Men Must Work

Jack/James Series, Chapt. 2



Gryphons Lair

Pairing: None actually in the plot, but W/E and J/N are implie
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Property of Disney, Bruckheimer, et al. No infringement intended.
Originally Posted: 4/23/2005
Note: Takes place 2 weeks after Dreams and Desire (and will probably make no sense at all if you haven't read that one yet). This was originally written as part of "Shift in the Wind", the sequel to "Dreams and Desire", but it turned out not to fit there. Fortunately, I think it stands very well on its own.
Summary: Commodore Norrington is investigating the recent travels of a certain black-eyed pirate.


Norrington added the final report to the pile on his desk. He'd spent a not-inconsiderable amount of time and money, these last nine years, to build a network of informants in this town. So why was there no mention of Sparrow's appearance two weeks ago? He rested his aching head on his hand. The man must have had some reason to return to Port Royal; something important enough to be worth risking his neck for. But what the devil was it?

The door opened. "Mr. Turner to see you, sir," Murtogg said.

He looked up, suppressing a vague feeling of surprise. Turner didn't usually seek him out, even when he had business at the fort. The truce they'd struck for Elizabeth's sake was still an uneasy one.

"I'm not interrupting, am I?" Turner asked as he crossed the room.

"Not at all." He summoned a polite smile, and realized he'd left one avenue of enquiry unexplored. "I was reviewing some reports regarding the whereabouts of the pirate Sparrow."

"Jack?" Turner peered at the stack of documents. "Where is he?"

He shifted a stores list to cover them, and Turner straightened, flushing slightly. Norrington met his eyes again, keeping his tone detached. "He was supposedly sighted in the vicinity of Port Royal quite recently."

"Here?" Turner gaped at him. "But that's impossible! Jack would never risk coming back here! He knows you'd—" He broke off, looking away as his cheeks flooded with crimson.

"—hang him?" Norrington's tone was dust-dry. Memory whispered, It would be wise, I think, if you were out of Port Royal before dawn. His head dipped as he carefully squared the stack of papers. "Yes, I believe I made that quite clear."

When the silence threatened to grow awkward, he asked, "Why are you here, Mr. Turner?"

"I had a delivery for one of your officers."

"That explains why you are at the fort," he replied. "Why are you here, in my office?"

"Oh." Turner's hands tugged at the edges of his coat. "Elizabeth wants—that is, we, ah—" He began again. "I was hoping you might join us for dinner. On Sunday. After church."

"Ah." He cleared his throat. "I am most grateful for your invitation, but I must decline. I have a previous engagement."

"I see." Turner almost managed to hide his relief. "I'm sorry you can't make it." His shoulders relaxed. "I'll give my wife your regrets." He nodded, quite cordially. "Good afternoon, Commodore."

"Good afternoon, Mr. Turner." Norrington picked up another report.

When the door closed he returned the paper to its pile and sighed. Turner's surprise had seemed genuine enough. That would have meant little if it had been Elizabeth standing there—she was quite capable of dissimulation—but her husband had not yet learned to conceal his thoughts. Which meant he hadn't been aware of Sparrow's presence. What was Sparrow doing—

The Commodore shook his head, and resolutely turned his attention to the latest batch of requisitions from the Dauntless's purser.


The Jack/James Series
Chapter 1 :: Chapter 3


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