The BLTS Archive - Wash Away (Soothing Summer Showers Challenge) by E. Wallace ( --- Eyes closed, she leaned forward, letting the spray soak her long auburn hair to create cooling rivulets down her back. It began to wash away her fury ... which gave her guilt more room to blossom. She shouldn't have ridden off the way she had, leaving him behind. It was a stupid fight, so stupid she didn't even remember *why* they had fought. She cursed her Howard temper that made her speak first and always, *always* regret later. With a choked sob, Beverly tilted her head so that her tears mingled with the drops falling from above. This was supposed to be their romantic vacation, far away from the Enterprise and duty and responsibility. A horseback ride, a field of summer flowers, a picnic ... all spoiled by foolish words. Beverly felt the rush of cool air, and her eyes snapped open as she turned. There he was -- hot, sweaty and gloriously naked. Pulling the shower stall door closed behind him, he didn't give her an opportunity to speak, let alone apologize, as he took her in his arms, kissing her fiercely. The water sluiced over their bodies having not even enough room to get between them. "I'm sorry," she said between gasps for breath and the kisses that stole her breath again. Jean-Luc licked a drop water from the tip of her nose, making her giggle. "The fight was my fault, but next time *you* walk home!" Properly contrite, she offered to wash his back -- for starters. --- The End