Perfectly Willing
by Raederle

Boromir was the most pliant of lovers. He acceded to Aragorn's every whim, assumed any position, endured any humiliation. Aragorn knew that he could order the man to lay everyone in the Fellowship, including the pony, and Boromir would not hesitate.

But Aragorn would never do that, for Boromir's obedience was a rare prize, gained at much cost, and he would not share that golden body with anyone else. Boromir had paid a heavy price for his mockery of Aragorn's royal blood.

Sometimes, though, when Boromir should have been begging for mercy, there was a look in his eyes, not defiance, for Aragorn would have stomped that spark out immediately, but something in those still green pools hinted that Aragorn had not won entirely. That somehow the Steward's son was still laughing at him.


continued in Boromir's Retaliation

Title: Perfectly Willing
Author: Raederle
Pairing: A/B
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Aragorn pays back an insult. Evil!Aragorn
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, not for profit
Feedback: Yes!
Archive: Rugbytackling
Notes: I seem to have caught this particular disease from liars_dance. I couldn't sleep, so I produce fic.

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