

by Gryphons Lair

Pairing: J/N
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Pirates of the Caribbean is owned by Disney, Bruckheimer, et al. No infringement intended.
Originally Posted: 12/02/06
Note: This is a standalone story from the Men Must Work universe.
Summary: A post-DMC ficlet. Sort of. You might call this the child of a fic I wrote at the start of the 3rd season of Forever Knight. Or maybe the grandchild of "Newhart".

Jack picked up his hat, drew his sword... and stepped into the Kraken's maw.

The people in the boat watched the Black Pearl go under, then began to row. Their journey ended in a candle-lit bayou, at Tia Dalma's door.

"Would you sail to the ends of the eart', and beyond, to fetch back witty Jack and 'im precious Pearl?" she asked.




"Awk! Aye."

Elizabeth said, "Yes."

"Aye," Will whispered.

The Voodoienne nodded. "Alright. But if you're goin' brave de weird and haunted shores at world's end, den... you will need a captain who knows dose waters."

Footsteps sounded on the stairs. Barbossa stopped a few steps from the bottom, the monkey perched on his shoulder, and studied the gathered crew with narrowed eyes.

"So tell me," he said, "what's become of my ship?"

Jack bolted upright, eyes wide. "Hijo de diablo!"

The figure next to him stirred and opened one eye. "Mmpf?"

"A dream, that's all," Jack said, a little too quickly.

His bedmate opened both eyes and raised an eyebrow.

Jack held out for all of ten seconds. "More of a nightmare, really."

"I warned you," James somehow managed to sound both smug and sympathetic, "not to mix brandy and—what was that heathen concoction called?"

"Tequila." He'd probably been right. Not that Jack was ever going to admit it.

"Quite. However," James slid a hand up Jack's chest, "as it appears we are now both awake...."

Jack grinned.

The end?


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