by Raederle

Boromir stood at one of Rivendell's waterfalls, listening to the howl of winds.

He barely heard the light footstep behind him, but the winds brought the scent of pipe-smoke and human male.

"Gondor's need grows daily, while I sit here idle!"

"We leave in two days, Gondor will not fall."

Boromir turned, "What do you care? You hide here while her people fall into darkness."

Green eyes met blue. "I do care and I would show you, if you would let me," Aragorn said, extending his hand.

The winds stopped as if waiting for Boromir's answer.

Boromir reached out slowly, "Yes."


Title: Winds
Author: Raederle
Pairing: Aragorn/Boromir
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, not for profit

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