he said, grinning.

A few days later....

"Phew! Well that worked!"

Jim grinned smugly. "Yeah," he replied lazily.

Blair chuckled. "No woolen overcoat or ladies' tights feel with them?"

"Nope. No woolen overcoat." Jim smiled. "Which ones were they? We need a good supply."

Blair grinned broadly. "You're not going to believe it when I tell you."

He reached for the now empty packet and handed it over.

Jim took one look and burst out laughing at the words he read.

'Extra Sensory Protection, for the extra sensitive guy.'

"Finally," Blair laughed, "a condom made just for you!"


*S.E.D.: Sentinel Erectile Dysfunction

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