by Your Cruise Director

You are afraid! All your life, you have hidden in the shadows, scared of who you are, of what you are!"

Boromir shouts the accusation, gripping my clothes. His breath heats my skin. I know his words to be true, and feel shame at my cowardice.

Yet I also know that he does not understand. I do not shirk from battle, nor the responsibilities of rule. It is not lack of love for Men that holds me aloof.

I love this one far too well.

I cannot permit myself this temptation. The Ring and I must go to Mordor. Now.



Date: 10/23/02
Title: Honor
Author: Your Cruise Director (cruisedirector@littlereview.com)
Rating: PG
Pairing: A/B
Spoiler Warnings: FOTR extended edition
Summary: Boromir accuses Aragorn of hiding. He's right.
Dedication: This story is for Cinzia, who inspired it.
Notes: These characters belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and to the movie universe of Peter Jackson.
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